DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------- ←

chunk 65: short definitions

→ long definitions

pUjArtham means "to show respect".
The Tit tenses are laT liT luT lRT leT loT.
ff means "and following".
Add "only" to a rule when it does not make sense without "only".
The Git tenses are laG liG luG lRG.
vArttika is a second-rate rule.
The numbers are singular, dual and plural
former and latter
What means purpose or result is an aim.
An IT is an I attached in front.
variants of Ap
about the affix kap
About alternatively.
Some feminines get GI
original and replacement
Tenses are laT, lRT, luT, laG, liT, luG, loT, liG, lRG, leT.
num is n added after the last vowel
mf means m or f
zabyak tenses
iSan is san with iT.
weak affixes are the nounbase affixes that are not strong
persons are third person, second person, and first person
matvartha affixes mean the same as matup
yac means y or ac
aT is an a added in front
nuT is n added in front
Chop means "delete last letter".
ekAc is what has exactly one ac.
muk is an m added afterwards
The gaNapATha is a list of word groups
ashtadhyayidotcom gaNapATha

(/pUjArtham) (/pUj)

pUjArtham means "to show respect".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1317

There are many old grammarians mentioned by name in the rules. For instance, lopazzAkalyasya says "y to lopa, according to zAkalya".

In some cases, this "according to so-and-so" makes the rule optional. In other cases, it must be ignored. The modern grammarians then say that the name of the grammarian is mentioned only pUjArtham (to show respect).

This is quite annoying, because, sometimes, some grammarians say that a rule is optional and others say that it is compulsory. For instance I don't know if saying arjunayuvAca with a full y was correct or not in pANini's mind, so I feel sort of guilty when I teach my kids that it is fine.

505 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 4 -- popularity 4

414 Optionally /laG (/jhi to /jus after !A).

600 (!o of /go- to) {ava(G)} (optionally before vowel).

1030 @Wordfinal {v y} to @lighter-effort {v y} optionally.

(@tittense) (@titt)

The Tit tenses are laT liT luT lRT leT loT.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1318

These six, when replaced with a bent, are affected by Tita or thAsasse.

56 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 44 -- popularity 6

1174 /Tit is what has label !T.

1179 about /tip

1332 [@Tense]s are /laT, /lRT, /luT, /laG, /liT, /luG, /loT, /liG, /lRG, /leT.

1388 @bent /tiG

1389 @flat /tiG

(@ff) (@ff)

ff means "and following".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1319

0 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 51 -- popularity 25

(/niyama) (/niy)

Add "only" to a rule when it does not make sense without "only".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1320

Example. Rule rossupi says

"before sup, replace ru ",

but it actually means

"before sup', replace ONLY ru; do not replace any other r".

Such rules, to which "only" must be supplied to understand the sense, are called niyama rules or restrictive rules.

We know that a rule must be a niyama rule when it makes no sense without the ONLY. For instance, in the above case, the literal meaning "before sup, replace ru" makes no sense, because the previous rule already replaced all r, ru or not ru -- the literal meaning would made rossupi useless.

NOTE: in the epics, sometimes we find that a verse does not make sense unless we add "only" --

bhAryAmitrAz ca puruSA bhaviSyanti yugakSaye

This appears to be saying "when the end of the world is near, men will have their wife as friend", but that's nonsense, because even nowadays most men can count their wife as a friend, most as their best friend. Given the apocalyptic sense of the chapter, we have to conclude that the verse means "when the end of the world is near, men will have their wife as their only friend". Be careful with these.

Of course, it might that it's us that have the bad habit of adding "only" or "even" even if redundant. For instance, here --

dhArtarASTrasya sainyeSu bherINAnM nAsti nisvanaH " The drums in the army of dhRtaraSTra's son yield no sounds, "

an-AhatAH pANDavAnAnM nadanti paTahAH kila " while those of the pANDavas yield sounds without being struck. "

the English translation seems to be crying for an "even without being struck".

1180 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 51 -- popularity 1

289 (@Latter [@preverb]-less) /bhU, when meaning state, gets (/kyap) only.

(@gittense) (@gi)

The Git tenses are laG liG luG lRG.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1321

These four, when replaced with a flat, are affected by itazca, tasthastha and nityaMGitaH.

For instance, rule ( tasthastha will work on these four tenses. Here it changes the mip that replaced liG --

dviS + liGdviS + mip tasthastha dviS + am'''dviS + yAm'''dviSyAm "I would hate"

and here rule itazca changes the tip that replaced laG --

dviS + laGdviS + tip luGlaG adviS + tip itazca adviS + t''' puganta adveS + t halGyA adveS jhalAJjazonte adveD "he hated"

306 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 131 -- popularity 7

1388 @bent /tiG

1389 @flat /tiG

(/vArttika) (/vAr)

vArttika is a second-rate rule.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1322

To be precise, a vArttika is a correction or addition to pANini made by kAtyAyana, a grammarian that lived a few centuries after pANini.

