73050 more about taddhita ←

chunk 43: 73101 some sup-changing rules

→ 74001 more replacements before soft

73101 Lengthen "a" before hard v m. atodIrghoyaJi
73102 before bhyAm ya. supica
73103 e before plural bh s. bahuvacanejhalyet
73104 Before os too . osica
73105 Ap to before TA os. AGicApaH
73106 before calling. sambuddhauca
73107 Before calling, shorten "dear mother" and nadI ambArthanadyorhrasvaH
73108 Short to guNa . hrasvasyaguNaH
73109 before jas. jasica
73110 R to before Gi and strong. RtoGisarvanAmasthAnayoH
73111 Wee to before Git gherGiti
73112 After nadI, get AT ANnadyAH
73113 yAT after Ap yADApaH
73114 After pronoun, syAT, and the stem shortens. sarvanAmnassyADDhrasvazca
73116 Replace Gi with Am after nadI, Ap, nI. GerAmnadyAmnIbhyaH
73117 after i u . idudbhyAm
73118 au . aut
73119 wee merges . accagheH
73120 TA to nA after non-feminine wee. AGonAstriyAm

(atodIrgho) (/yaJ')

ato dIrgho yaJi ONPANINI 73101
Lengthen "a" before hard v m.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 887 tiG

Example. mip mahi are hard when they replace laT, and start with m, so they lengthens any a --

paca + laT mip → * pacAmi "I cook"

adRzya + mahe''' → * dRzyAmahe "we are being seen"

More xamples --

gaccha + loT masgaccha + ma''' → * gacchAma "let's go"

hR + lRT mip → .. → hariSya + mip → * hariSyAmi "I will take"

adRzya + mahi → * adRzyAmahi "we were seen"

Counterexample. am''' is hard here, but it starts with a, not m, so this rule does not work --

paca + laG mip luGlaG apaca + mipapaca + am''' atoguNe apacam "I cooked"

KAZIKA akArAntasya aGgasya dIrgho bhavati yaJ'-Adau sArvadhAtuke parataH. pacAmi, pacAvaH, pacAmaH. pakSyAmi, pakSyAvaH, pakSyAmaH. ataH iti kim? cinuvaH. cinumaH. yaJi iti kim? pacataH. pacathaH. sArvadhAtuka ity eva, aGganA. kezavaH. kecid atra tiGi ity anuvartayanti, teSAM bhavavAniti kvasau sArvadhAtuka-dIrgho na bhavati.

For this rule to work, the wording ato dIrgho mvoH would have been enough. But pANini said ato dIrgho yaJi so that yaJi trickles down to the next rule.

474 letters. -- 73D.bse 2 -- popularity 13

(supica) (!supic)

supi ca ONPANINI 73102
("a" to "A") before bhyAm ya.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 888

ya is the replacement of Ge made by GeryaH. Example before ya --

rAma- + Ge GeryaH rAma + ya → * rAmAya "to rAma"

Example before bhyAm --

azva- + bhyAm → * azvAbhyAm "with / to / from two horses"

KAZIKA ato dIrgho yaJIty anuvartate. supi ca yaJ'-Adau parato 'kArAntasya aGgasya dIrgho bhavati. vRkSAya. plakSAya. vRkSAbhyAm. plakSAbhyAm. ataH ityeva, agnibhyAm. yaJi ityeva, vRkSasya. plakSasya.

The rule literally says " (lengthen a) before all sup (that start with a yaJ letter) ". Puzzle for you. Figure out why only ya and bhyAm will trigger this rule.

249 letters. -- 73D.bse 40 -- popularity 8

52 Replacement is like original, except for letter-rules.

116 In case of contradiction, higher number works first.

186 @Aim gets @fourth.

646 Delete !n of root after /znam.

889 (!a to) !e before @plural !bh !s.

1005 If /adas- has no !s, !d plus vowel to !mu or !mU.

(bahuvaca) (!bahuva)

bahuvacane jhaly et ONPANINI 73103
(a to) e before plural bh s.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 889

Exception to supica, that would have replaced a with A.

This rule works before sup' bhyas, and very rarely before bhis. We say "before plural" so that supica works before dual bhyAm.

