"impopular articles and articles that mention them
an article is impopular if less than 10 other articles mention it
- (1) contents
- (3) next pages for chris
- (5) RTFM
- (6) cute animals
- (8) about boxes
- (9) about @arrows
- (10) Parens show labels.
- (11) Blue letters.
- (12) Difference between 'I write' and 'I am writing'.
- (13) About 'he' 'she' 'it' 'the' 'a' and other useless words.
- (14) about sexism
- (17) /guNa and /vRddhi replace /ik.
- (18) But not before a @soft that erased part of a @root.
- (23) @vowel and @consonant aren't (@similar).
- (24) !I !U !e [@dual]s are [@nonjoiner]s.
- (25) /amI "those" (is a @nonjoiner).
- (26) {(z)e} (is @nonjoiner)
- (27) !U~ (is optionally @nonjoiner before /iti).
- (29) /gha are /tarap and /tamap
- (31) @Numeral that ends in !S !n is @sixlike.
- (32) /Dati -enders (are @sixlike).
- (35) Unless inside a @longhorn.
- (36) In a /dvandva (the /sarvAdi are not [@pronoun]s).
- (37) /svarAdi and /nipAta are @unchanging.
- (38) /zi is @strong
- (39) /suT' of non-@neuter (are @strong).
- (40) "@Optionally" means "or not".
- (44) /ec shorten into !i !u.
- (45) @Sixth in a rule can mean "replace".
- (48) Replace only the last letter.
- (49) The /Git (replace only one letter).
- (50) Replace the start of what comes afterwards.
- (51) But what has two or more letters, or is /zit, replaces the whole.
- (53) Replacement of vowel (becomes vowel-like) when what is after it tries to change what is before it.
- (56) When an @affix is replaced with nothing, its affix-specific effects stay.
- (57) But the [@stem]-changes caused by !lu affixes do not stay.
- (58) @Tail is what starts at last vowel.
- (60) @Seventh in a rule may mean "before".
- (61) @Fifth in a rule may mean "after it".
- (62) Words in rules stand for themselves, unless they are [@term]s.
- (63) /aN'' and /udit include [@similar]s.
- (64) @Vowel with !t means its own time.
- (66) Rules that apply to whatever, apply to whatever-enders.
- (67) After /gAG and /kuTAdi what is not /JNit is /Git.
- (70) (/ktvA) and /san (are /kit) after {rud vid muS} /grah /svap !pracch.
- (71) [/iT]-less (/san is /kit) after /ik
- (73) @Bent @soft /liG and /sic before @bent, (when [/iT]-less, are /kit after [/ik]-plus-[/hal] roots).
- (74) Same after !R !q.
- (75) After /han, /sic (is /kit before @bent).
- (76) /ktvA is not (/kit) after a /seT root.
- (77) /niSThA (that have /iT are /akit) after /zIG {svid mid kSvid dhRS}
- (78) /itvA is optionally /kit after {nth mph}-enders
- (79) (/itvA) and /iSan (are optionally /kit) after a [/hal]-{y;u}-/ral root.
- (80) What has the duration of !u !U !U3 is @short @long @extralong.
- (81) But only if it's a @vowel.
- (83) @Grave means low tone
- (84) @Falling is mixed
- (85) A /tatpuruSa is a /karmadhAraya if its two halves have the same @referent as the whole.
- (87) /kRt, /taddhita, @compound too (are [@nounbase]s).
- (88) @Shorten @neuter @nounbase
- (89) Shorten /go- and [/GI]-[/Ap]-enders when they are @latter and @subordinate.
- (90) When there is /lup, @gender @number are like original
- (91) (@Gender and @number) need not be taught because usage is the authority.
- (93) Final @consonant (in grammar list is @label).
- (94) But the final /tu !s !m of a /vibhakti aren't (labels).
- (95) /Ji /Tu' !Du at the start (are [@label]s).
- (96) The initial !S of an affix (is a @label).
- (97) /cu /Tu of affixes (are [@label]s).
- (98) !l !z /ku (in affixes are [@label]s), but not in a /taddhita
- (100) When a rule has two lists of the same length, understand "@respectively".
- (102) A /tiG that does not [@mean the doer] (must be @bent).
- (103) (Use @bent) to [@mean the doer] of swapped action.
- (104) After /AG, (@objectless) !yam /han (get @bent).
- (105) After /sam, roots /gam /Rcch /pracch !svar !R !zru !vid /dRz (get @bent if @objectless).
- (106) (@Bent) after /kram when it means 'continuity', 'energy', 'development'.
- (107) (@Bent) after preverbless (/kram) optionally.
- (108) (@Bent) after !jJA when meaning 'denying'.
- (109) /jJA /zru !smR /dRz plus /san (get @bent).
- (110) [/san]-ender is like previous
- (111) An @auxiliary made from /bhU or /asti always gets @flat affixes.
- (112) /pra !yuj and /upa !yuj (get @bent).
- (113) Verbs with @falling or !J @label (get @bent) when the @doer gets the benefit or harm of the action.
- (114) After the others, use @flat to [@mean the doer].
- (115) Down to !!kaDArA, just ONE @term.
- (116) In case of contradiction, higher number works first.
- (118) /iyaG /uvaG nounbases aren't /nadI, except /strI-.
- (119) (/iyaG /uvaG bases except /strI- are /nadI) before /Am optionally.
- (120) Before /Git, (@feminine) {u}-{i}-enders too (are optionally /nadI).
- (121) !u !i enders are @wee, except /sakhi- (and the /nadI).
- (122) !pati- (is @wee) only in a @compound.
- (125) @Long (is @heavy).
- (128) Before !kya, {n} (is @wordfinal).
- (131) {t}-{s}-enders (are @wimpy before) a /matvartha.
- (134) When meaning relationship with an action.
- (135) The @from is whatever one goes away from.
- (136) Reason for fear, (is the @from) of roots meaning fear protection.
- (137) Whatever one is fed up with, (is @from) of !parAji
- (138) @Aim is what @doer wants to connect with @object
- (139) With verbs that mean "to like", the pleased one (is the @aim).
- (140) With !zlAgh !hnu !sthA !zap, the person one wants to know of the action (is the @aim).
- (141) @Tool is what just helps.
- When meaning relationship with an action.
- @object (of an action) is what the @doer wants most.
- The @doer of roots of motion, knowledge, eating, of roots that have a literary work as @object, and of @objectless roots, is the @object of the same @root with /Ni added.
- @doer and @tool get @third.
- {dA(p) nI zas}, {yu yuj} /stu', {tud si} /sic', {mih pat daz}, nah (get /tran) to mean a tool.
- /TAbhyAmbhis are the @third case affixes, /TA /bhyAm /bhis
- bare @third meaning company
- (142) @Location is the place (of the @doer or @object of the action).
- (144) What is related to the verb in the same way (is @object) too, even if unwanted.
- (145) Some roots may take an [@extra object] optionally.
- (146) The @doer of roots of motion, knowledge, eating, of roots that have a literary work as @object, and of @objectless roots, is the @object of the same @root with /Ni added.
- (148) Down to !rIzvara, /nipAta.
- (150) (The /upasarga are) /gati.
- (151) The {UrI}-class, [/cvi]-enders and [/DAc]-enders too.
- (152) they go before a @root
- (153) In the /veda they may be afterwards.
- (154) Or with other words in between.
- (157) The /tiG, taken by threes, are [@third person], [@second person], [@first person]
- (158) /tiG, taken one by one, are @singular @dual @plural
- (159) The /sup too.
- (160) (/sup and /tiG) are /vibhakti.
- (161) Use [@second person] when the @verb means "you", even if the word meaning "you" is hidden.
- (167) [@unchanging compound]s are made by the next rules.
- (169) A @second forms /tatpuruSa compounds in front of !zrita !atIta !patita !gata !atyasta !prApta !Apanna.
- (170) When used as a @tag (a @seventh may compound before any @noun).
- (171) Previous time, /eka-, /sarva-, !jarat, !purANa, !nava, !kevala (optionally compound in front) of what they describe.
- (172) [@Direction]s and [@numeral]s may compound (with what they describe) to make a [@tag].
- (173) (@numeral and @direction may @compound) with the meaning of a /taddhita, when @former, and when meaning a group.
- (174) And if the @former is a @numeral they are /dvigu too.
- (175) /naJ (makes /tatpuruSa compounds optionally)
- (176) @sixth (compounds optionally before the @noun it links to)
- (177) (@Sixth) doesn't (compound) when meaning specification.
- (178) ([@Sixth] won't compound before a /tRc, or a /Nvul) that means a @doer.
- (179) The rest are [@longhorn]s.
- (181) The @unchanging, and !Asanna, !adUra, !adhika, and the [@numeral]s are compounded with another @numeral, when used as numbers.
- (182) two identical words (form a @longhorn) to mean "in this" or "with this".
- (183) "With him", if the action is shared.
- (184) /dvandva compounds mean "and".
- (185) The one with the less vowels (goes first in a /dvandva).
- (186) Optionally swap /karmadhAraya compounds of kaDAra- etc.
- (187) When not expressed somehow else...
- (189) Use @second to mean full time or distance.
- (190) @Aim gets @fourth.
- (191) The @object of a @hidden action that expresses the purpose of another action (gets @fourth).
- (192) @doer and @tool get @third.
- (193) What goes with !hetu gets @sixth.
- (194) [@pronoun]s get @third too (with !hetu-)
- (195) @From gets @fifth.
- (196) What means "far away" or "near" gets @second (or @third or @fifth).
- (197) @Location gets @seventh (and so do words meaning distant and near).
- (198) The action that shows the circumstance of another action (gets @seventh) or @sixth.
- (199) @Sixth too.
- (200) @Sixth and @seventh can mean "among".
- (201) (Use the @first) when calling someone.
- (202) (That @first used to call or address) is an "/Amantrita".
- (204) The rest take the @sixth.
- (205) /dvigu compounds are @singular.
- (206) !rAtra- !ahna- !aha- are @masculine (in a /tatpuruSa or /dvandva).
- (207) /ad to /ghas before /luG and /san.
- (208) /veJ to !vay (optionally before /liT).
- (209) /han to /vadha before (@soft) /liG.
- (210) (Replace /han with /vadha) before /luG (and @soft /liG).
- (211) (/han to /vadha) optionally before @bent (/luG).
- (212) /iN' and !ik to /gAG before /luG.