Nearly every vArttika is supported by most grammarians, just like the pANini rules are. The only difference is that when you choose to disagree with a vArttika, you feel a bit less guilty than if you disagree with pANini. tasmai pANinaye namaH

308 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 167 -- popularity 36

(@number) (@numb)

The numbers are singular, dual and pluralmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1323

Each one of the thirty-nine affixes in the lists svaujas and tiptas belongs to one of three groups called singular, dual or plural.

These rules explain which affix belongs to which group --

tAnyeka -- list tiptas goes all singlar dual plural singular dual plural and so on

supaH -- so does list svaujas

These rules explain when to use which group --

bahuSubahuvacanam -- use plural for three or more

dvyekayordvivacanaikavacane -- use dual for two and singular for one

inria uses the abbreviations sg du pl.

404 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 191 -- popularity 17

(@former) (@form)

former and lattermmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1324

All compounds except the dvandvas are made of two halves, the former and the latter.

Examples --

rAjapuruSas "officer, policeman" is made from the former rAjJas "king's" and the latter puruSas "man".

rAjapuruSazAlA "police station" is made from the former rAjapuruSANAm "of policemen" and the latter zAlA "building".

250 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 221 -- popularity 56

(whatmeanspurposeorresu) (whatm)

What means purpose or result is an aim.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1325

In the following examples, the darzana- naraka- putra- mukti- mRtyu- mukti- nounbases express purpose or result, and get Ge because of caturthIsaMpradAne --

Here darzanam (seeing the king) is the purpose of the action of going to the city --

nRpasya darzanAya puraGM gacchati "He's going to the city to see the king."

And here narakas (being in hell) is the result of the action of being angry --

narakAya krodhaH "Anger leads to hell."

Some more examples --

yajate putrAya "He sponsors rituals in order to have a son."

yuddham agacchan mRtyave "they went to war and got killed"

Such expressions do not clarify if the purpose was achieved or not --

viSNum avandata muktaye "praised viSNu for liberation; praised viSNu and got liberated"

It is sort of odd pANini fails to mention that what means purpose or result is an aim. Some rule such as phalesamMpradAnam seems to be missing. My guess is that pANini did not bother to state such a rule because in his time the fourth was used so often to express result that his students did not need to be taught about it.

In modern usage, when a fourth is used, it almost always means purpose or result.

896 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 233 -- popularity 3

(/IT) (/IT)

An IT is an I attached in front.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1326

For instance, tip gets IT (turns into Itip) in abravIt, bravIti, AsIt, adrAkSIt.

Those IT come from bruva::IT, astisicopRkte, yaGovA and other rules.

115 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 335 -- popularity 4

1174 /Tit is what has label !T.

(/Ap) (/Ap)

variants of Apmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1327

The term A(p) means

" any of the three feminine affixes TAp, cAp, DAp ".

Of those, TAp is very common. It is made by rule ajAdyataSTAp.

The other two work the same way, but are seldom found. The differences are --

cAp has c label to make citaH work.

DAp has D label to make TeH work.

210 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 347 -- popularity 59

(/kap) (/kap)

about the affix kapmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1328

Rule zeSAdvibhASA says that the ka(p) affix may be added to most longhorns, with no change of meaning.

Examples. Compounding kRSNa- + zmazru- we can either get --

kRSNa-zmazruH "black-bearded, Blackbeard"


kRSNa-zmazrukaH "black-bearded, Blackbeard"

And compounding sa- and agni- we get either sAgni- or sAgnika-. Here these appear with su added --

vAyusH sabhUmisH sAgniH "earth wind and fire"

vAyusH sabhUmisH sAgnikaH "earth wind and fire"

This kap is compulsory after certain words such as uras-. See uraHprabhRti.

It is also compulsory after R-enders and the nadI. See nadyRtazca.

When kap is optional, it is uncommon, except metri causa.

502 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 362 -- popularity 9

227 [@affix]es start here.

436 The /taddhita start here.

528 {in}-ender (@longhorn) that means @woman (gets /kap).

869 !a to !i before the !k of an affix that got /Ap, unless after @longhorn.

1308 some prefixes

1444 types of affixes

(@alternatively) (@al)

About alternatively.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1329

I use alternatively to mean "but if we don't apply this optional rule".

Example. The optional rule vAvasAne says that, before pause, we may replace suhRd with suhRt if we like. So, after saying that, I show an example of the rule working, and an example of the rule not working --

Optionally replace d with t before pause. Example --

suhRd + @pausesuhRt "friend"

alternatively --

suhRd + @pausesuhRd "friend"

313 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 383 -- popularity 8

78 /itvA is optionally /kit after {nth mph}-enders

119 (/iyaG /uvaG bases except /strI- are /nadI) before /Am optionally.