Example with sup' --

vRkSa- + sup' → * vRkSe + su kric vRkSe + SuvRkSeSu "on trees"

Example with bhyas --

vRkSa- + bhyas → * vRkSebhyas "to trees, from trees"

This rule won't ordinarily work before bhis, because rule atobhisa::ais is stronger. Yet, when some exception stops atobhisa, then bhis stays, and then bahuvacanejhalyet makes abhis into ebhis. There are two such exceptions --

(1) nedamadasorakoH says that bhis is not replaced with ais after idam-

idam- + bhis → .. → a + bhis → * ebhis "by these"

(2) bahulaMchandasi says that sometimes, in the veda, bhis stays after a. So there we hear --

deva + bhis → * devebhis "by the devas"

As in devo devebhir A gamat "the god comes with the gods", from the agnisUktam.

KAZIKA bahuvacane jhalAdau supi parato 'kArAntasya aGgasya ekArAdezo bhavati. vkRkSebhyaH. plakSebhyaH. vRkSeSu. plakSeSu. bahuvacane iti kim? vRkSAbhyAm. plakSAbhyAm. jhali iti kim? vRkSANAm. supi ityeva, yajadhvam. pacadhvam.

The original rule says jhali "(before plural sup) that starts with a serious". The only such plural sup are sup', bhyas, and bhis, so I translated "that starts with bh s".

798 letters. -- 73D.bse 68 -- popularity 9

116 In case of contradiction, higher number works first.

743 @Fourth /bhyas to !bhyam (after /yuSmad- /asmad-).

751 /Am to /sAm after (the !a !A of a) @pronoun.

847 Delete the !na otherwise.

1006 Before @plural, replace the !de of /adas- (with !mI).

1046 (/kric works only) when a @Sa-root or an @affix is involved.

(osica) (!osi)

osi ca ONPANINI 73104
Before os too (replace a with e).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 890 sup

Examples --

vRkSa- + os → * vRkSe- + os ecoya vRkSayos "of two trees"

azva- @m + os → * azve- + osazvayos "of two horses"

KAZIKA osi parato 'kArAntasya aGgasya ekArAdezo bhavati. vRkSayoH svam. plakSayoH svam. vRkSayor nirdhehi. plakSayor nidhehi.

This azvayos sounds the same as the azvayos that means "of two mares", but the latter is built by AGi c' ApaH right below.

166 letters. -- 73D.bse 150 -- popularity 2

846 /idam- to !ana before /TA /os, provided there's no !k.

(AGicApaH) (!AGi)

AGi c' ApaH ONPANINI 73105
Ap to (e) before TA os.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 891 sup

ecoya will always make that e into ay --

azva- @f + TA ajAdya azvA- + TA → * azve- + A ecoya azvay- + AazvayA "with a mare"

azva- @f + osazvA- + os → * azve + os ecoya azvayos "of two mares"

rAmasya sItAyAz carAmasItA- + os → * rAmasIte- + osrAmasItayos "of rAma and sItA"

KAZIKA AG-iti pUrvAcArya-nirdezena tRtIy%aikavacanaM gRhyate. tasminn AGi parataH, cakArAdosi ca, AvantAGgasya e-kAr'-Adezo bhavati. khaTvayA. mAlayA. khaTvayoH mAlayoH. bahurAjayA. kArISa-gandhyayA. bahurAjayoH. kArISa-gandhyayoH. ApaH iti pito grahaNaM kim? kIlAlapA brahmaNena. kIlAlapoH brahmaNa-kulayoH. Gy-Ab-grahaNe 'dIrgha-grahaNam iti vacanAd iha na bhavati, ati-khaTvena brAhmaNa-kulena.

165 letters. -- 73D.bse 168 -- popularity 4

846 /idam- to !ana before /TA /os, provided there's no !k.