- (213) /iG too to ({gam(i)} before /san)
- (214) (/iG to) /gAG before /liT.
- (215) (/iG to /gAG) optionally before /luG /lRG.
- (216) Replace /as with !bhU (before @soft).
- (217) /brU to /vac (before @soft).
- (218) /cakS to {khyA(J)} (before @soft).
- (223) /sic (to /luk) before @flat after !gAti /sthA /ghu !pA !bhU.
- (224) (/sic to /luk optionally) after @uclass before /ta /thAs.
- (225) After /Am'', (/liT to /luk).
- (226) [@Third person] /luT to !DA !rau !ras.
- (228) (Affixes) go after.
- (229) (Affixes have) @acute at the start.
- (230) /pit and /sup are @grave.
- (231) /san after !gup !tij !kit has special senses.
- (232) (/san has special senses) after !mAn !badh !dAn !zAn, and the @stammer [@lengthen]s.
- (234) Add /kyac after @noun (optionally, to mean "want it) for oneself".
- (235) /kAmyac too (turns nouns into roots meaning "want it for oneself").
- (236) /kyaG may mean "behaves like", and deletes !s.
- (237) /kyaG after {sukha} etc means "feel one's own".
- (238) /NiG after !puccha- !bhANDa- !cIvara-.
- (239) /Nic after {muNDa mizra zlakSNa}, {lavaNa vrata vastra}, {hala kala kRta}, {tUsta} (to mean making).
- (241) /yaG after verbs of going only means "crookedly".
- (242) !lup !sad !car !jap !jabh !dah !daz !gq take /yaG when despising the manner.
- (245) !kaNDU etc get /yak'.
- (246) {gup dhUp vicch paN pan} get /Aya (with no change of meaning).
- (247) !kam gets /NiG
- (248) The three previous rules are optional before @soft.
- (252) Roots that start with a @heavy /ic get /Am'' (before /liT), except /Rcch and /UrNu.
- (253) !day !ay /As too (get /Am'').
- (254) !uS /vid /jAgR (get /Am'') optionally.
- (255) {bhI hrI bhR hu} get [/zlu]-like (/Am'' optionally).
- (256) (After [/Am'']-ender,) add also /kR plus /liT.
- (259) (/cli to) {(k)sa} after {ikzal}-ender /aniT.
- (260) But not /dRz.
- (263) !lip /sic' !hve (get /aG)
- (264) (!lip /sic' !hve get /aG) optionally before [@bent]s.
- (265) {puS}-class {dyut}-class and the /Ldit (get /aG) before @flat
- (266) {sR zAs R} (get /aG before @bent and @flat).
- (267) The !irit optionally (get /aG before @flat).
- (273) /zru to !zR (before /znu).
- (278) {stambh stumbh skambh skumbh sku} get either /znu or /znA.
- (279) After consonant, /znA to /zAnac before /hi'''.
- (282) In the rules below, affix replacements are optional. Unless they look the same. Unless @feminine.
- (286) {a}-[/pu]-enders (get /yat).
- (287) !zak !sah (get /yat).
- (288) !vad gets /kyap or /yat (when it is [@preverb]less and) compounded after a @noun.
- (289) (@Latter [@preverb]-less) /bhU, when meaning state, gets (/kyap) only.
- (290) (To mean a state, /kyap comes) after /han-, and replace /han with !t.
- (291) /iN' !stu !zAs !vR !dR !juS get {(k)ya(p)} to mean "should be".
- (292) (/kyap) after @nexttolast !R, except /kLp and !cRt
- (293) !kR !vRS (get /kyap) optionally.
- (295) (/Nyat comes) after {U u} when meaning necessity.
- (296) !yu, /vap, !rap, !lap, !trap, !cam, and /AG plus !su (get /Nyat).
- (299) !jJA, !prI, !kRR and @nexttolast /ik get {(k)a} (to mean the doer).
- (300) Preverbless {limpa}, {vinda}, {dhAri}, {pAri}, {vedi}, {udeji}, {ceti}, {sAti}, {sAhi} get !za.
- (301) The roots from !jval to !kas, when [@preverb]less, get {(N)a} optionally.
- (302) !zyA {A}-enders !vyadh, !Asr !saMsr !atIN, avasA !avahR !liha, !zliSa !zvas (get /Na optionally)
- (303) /Na is optional after /grah.
- (304) But add {(k)a} to mean home.
- (305) /Svun means a pro.
- (306) (Roots take) /aN' when (compounded after their) @object.
- (307) /hveJ /veJ /mAG' (get /aN' when @latter after their @object)
- (308) [@preverb]-less !A @root gets {(k)a} (when @latter after its @object)
- (309) /sthA when @latter (gets {(k)a})
- (310) !car (when @latter after its @location) gets {(T)a}.
- (311) Add {(kh)a(z)} after !eji (when it is compounded after its @object).
- (312) /vad gets /khac after !priya or !vaza
- (313) !tAp gets (/khac) after !dviSat- and !para.
- (314) In a @tag, {bhR tRR vR ji dhAri sahi tapi dam} get (/khac).
- (315) !spRz (when @latter) gets /kvin unless after !udaka.
- (317) /kaJ and (/kvin) come after /tyadAdi plus /dRz, unless meaning seeing.
- (318) @latter !bhaj gets /Nvi
- (319) In the /veda, (@latter) !sah gets (/Nvi).
- (320) /vah (gets /Nvi in the /veda).
- (321) /kvip too (appears randomly).
- (322) Sometimes (/Nini) means repetition.
- (323) The following mean it's over.
- (324) The /niSThA (mean what's over).
- (325) The /veda optionally replaces @bent /liT with /kAnac
- (326) (The /veda optionally replaces /liT with /kAnac) or /kvasu.
- (327) (/kvasu optionally replaces /liT) in the /laukika after /sad /vas' /zru.
- (331) In a question about recent time, (/liT and /laG can be used).
- (334) (Use /zatR /zAnac) to mean circumstance, characteristic, cause or motive of an action.
- (335) /sat means (/zatR or /zAnac).
- (336) (/zatR comes) after !dviS to mean enemy.
- (337) (/zatR comes) after !suJ when connection with a sacrifice is meant.
- (338) Down to !kvi, doers with habit, duty or skill.
- (339) /tRn (means [@habitual doer].)
- (340) {iSNu(c)} after {alamkR nirAkR prajan utpac utpat unmad ruc apatrap vRt vRdh sah car} (to mean [@habitual doer]).
- (341) /ksnu after !glA !ji /sthA /bhU
- (342) !bhaJj !bhAs !mid get {(gh)ura(c)}.
- (343) Add /u' after /san !AzaMs !bhikS (to mean the @doer).
- (345) {tra(n)} after !dhe means "wet nurse"
- (346) {dA(p) nI zas}, {yu yuj} /stu', {tud si} /sic', {mih pat daz}, nah (get /tran) to mean a tool.
- (347) /kta after /JIt (may mean what is happening).
- (348) The {gamin-} class mean what will happen
- (351) /lRT to /sat optionally.
- (353) (Roots get /ghaJ) to mean the action.
- (354) /ac'' after !i !I (means the action).
- (355) {Dvit}s get {(k)tri}
- (356) {Tvit}s get {athu(c)}.
- (357) /naG after !yaj !yAc !yat !vicch !pracch !rakS (makes [@action noun]s etc).
- (359) !sam-aj !ni-Sad !ni-pat !man !vid !suJ /zIG !bhRJ /iN' get (@feminine) {(k)ya(p)} in a @tag.
- (360) /a'' (forms @feminine action nounbase) after /sanAdyanta.
- (361) After @heavy plus @consonant too.
- (362) The /Sit roots, and the {bhid}-class, get /aG' (to form feminine action nouns).
- (363) [/Ni]-enders, /As, !zranth get /yuc (to form a feminine action noun).
- (364) /lyuT makes neuter action nouns.
- (365) Add /khal to a root compounded after /ISad /dus /su' when they mean hardly or easily.
- (366) (Replace /khal with) /yuc after !A.
- (367) What means near present, is optionally like present.
- (369) And for past ones too.
- (370) /liG means future cause and effect (optionally).
- (373) Use /liG or /loT to mean a wish.
- (374) When there is /mAG, use /luG.
- (375) After /sma, /laG too.
- (376) /leT has /liG meaning
- (377) Optionally use /ktvA with !alam !khalu to mean "stop doing".
- (379) (/ktvA and) /Namul mean repetition.
- (380) /kRt affixes [@mean the doer].
- (381) [@Tense]s [@mean the object] too. After @objectless, they [@mean nothing] too.
- (382) /kRtya /kta !khalartha only ([@mean the object] or [@mean nothing]).
- (383) When meaning initial action, /kta optionally [@means the doer].
- (384) After movement, @objectless, !zliS, /zIG, /sthA, /As, /vas', !jan, !ruh, !jR (/kta optionally [@means the doer]).
- (385) !dAza- !goghna- may mean the @aim
- (386) After staying, moving and consuming, /kta can mean the @location too.
- (387) @tense to /tiG.
- (393) After /vid, optionally /laT to (/Nalatusus etc).
- (394) /brU to /Ah optionally before the first five.
- (395) Replace /loT as if it were /laG.
- (398) (/loT) /mip to !ni.
- (399) !e (of the /loT) to !Am.
- (400) (In the /loT,) /thAs /dhvam to /sva''' /dhvam''''.
- (401) [@first person] /loT gets /AT and becomes /pit.
- (402) !e (of the [@first person] /loT) to !ai.
- (408) (/liG) /jha to /ran.
- (409) /liG /iT' to /a'.
- (410) !t !th (inside /liG) get {s(uT)}.
- (412) (/jhi to /jus) after /sic, @stammered, /vid.
- (413) (/jhi to /jus) after !A only.
- (414) Optionally /laG (/jhi to /jus after !A).
- (415) After !dviS too.
- (418) /liT replacers (are @soft).
- (425) /ugit (gets /GIp when [@f]).
- (426) /svasrAdi and @sixlike don't (get any [@feminine affix]).
- (428) ({a}-ender) /dvigu gets (/GIp).
- (429) [/Sit] and {gaura}-class (get /GIS).
- (430) /GIS (is optional) after a @latter that means one's own @limb, is @subordinate, and ends in non-@cluster plus !a.
- (431) {nAsika udara oSTha jaGghA danta karNa zRGga aGga gAtra kaNTha puccha} (get optional /GIS sometimes).
