deriv SD cv (998) L 998 ETT STT a 4.2.107 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

dik-pUrva-padAd a-saJjJAyAJ JaH

दिक्पूर्वॱपदादॱसंज्ञायां ञः ONPANINI 42107

When a compound has a /diz- ibc, add the /samAsAnta /Ja, but not when a tag.

This debars the default /aN'' from .

According to taddhitArthott..., we may compound together pUrvAyAM zAlAyAm पूर्वायां शालायाम् like this —

pUrvAyAM zAlAyaM yo bhavati पूर्वायां शालायं यो भवति
/pUrva- + zAlA- शालाॱ + /Ja
!**pUrvazAla- पूर्वशालॱ "he who is in the eastern hall"

What about the f ?

As this /Ja has no /Tit, it gets /Ap by ajAdyataSTAp.

pUrvazAlA- पूर्वशालाॱ "she who is in the eastern hall"

Why does this sUtra have dik-pUrva-padAt दिक्पूर्वॱपदात्. Looks like dik-pUrvAt दिक्पूर्वात् would have worked fine.

Candravasu sez that this is to prevent the sUtra from applying to /diz- itself, in compounds like

/diz- + gajAs गजास्!**diggajAs दिग्गजास् "the elephants of the quarters".

dyu;prAg;apAg; udak;... 42101 42107 dik-pUrva-padAd a-sa... 42115 bhavataS Thak;chasau
taddhitArthottarapad... <<< L 998 >>> taddhiteSv acAm AdeH