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chunk 76: noun building machine

→ sandhi machine

noun building machine
examples of noun assembling

(nounbuildingmachine) (nou)

noun building machinemmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1485

According to pANini, every noun is built by the following process --

(1) take a nounbase

(2) if it is a feminine nounbase, add to it a feminine affix if necessary.

(3) Then, add one of the twenty-one sup affixes (see rule svaujas). There are many rules that explain which one must it be.

(4) Then, a lot of rules might come in and automatically make changes to the nounbase and to the affix.


(A) a noun kapis may be made by joining the masculine nounbase kapi- and the ending su.

(B) another word kapis may be made by joining the feminine nounbase kapi- and the ending su.

(C) when we join kapi- m + TA we first get kapi + A, and then rule AGonA replaces the A with nA, making kapinA "with monkey".

(D) when we join kapi- f + TA we first get kapiA, and then rule ikoyaNaci replaces the i with y, making kapyA "with female monkey".

(E) when we join haya- m + TA we first get haya + A, then rule TAGasi turns haya + A into haya + ina, then rule AdguNa turns haya + ina into hayena "with horse".

(F) siMha- f + jas first turns into siMha + I + jas by jAtera, then into siMh + I + jas by yasyetica, then into siMhyas "lionesses" by ikoyaNaci.

(G) siMha- m + jas turns into siMhA + s "lions" by prathamayo.

At this point it might look like a student's goal should be first memorizing all nounbases, then memorizing all rules, and then when the teacher asks "what do we get when we join haya + Gas" the student will be able to answer "we get hayasya, because of rule TAGasi, and then no other rules can work".

But that would be a completely stupid way of studying. What students must learn first is how to do these two operations --

(1) parsing: given a word like hayas, find out that it is made of nounbase haya plus ending su

(2) building: given nounbase haya and ending su, find out that they add up to hayas.

This can be done either by using the rules, or by cheating with inria. For beginners, cheating is far easier and better. The rules are useful sometimes and other times are not.

how to use inria reader for parsing nouns

*how to use inria reader for building nouns

1561 letters. -- 28000nounmachine.bse 1 -- popularity 1

1463 word building overview

(examplesofnounassembli) (exampleb)

examples of noun assemblingmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1486

According to pANini grammar theory, every noun was assembled from smaller pieces according to a process described by the rules. The pieces are three --

(1) We always have a nounbase, like azva- or kukkuTa-,

(2) if the nounbase is feminine, we sometimes have GI or Ap added after the nounbase,

(3) and we always have a sup affix, like su or jas or am.


(A) In the sentence azvas tarati nadIm "horse crosses river", the word azvas is a noun, and it was assembled by joining azva- (a nounbase) and su (a sup affix) --

azva- + suazvas

(B) When a chicken crosses the river, ordinarily the same rules apply --

kukkuTa- + sukukkuTas

But if the chicken is female, then rule jAtera tells us that the nounbase gets GI added --

kukkuTa- @f + su jAtera kukkuTa + GI + s

Then rule yasyetica says that a disappears before GI --

kukkuTa + GI + s yasyetica kukkuTI + s

And rule halGyA says that su dissappears after GI --

kukkuTI + s halGyA kukkuTI

So we say

kukkuTI tarati nadIm

(C) When many hens cross the river, rule bahuSuba tells us that instead of adding su we must add jas. So we start at --

kukkuTa @f + jas

the jAtera and yasyetica work like earlier --

kukkuTa @f + jas jAtera kukkuTa+ I + as yasyetica kukkuT + I + as

Now halGyA does not work because that rule erases su only. But here rule ikoyaNaci does work because the I is before a vowel, so we get --

kukkuT + I + askukkuTyas "hens"

and we say

kukkuTyas taranti nadIm "hens cross river"

kimarthaGM kukkuTyas taranti mArgam "why do the hens cross the road?"

(D) The nounbase yogin- means "a yogi" and ends in n. When we add jas after it, no special rules apply --

yogin- + jasyoginas " many yogis"

But if the yogis are female, then rule RnnebhyoGIp tells us that we have to add GI --

yogin- @f + jasyogin + GI + jas

And of course having I before a makes ikoyaNaci work --

yogin- + GI + asyoginyas " many yogi ladies"

Now you can see that this soup of rules is a minefield. If I ask you to join this nounbase and that affix, chances are that you cannot do it correctly because there are rules that you do not know yet. However, a good teacher will never ask you to memorize all rules first and then ask you to apply them. You are not expected to do that. Instead, you are supposed to first learn how to assemble some of the simpler nouns, like kukkuTyas --

kukkuTa @f + jas jAtera kukkuTa+ I + as yasyetica kukkuT + I + as ikoyaNaci kukkuTyas

And then you learn more examples of the jAtera and ikoyaNaci rules and apply them to other words.

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chunk 76: noun building machine

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