- (432) {kroDA}-class and [@many]-voweled (body-parts) don't (get /GIS.)
- (433) But not after /saha- /naJ !vidyamAna.
- (435) !JyaG and !SyaG get /cAp.
- (437) Optionally (add [/taddhita]s) after first of words connected by sense.
- (439) /aN comes after the {azvapati}-class.
- (440) /Nya comes after /pati- -enders and !diti, !aditi, !Aditya.
- (441) /strI- /pums- get {na(J)'} {sna(J)}.
- (442) (Use the affixes described after !!prAgdIvyatoN to mean) "his son".
- (444) /phak (means /gotra) after {naDa}-class.
- (445) (/phak comes) after /yaJ /iJ (to mean a /yuvan).
- (446) Add /yaJ after {garga}-class to mean a /gotra.
- (447) /Dhak (means a descendant) after a feminine.
- (448) !kuru etc get {(N)ya} (to mean a /gotra).
- (449) Descendant from grandson on is /gotra.
- (450) But if a direct ancestor is alive, (a descendant of the grandson is) /yuvan.
- (451) (Add /aN) after a color to mean tinted with it.
- (452) (/aN may be used to mean) time connected with a lunar mansion.
- (453) !dvaipa- and !vaiyAghra- have /aJ.
- (454) (/aN can be used after a [@seventh]-ender to mean) grains cooked
- (455) !agni- gets /Dhak (to mean his devotee).
- (456) To name a place after what is in it (add /aN or other affixes).
- (457) Made by him.
- (458) His residence.
- (459) What is nearby.
- (460) /aJ (comes in the /cAturarthika senses) after !u !U.
- (461) Sometimes /lup means a country.
- (462) Some @unchanging get /tyap.
- (464) {vu(J)} after teaching and blood relationships.
- (465) /vun comes after !vAsudeva- and !arjuna- to mean "devotee of".
- (466) /vuJ is used sometimes to mean "loyal to" after the name of a family or a famous !kSatriya.
- (467) {a(J)} comes after !u (of an [@acute]-starter to mean 'made of').
- (468) /aJ (can mean "coming from" or "made of") after living beings and the {rajata}-class.
- (469) /Thak down to !vahati.
- (470) (/Thak means who) "gambles with", "digs with", "defeats with", "is defeated by" it.
- (471) (/Thak after a [@third]-ender means) "well made".
- (472) {(k)tri} gets {ma(p)}.
- (473) (/Thak may mean) appointed there.
- (474) /yat'' down to !hitam.
- (475) (/yat'' means) "he carries it" after !ratha- !yuga- !prAsaGga-
- (476) !dhur- gets /yat'' or {Dha(k)} (to mean what carries it).
- (477) /cha down to !!tenakrItam.
- (478) (/cha may mean) "suitable for it".
- (479) /yat'' after body-part (means "suitable for").
- (480) !Atman-, !vizvajana-, and @latter !bhoga- get /kha (to mean 'good for that').
- (481) /ThaJ down to !vati.
- (482) Bought by it.
- (483) (The affixes described since !!prAgvateSThaJ also mean) 'who deserves that'.
- (484) (/ThaJ means) to be accomplished within that time.
- (485) /aN after {vyuSTa}-class (when they have @seventh) may mean "given there or done there".
- (486) /vati may come after a [@third]-ender to mean similar action.
- (487) Add {tva} {ta(l)} to mean its state or nature.
- (488) The {pRthu}-class get {iman(ic)} optionally.
- !tR (to /lopa) before {iSTha(n)} {Iyas(un)}.
- (Before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun,) @tail to /lopa.
- !priya to !pra, !sthira to !stha, !sphira to !spha, !uru to !var, !bahula to !baMh, !guru to !gar, !vRddha to !varS, !tRpra to !trap, !dIrgha to !drAgh, !vRndAraka to !vRnd (before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun).
- After /bahu-, (/iSThan /iman /Iyasun) to /lopa, and the !bahu to !bhU.
- After consonant, @light !R to !ra (before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun).
- /mahat- "big"
- (489) /khaJ means the building or field of grains.
- (490) !adyazvIna- means (likely to give birth) soon.
- (491) /tayap after a @numeral means parts.
- (492) @numeral gets /DaT when meaning the that-many-eth.
- (493) /maT goes after {n}-ender (@numeral to mean the thatmany-eth), unless compounded after @numeral.
- (494) {SaT kati katipaya catur} get /thuk (before /DaT).
- (495) /dvi- gets !tIya (when @ordinal)
- (496) !tri- (when @ordinal gets !tIya) and @stretching.
- (498) /ini and {Tha(n)} (mean "that has") after '!a'.
- (499) {arzas}-class get /ac' (to mean "that has").
- (500) /vibhakti down to !dik.
- (501) (The /prAgdizIya) come after /kim-, @pronoun, /bahu-, but not after the [/dvi-]class.
- (502) (After the /kiMsarva, optionally) replace @fifth with /tasil.
- (503) (After the /kiMsarva, optionally) @seventh to /tral.
- (504) (/Gi) to {a(t)} after /kim-.
- (505) (After /kim-, /Gi to) !ha too optionally in the /veda.
- (506) {astAt(i)} comes after @direction with @seventh @fifth @first that mean direction, place or time, (without change of sense).
- (507) /pUrva-, !adhara- !avara- get !as (to mean @direction, place or time), and turn into !pur !adh !av.
- (508) Or /astAti (to mean @direction, place or time, and turn into !pur !adh !av).
- (509) /dhA' after @numeral to mean manner or kind.
- (510) /pAzap means trifling.
- (511) {kalpa(p)}, /dezya and {dezIya(r)} mean slight incompleteness.
- (512) Understand !ka down to !iva.
- (513) Add !akac before the @tail of @unchanging, (@verb,) @pronoun, in the /prAgivIya senses.
- (514) !kuTI !zamI and !zuNDA get !ra (to mean shortness).
- (515) /kan means imitation.
- (516) After @numeral, add /kRtvasuc to mean repetition count of an action.
- (517) /zas' may be added to a @role that means much or little.
- (518) What changes into what it was not may get {(c)v(i)} and be connected to /kR /bhU /as.
- (519) The affix {sAt(i)} may be employed optionally in the sense of /cvi, when something is completely changed into something else.
- (520) Add /DAc after an onomatopoeia whose half has at least two vowels and is not before /iti.
- (521) !Rc !pUr !ap !dhUr /pathin- (when @latter) get !a, except in !akSadhUH.
- (522) !rAtri gets /ac' after /ahan-, /sarva-, part of a night, !saMkhyAta-, !puNya-, ( @numeral, and @unchanging, in a /tatpuruSa).
- (524) [/nau-]-ender /dvigu (gets /Tac).
- (525) (@compound) meaning reciprocal action gets {i(c)}.
- (526) (In a @longhorn,) !dhanus (to /anaG).
- (527) {uras-} etc get /kap (when @latter in a @longhorn).
- (528) {in}-ender (@longhorn) that means @woman (gets /kap).
- (529) (@longhorn gets /kap) after !R or /nadI.
- (530) Other @longhorn get /kap optionally.
- (532) (But double) the second (onevowel part) of a vowelstarter.
- (533) But not the !n !d !r !b that start a @cluster.
- (540) (@Reduplicate) before /caG
- (543) Before /liT, (@stretch) @stammer of the !!vacisvapi and the !!grahijyA.
- (544) (@Stretch) /svap !syam /vyeJ before /yaG.
- (545) No @stretching before @stretched.
- (546) The !y of !vay (does not @stretch).
- (547) This (!y) to !v before /kit (/liT) optionally.
- (548) /veJ (does not stretch before /liT)
- (549) (/veJ gets no @stretching) before /lyap
- (550) !jyA (won't stretch before /lyap).
- (551) !vyA (is not stretched before /lyap)
- (552) (!vyA @stretches) optionally after /pari (before /lyap).
- (554) !sRj !dRz get {a(m)} before /akit @serious
- (555) The @grave roots that have @nexttolast !R, optionally (get {a(m)} before /akit serious).
- (556) Rootstarter !S to !s.
- (557) (Rootstarter) !N to !n.
- (563) Not before @pause.
- (565) /AG /mAG compulsorily (get /tuk before !ch).
- (566) non-@wordfinal @long (compulsorily gets /tuk before !ch).
- (567) @wordfinal (@long gets /tuk before !ch) optionally.
- (570) (!o !au to) !av !Av before !y affix.
- (571) (!o !au) of @root (to !av !Av before !y -affix) only if that affix made the !o !au.
- (572) !kSayya- and !jayya- only mean "-ible".
- (574) That one replacement counts as the end of the previous and the beginning of the following.
- (575) /kric /tuk rules ignore the effect of @merge rules.
- (578) (@Merge "!a !A") with !eti !edhati /Uh- (into /vRddhi).
- (580) @Merge !o with /am /zas into !A
- (581) (Delete) "!a !A" of a @preverb before /eG.
- (582) before !om /AG too.
- (583) (Delete !A !a) before /us /jus.
- (585) (@Merge) !at of onomatopoeia with /iti.
- (588) And then /zas to !n if @masculine.
- (589) (!!prathamayo) does not (work on) !A !a plus /au /zI.
- (590) (No !!prathamayo) of @long with /au /jas.
- (592) (Delete whatever is) after @stretched.
- (594) /Gasi /Gas lose !a (after /eG)
- (595) !R plus /Gasi or /Gas makes !ur.
- (596) (/Gas /Gasi to !u) after /sakhi- and uncompounded /pati-.
- (599) (!a stays) optionally after !go-.
- (600) (!o of /go- to) {ava(G)} (optionally before vowel).
- (601) @Extralong and @nonjoiner vowels stay before vowel.
- (602) /AG (is a @nonjoiner and) gets @nasalized (before @vowel) in the /veda.
- (603) Optionally, (@wordfinal) /ik stays and shortens before non-@similar.
- (604) /ak (optionally stays and shortens) before !R.
- (605) (@wordfinal) /div- to !u.
- (606) Delete /su of /sas /eSas before @consonant.
- (607) After /sam /pari /upa, when meaning decorating, /kR gets {s(uT)}.
- (608) !kq gets {s(uT)} after /apa when quadrupeds birds dig.
- (609) /cit enders get @acute on the last.
- (610) /kit (/taddhita -ender has acute on the end).
- (611) (@weak is @acute) after @long !aSTan-
- (612) An affix with !t label has @falling on its first
- (613) The syllable before a /lit affix gets the @acute.
