pronunciation guide anusvAra visarga ←

chunk 89: videos to learn pronunciation

→ lettergroups

some videos
videos for kids
videos to learn pronunciation
108 names of sarasvatI
rudra video
aSTAvakra gItA
puruSa sUktam

(somevideos) (somevi)

some videosmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1588


how to write devanAgarI

videos for kids

108 names of sarasvatI


rudra video

202 letters. -- 37906videosforpronunciation.bse 2 -- popularity 1

1515 odds and ends

(videosforkids) (videosf)

videos for kidsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1589

These are stories for kids translated into Sanskrit --

baby elephant

whispering coconut palms

The Sanskrit is low-quality, but the pics are cute. There is no sandhi.

211 letters. -- 37906videosforpronunciation.bse 10 -- popularity 1

1588 some videos

(videostolearnpronuncia) (videosl)

videos to learn pronunciationmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1590

When learning, say, French, it is important to listen to French speakers and repeat what they say as closely as you can.

I don't think that doing that will help much with Sanskrit, however. Instead, we have to start by doing tons of listening first, just to get used to the rythm of short vowels and long vowels.

Some of the followings videos might help. They are prayers, in verse, chanted.

108 names of sarasvatI

This is a very popular stotra. If it's too fast for you, there is a "gear" icon at the bottom of every youtube video that allows you to set the playing speed to 75 percent normal. That gadget helps a lot.

puruSa sUktam

More veda.

aSTAvakra gItA

513 letters. -- 37906videosforpronunciation.bse 20 -- popularity 1

1556 Pronunciation guide.

(namesofsarasvatI) (1)

108 names of sarasvatImmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1591

This recording appears in many different youtube videos --


Here's the lyrics --

zrI sarasvati aSTottara zatanAma stotra

sarasvatI mahAbhadrA mahAmAyA varapradA .
zrIpradA padmanilayA padmAkSI padmavaktrakA .. 1 ..

zivAnujA pustakabhRt jJAnamudrA ramA parA .
kAmarUpA mahAvidyA mahApAtakanAzinI .. 2 ..

mahAzrayA mAlinI ca mahAbhogA mahAbhujA .
mahAbhAgA mahotsAhA divyAGgA suravanditA .. 3 ..

mahAkAlI mahApAzA mahAkArA mahAGkuzA .
pItA ca vimalA vizvA vidyunmAlA ca vaiSNavI .. 4 ..

candrikA candravadanA candralekhAvibhUSitA .
sAvitrI surasA devI divyAlaGkArabhUSitA .. 5 ..

vAgdevI vasudhA tIvrA mahAbhadrA mahAbalA .
bhogadA bhAratI bhAmA govindA gomatI zivA .. 6 ..

jaTilA vindhyavAsA ca vindhyAcalavirAjitA .
caNDikA vaiSNavI brAhmI brahmajJAnaikasAdhanA .. 7 ..

saudAminI sudhAmUrtiH subhadrA surapUjitA .
suvAsinI sunAsA ca vinidrA padmalocanA .. 8 ..

vidyArUpA vizAlAkSI brahmajAyA mahAphalA .
trayImUrtI trikAlajJA triguNA zAstrarUpiNI .. 9 ..

zumbhAsurapramathinI zubhadA ca svarAtmikA .
raktabIjanihantrI ca cAmuNDA cAmbikA tathA .. 10 ..

muNDakAyapraharaNA dhUmralocanamardanA .
sarvadevastutA saumyA surAsuranamaskRtA .. 11 ..

kAlarAtrI kalAdhArA rUpasaubhAgyadAyinI .
vAgdevI ca varArohA vArAhI vArijAsanA .. 12 ..

citrAmbarA citragandhA citramAlyavibhUSitA .
kAntA kAmapradA vandyA vidyAdharasupUjitA .. 13 ..

zvetAsanA nIlabhujA caturvargaphalapradA .
caturAnanasAmrAjyA raktamadhyA niraJjanA .. 14 ..

haMsAsanA nIlajaGghA brahmaviSNuzivAtmikA .
evaM sarasvatI devyA nAmnAm aSTottaraM zatam .. 15 ..

117 letters. -- 37906videosforpronunciation.bse 41 -- popularity 3

1572 pronunciation of !v

1588 some videos

1590 videos to learn pronunciation

(rudravideo) (rud)

rudra videommmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1592

This is an example of veda recitation --

LISTENTO shri rudram

Description --

Wikipedia on Shri_Rudram

This video is better, as it has no BGM, but has no subtitles --

Vedic Chanting || S. Rajagopalsharma

88 letters. -- 37906videosforpronunciation.bse 93 -- popularity 2

1572 pronunciation of !v

1588 some videos

(aSTAvakragItA) (aS)

aSTAvakra gItAmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1593


0 letters. -- 37906videosforpronunciation.bse 119 -- popularity 1

1590 videos to learn pronunciation

(puruSasUktam) (pu)

puruSa sUktammmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1594

More veda.

An example of how accented Sanskrit sounds.


In the subtitles, the extra stuff above and below the letters show where the accents are.

Here are the accents of the first verses --

(dai)vI sva(sti)r astunaH

sva(sti)r (mA)nuSebhyaH

U(rdhva)JM jigAtu bheSa(jam)

(zaM) no astu dvi(pa)de

(zaM) (ca)tuSpade

235 letters. -- 37906videosforpronunciation.bse 119 -- popularity 1

1590 videos to learn pronunciation

pronunciation guide anusvAra visarga ←

chunk 89: videos to learn pronunciation

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