890 Before /os too (replace !a with !e).

(sambuddhauca) (!sambu)

sambuddhau ca ONPANINI 73106
( Ap to e) before calling.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 892

Example --

sItA- + @calling → * sIte + s eGhra sItesIte "hey sItA"

38 letters. -- 73D.bse 187 -- popularity 2

(ambArthana) (!ambAr)

ambArtha;nadyor hrasvaH ONPANINI 73107
Before calling, shorten "dear mother" and nadImmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 893

The compound ambArtha- translates as "nounbases that mean dear mother". Three of those not nadI -- amba-, akka- and alla-. Those three take Ap by ajAdya, then shorten before the calling --

amba- @f + @calling ajAdya ambA + s → * amba + s eGhra amba "hey mommy"

akka "hey mommy"

alla "hey mommy"

All nadI shorten before the calling --

kacchapa- @f + @calling jAtera kacchapa- + GI + s yasyetica kacchapI + s yUstryAkhyaunadI kacchapI ( nadI ) + s → * kacchapi + s eGhra kacchapi "hey she-turtle"

vadhU- + @calling → * vadhu + s eGhra vadhu "hey young lady"

In these two, it is rule eGhra that deletes the calling, not halGyA. halGyA cannot delete after U, and cannot delete after shortened GI.

KAZIKA sambuddhau iti vartate. ambArthanAm aGgAnAM nadyantAnAM hrasvo bhavati sambuddhau parataH. he amba. he akka. he alla. nadyAH khalvapi he kumAri. he zArGgaravi. he brahmabandhu. he vIrabandhu. DalakavatInAM pratiSedho vaktavyaH. he ambADe. he ambAle. he ambike. chandasi veti vaktavyam. he ambADa, he ambADe. he ambAla, he ambAle. he ambika, he ambike. talo hrasvo bA Gi-sambuddhyor iti vaktavyam. devate bhaktiH, devatAyAM bhaktiH. he devata, he devate. chandasyeva hrasvatvam iSyate. mAtRRNAM mAtac putrArtham arhate. mAtRRNAM mAtajAdezo vaktavyaH sambuddhau, putrAya putram abhidhAtum. kIdRzAya? arhate. mAtrA vyapadezam arhati zlAghanIyatvAd yaH putras tadartham. he gArgImAta. nadyRtazca iti samAsAnt%ApavAdo mAtajAdezaH. citkaraNam antodAttArtham.

452 letters. -- 73D.bse 191 -- popularity 8

48 Replace only the last letter.

118 /iyaG /uvaG nounbases aren't /nadI, except /strI-.

127 [/sup]-[/tiG]-ender is @word.

894 @Short to /guNa (before @calling).

1267 /sakhi- "friend".

1436 rules that delete the @calling

(hrasvasyagu) (!hrasvasyag)

hrasvasya guNaH ONPANINI 73108
short to guNa (before calling).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 894

Examples --

kapi- + @calling → * kape + s eGhra kape "hey monkey"

guru- + @calling → * guro + s eGhra guro "hey teacher"

This rule will not work on the i u that were made from I U by ambArtha;nadyor hrasvaH --

he kumAri "hey princess"

he vadhu "hey young lady"

And of course it won't work on long I U --

he zrIH "hey Wealth"

he bhUH "hey Earth"

KAZIKA sambuddhau iti vartate. hrasvAntasya aGgasya guNo bhavati sambuddhau parataH. he agne. he vAyo. he paTo. he kumAri, he brahmabandhu ity evam AdInAM hrasva-vidhAna-sAmarthyAd guNo na bhavati. yadi guNaH iSTaH syAt, ambArthAnAM hrasvaH ity uktvA nadI-hrasvayor guNaH ity evaM brUyAt.

231 letters. -- 73D.bse 210 -- popularity 7

17 /guNa and /vRddhi replace /ik.

197 (Use the @first) when calling someone.

778 Non-@calling (@strong is /Nit) after /sakhi-.

781 !kroSTu- to /tRc (before non-@calling @strong).

1267 /sakhi- "friend".

(jasica) (!jas)

jasi ca ONPANINI 73109
(i u to guNa) before jas.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 895

Exception to prathamayo.

As this makes an e o before an a, ecoya will always work --

kapi- + jas → * kape + jas ecoya kapayas "monkeys"

guru- + jas → * guro + jas ecoya guravas "teachers"

121 letters. -- 73D.bse 264 -- popularity 4

197 (Use the @first) when calling someone.