- (614) /Jit is what has label !J
- (615) /nit is what has label !n.
- (617) (Two-vowel) {yat}-enders (accent the first), except after /nau-.
- (618) /rit affixes have @acute in the next-to-last vowel.
- (619) In a @longhorn, the @former keeps its @accent.
- (620) After @consonant or !a, @seventh stays, if @tag.
- (621) Replace !R -enders with {An(aG)} (when @former) in a /dvandva.
- (622) !mahat- to !A before @samereferent or !jAtIya.
- (623) /dvi- and /aSTan- to !A when @former before [@numeral]s under a hundred, unless in a @longhorn or before !azIti.
- (624) !arus-, !dviSat-, and [@vowel]-enders get /mum (when they are @former before a [/khit]-ender).
- (625) Delete the !n of /naJ.
- (626) @Vowel after /naJ gets /nuT.
- (627) (/saha- to /sa-) optionally in a @longhorn.
- (628) @Pronoun to !A (before !dRz- !dRza- !dRkSa- /vatu).
- (629) /ap- to !I after /dvi-, !antar, [@preverb]s.
- (630) /ap- to !Up after /anu when meaning a place
- (631) (/ku to !kA) optionally before !puruSa.
- (632) @Lengthen !a !i !u before deleted !Dh !r.
- (633) !a !A of !sah !vah to !o (before disappeared !Dh).
- (634) (/vizva- to @long) before !mitra when it means the sage.
- (635) Sometimes other lengthenings are seen.
- (636) (Lengthen vowel) before {c(u)}.
- (637) Replace @stem.
- (638) (Lengthen rootfinal @stretched !a !i !u,) after consonant.
- (639) (@Lengthen) before /nAm.
- (640) but not !tisR- !catasR-
- (641) !nR (lengthens optionally before /nAm)
- (642) @Nexttolast of !n (-ender-@stem lengthens before /nAm).
- (645) (Before @strong except @calling, lengthen @nexttolast) of /ap- /tRn /tRc, !svasR !naptR !neSTR, !tvaSTR !kSattR !hotR, !potR !prazastR.
- (646) But not !in !han !puSan !aryaman before /au /jas /am.
- (647) Before /su too.
- (648) Non-@rootnoun {atu}-{as}-enders (lengthen their @nexttolast before non-@calling @strong /su).
- (649) (Lengthen @nexttolast) of [@nasal]-enders before !kvi or @serious /kGit.
- (650) ([/iT]-less) /san lengthens vowel-enders and !han !gam.
- (651) Replace !cch with !z and !v with !UTh before @nasal, ( !kvi, and @serious /kGit).
- (652) Delete !n of root after /znam.
- (654) !daMz !saJja !svaJj (lose their !n) before /zap.
- (655) !raJj (loses J before /zap)
- (656) (Delete the !J of !raJj) before /ghaJ when meaning state or instrument.
- (657) !n of /aJcu stays when it means worshipping
- (658) (@Nexttolast of) /zAs to !i before /aG or @consonant /kGit affix.
- (659) (!zAs to) !zA before /hi'''
- (660) /han to !ja (before /hi''')
- (662) (Those roots lose nasal) optionally before /lyap.
- (663) But not before {(k)ti(c)}, and no lengthening.
- (665) /Ni to (/lopa) before [/iT]-less (@soft).
- (666) After vowelenders, /han, /grah and /dRz, the /sya /sic /sIyuT /tAs that are before /akartari get optionally an /iT that behaves like /ciN.
- (667) Erase !A (of a root) before /iT (and before vowel /kGit @soft).
- (668) (!A to) !I before /yat
- (670) No (!!ghumAsthA) before /lyap.
- (671) Optionally !mA to !mi (before /lyap).
- (674) But not in connection with /mAG.
- (676) (!i !u) of @stammer to (!iy !uv) before non-@similar.
- (677) /strI- to (/iyaG before vowels).
- (678) But optionally before /am /zas.
- (679) /iN' to !y (before @vowel).
- (680) {i I} of {an}-/ekAc root to !y (before @vowel), unless it follows a cluster.
- (681) (After non@cluster,) !u !U to !v before vowel /sup
- (682) But do not replace !bhU- !sudhI- (before @vowel with !y !v).
- (683) /hu and (clusterless non-/ekAc) [/znu] to (!v) before @vowel @hard.
- (684) /bhU gets {v(uk)} before (@vowel) /luG and /liT.
- (685) Some roots shorten !A before /Nic.
- (686) And lengthen optionally before /ciN and /Namul.
- (687) Shorten (@nexttolast of [/Ni]-ender) before /khac
- (688) (@Nexttolast) of /gam /han {jan khan} /ghas to /lopa before (@vowel) /kGit that is not /aG.
- (689) ({iT}less) /hi''' to !dhi after /hu and @serious.
- (690) /ta to /luk after /ciN
- (691) After !a, /hi''' to (/luk).
- /luk /zlu /lup replace a whole affix (and are invisible).
- @Vowel with !t means its own time.
- [/sup]-[/tiG]-ender is @word.
- After consonant, /znA to /zAnac before /hi'''.
- (/loT) /sip to /apit /hi'''.
- Optionally /tu''' and /hi''' to /tAtaG when wishing.
- (Before /zit,) !pA to !piba, !ghrA to !jighra, !dhmA to !dhama, /sthA to !tiSTha, !mnA to !mana, !dAN to !yaccha, !dRz to /pazya, !R to !Rccha, !sR to !dhau, !zad to !zIya, !sad to !sIda.
- (692) (/hi''' to /luk) after an !u that is not after @cluster and belongs to an affix.
- (693) (/u /znu that does not follow a @cluster to) /lopa before !m !v optionally.
- (694) (@chop) /kuru compulsorily (before !v !m).
- (695) ( @chop /kuru ) before !y.
- (696) /karu to /kuru before @hard (/kGit).
- (697) !a of /znam and /as to /lopa (before /kGit).
- (699) But to !I before @consonant, except the !A of a /ghu.
- (700) /ghu and /as to !e before /hi''', and delete the @stammer.
- (701) Before @vowel ( /kit ) /liT, replace "PaPaC" with "PeC".
- (702) Before /ithal too.
- (703) Optionally of !jq !bhram !tras.
- (704) @Stretch (@wimpy) /vasu /kvasu.
- (705) (@wimpy) /vAh- to /Uh-.
- (706) (@Stretch @wimpy) !zvan- !yuvan- !maghavan-, unless before a /taddhita.
- (708) (!!alloponaH works) optionally before /Gi /zI
- (709) No (!!alloponaH) after consonant plus !v !m.
- (710) (@Wimpy) /ac''' (loses a).
- (711) !ti of (@wimpy) !viMzati to /lopa before /Dit.
- (712) @Tail to (/lopa before /Dit).
- (713) (@Wimpy) {n}-enders (lose @tail) before /taddhita.
- (714) But /ahan- (loses tail) before !Ta /kha only.
- (715) (Before /taddhita,) !u !U (of @wimpy) to /guNa
- (717) !sUrya !tiSya !puSya !agastya !matsya lose !y (before /taddhita or /GI).
- (718) !tR (to /lopa) before {iSTha(n)} {Iyas(un)}.
- The {pRthu}-class get {iman(ic)} optionally.
- (Before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun,) @tail to /lopa.
- !priya to !pra, !sthira to !stha, !sphira to !spha, !uru to !var, !bahula to !baMh, !guru to !gar, !vRddha to !varS, !tRpra to !trap, !dIrgha to !drAgh, !vRndAraka to !vRnd (before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun).
- After /bahu-, (/iSThan /iman /Iyasun) to /lopa, and the !bahu to !bhU.
- /iSThan gets !yiT too.
- After consonant, @light !R to !ra (before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun).
- about /iSThan
- (719) (Before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun,) @tail to /lopa.
- (720) !priya to !pra, !sthira to !stha, !sphira to !spha, !uru to !var, !bahula to !baMh, !guru to !gar, !vRddha to !varS, !tRpra to !trap, !dIrgha to !drAgh, !vRndAraka to !vRnd (before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun).
- (721) After /bahu-, (/iSThan /iman /Iyasun) to /lopa, and the !bahu to !bhU.
- (722) /iSThan gets !yiT too.
- (723) After consonant, @light !R to !ra (before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun).
- (724) The !an of !Atman- and !adhvan- (stays) before /kha.
- (730) After /zIG, (this !at from /jha gets) !ruT.
- (731) After !a, /bhis to !ais.
- (732) Crazily in the vedas.
- (733) Not after {k}-less /idam- /adas- .
- (735) /Ge to !ya (after !a).
- (736) (/Ge) to !smai after (!a -ender) @pronoun.
- (737) (After !a -ender @pronoun,) /Gasi /Gi to /smAt /smin.
- (738) /jas to /zI (after masculine pronouns in !a).
- (739) /au to (/zI) after /Ap.
- (742) After !aSTA, (/jas /zas) to {au(z)}.
- (746) /Gas to !az after /yuSmad- /asmad-.
- (748) /zas to !n (after /yuSmad- /asmad-).
- (749) @Fourth /bhyas to !bhyam (after /yuSmad- /asmad-).
- (750) @Fifth (/bhyas) to !at (after /yuSmad- /asmad-).
- (751) /Gasi (to !at after /yuSmad- /asmad-).
- (752) /sAm to !Akam (after /yuSmad- /asmad-).
- (753) /Nal to !au after !A
- (754) Optionally /tu''' and /hi''' to /tAtaG when wishing.
- (755) After /vid, /zatR to {vas(u)} optionally.
- (757) /Am to /sAm after (the !a !A of a) @pronoun.
- (758) /tri- to !traya (before /Am).
- (760) (/Am gets /nuT) after @sixlike and /catur-.
- (761) /idit roots get /num.
- (762) Before /za, {muc}-class (get /num).
- (763) !masj and !naz (get /num) before @serious.
- (765) Uncompounded /yuj- gets (/num before @strong).
- (767) (@neuter) !i !u (gets /num) before @vowel /vibhakti.
- (768) Before /TAsup, (neuter !i !u) adjectives are masculine-like optionally.
- (769) /TAsup means /TA to /sup'
- (770) /asthi- /dadhi- /sakthi- /akSi- to /anaG (before vowel /TAsup).
- (771) /zatR doesn't (get /num) after @stammered.
