→ 74001 more replacements before soft
73101 Lengthen "
73102 before
73104 Before
73106 before calling.
73107 Before calling, shorten "dear mother" and
73108 Short to
73109 before
73111 Wee to before
73112 After
73114 After pronoun,
73116 Replace
73117 after
73119 wee merges .
Example. mip mahi are hard when they replace laT, and start with
paca + laT mip
More xamples --
gaccha + loT mas →
Counterexample. am''' is hard here, but it starts with
paca + laG mip →
KAZIKA akArAntasya aGgasya dIrgho bhavati yaJ'-Adau sArvadhAtuke parataH. pacAmi, pacAvaH, pacAmaH. pakSyAmi, pakSyAvaH, pakSyAmaH. ataH iti kim? cinuvaH. cinumaH. yaJi iti kim? pacataH. pacathaH. sArvadhAtuka ity eva, aGganA. kezavaH. kecid atra tiGi ity anuvartayanti, teSAM bhavavAniti kvasau sArvadhAtuka-dIrgho na bhavati.
For this rule to work, the wording
Example before bhyAm --
KAZIKA ato dIrgho yaJIty anuvartate. supi ca yaJ'-Adau parato 'kArAntasya aGgasya dIrgho bhavati. vRkSAya. plakSAya. vRkSAbhyAm. plakSAbhyAm. ataH ityeva, agnibhyAm. yaJi ityeva, vRkSasya. plakSasya.
The rule literally says " (lengthen
Exception to supica, that would have replaced
This rule works before sup' bhyas, and very rarely before bhis. We say "before plural" so that supica works before dual bhyAm.
Example with sup' --
Example with bhyas --
This rule won't ordinarily work before bhis, because rule atobhisa::ais is stronger. Yet, when some exception stops atobhisa, then bhis stays, and then bahuvacanejhalyet makes
(1) nedamadasorakoH says that bhis is not replaced with
idam- +
(2) bahulaMchandasi says that sometimes, in the veda, bhis stays after
As in
KAZIKA bahuvacane jhalAdau supi parato 'kArAntasya aGgasya ekArAdezo bhavati. vkRkSebhyaH. plakSebhyaH. vRkSeSu. plakSeSu. bahuvacane iti kim? vRkSAbhyAm. plakSAbhyAm. jhali iti kim? vRkSANAm. supi ityeva, yajadhvam. pacadhvam.
The original rule says
Examples --
KAZIKA osi parato 'kArAntasya aGgasya ekArAdezo bhavati. vRkSayoH svam. plakSayoH svam. vRkSayor nirdhehi. plakSayor nidhehi.
ecoya will always make that
KAZIKA AG-iti pUrvAcArya-nirdezena tRtIy%aikavacanaM gRhyate. tasminn AGi parataH, cakArAdosi ca, AvantAGgasya e-kAr'-Adezo bhavati. khaTvayA. mAlayA. khaTvayoH mAlayoH. bahurAjayA. kArISa-gandhyayA. bahurAjayoH. kArISa-gandhyayoH. ApaH iti pito grahaNaM kim? kIlAlapA brahmaNena. kIlAlapoH brahmaNa-kulayoH. Gy-Ab-grahaNe 'dIrgha-grahaNam iti vacanAd iha na bhavati, ati-khaTvena brAhmaNa-kulena.
Example --
The compound
All nadI shorten before the calling --
In these two, it is rule eGhra that deletes the calling, not halGyA. halGyA cannot delete after
KAZIKA sambuddhau iti vartate. ambArthanAm aGgAnAM nadyantAnAM hrasvo bhavati sambuddhau parataH. he amba. he akka. he alla. nadyAH khalvapi he kumAri. he zArGgaravi. he brahmabandhu. he vIrabandhu. DalakavatInAM pratiSedho vaktavyaH. he ambADe. he ambAle. he ambike. chandasi veti vaktavyam. he ambADa, he ambADe. he ambAla, he ambAle. he ambika, he ambike. talo hrasvo bA Gi-sambuddhyor iti vaktavyam. devate bhaktiH, devatAyAM bhaktiH. he devata, he devate. chandasyeva hrasvatvam iSyate. mAtRRNAM mAtac putrArtham arhate. mAtRRNAM mAtajAdezo vaktavyaH sambuddhau, putrAya putram abhidhAtum. kIdRzAya? arhate. mAtrA vyapadezam arhati zlAghanIyatvAd yaH putras tadartham. he gArgImAta. nadyRtazca iti samAsAnt%ApavAdo mAtajAdezaH. citkaraNam antodAttArtham.