229 Optionally, use (/san) to mean "wanna, gonna".

339 Add /u' after /san !AzaMs !bhikS (to mean the @doer).

(RtoGisa) (!RtoG)

Rto Gi;sarvanAmasthAnayoH ONPANINI 73110
R to (ar) before Gi and strong.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 896

Example before Gi --

pitR- m + Gi → * pitari "about father"

Examples before strong au, jas, am, and the calling su --

pitR- m + am → * pitaram "father"

mAtA pitA ca "mother and father" supodhA mAtR- + pitR- + su dvyeka mAtR- + pitR + au AnaGRtodvandve mAtA + pitR + au → * matApitarau "parents"

pitR- m + @calling → * pitar + s halGyA pitar "hey dad"

As in --

naivAnyathedamM bhavitA pitar eSa bravImi te

pitas te pratijAnAmi na zlokSye 'haGM kadA cana "Father, I promise, I promise! that I won't ever make verses"

This ar will maybe become Ar by ap;tRn;tRc --

netR- m + am → * netaram aptRntRc netAram "leader"

There are no examples before non- calling su, because of exception Rduzana.

There are no examples before zi, because napuMsakasyajhalacaH works first and makes the zi not be right after R --

kartR- @n + zi napuMsakasyajhalacaH kartRn + zi rAjAnam kartRRni Natvam kartRRNi @n "maker devices"

KAZIKA guNaH iti vartate. RkArAntasya aGgasya Gau parataH sarvanAmasthAne ca guNo bhavati. Gau mAtari. pitari. bhrAtari. kartari. sarvanAmasthAne kartArau. kartAraH. mAtarau. pitarau. bhrAtarau. taparakaraNaM mukhasukhArtham.

588 letters. -- 73D.bse 282 -- popularity 7

585 /am to !m (after /ak).

834 @Feminine /tri- /catur- to !tisR !catasR

1635 /nAma, /pitA, /pitar

(gherGiti) (!ghe)

gher Giti ONPANINI 73111
wee to ( guNa) before Gitmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 897

For instance, kapi- and guru- are wee, so we get --

kapi- + Gas → * kape- + Gas GasiGasozca kapes "of monkey"

guru- + Gas → * guro + Gas GasiGasozca guros "of teacher"

This also works before Gasi and Ge --

kapi- + Gasi → * kape- + Gasi GasiGasozca kapes "from monkey"

kapi- + Ge → * kape- + e ecoya kapaye "to monkey"

But it won't work before Gi, because aut overrides this rule --

kapau matkuNAH "on monkey there are fleas"

This rule always works on all masculines that end in i u, except sakhi- and uncompounded pati-, because those are not wee. Those two just get khyatyAtparasya before Gas Gasi. And before Ge they get just ikoyaNaci.

After a feminine in i u, this rule will work only if we didn't take the Gitihrasvazca option --

mati- @f + Gas → .. → mates "of opinion"

After a neuter, rule ikocivibhaktau will ordinarily work, debarring this one, but when the optional exception tRtIyAdiSu stops the ikocivibhaktau, this one kicks back in. So we may have masculine-like zuces here --

zucer vAriNaH "of clean water"

instead of the ordinary zucino vAriNaH, with ikocivibhaktau on both words.

783 letters. -- 73D.bse 327 -- popularity 10

(ANnadyAH) (!AN)

AN nadyAH ONPANINI 73112
After nadI, (the Git) get ATmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 898

As AT is a titaugment, it will replace Ge Gasi Gas Gi with ai As As Am, this way --

AT + Ge vRddhireci ai

AT + Gasi OR Gas akassa As

AT + Gi GerAm AT + Am akassa Am

This rule will always work on the I U feminines that are compulsorily nadI --

nadI- + Gasi → * nadI + As ikoyaNaci nadyAs "from river"

strI- + Gasi → * strI + As striyAH striyAs "from woman"

but after the i u feminines, it will only work if we take the Gitihrasvazca option --

mati- @f + Gas → * mati + As ikoyaNaci matyAs "of opinion"

dhenu- @f + Gas → * dhenu + As ikoyaNaci dhenvAs "of cow"

Otherwise, they work just like the masculine --

mati- @f + Gas → .. → mates "of opinion" ( same steps as kapes, see gherGiti )

dhenu- @f + Gas → .. → dhenos "of cow" ( same steps as guros )

Remember that the Ap-enders are feminine, but not nadI. This rule does not work on them, but yADApaH does.

