footnotes 2 ←

chunk 72: footnotes 3

→ lectures

about vibhakti affixes
verb classes
sup-ender is noun.
tiG-ender is verb.
unchanging has neither sup nor tiG.
non-third person liT is VERY uncommon
replacing a thing with itself looks pointless
how to learn rule aTku
about the most common sandhis
key to exercises of sandhi four
about zrad
Am'' summary
Which roots get Am''
About the uNAdi affixes.
auxiliary roots
About accents.
rules that delete root nasal
the auxiliary as is not replaced with bhU
Metri causa means "to make the verse fit".
epics have oddities.
about hidden words
Accent rules are only applied when reciting the veda.
Extralong is a vowel longer than a long.
Natvam works across some word boundaries.
No Natvam before serious.
about kta
about ktavatu
About jJApaka
formation of lRG
Spelling of o before deleted a.
About hangers.
types of affixes
split luT
about iSThan
rules that delete the calling
MCM, sandhi of as As s
Accurate translation of nazchavya.
replace with guNa
about the aJ affix
vasu with sup.
about the ages of the world
the six duties of a brahmin
Warnings about weird spellings in this site.
Rule sthAnivad Adezo does not work for letter-rules.
Cluster lengthening after short.
Uses of the second endings.
warning about flat bent rules
root changes before yak and soft liG
Optionality of vAzari.
soft liG is rare
about strange symbols in rules
what are the pANini rules
rules that form the flat soft liG
bent soft liG rules.

(/vibhakti) (/vib)

about vibhakti affixesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 1407

There are two groups of vibhakti affixes --

The prAgdizIya affixes are vibhakti affixes, by rule prAgdizovibhaktiH

The sup and tiG affixes are vibhakti too, by rule vibhaktizca.

Several rules work on vibhakti affixes, such as aSTana::A, tyadAdInAmaH, navibhaktautusmAH.

220 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 4 -- popularity 12

(@verbclass) (@verbc)

verb classesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 1408 vikaraNa

The roots listed in the dhAtupATha are divided into ten groups called verb classes. These are the numbers of the ten verb classes, the affix that their roots get (when before a hard doer affix), my name for the class, and the rule that adds the affix --

[1] zap zapclass kartarizap

[2] luk lukclass adiprabhRtibhyazzapaH

[3] zlu zluclass juhotyAdibhyazzluH

[4] zyan zyanclass divAdibhyazzyan

[5] znu znuclass svAdibhyazznuH

[6] za zaclass tudAdibhyazza

[7] znam znamclass rudhAdibhyazznam

[8] u uclass tanAdikR

[9] znA znaclass kryAdibhyazznA

[10] Nic nichclass satyApa

These ten affixes are called vikaraNa ("changer") affixes by grammarians other than pANini.

Rules one to nine above only work when the root is right before a hard doer affix. Rule ten, however, ALWAYS adds Nic, no matter what is afterwards. If what is afterwards is a hard doer affix, the Nic becomes aya because of kartarizap and ecoya.

The lukclass roots do not get a luk affix; I just use the word luk in the list to mean that they get no affix at all.

The numbers [1] [2] [3] etc appear in inria reader when you type a verb of that class that contains the affix. If inria shows " ca", the verb has causative Nic and works as if it were a [10]. See Using parsers to split verbs into root plus affix for examples.

Summarizing --

zab luk chlu zyaJ chnu za znaJM ca | u znA Nic pratyayA daza ||

" zap luk zlu zyan znu za and znam u znA Nic are the ten affixes"

1092 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 86 -- popularity 29

(@noun) (@noun)

sup-ender is noun.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1409

When I say " noun", I mean sub-anta "whatever ends in a sup".

Some examples of nouns, with the sup they have. What is before the sup is either a nounbase, or a nounbase with a feminine affix added at the end.

azva- + suazvas "horse"

azvA- + su halGyA azvA "mare"

vidyut- + su halGyA vidyut "lightning"

zveta- + suzvetas "white"

dRSTa- + au vRddhireci dRSTau "both were seen"

kRtavatI- + su halGyA kRtavatI "she made"

kramamAna- + TA TAGasi kramamAna- + ina Natvam kramamANena "with (someone) that walks"

Notice that you cannot trust the translation of a sentence to know if something is a noun or not. In azvazH zvetaH plutavAn "the white horse jumped", all three words are nouns, even though the translations of two of them would not be called "nouns" in english grammar. A better test for nounhood is dropping your word into inria reader. If inria paints it blue it is a noun. If yellow and blue or yellow and cyan it is a compound noun. If inria shows both blue and red you are out of luck, sorry.

719 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 133 -- popularity 46

(@verb) (@verb)

tiG-ender is verb.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1410

Whatever has a tiG at the end is a verb (in Sanskrit: tiGanta). Examples of verbs --

pac + laTpac + tippaca + tippacati "he cooks"

pac + laGpac + tippaca + tip luGlaG apaca + tipapaca + t'''apacat "he cooked"

as + laGas + tipas + t''' AD-aj-AdInAm As + t astisico As + ItAsIt "he was"

cint + liT tipcint + Nalcint + Am'' + Nal → .. → cintayAJMcakAra "he thought"

Students should keep in mind that whatever does NOT have a tiG at the end is not a verb, no matter if it translates into English as an English verb or not. As an example, in this sentence --

plavamAnA nadIGM gatvA bhekA dRSTAs tadA mayA "then I went to the river and saw jumping frogs"

there are three words that have a root inside and mean an action, but none of them is a verb, even though their English translations may be English verbs ("went", "saw" are verbs). That's why when you drop that sentence into inria you get no red words. The red color means that there is a tiG at the end.

inria reader always paints red whatever has a tiG at the end, and paints blue whatever has a sup. The exception to that is the Am'' verbs like cintAyAJMcakAra, that end up half orange and half red.

839 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 207 -- popularity 50

(@unchanging) (@un)

unchanging has neither sup nor tiG.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 1411

An old jingle goes, vacaneSu ca sarveSu yan na vyeti tad avyayam. Whatever word does not change is an unchanging.

Sanskrit words can be divided in three groups, that inria paints blue, red and pink --

blue -- nouns OR subanta ( sup-enders)

red -- verbs OR tiGanta ( tiG-enders)

pink -- unchanging OR avyaya

blue are nouns, made by adding a sup ( noun ending) after a nounbase. We may add different sup to the same nounbase.

gaja + sugajas "elephant"

gaja + zasgajAn

red are verbs, made by adding a tiG ( verb ending) after a root. We may add different tiG to the same root.

car + laT tipcarati "moves"

car + laG mipcarAmi "I move"

Everything else is pink -- unchanging.

Pink words either don't get a sup tiG at all, or always get the same sup. So they always look the same.

ca "and"

plutvA "jumped and"

plotum "to jump"

atra "here"

Feel free to call these unchanging words with other grammatical terms that will help you remember. For instance you might call atra an adverb, or plotum an infinitive, or ca conjunction, or a particle. The term " unchanging" is very imprecise just means "not a verb and not a noun".

Notice that ktvA and tumun are kRt affixes, so in a sense, plutvA and plotum are nounbases, because rule kRt;taddhita-samAsAz ca says so, and MUST take a sup and become nouns. Yet, by reasons I don't want to mention right now, those plutvA plotum etc always lose that sup and are considered to be unchanging, because they always look the same.

1117 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 329 -- popularity 21

(nonthirdpersonliTisver) (non)

non- third person liT is VERY uncommonmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1412

The liT tense has been seldom used since the epics. And even in the epics, only the third person endings are found -- Nal atus us ez AtAm irec.