Examples --
This rule will not work on the
And of course it won't work on long
KAZIKA sambuddhau iti vartate. hrasvAntasya aGgasya guNo bhavati sambuddhau parataH. he agne. he vAyo. he paTo. he kumAri, he brahmabandhu ity evam AdInAM hrasva-vidhAna-sAmarthyAd guNo na bhavati. yadi guNaH iSTaH syAt, ambArthAnAM hrasvaH ity uktvA nadI-hrasvayor guNaH ity evaM brUyAt.
Exception to prathamayo.
As this makes an
Example before Gi --
Examples before strong au, jas, am, and the calling su --
As in --
There are no examples before non- calling su, because of exception Rduzana.
There are no examples before zi, because napuMsakasyajhalacaH works first and makes the zi not be right after
KAZIKA guNaH iti vartate. RkArAntasya aGgasya Gau parataH sarvanAmasthAne ca guNo bhavati. Gau mAtari. pitari. bhrAtari. kartari. sarvanAmasthAne kartArau. kartAraH. mAtarau. pitarau. bhrAtarau. taparakaraNaM mukhasukhArtham.
For instance,
This also works before Gasi and Ge --
But it won't work before Gi, because aut overrides this rule --
This rule always works on all masculines that end in
After a feminine in
After a neuter, rule ikocivibhaktau will ordinarily work, debarring this one, but when the optional exception tRtIyAdiSu stops the ikocivibhaktau, this one kicks back in. So we may have masculine-like
instead of the ordinary
As AT is a titaugment, it will replace Ge Gasi Gas Gi with
AT + Ge →
AT + Gi →
This rule will always work on the
but after the
Otherwise, they work just like the masculine --
Remember that the Ap-enders are feminine, but not nadI. This rule does not work on them, but yADApaH does.
As yAT is a titaugment, this is the same thing as saying --
"After Ap, replace Ge Gasi Gas Gi with
Because --
Ap + Ge
Ap + Gasi
Ap + Gi →
Examples --
A sentence with
rAmAyaNa 5 22 Griffith translation
This will not work if the Ap follows a pronoun, because the next rule, sarvanAmnassyADDhrasvazca.
Exception to yADApaH, that will not work after a pronoun that got Ap.
By the same reasons explained under yADApaH, this rule replaces
In addition, it shortens the Ap. This rule is unusual because the replacement and the shortening happen at the same time; most command rules do just one thing.
Examples after
And this is a prayer --
that you can hear here --
Complete Devi Suktam (Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu...) with Sanskrit lyrics
in order to get used to this "eye" sound.
Exception to ANnadyAH.
Examples after nadI --
Example after Ap --
Example after rootnoun
Here aciznu was overriden by eranekAco.
In the mahAbhArata this change happens after lakSmI- too --
KAZIKA nadyantAtAbantAd nItyetasmAt cottarasya GeH Am iti ayam Adezo bhavati. kumAryAm. gauryAm. brahmabandhvAm. dhIbandhvAm. ApaH – khaTvAyAm. bahurAjAyAm. kArISagandhyAyAm. nI – rAjanyAm. senAnyAm. grAmaNyAm.
So, if we use rule Gitihrasvazca to make feminine
KAZIKA ikArokArAbhyAM nadIsaMjJakAbhyAm uttarasya GeH Am Adezo bhavati. kRtyAm. dhenvAm.
Example --
Example when
When we choose
So we replace
As in --
Rule Gitihrasvazca says that feminines in
but if we choose non- nadI, it works like the masculine --
This rule won't work on sakhi- and uncompounded pati-, because they are not wee --
sakhi- +
pati- +
Of course it will work on compounded pati- --
KAZIKA aud iti vartate. ghi-saMjJakAd uttarasya GeH aukArAdezo bhavati, tasya ca gheH akArAdezo bhavati. agnau. vAyau kRtau. dhenau. paTau. atiti taparakaraNaM striyAM TApo nivRttyartham. audacca gheH iti yeSAm ekam eva idaM sUtram, te pradhAnaziSTam idudbhyAm auttvaM varNayanti, anvAcayaziStaM gheH akAram iti.
The literal translation of this rule is --
' Replace wee that is before Gi with
So we get
Examples --
This rule won't work after a feminine wee --
KAZIKA gheH uttarasya AGaH nAbhAvo bhavati astriyAm. agninA. vAyunA. paTunA. puMsi iti noktam, amunA brAhmaNakulena. astriyAm iti kim? kRtyA. dhenvA. iti zrIvAmanaviracitAyAM kAzikAyAM vRttau saptamAdhyAyasya tRtIyaH pAdaH.