deriv SD cv (611) L 611 ETT STT a 6.4.111 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE
Erase the a अ of /znam and /as (before /kGit).
Examples with /thas /jhi /vas /mas, that are /Git by sArvadhAtuk... —
/as + /laT /jhi → !**santi सन्ति
The /znam in the sUtra means verbbases built with /znam, like **yunaj- युनज् and **runadh- रुनध्. This sUtra deletes the a अ of /znam, and then n न् turns into a /savarNa of the next stop by nazcApadAnt... and anusvArasy... —
**yunaj- युनज् + /jhi → **yunaj- युनज् + /anti''' → **yuJj- युञ्ज् + /anti''' → **yuJjanti युञ्जन्ति
**yunaj- युनज् + /thas → **yuGk- युङ्क् + /thas → !**yuGkthaH युङ्क्थः
**yunaj- युनज् + /vas → !**yuJjvaH युञ्ज्वः
**yunaj- युनज् + /mas → !**yuJjmaH युञ्ज्मः
**runadh- रुनध् + /mas → **rundh- रुन्ध् + /mas → **rundhmas रुन्ध्मस्
How come the sUtra is not znam;asor al-lopaH श्नमसोरल्लोपः?
An old saying goes "go ask the sUtramaker". Use the saying only in desperate cases such as this one.
ata:: ut sArvadhAtuke < | 64111 zn;asor al-lopaH | > znA;'bhyastayor AtaH |
daz ca x <<< | L 611 | >>> aster bhUH |