- (772) But optionally before /zi.
- (773) After "!A !a", (/zatR optionally) gets /num before /zI /GI.
- (774) Compulsorily if there is /zap /zyan.
- (775) /anaDuh- (gets /num) before /su.
- (776) /div- to !au (before /su).
- (777) /pathin- !mathin- !RbhukSin- to !A before /su.
- (778) !i (of /pathin- !mathin- !RbhukSin-) to !a before @strong.
- (779) !th (of /pathin- mathin-) to !nth (before @strong).
- (780) @Tail of @wimpy (/pathin- !mathin- !RbhukSin-) to /lopa.
- (781) /pums- to !pumas- (before @strong).
- (782) (@Strong is) /Nit after /go-.
- (783) [@First person] /Nal (is /Nit) optionally.
- (784) Non-@calling (@strong is /Nit) after /sakhi-.
- (785) (/sakhi-) to /anaG before (non-@calling) /su.
- (786) Replace {R}-enders, !uzanas-, !purudaMsas- and !anehas- (with !an before non-@calling /su).
- (787) !kroSTu- to /tRc (before non-@calling @strong).
- (788) When @feminine too.
- (789) Optionally before @vowel /TAsup.
- (790) /catur- and /anaDuh- get /Am' (before @strong).
- (791) !RR of @root to !ir.
- (792) @nexttolast !RR to !ir.
- (793) (!q to) !ur after @root @labial.
- (794) /ik to /vRddhi before /sic that is before @flat.
- (795) !a of {r}-{l}-ender root to /vRddhi (before /sic that is before @flat).
- (796) !vad !vraj and [/hal]-enders to (/vRddhi before /sic that is before @flat).
- (797) But not before /iSic.
- (798) @Light !a of a consonant-starter (to !A optionally before /iSic before @flat).
- (799) {ti;tu;} /tran {; ta;tha;si; su;sara;ka; sa} get no /iT
- (800) After some one-vowel [@root]s there's no /iT.
- (801) [/uk]-enders and !zri (are /aniT) before /kit.
- (802) /san (doesn't get /iT after) /grah, !guh, (!zri and [/uk]-enders).
- (804) /niSThA (don't get /iT) after /Idit roots or !zvi.
- (805) (/niSThA doesn't get /iT) after roots after which other affixes get /iT optionally.
- (806) !kaS (won't get /iT before /niSThA) when meaning painful or impenetrable.
- (808) After !grah, lengthen (/iT), unless in a /liT.
- (809) (Lengthen /iT) optionally after {q}-enders, !vRG and !vRJ (unless in a /liT).
- (810) /san gets /iT optionally (after {q}-enders and !vR).
- (811) !svR, !sUti, !sUyati, !dhUJ, and the /Udit are /veT.
- (812) The {radh}-class (are /veT).
- (813) /san (gets /iT optionally) after {iv}-enders, {Rdhu-bhrasja, dambhu-zri-svR, yu-UrNu-bhR} and {jJapi-san}.
- (814) (/ktvA /kta /ktavatu get /iT) after /aJcu that means 'honoring'.
- (815) After /udit root (/ktvA gets /iT) optionally
- (816) After a vowel, /thal won't get /iT if /tAs never gets /iT.
- (817) (/thal gets no /iT) after a root that has !a in the /dhAtupATha (and never makes /tAs get /iT).
- (818) The two previous rules are optional after non-!R.
- (819) /sya (gets /iT) after {R}-enders and /han.
- (820) !yam !ram !nam, and {A}-enders, get !sak (before @flat /luG, and the /sic gets /iT).
- (821) (/san gets /iT) after {kq gq dRG dhRG praccH}.
- (822) (/val) @hard (gets /iT) after !rud /svap !zvas !prAN !jakS.
- (824) !yA (of @hard /yAsuT) to !iy after !a, .
- (825) Merge !a with the !A of /AtAm /AthAm into !e.
- (826) ({a}-enders) get /muk before /zAnac /kAnac.
- (827) (/zAnac to) {(z)Ina(c)} after /As.
- (828) Optionally !aSTan- to !A before /vibhakti.
- (829) /rai- to (!A) before @consonant (/vibhakti).
- (830) /yuSmad- /asmad- to (!A before a consonant /sup) that is not a @replacement.
- (831) (/yuSmad- /asmad- to !A) before @second.
- (832) @First @dual (/yuSmad- /asmad- to !A) in the /laukika.
- (833) (/yuSmad- /asmad- to) !y before @vowel (/sup that is not a @replacement).
- (835) (!yuSm !asm to) !yuva !Ava when meaning two.
- (836) (!yuSm !asm to) !yUya !vaya before /jas.
- (837) Before /su, (!yuSm !asm to) !tva !aha
- (838) (!yuSm !asm to) !tubhya !mahya before /Ge.
- (839) (!yuSm !asm to) !tava !mama before /Gas.
- (840) Otherwise (!yuSm !asm to ) !tva !ma when meaning one person.
- (841) @Feminine /tri- /catur- to !tisR !catasR
- (842) !R of {tisR catasR} to !r before @vowel
- (844) /kim- to !ka- (before /vibhakti)
- (845) (/kim-) to !ku (before /vibhakti) before !t !h.
- (846) (/kim- to) !kva before {a(t)}.
- (847) Nonfinal !t !d (of the /tyadAdi) to !s before /su.
- (848) /adas- to !au (before /su), and trash the /su.
- (849) /idam- to !m (before /su).
- (850) !d (of /idam- to !m before all /sup).
- (851) (!d of /idam- to) !y before /su.
- (852) !id (of /idam-) to !ay (before /su) when @masculine.
- (853) /idam- to !ana before /TA /os, provided there's no !k.
- (854) Delete the !na otherwise.
- (855) !mRj to /vRddhi before [@root affix].
- (860) But if there is a @wordfinal !y !v before that first vowel, add !ai !au before the !y !v instead.
- (861) Same goes for the {dvAra}-class.
- (862) /han to !ghat before (a /JNit) that is not /ciN nor /Nal.
- (863) {A}-enders get {y(uk)} before /ciN and (/JNit) /kRt.
- (864) Some {am}-ender roots do not get !!ata_upa.
- (865) !R !hrI !vlI !rI !knUy !kSmAy and {A}-enders get /puk before /Ni.
- (866) !bhI gets {S(uk)} (before /Nic) when meaning frightening.
- (867) !zad to !t (before /Ni) unless meaning movement.
- (868) !ruh to !p optionally (before /Ni).
- (869) !a to !i before the !k of an affix that got /Ap, unless after @longhorn.
- (871) !c !j to /ku before /ghit and /Nyat
- (873) (!han to !gh) after @stammer.
- (874) /ji (to !gi) before /san and /liT.
- (875) !ci to (/ku) optionally (after @stammer of /san /liT).
- (876) But not [/ku]-starters.
- (877) !vac to (!k before /Nyat) only when meaning speech.
- (878) /iS /gam !yam to !ch before /zit.
- (879) (Before /zit,) !pA to !piba, !ghrA to !jighra, !dhmA to !dhama, /sthA to !tiSTha, !mnA to !mana, !dAN to !yaccha, !dRz to /pazya, !R to !Rccha, !sR to !dhau, !zad to !zIya, !sad to !sIda.
- (880) !jJA and !jan to !jA before /zit.
- (881) @Shorten @pUclass (before /zit).
- (882) !mid to /guNa (before /zit).
- (883) /ik to (/guNa) before /laG /jus.
- (885) Replace /jAgR (with /guNa) unless before !vi /ciN /Nal /Git.
- (887) @Stammered doesn't (get !!puganta) before @vowel /pit @hard.
- (888) /bhU !sU get no @hardsoft before @hard /tiG.
- (889) Replace last !u of a @lukclass with !au before consonant (/pit @hard).
- (890) !tRnah gets {i(m)} (before @consonant @hard /pit).
- (891) (Consonant /pit) gets /IT after /brU.
- (892) (@Consonant /pit @hard gets /IT) optionally after /yaGluk.
- (894) (/t''' /s''' get /aT) after /ad.
- (896) ("!a" to "!A") before /bhyAm !ya.
- (897) (!a to) !e before @plural !bh !s.
- (898) Before /os too (replace !a with !e).
- (899) /Ap to (!e) before /TA /os.
- (900) (/Ap to !e) before @calling.
- (901) Before @calling, shorten "dear mother" and /nadI
- (902) @Short to /guNa (before @calling).
- (903) (!i !u to /guNa) before /jas.
- (904) !R to (!ar) before /Gi and @strong.
- (906) After /nadI, (the /Git) get /AT
- (907) (/Git get) /yAT after /Ap
- (908) After @pronoun, (/Git gets) /syAT, and the @stem [@shorten]s.
- (909) Replace /Gi with !Am after /nadI, /Ap, !nI.
- (910) (Replace /Gi with !Am) after !i !u (-ender /nadI).
- (911) (/Gi to) !au (after non-/nadI !i !u).
- (912) @wee merges (with /Gi into !au).
- (913) /TA to !nA after non-@feminine @wee.
- (914) Shorten the @nexttolast before /Ni before /caG.
- (915) (Optionally @nexttolast) !R !RR to !R (before /Nic plus /caG).
- (916) !R of [@cluster]-starter to /guNa (before /liT).
- (917) {RR}-enders, /Rcch and !R to (/guNa before /liT).
- (918) !zRR !dRR !pRR to @short optionally (before a /kit /liT).
- (919) (!R !q) -enders and !dRz to /guNa before /aG /aG'.
- (920) /asyati gets /thuk (before /aG).
- (921) !vac to !voc (before /aG).
- (922) /zIG to /guNa before @hard.
- (923) /zIG to !zay before /kGit !y.
- (924) Lengthen before /yak, /kyaG, /yaG, @soft /yAsuT.
- (925) (@Lengthen) before /cvi too.
- (926) !R to {ri(G)} before /za, /yak, @flat (@soft) /liG.
- (927) Replace !R of /arti and [@cluster]-starters with !ar (before /yak and @flat [@soft liG]).
- (928) !A !a (to !I) before /cvi
- (929) (!A !a to !I) before /kyac.
- (930) !do !so !mA /sthA to !i before /kit !t.
- (931) !dhA to !hi (before /kit !t)
- (932) !dA of /ghu to !dath (before /kit !t).
- (933) After a @vowel @preverb, (replace !dA of a /ghu) with !t (before /kit !t).
