@no idea where these belong

So root /aJcu loses its n न्, becoming /ac'''

/pra + /aJcu m + /su
/pra + /ac''' m + /su by aniditAMh...
pra प्र + /aJcu + /kvin + /su by RtvigdadhRksr..., because /aJcu is ifc here
pra प्र + ac अच् + /su by aniditAMh... because /kvin is /kGit
prAc प्राच् + /su by akassavarN...
prAnc प्रान्च् + /su with /num before strong /su by ugidacAMs..., because /aJcu is an /udit root
prAnc प्रान्च् by halGyAbbhyodIrgh...
prAn प्रान् by saMyogAntasy...
prAG प्राङ् by kvinpratyayasy...
!**prAG प्राङ् "eastern dude"

/pra + (/ac''' m + /su)
/pra + **aG अङ्
→ **prAG प्राङ् "eastern dude"

/prati + (/ac''' m + /su)
/prati + **aG अङ्
!**pratyaG प्रत्यङ् "western dude"

Above, you said prAnc प्रान्च्prAn प्रान्prAG प्राङ्. Shouldn't prAnc प्रान्च् change into prAJc प्राञ्च् by monusvAraH and anusvArasy... before saMyogAntasy... can work?

No clue, sorry. That depends on what rules work first. The /pANinIya always prescribes a definite order of operations, but I sometimes screw up. Anyway, if Thou Arst Write and prAJc प्राञ्च् works before saMyogAntasy..., then kvinpratyayasy... still turns the J ञ् into G ङ्. Your homework: read the commentarists and find out if STunASTuH works here or not.

So what happens when this /pra + /ac''' m is not before a strong?

Then there is no n न्, obviously.

When whimpy

**prAc- प्राच् + /Gas!**prAcas प्राचस्

**prAc- प्राच् + /Am!**prAcAm प्राचाम्

When /pada

**prAc- प्राच् + /sup' → **prAk- प्राक् + /su!**prAkSu प्राक्षु with /Satvam

Why do we say "unless /idit"?

The root nand नन्द् is an /idit root (see iditonumdh...), so it never loses its nexttolast n न्

nand- नन्द् + /yak + /tanandyate नन्द्यते