deriv SD cv (464) L 464 ETT STT a 3.4.108 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

jher jus झेर्जुस् ONPANINI 34108

(In the /liG,) replace /jhi with /jus.

Exception to jhontaH.

pac पच् + hard liG /jhi
→ **paca- पचॱ + /jhi
→ **paca- पचॱ + /jus
→ **paca- पचॱ + /iyus'''
!**paceyus पचेयुस्

yaj यज् + hard liG /jhi!**yajeyus यजेयुस्

This /jus replacement appears

(A) in the /liG by this rule (see examples below),

(B) in the /laG after a few roots, by sijabhyastav... > ( **ajuhavus अजुहवुस्),

(C) and in the /luG, but only after /sic by sijabhyastav... >, and after A by AtaH >> ( **akArSus अकार्षुस्, **adhus अधुस्).

(D) Also, its cousin /us appears in the /liT ( **Ucatus ऊचतुस्).

In the hard liG, /jus takes the form **yus युस्, as in —

**dviSyus द्विष्युस्

**bhaveyus भवेयुस्

and in the soft liG, it is **yAsus यासुस्, as in —

bhU भू + **yAsus यासुस्!**bhUyAsus भूयासुस् "may they be"

**vadhyAsus वध्यासुस् "may they kill"

See also <<< jhasyaran, that replaces /liG /jha with /ran.

hole look for lost material after sUtra jherjus

suT tithoH < 34108 jher jus > sij;abhyasta;vidibhy...
lopo v;yor vali <<< L 464 >>> liG AziSi