- (934) /ap- to (!d) before !bh.
- (935) !s to ( !t ) before @soft !s.
- (936) @Chop /tAs and /as (before !s).
- (937) @Chop /tAs before {r}-affixes.
- (938) (/tAs and /as to) !h before /e'''.
- (939) Before ([/iT]-less) /san, vowel of {mI mA} /ghu, {rabh labh zak}, {pat pad} to !is.
- (940) (Vowel) of !Ap !jJapi !Rdh to !I.
- (941) (Vowel) of !dambh to !i too
- (942) (Vowel) of @objectless !muc to /guNa optionally.
- (943) And delete the @stammer.
- (946) But the @stop after /zar (stays).
- (948) !R !RR !L (of @stammer) to !a.
- (949) Lengthen (the @stammer) of /iN' before /kit /liT.
- (950) (@Lengthen) initial "!a" (of @stammer of /liT).
- (951) After that (@stammer), two-consonant @root gets /nuT.
- (952) (Before /liT, @stammer) of /bhU to !a.
- (953) (@Stammer of) !nij !vij !viS to /guNa before /zlu.
- (954) (@Stammer) of {bhR mA hA} to !i (before /zlu).
- (955) (@Stammer) of /arti !piparti (to !i before /laT)
- (957) !u !U (of @stammer of /san) to (!i) before /pu /yaN !j that is before !A !a
- (958) Optionally of {sru zru dru pru plu cyu}.
- (959) /ik of @stammer to /guNa before /yaG or /yaGluk
- (960) !a of an /akit (@stammer) to @long (before /yaG or /yaGluk)
- (961) (@stammer) that ends in !a of (/yaG /yaGluk) root that ends in !m gets {n(uk)}.
- (962) (@stammer) works [/san]-wise before @light that is before /caG, unless /ak dropped.
- (963) @Lengthen @light (@stammer before @light root before /Ni before /caG).
- (964) Replace a whole word with two.
- (965) @Repeat is the second one (of what is said twice).
- (966) (Repeat the whole word) to mean "repeated action" or "each".
- (967) !dvaMdva- means "secret", "limit", "separation", "employing as a sacrificial vessel", "manifestation".
- (968) Replace @wordfinal.
- (969) The following are [@hanger]s.
- (970) (Optionally @dual) /yuSmad- /asmad- plus @sixth @fourth @second to /vAm'' /nau''.
- (971) (/yuSmad- /asmad- to) /vas'' /nas'' when @plural (optionally).
- (973) (Optionally) replace /tvAm /mAm with /tvA'' /mA''.
- (974) From this point on, rules @cantgoback.
- (976) But not before @calling.
- (978) (/matup to /vatup) after a @stop.
- (980) But after !r, delete !s only.
- (981) (Erase !s) before !dh.
- (982) (Erase /sic) after @serious before @serious.
- (983) [/iT]-less (/sic to /lopa) after @short (before @serious).
- (984) /iSic disappears before /It''' /Is'''.
- (985) Delete !s !k that start a @cluster that is (before @serious) or is @wordfinal.
- (988) {d}-starter {h}-ender @root to !gh (if @wordfinal or before @serious).
- (989) Optionally {druh muh SNuh SNih} to (!gh when @wordfinal or before @serious).
- (990) !nah to !dh (when @wordfinal or before @serious).
- (991) /Ah to !th (before serious).
- (993) Replace with /bhaS the /baz of an /ekAc [/jhaS]-ender root that is @wordfinal or before !s !dhv.
- (994) /dadh to (!dhadh-) before {t th s dh}.
- (998) After !r !d, /niSThA to !n, and the !d too.
- (999) After @lUclass (!t of /niSThA and /ktin to !n).
- (1000) (/niSThA to !n) after /odit roots.
- (1001) After !pac, (/niSThA to) !v.
- (1003) Replace @wordfinal !m of a @root with !n.
- (1005) Replace @wordfinal /ahan- (with /ru).
- (1006) (Replace /ahan-) with !r when not before /sup.
- (1007) Replace (@wordfinal) /vasu !sraMs !dhvaMs /anaDuh- with !d
- (1008) Optionally, (!s) of a root (to !d) before /sip.
- (1009) (Optionally,) !d (of a root to !s before /sip).
- (1010) @Lengthen @wordfinal !ir !ur !iv !uv (of a @root).
- (1012) But not @wimpy, !kur, !chur.
- (1013) If /adas- has no !s, !d plus vowel to !mu or !mU.
- (1014) Before @plural, replace the !de of /adas- (with !mI).
- (1015) Make the last vowel of a sentence @extralong and @acute when...
- (1016) When calling from afar (a sentence-final @calling is optionally @extralong and @acute).
- (1017) When meaning impoliteness blessing command, last vowel of cliffhanger verb becomes @extralong and @falling.
- (1018) The next rules @nasalize the previous optionally.
- (1019) But when not nasalizing the vowel, add /M after it.
- (1020) /sam to ( /ru ) before {s(uT)}.
- (1021) !pum (to !puMs or !pu~s) before /khay that is before /am'.
- (1022) (Wordfinal) !n to !Ms before /chav.
- (1023) (@Optionally) !nqn (to !nqMH) before !p.
- (1024) Replace !kAn with /ru before its @repeat.
- (1026) Delete !r before !r.
- (1028) [@True r] stays before /sup'.
- (1030) @Wordfinal {v y} to @lighter-effort {v y} optionally.
- (1032) Before /hal (@wordfinal !y to /lopa).
- (1035) Replace /sam with !m before !rAj plus /kvip.
- (1036) !G !N to !Gk !NT before /zar, optionally.
- (1037) (Optionally) !s gets !dhuT after !D
- (1038) (!s gets !dhuT optionally) after (@wordfinal) !n too
- (1040) (@Wordfinal) /Gam [@double]s after @short before @vowel.
- (1042) (/H) to /H before !kS !ts.
- (1045) (/H to) !s before (/ku /pu) affix.
- (1046) But with !S after !i !u.
- (1047) Non-@affix !iH !uH to (!S before /ku /pu).
- (1048) /H (from !is !us) to !S when @former before !k !kh !p !ph.
- (1049) In the !kaska group too.
- (1050) Replace non-@wordfinal with @curledback.
- (1051) Replace the !sAD of !sah with (!SAD).
- (1053) (/kric rule works) even if one of /num /H /zar comes in between.
- (1054) (/kric works only) when a @Sa-root or an @affix is involved.
- (1055) (!s) of /zAs /vas' /ghas (to !S after /kric).
- (1056) After the @stammer of a [@Sa-root] that is before !San, only !stu and [/Ni]-enders get /kric.
- (1057) The next rules down to !!parinivibhyaHsevasita work even when /aT is in between.
- (1058) {sunoti;suvati;syati; stauti;stobha;tisthA; senaya;sedha;sica; saJja;svaJja} (to !S after !i !u of @preverb)
- (1059) /sad to !S (after !i !u of a @preverb) except /prati.
- (1060) (!stambh to !S) after /ava when meaning 'supporting' or 'nearness'.
- (1061) Some roots get /Satvam after /pari /ni /vi
- (1062) !syand to !S after /anu /vi /pari /abhi /ni (optionally), if meaning nonliving beings
- (1063) After /iN, !dh of !SIdhvam, /luG and /liT to (!Dh).
- (1064) Optionally before /iT.
- (1066) After !gavi and !yudhi, !sthiraH (gets /Satvam when @latter, to make [@proper name]s).
- (1067) !stha (to !S) after {amba} {Amba} {go}, {bhUmi} {savya} {apa}, {dvi} {tri} {ku}, {zeku} {zaGku} {aGgu}, {maJji} {puJji} {parame}, {barhis} {divi} {agni}
- (1068) {sr}-starters, !sRp !sRj !spRz !spRh, and the !savana -class get no /Satvam.
- (1069) no /kric for the affix /sAt or word-initial !s
- (1070) After !r !R !RR !S, same-@word !n to !N.
- (1071) Even if /aT' /ku /pu /AG /M come in between.
- (1072) After @former in a @tag (there is /Natvam in the @latter), but not after !g.
- (1073) @latter !vana gets /Natvam optionally when the @former means an annual herb or a tree.
- (1074) [@nounbase]-final, /num, /vibhakti (of a @latter get /Natvam optionally).
- (1075) But compulsorily !N in /ekAc @latter.
- (1076) (!n of) /Nopadeza @root (to !N) after a @preverb.
- (1077) (/Natvam won't) replace @wordfinal.
- (1080) But no (!!STunA) after @wordfinal /Tu, /nAm aside.
- (1081) (@Wordfinal) /tu stays before !S.
- (1082) (The /tu stay) after !z.
- (1083) @Wordfinal {b g D d} to {m G N n} before @nasal, optionally.
- (1084) After !r !h, all consonants except !r !h optionally @double.
- (1085) (Optionally double /yar after @vowel) before non-@vowel.
- (1086) !t of !putra won't @double before !AdinI when insulting.
- (1090) Before @pause too. But that's optional.
- (1091) {a A i I u U}, if they are not @nonjoiner, @nasalize (optionally) before @pause.
- (1093) But optionally if @wordfinal.
- (1094) /tu to (@similar of the next) before !l
- (1095) After /ud, replace !sthA !stambh with !t
- (1096) After @stop, replace !h (with @similar) optionally.
- (1097) !z to !ch (after @stop, optionally).
- (1098) (After consonant), optionally delete a /jhar before a @similar /jhar.
- (1099) !A is open but !a is half-open.
- (1100) Rules that mention particular roots work only before verb affixes, not before noun affixes.
- (1101) [/kvip]-enders don't lose [@root]ness
- (1102) /Git [@tense]s do not pass !G on.
- (1103) @First ending by default.
- (1104) !L works like !R.
- (1105) Owner gets @sixth.
- (1106) [/yaGluk]s are @lukclass.
- (1114) lists of tense replacements
- (1115) /liG replacements
- (1117) @Flat @hard /liG after !a.
- (1118) @Flat @soft /liG.
- (1119) @Bent @hard /liG.
- (1121) /laT replacements
- (1122) /laG replacements
- (1123) /liT replacements
- (1124) /loT replacements
- (1126) /loT replacement rules
- (1127) formation of /luT
- (1128) Formation of @flat @hard /liG.
- (1129) formation of the @flat @hard /liG after !a
- (1130) @Hard @bent /liG rules.
- (1131) @Bent @hard /liG rules.