As all those start with vowels, they never get iT. Which means you don't need to pay much attention to the rules, such as kR;sR;bhR;vR;stu;dru;sru;zru and others, that add iT to the valAdi liT (namely thal va ma se''' dhve''' vahe''' mahe'''),

If we take seriously the parokSe limitation of the rule parokSeliT, it would follow that the second person liT may be used only when you tell someone about what you heard they did, but didn't see them doing --

rAkSasaJM jaghanitha "I heard you killed the demon"

And similarly, you can use the first person liT only when you talk about something that you don't remember having done or claim to not have done --

tanM na jaghana "I didn't kill him, that's just a rumor"

Frankly -- If you are going to use a first or second person liT, do not worry about the parokSe. Such limitations to the use of tenses have been mostly ignored for centuries.

802 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 502 -- popularity 1

(replacingathingwithits) (replacit)

replacing a thing with itself looks pointlessmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1413

Rule atom says "replace su with am and am with am". At first sight, replacing one thing with itself looksstupid, but lets look at the previous rule too. Rule

svamorna says "after neuter, replace su with luk and am with luk"

and the next rule is an exception to it,

atom , and it says "but if the neuter ends in a, replace su with am and am with am".

Therefore, when su follows a neuter, we replace it with luk, UNLESS the neuter ends in a, then we replace su with am.

And, when am follows a neuter, we replace it with luk, UNLESS the neuter ends in a, then we replace am with am instead. In other words, we don't do any replacing.

In English, we might have worded the second rule as --

"but if the neuter ends in a, replace su with am and do not replace am at all".

However, in rule jargon, it turns out that saying ' replace su with am and do not replace am ' is a waste of words, because saying "replace su and am with am" is much shorter, and the students do not have to spend so much time chanting the rules.

768 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 520 -- popularity 3

1033 Replace /sam with !m before !rAj plus /kvip.

1042 Before /ku /pu, (/H to either /H or) /K /F.

(howtolearnruleaTku) (howl)

how to learn rule aTkummmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1414

Because of rule aTku, when we add ina after azva we get azvena, but when we add ina after rAma we get rameNa --

azva- + TA TAGasi azva + ina AdguNaH azvena

rAma- + TA TAGasi rAma + ina AdguNaH rAmena aTku rAmeNa

So we have to figure out if we use that rule or not whenever we add any affix that contains a n liable to become N --

kramam + zAnac + Amkramam + Ana + nAm nAmi kramamAnAnAm aTku kramamANAnAm

rudh + znam + tip → .. → runaddhi aTku ruNaddhi

In my teaching experience, every student takes a long time to get used to this, and this causes a lot of pain, because when you mistype rAmeNa as rAmena, inria reader won't recognize that the word is a mistype for rAma + TA.

Yet if you had learned Sanskrit at home, by imitating what you hear, you would say automatically rAmeNa and kramamANAnAm automatically, without having to think about it. It is something that happens naturally in the language. How it is possible?

Thing is, there is a subtle difference between the way to say the tap-R sound in Spanish or English and the way that is natural in Sanskrit.

(1) When you say "diabetes" in most American accents, after saying the dayabI part, to say the T, which is a tap-R, you tap your tongue upwards and then inmediately move it downwards and forward. The exact same thing happens with the Spanish "ere" sound as in "pero".

(2) Yet in good Sanskrit, after say the tap r in krama, (and even if you pronounce it as a rolled r as some people do sometimes), the tongue will not go downwards and forward inmediately, as we do. It will mostly move back and just a little down, not all the way down as we do, and the tongue will stay slightly raised until the end on the word OR until we get to another consonant that moves the tongue down.

In ancient Sanskrit, all of the letters r R RR and S left the tongue slightly raised. This is why rules raSA and aTkup worked automatically without thinking. See --

When trying to say kRSnam, right after saying the kRS part, your tongue was up, only slightly down from S position, and the next sound was supposed to be n. But when your tongue is raised, saying kRSNam is far easier than saying kRSnam, and here the laziness principle applied, and people said kRSNam because it was easier. This is why grammarians made rule raSA to clarify that kRSNam is right and kRSnam is wrong.

When trying to say kramamAnAnAm, your tongue went up at the r, and stayed slightly lifted during the amamA part. This is why when getting to the first nA, saying kramamANA is easier than saying kramamAnA. This NA sound does move the tongue down, and this is why the second nA stays nA. So we end up saying kramamANAnAm.

So if you are used to moving your tongue correctly, rule aTku can be translated this way --

"n turns into N when your tongue is slightly raised before getting to the n"

and your tongue is slightly raised only when you raised it at r R RR S and no other letter after that and before the n moved the tongue down.

This means that the way to learn to apply this rule while talking is learning to move your tongue correctly. If when you try to say rAmena you say the r and move your tongue down inmediately, ther is no way you will remember that next you have to say ameNa not amena. But if you say the r and leave your tongue slightly raised, then when you get to the n, you will find that Na comes out easier than na.

Some words for practice --














2739 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 540 -- popularity 1

(aboutthemostcommonsand) (mos)

about the most common sandhismmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1415

To find out which are the most common sounds found at the start and ewnd of words in Sanskrit, I undid the sound changes in a dozen thousand zlokas lines of the mahAbhArata, this way --

mAmakAH pANDavAz caivamAmakas + pANDavAs + ca + eva

and counted how many times each letter appears at the beginning and the end of words. My numbers show that, in my sample --

Roughly 40% of words start with a haz letter

another 40% start with a khar letter

the other 20% are vowels, half of which are a.

As for the ends of words,

55% of words end in a vowel (of those, about half end in a )

18% end in m

13% end in as

3% end in As

4% end in an s that is not part of as As

4% end in d

4% end in n

and the remaining ways a word can end (namely ar, g, b, D and G) add up to half a percent.

This gives us a rough idea of which sound change rules we have to learn first. The most important rule is "no change when vowel goes before consonant". As 0.4 multiplied by 0.55 is 0.44, which means that if we take two words at random from the mahAbhArata, we have a 44% chance that the first ends in a vowel and the second starts with a consonant, so no change is needed. The next most commonly used rule is "m to M before consonant", that is used 15% of the time. The biggest figures we get this way are --

vowel + consonant 44% - no change

m + consonant 15% - m to M

as + haz 5% - as to o

as + khar 5% - different results

s + consonant 3.2% - different results

d + consonant 3.2% - different results

n + consonant 3.2% - different results

As + khar 1.2% - different results

As + haz 1.2% - s disappears

as + a 1.3% - combine both into o

As the rules that do not give different results are easier, we must start with --

vowel + consonant 44% - no change

m + consonant 15% - m to M

as + haz 5% - as to o

As + haz 1.2% - s disappears

as + a 1.3% - combine both into o

1281 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 596 -- popularity none

(keytoexercisesofsandhi) (ke)

key to exercises of sandhi fourmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1416

These are the answers to the exercises in examples of sandhi four .

rAjan + Agacchat "Your Majesty, he came"

rAjan + Agacchat Gamo rAjann AgacchatrAjannAgacchat

rAjan + na + Agacchat "Your Majesty, he didn't come"

rAjan + na + Agacchat akassa rAjan + nAgacchatrAjannAgacchat

apazyan + uSTrAn "they saw camels" Gamo apazyannuSTrAn

yogin + asmAn + prasIda "O yogi, forgive us" Gamo yoginnasmAnprasIda

yad + zaptam "what was sworn"

yad + zaptam zazchoTi yadchaptam stozz yajchaptam kharica yacchaptam

na kas + cid + zRNoti me "no one listens to me"

na kas + cid + zRNoti me stozz nakazcid + zRNoti me zazchoTi nakazcid + chRNoti me stozz nakazcij + chRNoti me kharica nakazcicchRNoti me

470 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 630 -- popularity 1

(/zrad) (/zra)

about zradmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1417

zrad is not a preverb, but it is a gati before dhA "put", making a verb zraddhA meaning "put faith in, trust".

dadhAmi "I put"

zraddadhAmi "I trust"

zraddhA is a noun meaning "trust, faith".