537 letters. -- 73D.bse 350 -- popularity 8

(yADApaH) (/yAT)

( Git get) yAT after Apmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 899

As yAT is a titaugment, this is the same thing as saying --

"After Ap, replace Ge Gasi Gas Gi with yai yAs yAs yAm "

Because --

Ap + Ge → * A + Ge + yATA + (yA + e) vRddhireci Ayai

Ap + Gasi OR Gas → * A + (yA + as) akassa AyAs

Ap + Gi GerAm A + Am → * A + (yA + Am) akassa AyAm

Examples --

sItA- + GesItAyai "to sItA"

sItA- + GasisItAyAs "from sItA"

sItA- + GassItAyAs "of sItA"

sItA- + GisItAyAm "about sItA"

A sentence with sItayAs in it --

5020001a sItAyA vacanaM zrutvA paruSaM rAkSasAdhipaH

5020001c pratyuvAca tatasH sItAM vipriyamM priyadarzanAm

rAmAyaNa 5 22 Griffith translation

This will not work if the Ap follows a pronoun, because the next rule, sarvanAmnassyADDhrasvazca.

424 letters. -- 73D.bse 391 -- popularity 6

898 After /nadI, (the /Git) get /AT

(/syAT) (/syA)

sarvanAmnaH syAD Dhrasvaz ca ONPANINI 73114
After pronoun, ( Git gets) syAT, and the stem shortens.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 900

Exception to yADApaH, that will not work after a pronoun that got Ap.

By the same reasons explained under yADApaH, this rule replaces

Ge Gasi Gas Gi


syai syAs syAs syAm.

In addition, it shortens the Ap. This rule is unusual because the replacement and the shortening happen at the same time; most command rules do just one thing.

Examples after tA- ( which comes from tad- + Ap , by tyadAdInAmaH and yasyetica ) --

tA- + Ge → * ta- + syaitasyai "to her"

tA- + Gasi → * ta- + syAstasyAs "from her"

tA- + Gi → * ta- + syAmtasyAm "about her"

And this is a prayer --

yA devI sarvabhuteSu nidrArUpeNa saMsthitA | namas tasyai namas tasyai namas tasyai namo namaH ||

that you can hear here --

Complete Devi Suktam (Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu...) with Sanskrit lyrics

in order to get used to this "eye" sound.

541 letters. -- 73D.bse 411 -- popularity 3

847 Delete the !na otherwise.

1253 /kim- "what, who"

(GerAmnadyA) (!GerA)

Ger Am nady;Am;nIbhyaH ONPANINI 73116
Replace Gi with Am after nadI, Ap, nI.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 901

Exception to ANnadyAH.

Examples after nadI --

nadI- + Gi → * nadI- + AmnadyAm "in river"

vadhU- + Gi → * vadhU- + AmvadhvAm "about the wife"

Example after Ap --

khaTvA- + Gi → * khaTvA- + Am yADApaH khaTvA- + yAmkhaTvAyAm "in bed"

Example after rootnoun nI --

grAmaNI- @mf + Gi → * grAmaNI- + AmgrAmaNyAm "about the mayor"

Here aciznu was overriden by eranekAco. grAmaNI- mf stays before consonants, gets y replacement before vowels.

In the mahAbhArata this change happens after lakSmI- too --

yathA nArAyaNo lakSmyAJM jAhnavyAJM ca yathodadhiH

KAZIKA nadyantAtAbantAd nItyetasmAt cottarasya GeH Am iti ayam Adezo bhavati. kumAryAm. gauryAm. brahmabandhvAm. dhIbandhvAm. ApaH – khaTvAyAm. bahurAjAyAm. kArISagandhyAyAm. nI – rAjanyAm. senAnyAm. grAmaNyAm.

392 letters. -- 73D.bse 440 -- popularity 6

751 /Am to /sAm after (the !a !A of a) @pronoun.

903 (/Gi to) !au (after non-/nadI !i !u).

1145 /Ge

1196 /nI "lead", /pac "cook"

(idudbhyAm) (!idudb)

id;udbhyAm ONPANINI 73117
(Replace Gi with Am) after i u (-ender nadI).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 902

So, if we use rule Gitihrasvazca to make feminine mati- "opinion" into a nadI, we get --

mati- + Gi → * mati + AmmatyAm "in the opinion (of)"

Otherwise mati- will be a wee, and mati- will get the same rules as the masculine --

mati- + Gi accagheH mata- + aumatau "in the opinion"

KAZIKA ikArokArAbhyAM nadIsaMjJakAbhyAm uttarasya GeH Am Adezo bhavati. kRtyAm. dhenvAm.