- (1132) about "this" and "that"
- (1133) /etad- "this"
- (1135) Pronoun tables.
- (1137) /yuSmad- /asmad- with @first.
- (1138) /yuSmad- /asmad- with @second.
- (1139) /yuSmad- /asmad- with @third.
- (1140) /yuSmad- /asmad- with @fourth.
- (1141) /yuSmad- /asmad- with @fifth.
- (1142) /yuSmad- /asmad- with @sixth.
- (1143) /yuSmad- /asmad- with @seventh.
- (1162) /ghit is what has label !gh
- (1163) /Idit is what has label !I
- (1164) /odit is what has label !o
- (1165) /Nit is what has label !N
- (1167) /ugit is what has an /uk as @label.
- (1168) /udit is what has label !u.
- (1169) /Ldit is what has label !L.
- (1170) /Rdit is what has label !R.
- (1171) /JNit means " /Jit or /Nit "
- (1172) /khit is what has @label !kh.
- (1174) /Tit is what has label !T.
- (1186) /dru "run"
- (1187) /jyA "grow old
- (1188) /kram "walk"
- (1189) /rudh "stop, obstruct"
- (1190) /cint "think"
- (1191) /ad "eat"
- (1195) /as' /asyati "throw"
- (1196) /ghas "eat"
- (1197) /iS' "throw"
- (1198) /pracch "ask"
- (1199) {hve(J)} "call, summon, challenge"
- (1200) /kLp "befit"
- (1201) /krI "buy"
- (1202) /labh "get"
- (1203) {mA(G)'} "measure"
- (1205) /ji "win"
- (1206) /jJA "know"
- (1207) /vas' "live at"
- @stretching means replacing /yaN with /ik.
- (/kvasu optionally replaces /liT) in the /laukika after /sad /vas' /zru.
- After movement, @objectless, !zliS, /zIG, /sthA, /As, /vas', !jan, !ruh, !jR (/kta optionally [@means the doer]).
- (@Stretch) /vac, /svap, {yaj}-class before /kit.
- (!s) of /zAs /vas' /ghas (to !S after /kric).
- (1208) {vye(J)} "cover, cover up"
- (1209) !yaj "sacrifice"
- (1210) /stu' "praise"
- (1213) /sic' "sprinkle"
- (1215) /vah !vahati "carries, conveys"
- (1216) /vap "sow, scatter"
- (1217) /yu "join, mix"
- (1218) /yuj "join"
- (1219) /zAs "instruct"
- (1220) /Rcch /Rcchati "go"
- (1221) /UrNu "cover, hide"
- (1222) /dA "give", /dhA "put"
- (1223) /arti "go"
- (1224) /brU "say"
- (1225) /hu "pour"
- (1226) Roots for "say".
- (1228) /kR with /u
- (1230) /sad "sit"
- (1232) /dviS "hate"
- (1233) /iS "want"
- (1234) /vid "know"
- (1235) !ac disambiguation
- (1238) /pAti "protects" /pibati "drinks".
- (1240) /iG of /adhi + i "study"
- (1244) /han before /tiG
- (1245) {ve(J)} "weave"
- (1246) special nounbases
- (1247) /bahu- "many"
- (1248) /bhrU- "eyebrow"
- (1250) /upAnah- "shoe"
- (1251) /nI- "leader of"
- (1252) /mahat- "big"
- (1253) /ap- "waters"
- (1254) /SaS- "six"
- (1255) /zvan- "dog"
- (1257) rootnoun /han-
- (1262) /rai- "wealth"
- (1263) /catur- "four"
- (1265) /pathin- "road, way"
- (1266) /anaDuh- "ox"
- (1267) /diz- f. "point of the compass"
- (1268) /dyo-, /div- "sky, heaven"
- (1269) /nau- "ship"
- (1270) rootnoun /yuj-
- (1271) /grAmaNI-, /vizvapA-, /khalapU-.
- (1272) /strI- "woman".
- (1273) /pums- "man"
- (1274) /rAtri- "night"
- (1275) /sakhi- "friend".
- (1276) /ahan- "day"
- (1277) /bhavatu- "your honor"
- (1278) special words
- (1279) /sma
- (1280) @Ignore verse [@filler]s.
- (1281) /cid /api /cana "some / any"
- (1282) /iva "like"
- (1283) /na means "no"
- (1284) /api starts a question or means "too, even".
- (1285) "Turtle /ca" means "and a turtle".
- (1286) "Turtle /vA" means "or a turtle".
- (1287) /eva means only or indeed
- (1288) /iti closes a quotation
- (1289) List of [@preverb]s.
- (1290) /abhi "towards, approaching"
- (1292) /ati "surpassing, beyond, too much"
- (1293) /apa "away; down; badly"
- (1294) /upa "near; down"
- /pra !yuj and /upa !yuj (get @bent).
- The @unchanging, and !Asanna, !adUra, !adhika, and the [@numeral]s are compounded with another @numeral, when used as numbers.
- After movement, @objectless, !zliS, /zIG, /sthA, /As, /vas', !jan, !ruh, !jR (/kta optionally [@means the doer]).
- (Delete) "!a !A" of a @preverb before /eG.
- After /sam /pari /upa, when meaning decorating, /kR gets {s(uT)}.
- /zIG to !zay before /kGit !y.
- /gam "go"
- List of [@preverb]s.
- /prAdi are !pra etc.
- (1296) /anu "after"
- (1297) /ava "down"
- (1298) /dus means bad, hard to do, or evil
- (1299) /ku' means evil or bad
- (1300) /su' means good, very, or easily
- (1301) /ni "down"
- (1304) /prati "towards; against"
- (1305) /sam
- (1308) some prefixes
- (1309) [@True r] is the @wordfinal !r that is not a /ru.
- (1310) words with [@true r]
- (1312) About the [@postposition]s
- (1313) /prAdi are !pra etc.
- (1315) @ending means /sup or /tiG
- (1317) /pUjArtham means "to show respect".
- (1318) The [@Tit tense]s are /laT /liT /luT /lRT !leT /loT.
- (1320) Add "only" to a rule when it does not make sense without "only".
- (1321) The /Git [@tense]s are /laG /liG /luG /lRG.
- (1325) What means purpose or result is an @aim.
- (1326) An /IT is an !I attached in front.
- (1328) about the affix /kap
- (1329) About @alternatively.
- (1331) @original and @replacement
- (1334) @caesura
- (1335) @mf means [@m] or [@f]
- (1336) adjectives
- (1337) /zabyak tenses
- (1341) /matvartha affixes mean the same as /matup
- (1342) /yac means !y or /ac
- (1344) /nuT is !n added in front
- (1345) @Chop means "delete last letter".
- (1346) /ekAc is what has exactly one /ac.
- (1347) /muk is an !m added afterwards
- (1348) The /gaNapATha is a list of word groups
- (1352) @Referent is the thing that a word means.
- (1353) About @agreement.
- (1355) An /AkRtigaNa is a group of words that is not in {pANini}'s version of the /gaNapATha.
- (1358) Double consonant.
- (1359) /pANinIya, /aSTAdhyAyI.
- (1360) @book, @chapter.
- (1362) @Subordinate is the part of a compound that has not the same @referent the whole compound.
- (1363) fake !h
- (1365) types of rules
- (1366) @definition rules
- (1367) @command rules
- (1370) /karmaNi affixes
- (1371) [@doer verb]s
- (1372) [@nondoer verb]s
- (1373) [@Doer verb]s and [@nondoer verb]s from @objectful roots
- (1377) [@Doer affix]es and [@nondoer affix]es.
- (1378) Using parsers to split verbs into root plus affix.
- (1379) finding root and /tiG with inria reader
- (1380) finding root and /tiG with hyderabad tools
- (1381) verb assembling machine
- (1384) The @soft /liG is used once in a blue moon.
- (1385) @Voiced and @unvoiced sounds.
- (1386) long before !r
- (1387) /san summary
- (1388) @bent /tiG
- (1389) @flat /tiG
- (1390) ta ta synchretism
- (1391) summary of prathamau after neuter
- (1392) [@Label]s and @accent.
- (1393) How to replace with /guNa or /vRddhi.
- (1394) uses of cases in rules
- (1395) What's a "@woman", exactly.
- (1397) Some [@affix]es are [@augment]s.
- (1398) About /lakSmI-.
- (1399) When !kartarizap won't work.
- (1400) /ithal
- (1402) /zatR getting /num before /zI /GI.
- (1403) Types of [@compound]s.
- (1404) /mAtrA theory.
- (1414) non-[@third person] /liT is VERY uncommon
- (1415) replacing a thing with itself looks pointless
- (1416) how to learn rule !!aTku
- (1417) about the most common sandhis
- (1418) key to exercises of sandhi four
- (1419) about /zrad
- (1420) meaning of [/san]-enders
- (1421) is !cintAyAMcakAra one word or two?
- (1422) /Am'' summary
- (1423) Which roots get /Am''
- (1424) About the /uNAdi affixes.
- (1425) @auxiliary roots
- (1427) rules that delete root nasal
- (1428) the @auxiliary /as is not replaced with /bhU
- (1429) prohibition
- (1431) @epics have oddities.
- (1432) about @hidden words
- (1433) @Accent rules are only applied when reciting the veda.
- (1434) @Extralong is a @vowel longer than a @long.
- (1435) /Natvam works across some @word boundaries.
- (1436) No /Natvam before @serious.
- (1439) About /jJApaka
- (1440) formation of /lRG
- (1441) Spelling of !o before deleted !a.
- (1444) types of affixes
- (1445) split /luT
- (1446) about /iSThan
- (1447) rules that delete the @calling
- (1448) @MCM, sandhi of !as !As !s
- (1449) Accurate translation of !!nazchavya.
- (1450) replace with /guNa
- (1451) about the /aJ affix
- (1452) /vasu with /sup.
- (1454) the six duties of a brahmin
- (1455) Warnings about weird spellings in this site.
- (1456) Rule [!!sthAnivad Adezo] does not work for letter-rules.
- (1457) @Cluster lengthening after @short.
- (1458) Uses of the @second endings.
- (1459) warning about @flat @bent rules
- (1460) root changes before /yak and @soft /liG
- (1461) Optionality of !!vAzari.
- (1462) @soft /liG is rare
- (1463) about strange symbols in rules
- (1465) rules that form the @flat @soft /liG
- (1466) @bent @soft /liG rules.