140 letters. -- 27300footnotes3.bse 651 -- popularity none

(Amsummary) (A)

Am'' summarymmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1418 Am''

These are the rules that turn cur + liT into corayAmAsa --

Rules kAs;pratyayAdAmamantreliTi ff

explain which roots get Am'' instead of liTidhA.

Rule AmaH

deletes the liT affix.

Rule kRJcAnuprayujyateliTi

adds that affix to an auxiliary then glues them after the Am''.

And rule Ampratyaya clarifies that two of the auxiliaries never get bent affixes.

286 letters. -- 27400footnotes4.bse 1 -- popularity 4

(whichrootsgetAm) (whi)

Which roots get Am''mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1419

Rules kAspra ff explain exactly which roots get Am'' before liT. But summarizing those rules here can do no harm.

The rule-of thumb is that roots with one vowel get liTidhA, like kSip kR here --

kSip + Nal → .. → cikSepa "threw"

kR + Nal → .. → /cakAra "made, did"

and the rest get Am'', like pAci, cinti, bubodhiSa --

pac + causative Nic + liTpAci + liT → .. → pAcayAmAsa "made others cook"

cint + Nichclass Nic + liT tip satyApa cinti + tip → .. → cintayAmAsa "thought"

budh + san + liTbubodhiSa + liT → .. → bubodhiSAmAsa "wanted to know"

(In those examples, the Asa is added after Am'' by rule kRJcA).

Now the exceptions to the general rule.

(1) day ay kAs As have one vowel, but get Am'' (see dayAyA for examples)

(2) So do the one-vowelers that start with a heavy vowel that is not A a (see ijAdezca for examples).

(3) And these roots make their liT both ways --

bhI hrI bhR hu (see bhIhrI)

uS vid jAgR daridrA (see uSavida)

(4) UrNu has two vowels, but gets no Am'' --

Urnu + Nal → .. → UrNunAva "he covered"

Urnu + us → .. → UrNunuvus "they covered"

Note. UrNu did not reduplicate into UrNuNu because the real root is Urnu. See UrNu for the small details.

822 letters. -- 27400footnotes4.bse 599 -- popularity 3

(/uNAdi) (/uN)

About the uNAdi affixes.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1420

Short explanation: the uNAdi affixes are affixes that are not mentioned in the pANini rules. Most of them have been invented by other grammarians. You do not need to learn them.

Now the long explanation.

Many Sanskrit nounbases are formed by adding kRt affixes after roots. For instance, nAyakas means leader, and matayas means "opinions, what someone thinks". These meanings are "explained" by saying that nAyakas somehow "comes from" the root nI "lead" with the affix Nvul added (and su, of course), then matayas comes from man "think" with ktin (and jas).

Most of the affixes mentioned in the rules are quite useful, in the sense that what they can help to explain the meanings of many words. For instance, rule NvultRcau tells us that all roots can get Nvul, from which we deduce that we may say AnAyakas, pAcakas, zocakas for "bringer", "cooker", "mourner" and so on and so on. darvi

Others are less useful, like ktin, that is added only to some roots, or snaJ, that is added to pums only.

The uNAdi affixes are affixes invented by other grammarians before and after pANini. They are collected in works called uNAdi-sUtras, and most of them can be added only to a few roots. An example of that would be jAgRvi-, meaning "watchful" or "awake". As this nounbase appears to have something to do with the root jAgR "wake up", but cannot be explained by any of the affixes mentioned in the pAnini grammar, some grammarinas added a vi affix to the uNAdi affix lists, just to tell other grammarians that "jagRvi- is a good word even though pAnini does not say so.

As you can use a dictionary to check that jAgRvi- is okay, you don't need to know anything about the uNAdi affixes. Maybe the guys that make the dictionaries do.

1350 letters. -- 27400footnotes4.bse 693 -- popularity 1

558 One-letter {vi}-affixes lose !v.

(@auxiliary) (@aux)

auxiliary rootsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1421

The auxiliary roots are kR, bhU and as.

Sometimes they are used to make auxiliary verbs such as cakAra, babhUva, bhavati, Asa, karoti and so on.

These verbs are called auxiliary verbs when they are used as if they were affixes. This only happens after Am'' and cvi.

Example after cintayAm (am Am''-ender) --

cakAra when used alone means "he did" or "he make", and is not an auxiliary verb. It is made from kR + liT.

cintayAJMcakAra means "he thought". The cakAra inside it is an auxiliary verb.

Example after mRdU (a cvi-ender) --

bhavati alone means "is", and is not an auxiliary.

mRdUbhavati means "becomes soft, softens". The bhavati inside it is an auxiliary.

karoti alone means "makes", and is not an auxiliary.

mRdUkaroti means "makes it soft, softens". The karoti inside it is an auxiliary.

The forms made from as + liT, such as Asa, Asatus, Asus, can only be used as auxiliaries, inside Am'' verbs such as cintayAmAsa. When used alone to mean "he was, they was", the liT of as is babhUva (by rule asterbhUH).

773 letters. -- 27400footnotes4.bse 743 -- popularity 10

(@accent) (@acc)

About accents.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1422

In the Sanskrit described by pANini, in every word there is a vowel that is pronounced with a higher pitch than the others. That vowel is called udAtta or acute.

The other vowels are called anudAtta (or grave), except the ones that are inmediately after an acute, that are called svarita (or falling), because their pitch starts high and goes down.

In pANini's times this was true of all Sanskrit, no matter if laukika or vedic. Yet in modern times the accents are taught only when teaching veda recitation, an, as far as I know, everybody that talks Sanskrit either uses no pitches, or use whatever pitch patterns they feel like using.

No one knows why, or when, the Sanskrit teachers not involved with the veda stopped teaching accents. My guess is simple: laziness. Half of the rules of the grammar are related to accent, so if I put up with my students using wrong accents, I not only cut my work in half, I can also be happily ignorant of half the rules.

Example. In kosher Sanskrit, these two are different words pronounced differently --

yudh + zyan + te''' = yúdhyate "he fights", with high pitched u

yudh + yak + te''' = yudhyáte "fighting is going on", with high pitched a

but I pronounce both words the exact same way, and teach my students to do the same. This way I don't have to bother to tell them that pANini put an n label in (z)ya(n) to make sure you put the accent in the right place. Also thanks to my ignorance, when I find yudhyate written anywhere, I can read it aloud first and worry about the meaning later.

Some people will tell you that it is forbidden to use accent when not reciting the veda. They lie thru their teeth. No pANini rule says that, and neither kAtyAyana nor pataJjali support that view. The reason we don't use accent is kaliyuga -- teachers got lazy at some point.

From now on, when anyone says apANinIyanM na prayujyeta , take that with a grain of salt. Using an apaninIya is fine when everybody else is doing the same.