189 letters. -- 73D.bse 502 -- popularity 3

61 @Fifth in a rule may mean "after it".

(aut) (!Wt)

aut ONPANINI 73118
( Gi to) au (after non- nadI i u).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 903

Example --

guru- m + Gi → * guru + au accagheH gura + augurau "about teacher"

Example when mati- did not become nadI by Gitihrasvazca --

mati- @f + Gi → * mati + aumatau "in the opinion (of)"

When we choose mati- to be nadI, however, we get matyAm by GerAm.

sakhi- does not get accagheH, because it is not a wee --

sakhi- + Gi → * sakhi + ausakhyau "about friend"

243 letters. -- 73D.bse 525 -- popularity 2

897 @Wee to (/guNa) before /Git

(accagheH) (!acc)

ac ca gheH ONPANINI 73119
wee merges (with Gi into au).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 904

So we replace u + Gi with au and i + Gi with au too. Examples --

guru- m + Gi → * gurau "about teacher"

giri- m + Gi → * girau "on mountain"

As in --

gurau dveSaH "hate towards teacher"

girau vRkSAH "there are trees on the mountain"

Rule Gitihrasvazca says that feminines in i u, such as mati-, can be wee or not. So if in mati- f + Gi we choose mati- to be nadI, this rule won't work --

mati- f + Gi idudbhyAm mati + Am ikoyaNaci matyAm "in the opinion"

but if we choose non- nadI, it works like the masculine --

mati- f + Gi → * matau "in the opinion"

This rule won't work on sakhi- and uncompounded pati-, because they are not wee --

sakhi- + Gi aut sakhi + au ikoyaNaci sakhyau "about friend"

pati- + Gi → .. → patyau "about husband"

Of course it will work on compounded pati- --

pakSiNo 'tra vanaspatau "there are birds on this tree"

KAZIKA aud iti vartate. ghi-saMjJakAd uttarasya GeH aukArAdezo bhavati, tasya ca gheH akArAdezo bhavati. agnau. vAyau kRtau. dhenau. paTau. atiti taparakaraNaM striyAM TApo nivRttyartham. audacca gheH iti yeSAm ekam eva idaM sUtram, te pradhAnaziSTam idudbhyAm auttvaM varNayanti, anvAcayaziStaM gheH akAram iti.

The literal translation of this rule is --

' Replace wee that is before Gi with a (and the Gi with au). '

So we get a + au, and the a then disappears by vRddhireci.

686 letters. -- 73D.bse 546 -- popularity 3

(AGonAstri) (!AGonA)

AGo nA '-striyAm ONPANINI 73120
TA to nA after non- feminine wee.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 905

Examples --

RSi- m + TA → * RSi + nA Natvam RSiNA "by prophet"

guru- m + TA → * guru + nA Natvam guruNA "with teacher"

kapi- m n + TA → * kapinA "with monkey"

This rule won't work after a feminine wee --

mati- + TA ikoyaNaci matyA "with opinion"

dhenu- + TA ikoyaNaci dhenvA "with cow"

KAZIKA gheH uttarasya AGaH nAbhAvo bhavati astriyAm. agninA. vAyunA. paTunA. puMsi iti noktam, amunA brAhmaNakulena. astriyAm iti kim? kRtyA. dhenvA. iti zrIvAmanaviracitAyAM kAzikAyAM vRttau saptamAdhyAyasya tRtIyaH pAdaH.

163 letters. -- 73D.bse 601 -- popularity 7

190 [@pronoun]s get @third too (with !hetu-)

709 (Before /taddhita,) !u !U (of @wimpy) to /guNa

783 Optionally before @vowel /TAsup.

1005 If /adas- has no !s, !d plus vowel to !mu or !mU.

1457 how to use inria reader for parsing nouns

1479 noun building machine

73050 more about taddhita ←

chunk 43: 73101 some sup-changing rules

→ 74001 more replacements before soft