deriv SD cv (164) L 164 ETT STT a 7.3.103 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

bahuvacane jhaly et

बहुवचने झल्येत् ONPANINI 73103

(Replace a ) with e before a plural /sup that starts with bh भ् s स्.

The endings affected are /bhyas, /sup', /sAm, and /bhis.

Examples with /bhyas

**vRkSa- वृक्षॱ + /bhyas!**vRkSebhyas वृक्षेभ्यस्

**azva- अश्वॱ + /bhyas!**azvebhyas अश्वेभ्यस्

**vRka- वृकॱ + /bhyas!**vRkebhyas वृकेभ्यस् "to / from wolves"

Example with /sup'

**vRkSa- वृक्षॱ + /sup' → **vRkSeSu वृक्षेषु, with /Satvam

**azva- अश्वॱ + /sup' → **azveSu अश्वेषु, with /Satvam

Example with /sAm

sarva- सर्वॱ m + /Am
sarva- सर्वॱ + /sAm by Amisarvan...
sarve सर्वे + sAm साम् by this rule
sarveSAm सर्वेषाम् with /Satvam.

Why "short a "?

Won't work with A

**azvA- अश्वाॱ + /su!**azvAsu अश्वासु jbj

Wait, why did you bother to say /bhis? A /bhis after a will always turn into ais ऐस् by atobhisa::ais, like this —

**deva- देवॱ + /bhis
→ **deva- देवॱ + /ais by atobhisa::ais
→ **devais देवैस्

Not always. There is no /ais replacement after /idam- and /adas-, and there is no /ais sometimes in the /veda. So we get e in —

**ebhis एभिस्

**amIbhis अमीभिस्

**devebhis देवेभिस्

supi ca < 73103 bahuvacane jhaly et > osi ca
sthAnivad Adezo 'n-a... <<< L 164 >>> vAvasAne