1666 letters. -- 27400footnotes4.bse 802 -- popularity 14

(rulesthatdeleterootnas) (rulesthn)

rules that delete root nasalmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1423

Rule that erases the final nasal of a root --

anudAttopadeza (makes gam + kta into gata-)

Rules that erase the nexttolast nasal of a halanta root, and exceptions --

64023 znAnnalopaH after znam

64024 an-iditAM hala:: upadhAyAH kGiti before kGit

64025 daMza;saJja;svaJjAM zapi before zap

64026 raJjez ca before zap

64027 ghaJi ca bhAva-karaNayoH raJj to rAga

64030 n' .AJceH pUjAyAm

274 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 1 -- popularity 7

(theauxiliaryasisnotrep) (au)

the auxiliary as is not replaced with bhUmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1424

By asterbhUH, the root as turns into bhU before liT, so that as + liT jhi makes babhUvus, as in --

sarveSAM sukhamM babhUvuH "all had happiness"

Yet this only happens when as + liT is used as an ordinary verb. When it is an auxiliary, that is to say, when it is added after Am'', it stays as, and then we get --

as + Nal ata::upa As + Nal liTidhA A + As + a hrasvaH a + Asa ata::AdeH A + Asa akassa Asa

as + atus → .. → Asatus

as + us → .. → Asus

As in --

IkS + Am'' + as + NalIkSAmAsa "he saw"

IkSAmAsatus "both saw"

IkSAmAsus "they saw"

339 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 62 -- popularity 1

(prohibition) (proh)

prohibitionmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1425

The particle mAG is used to forbid or dissuade. It can be used with a loT, where na cannot be used --

mA kuru "don't do!"

yet instead of the loT, the luG can be used. This luG will not get aT AT, because of namAGyoge --

mA kArSIH "don't do!"

if there is both mAG and sma, the laG can be used, again with namAGyoge --

mA sma karoH "don't do!"

By alaGkhalvoH, when the sense is "stop doing", we can use alam or khalu with a ktvA --

alam kRtvA "enough with doing"

We can also use a tumun, or an action noun with TA --

alam kartum "enough with doing"

alam zokena "enough with grief"

424 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 84 -- popularity 1

(@metricausa) (@metri)

Metri causa means "to make the verse fit".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1426

"Metri causa" (say that as metrI kausA, or just mc to friends) is Latin for "to make the verse fit" or "to get a better rythm".

This expression is used when Latin and Ancient Greek poets break some grammar rules to make the verse fit.

Latinists take good note: in the Sanskrit tradition, good poets are supposed to never breach pANini rules. So when a really really good poet like kAlidAsa does that, commentators will sommersault to find a good excuse for them.

Yet, the epics appear to be older than pANini, or written by someone that didn't care about pANini. So, you'll find egregious grammar breaches from time to time --

dharmAd arthaH prabhavati dharmAt prabhavate sukham

"wealth comes from dharma, happiness comes from dharma"

gRhya saJMjJAnM tato bhImo gadayA vyacarad raNe

"bhIma understood the gesture and started moving around the battlefield with his mace"

According to good grammar, prabhavate is no good, it should be always prabhavati, and gRhya should be gRhItvA (see lyap). Yet, many poets are, like, -- to make things sound good, screw grammar when needed.

Scholiasts of the epics will excuse ungrammaticalities like prabhavate and gRhya saying that they are ArSam "from the old language of the seers".

coulson says that the makers of the epics composed Sanskrit "intuitively" with no knowledge of pANini rules. I tend to disagree with that opinion; in my view either the original authors had knowledge of pANini, or someone revised the original verses to make them agree better with pANini. But there's no way to prove either of us right, so forget I said anything.

1266 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 147 -- popularity 13

(/ArSam) (/Ar)

epics have oddities.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1427

The word ArSam means "belonging to the old language of the RSis". Commentators of the epics sometimes use it to excuse any ungrammaticalities or mistakes.

Example. Suppose a zloka line has 17 vowels, such as janamejayasya rAjarSesH sarpa-satre mahAtmanaH. A commentator might, or might not, bother to comment --

akSarAdhikyam ArSam " the excess of syllables is a thing of the old language "

which boils down to saying "the extra syllable is not a typo".

Commentators do not always use that word. For instance, this line is a clear violation of rule samAse '-naJ-pUrve ktvo lyap --

sa gRhya ca kumAranM tamM prAvizat svagRhanM nRpaH "the king took the prince and went home"

But the commentary might just have gRhya gRhItvA "gRhya means gRhItvA".

586 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 229 -- popularity 1

1426 [@Metri causa] means "to make the verse fit".

(@hidden) (@hid)

about hidden wordsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1428

Suppose I ask "where did the squirrel go?" and I say "under the tree". If I say that, maybe my English grammar is not very good, but you will understand that I mean "the squirrel went under the tree", "the squirrel is under the tree", or "look under the tree".

If you are asked "did John catch the squirrel", you won't say "John caught the squirrel". The normal thing to do is skipping the words that will be easily understood even if missing. So, you might answer "he caught it", or "Paul caught it", or "he caught the moose", or just "yes".

English grammar is very picky about what happens when a word is hidden. I'm told that "under the tree" is bad grammar, and I must say "it's under the tree" -- replacing "squirrel" with "it". Sanskrit grammar, however, is not so picky. Same as in Japanese grammar, if a word is necessary you say it, and otherwise just don't say it. If you say this --

rakSe mayA zilA kSiptA lakSmaNena zarAs tadA "to the demon a stone was thrown by me, and by lakSmaNa arrows"

everybody will understand that you mean "by lakSmaNa arrows were throws at the demon", rakSe kSiptAH lakSmaNena zarAH . Here, kSiptAs and rakSe are hidden words.

The pANini grammar does not bother very much about teaching the right way to build sentences, or teaching when words can be hidden and when they cannot. The grammar is mainly concerned with the forms words take, and sentence construction is only mentioned when it affects the forms of the words, as in the rule object gets second . Yet, there are a handful of rules where hidden words are mentioned. Such as --



In those rules, the word sthAnin-, literally "what has been replaced (with nothing)", means "a hidden word".

1317 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 288 -- popularity 2

(accentrulesareonlyappl) (acce)

accent rules are only applied when reciting the veda.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1429 accent

Nowadays, the Sanskrit accents prescribed by pANini are heard only in veda recitation. Still today, veda chanting teachers go to extreme lengths to ensure that their pupils always get the accents in the right places.

But no other Sanskrit teacher cares about teaching accent. This is sort of a mystery, because it is abundantly clear that pANini thought that the accent rules must be applied in the everyday language, and so did all ancient grammarians. There is no rule or vArttika anywhere stating "accent rules are to be ignored outside of veda recitation". pANini is actually telling you MUST accent yudhyate on the yu when you mean "he's fighting" but on the ya when you mean "there's a fight ongoing" (see Jnit). So, according to the old proverb, apANinIyanM na prayujyeta , we should all use accents, both when speaking and when chanting.

Now, how did we come to this situation? Personaly I blame kaliyuga. It is clear that when pANini was teaching, he taught the accent, but nowadays, only vedic teachers teach it. So my guess is that, at some point, all Sanskrit teachers (except veda chanting teachers) agreed to stop trying to teach everybody the accent, because doing so was a pain in the ass.

I'll do a prophecy. I guess that, as kaliyuga progresses, most Sanskrit teachers will stop teaching sandhi, because doing so is a pain in the ass.

1078 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 300 -- popularity 1

618 In a @longhorn, the @former keeps its @accent.

(@extralong) (@extral)

extralong is a vowel longer than a long.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1430

The extralong vowels, also called pluta vowels, are vowel sounds that are longer than a long.

Ther come in two flavours.

First, the extralong vowels of the veda -- some vowels must be chanted with a duration of three mAtrA. You know which because they are written as a long vowel, but with a figure 3 after them.

And then, those mentioned by pANini, used when calling someone from afar, or when angry, and a few more situations. These you can make as long as you wish. The lengthening is always optional.

Some rules that mention the extralong --

When you call someone from far away, rule dUrAddhUteca says, you may make the last vowel last more than a long.