- (1467) word building overview
- (1468) how to use inria reader for parsing nouns
- (1469) how to use the inria reader
- (1470) How to build [@noun]s.
- (1471) Explanation of [@label]s.
- (1472) What's a @derivation.
- (1474) How the rules build [@noun]s.
- (1475) How the rules build [@verb]s.
- (1476) overview of @flat and @bent
- (1477) rules that should be studied first
- (1478) choose-/tiG rules
- (1479) change-/tiG rules
- (1480) choose-/sup rules
- (1481) change-/sup rules
- (1482) @wordfinal /sandhi rules
- (1483) Different kinds of nothing.
- (1484) Types of [@label]s.
- (1485) A @tellaparter label just tells one thing apart from another.
- (1486) @stopper labels
- (1487) @padding letters just make jargon easier to say.
- (1488) @Switcher labels make some rules work or not work.
- (1489) noun building machine
- (1490) examples of noun assembling
- (1491) noun disassembly
- (1492) @noun assembly
- (1493) about the sandhi machine
- (1495) basic sound change rules
- (1496) sandhi rules two
- (1497) sandhi rules three
- (1498) examples and exercises of sandhi rules three
- (1499) sandhi rules four
- (1500) examples of sandhi four
- (1501) some things that !pANini did not teach, but I teach to my students anyway
- (1502) sandhi tables
- (1503) (A) final vowels
- (1504) (B) final !m
- (1505) (C) final !n
- (1506) (D) all final !s !r before /khar or @pause
- (1507) (E) final !as before non-/khar
- (1508) (F) final !As before non-/khar
- (1509) (G) Final !s that does not follow !a !A, and all final !r
- (1510) (H) Final {t d T D k g p b}
- (1511) (I) Final !G
- (1512) verb building machine
- (1513) building !adveSam
- (1514) unbuilding !adveSam with @inria
- (1515) building !carati
- (1516) building !caranti
- (1517) building the verb plavate
- (1518) Summary of !k !G labels in /tiG.
- (1519) [/sa-]compound confusion.
- (1520) Doerless /loT.
- (1521) odds and ends
- (1522) What are /saMdhi rules.
- (1524) spelling and reading
- (1525) How to read Sanskrit.
- (1526) About Sanskrit punctuation
- (1527) @stick
- (1528) @space
- (1529) /avagraha
- (1530) how to spell Sanskrit
- (1531) The sounds !z!z !S!S !s!s.
- (1532) Spelling of !zz !SS !ss.
- (1533) Roman spelling of !zz !SS !ss.
- (1534) blue /zar
- (1535) blue [@nasal]s
- (1537) About the /virAma sign.
- (1538) spelling of /Am'' verbs
- (1539) ugly space
- (1540) manuscript spelling
- (1541) !ch !cch spelling
- (1542) Pronunciation of !H.
- (1545) About the /visarga word.
- (1546) [@Cluster]s of @nasal plus @similar.
- (1548) rationale for the crazy spelling rule
- (1549) why I think this rule is crazy
- (1550) exotic symbols
- (1551) About [@hyphen]s.
- (1552) The @moondot shows @nasalization.
- (1553) Spelling of @wordfinal !s in this website.
- (1554) Transliteration schemes for Sanskrit.
- (1555) @IAST
- (1556) Velthuis transliteration
- (1557) ITRANS
- (1558) SLP1
- (1559) HK transliteration
- (1560) HKL transliteration
- (1561) coloncolon symbol
- (1562) Pronunciation guide.
- (1563) pronunciation of vowels
- (1564) wrong pronunciations of !R !RR !L
- (1565) about glides
- (1567) glottal stop
- (1568) pronunciation of !R
- (1569) pronunciation of !RR
- (1570) pronunciation of !L
- (1571) Diphthongs and monophthongs.
- (1572) pronunciation of [@consonant]s
- (1573) pronunciation of !r
- (1575) ell is never dark
- (1576) !h sound
- (1577) pronunciation of !jJ
- (1578) pronunciation of !v
- (1579) The "@puff" after [@stop]s (/mahAprANa and /alpaprANa).
- (1580) @position is the part of the mouth that obstructs the air most.
- (1581) @Openness is the distance between the parts of the mouth that most obstruct the air.
- (1582) " @Velar " means back of tongue near back of palate
- (1583) " @palatal " means middle of tongue near roof of palate
- (1584) [@curledback] means "tongue curled back".
- (1585) @Dental means tongue tip hits teeth.
- (1586) "@labial" means lips approach each other
- (1587) effects of !hindI accent
- (1588) !h plus echo.
- (1589) !h plus echo in chanting
- (1594) some videos
- (1595) videos for kids
- (1596) videos to learn pronunciation
- (1597) 108 names of !sarasvatI
- (1598) !rudra video
- (1599) {aSTAvakra gItA}
- (1600) {puruSa sUktam}
- (1603) The /iN letters are /ic, !h, /yaN.
- (1604) /jhar are the @serious except !h.
- (1605) /am' are /ac, !h, /yaN and /Jam.
- (1607) /jhaS are {jha bhaJ gha Dha dhaS}.
- (1608) /yar are all [@consonant]s except !h.
- (1610) /chav are { cha Tha tha ca Ta tav}.
- (1612) /car are {ca Ta tav za Sa sar}.
- (1613) /az are [@vowel]s and /haz.
- (1614) /uk are {uN R Lk} and their [@similar]s !U !RR.
- (1616) [@Letter]s are the things in the /zivasUtra list, and the [@long]s !A !I !U !RR
- (1617) /aT' are the [@vowel]s and {ha ya va raT}
- (1620) /ak are {a A i I u U R q L}.
- (1621) /ic are all [@vowel]s but {A a}.
- (1622) /eG are {e oG}
- (1623) /aic are {ai auc}
- (1624) /Rk are {R q L}
- (1628) alphabetical order
- (1630) @funny are {ya va raT laN Ja ma Ga Na nam}
- (1632) /val letters
- (1633) /ral letters
- (1635) /zal are {za Sa sar hal}
- (1636) /jaz are {ja ba ga Da daz}.
- (1637) /baz are {ba ga Da daz}.
- (1638) /cay are {ca Ta tav ka pay}.
- (1639) /bhaS are {bhaJ gha Dha dhaS}.
- (1640) /jhaz are {jha bhaJ gha Dha dhaS ja ba ga Da daz}.
- (1641) /khay are { kha pha cha Tha tha ca Ta tav ka pay }.
- (1643) /taG are /tAtAMjha /thAsAthAMdhvam /iDvahimahiG.
- (1647) /phalam, /phale, /phalAni
- (1648) /rAjA, /rAjan
- (1649) /nAma, /pitA, /pitar
- (1650) /kSipa, /cintaya, /nRtya.
- (1652) Some @auxiliary verbs.
- (1654) /znA examples
- (1656) /nAyi, /kAri, /pAci, /cori, /cinti
- (1658) about /rundh and /runadh
- (1659) websites about Sanskrit
- (1660) books at archive dot org
- (1661) books found in archive dot org
- (1662) Sukhanakar
- (1663) learnsanskrit dot org
- (1664) Sanskrit processing tools
- (1665) metre identifiers
- (1666) parsers
- (1669) transliterators
- (1670) online dictionaries
- (1671) Monier Monier-Wiliams
- (1672) /ApTe dictionary
- (1673) sanskrit hyphen trikashaivism dot com
- (1674) ashtadhyayi dot com
- (1675) spokensanskrit dot org
- (1676) sanskritdictionary dot com at Auroville.
- (1677) !pANini research tool
- (1678) miscellaneous links
- (1679) nvm this page
- (1680) some books
- (1682) {laghu siddhAnta kaumudI} in English
- (1683) yoga !vasiSTha (supreme yoga)
- (1684) Coulson
- (1685) Sanskrit Grammar (Whitney)
- (1686) Srisa Chandra Vasu
- (1687) M R Kale
- (1688) @inria manual
- (1689) @inria abbreviations
- (1690) /kRt affixes in @inria
- (1691) about @pfp
- (1692) inria sandhi
- (1693) @Inria codes for [@tense]s.
- (1696) @tense in @inria
- (1698) Western names of the [@case]s.
- (1700) @person in @inria
- (1701) @gender in @inria
- (1702) !zloka tester
- (1703) colors in @inria
- (1704) @orange in @inria
- (1705) @Gray words in @inria.
- (1706) @Blue words in @inria.
- (1707) @Red words in @inria.
- (1708) @Pink words in @inria.
- (1711) [@Inria website].
- (1712) @inria uses !H to mean !s.
- (1714) inria conjugation
- (1715) @inria grammar
- (1716) Some /Nal made with uncommon rules
- (1721) Summary of replacing one letter or many.
- (1722) notes to the fish glossary
- (1723) The four /upAya.
- (1724) about some sanskrit works
- (1726) About the /rAmAyaNa.
- (1728) /amarakoza
- (1731) the /kathAsaritsAgara
- (1732) about /sva-
- (1733) about /svayam
- (1734) half /sandhi
- (1735) About nonhuman @races.
- (1736) How to say "with"
- (1737) bare @third meaning company
- (1738) /saha and /sArdham "with"
- (1739) prefixed /sa- and /saha-
- (1740) @metronymic
- (1742) /laT of /dA and /dhA
- (1743) !te disambiguation
- (1745) /Satvam means replacing !s with !S
- (1746) Sixteen-vowel style.
- (1747) decoration before @pause
- (1748) eight-vowel style
- (1749) "[@Do not break]" lines.
- (1750) /zloka, @verse and /pAda
- (1751) about the letter !x in rules
- (1752) badly split lines
- (1753) !ch and !cch
- (1754) !aN disambiguation
- (1755) proto-indo-european
- (1756) About "@limb".
- (1757) "moonfaced" means beautiful
- (1761) conjugation of /han
- (1762) About /Nic plus /san.
- (1763) Fish pages.
- (1765) glossary abbreviations
- (1766) Hyphens in fish pages.
- (1767) fish glossary manual
- (1768) fish index manual
- (1769) fish pages manual
- (1770) how to use the fish pages and the glossary
- (1771) fish styles
- (1772) N normal style
- (1773) O hyphenated style
- (1774) D /devanAgarI style
- (1775) B Bengali style
- (1776) S spaceless style
- (1777) P !padapATha style
- (1778) junk room
- (1779) how to find the class of a @verb
- (1780) translating relative clauses with /yad-
- (1781) about /yad-