Rule kSiyA says that you can use sometimes an extralong when you are angry at rudeness, blessing someone, or giving several commands.

624 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 342 -- popularity 8

80 What has the duration of !u !U !U3 is @short @long @extralong.

81 But only if it's a @vowel.

600 @Extralong and @nonjoiner vowels stay before vowel.

1013 Make the last vowel of a sentence @extralong and @acute when...

1614 /ak are {a A i I u U R q L}.

(Natvamworksacrosssomew) (Na)

Natvam works across some word boundaries.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1431

The first half of a compound is always a word (by supodhA). Now, in some compounds, like grAma-NIH and zUrpa-NakhA and rAmAyaNam (rAma + ayanam), the r S R RR in the former changes makes raSA work on the latter, in spite of the same-word limitation.

There are dozens of rules allowing exceptions to the same-word like this one, but you don't need to worry about them much, because they usually happen in compounds, such as grAmaNI-, that you will find in the dictionary anyway.

These changes happen because fluent speakers will automatically apply raSA to whatever "feels" as if it were a single word. And expressions feel like a single word when they are used a often. So karma-yogena, a technical term not mush used appears intuitively to be a compound of karma "action" and yoga, because it is clearly a sort of yoga that has to do with work, while, on the other hand, grAmaNI- is a common word, and it just means "mayor"; if you use it every day you stop noticing that it is a compound of village-leader. Just like when we call someone Mr. Cartwright we are not aware that the word used to be a compound meaning cart-maker.

As words evolve from a compound to a commonly used word, there is no way to tell exactly when a compound will start to feel like a single word. The pAnini rules try to put some order in this, for instance, there is a rule that clarifies that we must say zUrpa-nakhA when we mean "that lady there with the nails like a basket", while when it is used as a proper name, Mrs. Basketnails, it is zUrpaNakhA.

1194 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 407 -- popularity 1

(noNatvambeforeserious) (noN)

No Natvam before serious.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1432

raSA only affects the n that is followed by a funny or a vowel that belongs to the same word. It will never change the n that is before a serious.

So, there is no N in these --

ramante "they have fun"

rundhate "they obstruct"

akSa + matup + ziakSa + vatup + i napuMsakasya akSavanti "that have eyes"

But there is Natvam of the n that is before a vowel --

runaddhi Natvam ruNaddhi "obstructs"

or before a funny --

ni + sad + kta AdezapratyayayoH ni + Sad + kta radAbhyAnni ni + San + (k)na Natvam niSaNna STunA niSaNNa- "seated; sunk down"

Yet, there is no rule stating " No Natvam before serious. ". There is no need of such a rule, because, by the time raSA works, there is never an n before serious, as nazcA has already changed it into M. See --

rama + laT jharama + ante''' atoguNe ramante nazcA ramaMte anusvA ramante

Rule raSA is placed after nazcA and before anusvA, and cannot work on M, so it only works on the n that has not been affected by nazcA, which is to say, on the n that is not before serious. An old Klingon proverb goes --

sukSmatA 'sti na tu drohaK kaz cin manasi pANineH "pANini is slick, but he ain't mean"

777 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 514 -- popularity 4

1652 about /rundh and /runadh

(/kta) (/kta)

about ktammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1433

The affix (k)ta translates as "-ed" --

nI "lead" + kta "-ed" → nIta- "led, was led"

zru "hear" + kta "-ed" → zruta- "heard, was heard"

kSip "throw" + kta "-ed" → ksipta- "thrown, was thrown"

The kta nounbases can be used either as verblikes, meaning "was led, was heard, was thrown" --

vismRtA kathA "the story was forgotten"

or as adjectives, meaning "led, heard, thrown" --

tat sarvaM vismRtA kathA "all that is a forgotten story"

In the feminine, kta gets Ap, by ajAdyataSTAp --

hanUmatA zilA kSiptA "a stone was thrown by hanumAn"

See also niSThA and tayoreva.

399 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 675 -- popularity 103

(/ktavatu) (/ktav)

about ktavatummmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 1434

(k)tavat(u) is a kRt affix that means that the action of the root is finished. It looks like the affix kta with vatup added, but it is one affix. It always means the doer, so it takes the same number, gender and case as its doer.


The kSip root means "throw".

Adding kta we get kSipta-,

meaning "was thrown" (when used alone)

or "that was thrown" (when used as an adjective).

Adding ktavatu we get kSiptavat-,

meaning "threw" (when used alone)

or "that had thrown" (when used as an adjective, which seldom happens).

ktavatu has label k, so it does not change kSip into kSep.

ktavatu has label u, so it behaves before the sup as if it were vatup --

kSiptavat- + su → .. → kSiptavAn

kSiptavat- + au → .. → kSiptavAntau

kSiptavat- + jas → .. → kSiptavAntatI

The feminine gets GI, by ugitazca

kSiptavat- ( f) + su → .. → kSiptavatI

kSiptavat- ( f) + au → .. → kSiptavatyau

kSiptavat- ( f) + jas → .. → kSiptavatyas

Example sentences --

AmraGM kSiptavAn aham "I threw a mango"

aNDanM tvaGM kSiptavAn "you threw an egg"

zaraGM kSiptavAn rAmaH "rAma shot an arrow"

zarAn kSiptavAntau rAmo lakSmaNaz ca "rAma and lakSmaNa shot arrows"

zilAH kSiptavAntaH kapayaH "monkeys shot rocks"

aNDaGM kSiptavatI tvam "you ( f) threw an egg"

899 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 691 -- popularity 22

(/jJApaka) (/jJAp)

About jJApakammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1435

Some rules have unexpected things, and it is suspected that pANini left them there on purpose, as a sort of hint that something weird is going on. This way of teaching is called jJApaka "hint".

Example. According to rule GamohrasvA, we have to double wordfinal G, N, n when they are between short and vowel.

Yet, in sutra iko yaN aci, we have a wordfinal N between short and vowel.

One way to explain that would be saying that pANini screwed up and forgot to apply GamohrasvA.

Yet pANini is considered holy, so if you ever say such a thing aloud in India, you lose your visa.

So if it is not a bug, it must be a feature. We must conclude that pANini deliberately failed to say ikoyaNNaci. Why? in order to hint something. In order to hint exactly what?

In this case, the best guess of the experts is that pANini, by not doubling this N, meant to teach "in the case of N, but not of n G, rule GamohrasvA is optional".

According to this teaching, you may, if you want, chant sUtra ikoyaNaci as ikoyaNNaci. Yet if you chant that way, you won't be teaching your students that the doubling of N is optional, so please don't do it.

874 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 761 -- popularity none

(formationoflRG) (formationlR)

formation of lRGmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1436

The lRG tense gets sya, as if it were lRT.

It also gets luGlaG itazca tasthastha nityaGGitaH, as if it were laG.

Example --

pat + lRG tip syatAsI pat + sya + tipat + sya + t''' luGlaG apat + sya + t ArdhadhAtukasyeD apatisyat kric apatiSyat "it would have flown"

As in --

yadi zakunir azakSyat tad udapatiSyat "If the bird had been able to, he would have flown."

238 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 830 -- popularity 1

(spellingofobeforedelet) (spellinl)

Spelling of o before deleted a.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1437

0 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 969 -- popularity 1

596 After !a, /ru to !u (before !a).

(/ku) (/ku)

vargammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 1438

Rule aNuditsa teaches that the abbreviations ku, cu, Tu, tu, pu stand for these five groups of letters ---

ku = k kh g gh G

cu = c ch j jh J

Tu = T Th D Dh N

tu = t th d dh n

pu = p ph b bh m

All grammarians after pANini call these five groups --






respectively. So they say kavarga "k group" instead of saying " ku".

Example. The kAzikA commentary under rule coHkuH "replace cu with ku" explains --

cavargasya kavargAdezo bhavati "replace cavarga with kavarga"

instead of saying coH kvAdezo bhavati as one would expect.

421 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 995 -- popularity 46

(@hanger) (@han)

About hangers.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1439

Some short words, like ca vA eva iva, are called hangers, because they are always attached after another word. Therefore the expressions --

namaste "bowing to you"

siMhazca "and a lion"

athavA "or rather"

are always pronounced as if they were single words. Even though they are made of a normal word plus a hanger.

You may write a space before the hanger --

namas te "bowing to you"

siMhaz ca "and a lion"

atha vA "or rather"

In grammars, hangers are called "enclitics", which is Ancient Greek for "leaners".

Rule anudAttaM sarvam a-pAd'-Adau teaches that hangers cannot start a sentence, verse or half-verse -- they are always hanging after something else.

510 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 1021 -- popularity 14

(/samAsAnta) (/samA)

types of affixesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1440

Some groups of afixes --

sup noun endings -- added after nounbases. They make nouns. Described under GyApprA.

azva- + suazvas "horse"

kRt affixes -- added after roots. They make nounbases. Described under kRdatiG

han + kta anudAtto hata- "(that) was killed"

tenses -- added after roots. They make verbs.

tiG verb endings -- these replace tenses.

car + laTcar + tip kartarizap carati "moves"

taddhita affixes -- added after nouns. They make nounbases. Described under taddhitAH.

gAvas + matup supodhA gomat- "(that) has cows"

samAsAnta affixes -- added after a compound.

mahat- + uras + kapmahoraska- "big-chested"

sanAdi affixes.

Some of these are added after a noun to make a root --

putram + kyacputrIya "want a son for oneself"

and the rest are added after a root to make another root --

vRt + causative NicvArti "make something happen"

610 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 1052 -- popularity 4

(@splitlut) (@spl)

split luTmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1441

According to pANini grammar --

dAtAsmi means "I will give" is a single word, a verb, made from dA + luT mip

kR + luTkR + mipkR + tAsmi hardsoft kartAsmi


asmi dAtA is a sentence, and means "I am the giver". This dAtA "giver" word comes from joining dA + tRc + su.

kR + tRc m + su hardsoft kar + tR + su Rd;uzana kartA

We may also say dAtAsmi, of course; word order in a sentence does not matter.

So, the grammar forbids using the two words asmi + dAtA to mean "I will give".

Yet, in actual use, you will find often two words asmi + dAtA used to mean "I will give". You may also hear aham + dAtA used in the same sense, for instance here in the epics, where aham and dAtA are widely separated --

gandharva-jAnAm azvAnAm ahamM puruSa-sattama

bhrAtRbhyas tava paJcabhyaH pRthag dAtA zataM zatam

"I will give a hundred Gandharva horses to each of you five brothers"

According to pANini, this ahanM dAtA is not allowed to mean "I will give", as in that sense you must always say dAtAsmi, one word with one accent. However, in practice the two words are used often to mean "I will give"-. In fact that meaning is so common that even in seriously proofread books you'll often find the kosher verb datAsmi incorrectly spelled as if it were two words, dAtA 'smi.

I'll say it again: in theory you may only say jeSyAmi or jetAsmi to mean "I will win", but in practice you will also hear --

asmi jetA

ahaM jetA


jetA zatrum aham

and the bad spelling jetA 'smi

used in that same sense.

I call those expressions "split luT", because they are as commonly found as the "split infinitive" is in English, which is also incorrect in theory but commonly used in practice.

Another example --

tadA devAsure yuddhe jetAhanM tvAM zatakrato "Then I shall defeat you in a war between devas and asuras, indra."

1352 letters. -- 27450footnotes5.bse 1100 -- popularity 2

(/iSTan) (/iST)

about iSThanmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1442

The affix iSTha(n) means the same thing as tarap, that is, "most, -est" or "very".

tarap is much more common that iSThan, but iSThan appears after some very common nounbases.

Example of iSThan --

zreyas "good" + iSThan → .. → zreSTha- "best, very good"

See also priya;sthira.

200 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 1 -- popularity none

(rulesthatdeletethecall) (rulesthl)

rules that delete the callingmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1443

The s of the calling su disappears almost always --

After consonants, Ap, GI by halGyA and eGhrasvAt

After eG and short by eGhrasvAt

After feminine U by ambArtha and eGhrasvAt

Therefore, the s only stays after ai, au, and after A I U that are not feminine Ap GI U.

Those nounbases are few and far between. They are the ones that end in diphthongs, and the ones that end in a rootnoun from a root that ends in A I U, and a handful more such as zrI- and dhI- (a.k.a. the iyaG uvaG) and lakSmI-.


he gauH "hey bull"

he zrIH "hey goddess of wealth"

he dhIH "hey goddess of smartness"

he grAmaNIH "hey mayor"

The nounbase lakSmI- is weird because some say that the I is the GI and others say it isn't, so we'll hear both of --

he lakSmIH "hey goddess of wealth"


he lakSmi "hey goddess of wealth"

610 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 11 -- popularity 1

(@mcm) (@mc)

mcm, sandhi of as As smmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1444

The words that end in as --

Turn as into o before haz letters. See hazica for examples.

Turn as into o before a, and that a disappears. See atoro.

Lose the s before other vowels. See bhobhago

The words that end in As --

Turn As into A before haz letters and all vowels. See bhobhago.

Other words that end in s --

Turn s into r before haz letters and all vowels. See sasaju.

All words that end in s --

Turn s into K or H before k kh but not kS. See kupvo.

Turn s into F or H before p ph. See kupvo.

Turn s into z S s before z S s. See vAzari, stozzcunA, STunA.

Turn s into z before c ch. See stozzcunA.

Turn s into S before T Th. See STunA.

470 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 77 -- popularity none

(accuratetranslationofn) (accu)

Accurate translation of nazchavya.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1445

Rule nazchavya, most of the time, changes a wordfinal n into Ms before chav. However --

(1) The rule won't work on the n of prazAn --

prazAn tarati "he crosses calmly"

(2) Nor on the n that is before ts --

ghaNTAz ca vividhA rAjan hemagarbhAn tsarUn api "bells of all kinds and hilts decked with gold"

aham IJIgo montoya yujyatAmM pitRhan tsaruH "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare your sword."

(3) Whenever the rule works, we may, if we want, use the atrAnu option and replace with ~s instead of with Ms --

hanumAMs tiSThati

hanumA~s tiSThati

This hanumA~s tiSThati variant is sometimes heard in chanting but never seen in print.

Incidentally. As of 2023, the indology file of the sixth parva of the mbh, line 06050050c, has hemagarbhAMs tsarUn api, but that's a misprint for hemagarbhAn tsarUn api.

Back to nazchavya.

637 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 297 -- popularity 3

1017 But when not nasalizing the vowel, add /M after it.

1499 (C) final !n

(replacewithguNa) (wi)

replace with guNammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1446

When a rule says that something must be replaced with guNa, then --

i I turn into e

u U turn into o

R RR turn into ar

L turns into al.

As far as I know no rule ever replaces an a with guNa. If I am wrong and there is some such rule, it replaces a with a, because of most-alike.

205 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 604 -- popularity 1

917 (!R !q) -enders and !dRz to /guNa before /aG /aG'.

(/aJ) (/aJ)

about the aJ affixmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1447

The a(J) affix works mostly like aN, but it affects the accent differently (see JnityAdirnityam).

Some rules that mention aJ --

or aJ -- a(J) comes after u of an acute-starter to mean 'made of'.

or aJ x -- aJ comes after u-U-enders in several senses.

dvaipa-vaiyAghrAd aJ -- dvaipa- and vaiyAghra- have aJ.

prA NirajatA dibhyo 'J -- aJ after living beings and the rajata-class a(J) (can mean product or part).

305 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 620 -- popularity 7

442 (Use the affixes described after !!prAgdIvyatoN to mean) "his son".

613 /Jit is what has label !J

859 Same goes for the {dvAra}-class.

(vasuwithsup) (va)

vasu with sup.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1448

When the nounbases that end in vasu or kvasu are wimpy, the vasu becomes us by vasossa --

vidvas- @mn + TA vasossa vidus + A kric viduSA

vidvas- @f + su ugitazca vidvas- + GI + s vasossa vidus + I + s halGyA vidusI kric viduSI

When they are before strong, vas gets num by ugidacA and lengthening by sAntama --

vidvas(u)- @m + su ugidacA vidvans sAntama vidvAns saMyogAnta vidvAn

vidvas(u)- + @calling su ugidacA vidvans saMyogAnta vidvan

Otherwise, the s of vas is wordfinal and turns into d by vasu;sraMsu --

vidvas- @n + su svamorna vidvas vasusra vidvad

vidvas- + bhis vasusra vidvad + bhisvidvadbhis

The kvasu affix is basically the same affix as this vasu, but it replaces the flat liT affixes. Therefore, it causes reduplication, by liTidhA --

zru + liTzru + tip kvasuzca zru + kvasu liTidhA zuzruvas(u)-

I have not explained how to form all kvasu, but that's okay because they are rare. They are easy to recognize because they have reduplication and vAn, vad, or US. If you ever catch one in the wild, or in the veda, see Kale for more info.

745 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 630 -- popularity 1

(/yuga) (/yug)

about the ages of the worldmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1449

The old Indian legends say that time is divided in kalpas, kalpas in caturyugas, and each caturyuga in four yugas.

The names of the yugas are --





These were named after the four sides of some Indian dice, which, from best to worse, have four dots, three, two and one. The story goes that in satyayuga everything is good, in tretayuga there are three parts good and one part evil, in dvAparayuga two good two evil, and in our age, the kaliyuga, there's is one part good and three parts evil.

Of course now we are in kaliyuga.

So things start very well at creation, and progressively get worse and worse, until they are so bad at the end of kaliyuga that God has to push the reboot button and start the satyayuga again.

If you see a picture of four cows, the first one standing on four feet, the next one in three, then on two and then on one, now you know what the picture means.

See Wikipedia on yuga for details.

726 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 650 -- popularity none

(/SaTkarmANi) (/SaT)

the six duties of a brahminmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1450

The word SaTkarmANi means "the six works" and may mean several list of six activities, like the six duties of a brahmin, the six ascetic practices of yoga, and so on.

The six duties of a brahmin are --

adhyayana reciting the veda

yajana sacrificing (for himself)

dAna giving alms

adhyApana teaching the veda

yAjana sacrificing (for others)

pratigraha accepting gifts

The trikarmin- is the low-rank brahmin that can only do the first three.

351 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 681 -- popularity none

(warningsaboutweirdspel) (warnings)

Warnings about weird spellings in this site.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1451


If I write zHz SHS sHs, those are misspellings for Hz HS Hs, but you must read those aloud as zz SS ss anyway. Even if a space is in between, as in --

rAmasH sIdati


If I write nMd mMp etc, those are misspelings for M! mMp etc, but you must read those aloud as nd mp anyway. Even if a space is in between --

zirastranM dhArayati


If I write an isolated Sanskrit word with an s or r at the end, as in --

"The word azvas means 'horse'."

"Sanskrit for 'again' is punar."

then you must pronounce the s r as an H sound , and follow it with a pause. If you feel particularly holy that day, you may pronounce the s or r as h plus echo .

461 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 701 -- popularity none

(/analvidhau) (/anal)

Rule sthAnivad Adezo does not work for letter-rules.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1452

This exception can be reworded roughly as --

"When an affix is replaced with another affix, the replaced affix does not count as if it had the same first letter or last letter or number of letters as the original."

Example. When we add laG mip after dviS , we get --

dviS + mip luGlaG adviS + mip tasthastha adviS + am'''

Here am replaced mip, rule sthAnivad tells us that "am is like mip". Therefore, am''' has label p. This means that am''', like mip, is not Git. So, puganta must work --

dviS + mip luGlaG adviS + mip tasthastha adviS + am''' puganta adveSam

But when we add laG mip after pac , we get --

paca + mip luGlaG apaca + mipapaca + am'''

Here someone might say " mip starts with m, so if we replace mip with am, and am is like mip, then am starts with m too. Therefore, atodIr must work here and we must say apacAm".

If the sthAnivad rule just mean "replacement is like original", that reasoning would be correct. Yet, the rule has the word analvidhau at the end. That word means that sthAnivad does not work as far as rules such as atodIr are involved.

In simpler words, when we replace mip with am, that am starts with a and ends in m. Therefore, atodIr does not work in our example, and then atoguNe does --

paca + mip luGlaG apaca + mipapaca + am''' atoguNe apacam "i cooked"

922 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 735 -- popularity 2

922 Lengthen before /yak, /kyaG, /yaG, @soft /yAsuT.

(clusterlengtheningafte) (clusters)

cluster lengthening after short.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1453

An old custom forces us to make certain clusters slightly longer when they follow a short. This happens both when chanting, and when talking.

For instance, the words that we write as





will be almost invariably pronounced





Even though, according to pANini, tatra and tattra are two different kosher pronunciations of the same word, in practice I don't remember having heard anyone ever say tatra.

Nowadays, it is better to think that the true pronunciation is tattra, and that tatra is a weird spelling of the sound tattra.

Judging from the manuscripts, this has been done for centuries. In the old manuscripts we find spellings such as tatra and tattra, chattram and chatram, used quite randomly. This suggests that everything written atra was always pronounced attra.

You might ask why, if we always pronounce tattra chattra with tt, in modern books we always find the word tatra spelled with one t, and chattra with two. The reason for that is that modern editors use the spelling that better conforms to pANini rules --

(A) According to pANini, tattra comes from tad- plus tral, and may be pronounced either tatra or tattra. So it must be spelled tatra.

(B) According to pANini, chattra comes from chad plus tral, therefore it may be pronounced chattra only, never chatra.

1076 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 800 -- popularity 1

124 Before @cluster is @heavy.

(usesofthesecondendings) (usess)

Uses of the second endings.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1454

A nounbase gets a second ending when --

(1) It is the object of a verb or verblike that means the doer. See karmaNidvi for examples.

(2) When the word is linked to abhitas, Rte, dhik, and some other words --

abhito grAmam "near the village"

grAmam Rte "except the village"

dhig grAmam "screw the village!"

(3) It is an adjective used as an adverb. In this case the neuter nounbase will be used --

zIghramM pataty ulkA "the meteor falls quickly"

The adverbial usage is seldom in the epics, as, in that sense, the adjective will more often than not agree with the fast thing, instead of becoming neuter and getting second --

zIghrA pataty ulkA "the meteor falls quickly"

509 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 820 -- popularity 2

(warningaboutflatbentru) (warningr)

warning about flat bent rulesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1455

Even though pANini goes to great lengths to clarify which roots are flatty, which are bendy, and which are flattybendy, the student must be warned that many authors in all centuries flout those rules quite unashamedly if they feel like it or if it helps to get a verse to sound right. So even though plavati (for plavate) or dRzyati (for dRzyate) or carate (for carati) totally suck, don't be surprised to find such forms in the epics or anywhere else.

The bright side of this is that you can be a little lazy here. If you accidentally say plavati when chatting Sanskrit, you won't impress anyone with your knowledge of grammar, but at least they will understand you.

533 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 841 -- popularity none

(rootchangesbeforeyakan) (roo)

root changes before yak and soft liGmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1456

Roots undergo the following before yak and before soft liG --

Stretchable roots get stretched

vac + yak + te''' vacisvapi ucyate "it is said"

svap + bhAve loT ta vacisvapi sup + yak + tAm''''supyatAm "time to sleep!"

grah + yak + te''' grahijyA gRh + ya + tegRhyate "it is being taken"

i u lengthen, by a-kRt;sArva --

zru + yakzrUya

ji + yakjIya

R to ri after one consonant, by riGza --

kR + yakkriya

mR + yakmriya

but to ar after two consonants, by guNorti --

smR + yaksmarya

RR to Ir by RRta_iddhAtoH etc --

kRR + yakkIrya

but to Ur after v pu, by udoSThya

pRR + yakpUrya

pRR + yak + zAnacpUrya + Ana Anemuk pUryam + Ana Natvam pUryamANa- "that is being filled"

ai, o and some A turn into I, by ghu;mA --

dA + yakdIya

Most roots with a nexttolast nasal lose it by aniditA when before yak --

bandh (09.0044) + yak + te''' aniditA badhyate "it is being bound"

but nind does not lose n, so nindyate "he's blamed, mocked".

619 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 851 -- popularity 1

(optionalityofvAzari) (op)

Optionality of vAzari.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1457

Rule vAzari says that we may say either

kaH saH "who's he?"

with an H sound first (a visarga sound) and then an s, with no pause in between, OR or

kasH saH "who's he?"

with an ss sound (same as s, but double).

Yet, in my classroom I tell my students that even though pANini says that the H + s sound is allowed, they will get an F in the oral test if they use it, and that I want to train themselves to apply the change of Hs into ss absolutely always. As if the rule were just zari, that is, as if the replacement were compulsory and not optional. I also tell them that they should always spell ss as Hs ( dotdot plus s).

Why do I teach this way?




obsolete, see soft liG is rare ...

510 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 936 -- popularity 1

(softliGisrare) (softliGr)

soft liG is raremmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1458

The soft liG, nowadays, is used once in a blue moon when it is flat, and never when it is bent.

You never need to use it, because it can only be used to express wishes, and there are many other ways to do that. For instance, using a hard liG works fine. Or a loT.

In spite of that, you may use the soft liG in the laukika if you feel like it, as pANini never says that its use is confined to the veda.

So, ordinary students of the language, like you and me, can happily ignore all rules related to the soft liG. Yet, a written test in any Sanskrit univerity can ask you to translate made-up examples like ayuSmAn vardhiSISTa "may you prosper" (all the examples of bent soft liG in this website are made up by YT, as I never found that beast in the wild).

The flat soft liG makes occasional cameos in the epics. For instance, it exactly appears once in the bhg, at chapter two stanza eight, where the soft apanudyAt is used ungrammatically to mean apanudet "would take away" --

na hi prapazyAmi mamApanudyAd; yac chokam ucchoSaNam indriyANAm "i cant think of anything that would remove this sadness that dries up my body"

Occasionally you will also find bhUyAt for bhavet --

gandharva-dev%Asura-to yakSa-rAkSasa-tas tathA "from gandharvas, devas, asuras, yakSas, rakshasas"

sarpa-kinMnara-bhUtebhyo na me bhUyAt parAbhavaH "nagas, kinnaras and ghosts there can be no defeat for me"

In this example, bhavet wouldn't fit the metre.

The bent soft liG is found nowhere after the vedas.

1159 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 955 -- popularity 3

410 !t !th (inside /liG) get {s(uT)}.

1457 Optionality of !!vAzari.

(aboutstrangesymbolsinr) (st)

about strange symbols in rulesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1459

The rule ekAco dve prathamasya is spelled as ek%Aco dve. The %A means that this A comes from a + a, so ekAco comes from eka plus aca and means "what has one vowel".

List of symbols indicating splits --

%A = a + a

'-A = a + A

A-' = A + a

A-'' = A + A

168 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 1085 -- popularity none

(whatarethepANinirules) (whatp)

what are the pANini rulesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1460

First let me explain what the rules are not. They are not a tutorial to teach Sanskrit language to people that didnt speak Sanskrit. We know that because they are built in such a way that only makes sense to people that are already fluent in Sanskrit.

The rules are basically a manual for teachers of Sanskrit. It is the "book of the teacher". They were not made so that the students could study them, but rather they are an attempt to make all Sanskrit teachers agree so that they all teach the same thing, but not necessarily in the same way.

The rules explain the correct way of speaking and are completely unconcerned about spelling.

511 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 1090 -- popularity none

(rulesthatformtheflatso) (rulesthft)

rules that form the flat soft liGmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1461

The nine flat tip are --

tip tas jhi

sip thas thas

mip vas mas

When they replace soft liG, they are changed by the same rules that make the flat laG replacements , except jhi, that becomes jus by jherjus. With this we get, so far --

t''' tAm''' jus

s''' tam''' ta'''

am''' va''' ma'''

And then rule yAsuTpa adds yAs in front of these. The s of yAs does not disappear by liGassa, which only works on the hard, but it disappears before t''' and s''' by skossa. That's why the flat soft liG affixes are --

yAt'''' yAstAm''' yAsus'''

yAs'''' yAstam''' yAsta'''

yAsam''' yAsva''' yAsma'''

Doing some again, step by step --

@soft liG tip itazca t''' yAsuTpa yAst skossa yAt'''

@soft liG jhi jherjus jus yAsuTpa yAsus'''

@soft liG tha tasthastha ta''' yAsuTpa yAsta'''

Back to flat soft liG .

569 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 1114 -- popularity 1

(bentsoftliGrules) (bents)

bent soft liG rules.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1462

The nine bent tip are --

ta AtAm jha

thAs AthAm dhvam

iT' vahi mahi

When these replace soft liG, rules jhasyaran and iTot replace jha iT' with ran a', and the four that have t th get suTtithoH, making so far --

sta AstAm ran

sthAs AsthAm dhvam

a' vahi mahi

Then, rule liGaHsIyuT adds sIy in front of these. The y, by lopovyo, disappears before consonants, that is, only stays before AstAm, AsthAm and a'. Of course, after sI, the s of sta sthAs becomes S by kric, and after that S, the t th gets STunA. So the final results are --

sISTa''' sIyAstAm''' sIran'''

sISThAs''' sIyAsthAm''' sIdhvam'''

sIya''' sIvahi''' sImahi'''

( sIdhvam''' will sometimes become SIdhvam by kric, and when it does, iNaSSI might work, making SIDhvam.)

Here is sISTa''' done step by step --

soft liG ta suTtithoH sta liGassIyuT sIysta lopovyo sIsta kric sISta STunA sISTa'''

These affixes have no G label, so they cause hardsoft and puganta --

plu + /siSTa''' hardsoft plosiSTa kric ploSiSTa "may he jump"

Again: do not lose sleep about these. The bent soft liG is so uncommon that I haven't found any example on the wild so far, and I've had to make up my own examples, like the old Vulcan saying --

ayuSmAn vardhiSISTa "live long and prosper!"

(No matter how uncommon this tense is in practice, it is kosher because pAnini allows it in the laukika.)

Back to bent soft liG .

1009 letters. -- 27460footnotes6.bse 1141 -- popularity 1

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