120 Before /Git, (@feminine) {u}-{i}-enders too (are optionally /nadI).

254 !uS /vid /jAgR (get /Am'') optionally.

264 (!lip /sic' !hve get /aG) optionally before [@bent]s.

503 (After the /kiMsarva, optionally) @seventh to /tral.

599 (!a stays) optionally after !go-.

798 @Light !a of a consonant-starter (to !A optionally before /iSic before @flat).

(/GI) (/GI)

Some feminines get GImmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1330

GI is a feminine affix. It has some variants, like GIS and GIp, that have different accent.

Whatever ends in R n gets GI ( RnnebhyoGIp).

The ugit get GIp ( ugitazca). This includes whatever ends in zatR matup vasu, and all adjectives that end in s t.

A few of the a-enders get GI when feminine instead of the usual Ap (rules jAtera ff).

256 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 390 -- popularity 55

(/Adeza) (/Ad)

original and replacementmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1331

The original (sthAnin-, sthAna-) is whatever a rule replaces.

The replacement (Adeza-) is whatever the original is replaced with.

Example. When rule ikoyaNaci turns madhu::atra into madhvatra, the u is the sthAnin ( original), and the v is the Adeza ( replacement).

Careful. There is ANOTHER word Adeza, which means "grammatical lists such as tiptas, svaujas, and the dhAtupATha". It appears in Adezapra and ithe rules.

326 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 400 -- popularity 4

45 @Sixth in a rule can mean "replace".

52 Replacement is like original, except for letter-rules.

830 /yuSmad- /asmad- to (!A before a consonant /sup) that is not a @replacement.

833 (/yuSmad- /asmad- to) !y before @vowel (/sup that is not a @replacement).

(@tense) (@ten)

Tenses are laT, lRT, luT, laG, liT, luG, loT, liG, lRG, leT.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C- 1332 tense

These ten can be split into four groups --

Present tense --


Future tenses --

lRT, luT

Past tenses --

laG, liT, luG

Might-be tenses (see also Wikipedia on Irrealis mood) --

loT, liG, lRG, leT

Of those, laT liT luT lRT leT loT are Tit tenses,

and laG liG luG lRG are Git tenses.

Rules itazca, tasthastha, nityaGGitaH only work on replacements of Git tenses.

Rule Tita only works on replacements of Tit tenses.

See also inria codes for tenses .

329 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 443 -- popularity 38

(/num) (/num)

num is n added after the last vowelmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1333 num

Rule midaco says that n(um) means "n added after last vowel".

So, when rule nonfunny teaches that "phala and manas get num", that means we must add n after their last vowel, this way --

phala- + num + ziphalan- + zi rAjAnam phalAni "results"

manas- + num + zimanans- + zi sAntama manAnsi nazcA manAMsi "minds"

208 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 531 -- popularity 30

(@caesura) (@cae)

caesurammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1334

A caesura (pronounced "seizure" in English, kaisura in Latin) is a special point in a verse that should not be straddled between two vowels of the same word.

Explained in another way, a caesura is a point in a verse where you MIGHT pause if it were prose, but at which you won't usually pause in verse. Call it an "imaginary pause" if you like.

Example in English. When reciting the verse --

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

we won't usually make a pause anywhere, but if we were to make one, a pause between "thee" and "to" would "feel more natural" than a pause between "a" and "summer". So the first point might be a caesura point, but the second would never be one.

When making English pentameters the caesuras are irrelevant. But that is not the case with some types of Sanskrit verses, like for instance the zloka.

In old times, a zloka was usually recited as two verses of sixteen syllables each. The point between the eight and ninth vowels of each verse had to be a caesura point. This means that composing a verse in such a way that the eight vowel and the ninth vowel of the verse belong to the same word is not allowed. It does not mean that you must actually make a pause there when chanting the verse.

In these times of kaliyuga, however, most zloka stanzas are recited with a full pause at the middle of each verse. So the zloka may be said, nowadays, to consist of four verses of eight syllables each.

Many people nowadays thing that it is compulsory to stop at caesuras. Listen to this video.

1213 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 569 -- popularity 3

1734 half /sandhi

1749 "[@Do not break]" lines.

(@mf) (@mf)

mf means m or fmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1335

When a nounbase is flagged with mf, this means there are two nounbases, one m and one f, with the same form and the same meaning. So if I say that rAjan is mf, that's just short for "there are two nounbases, a rAjan m and a rAjan f, with the same meaning".

rAjan- m + su → .. → rAjA "king"

rAjan- f + su RnnebhyoGIp rAjan- + GI + su → .. → rAjJI "queen; wife of king"

Almost all nounbases that mean living beings are mf. Therefore, very few neuters mean living beings. The nounbases that mean nonliving beings can be any gender.

379 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 718 -- popularity 7

587 @Merge /ak with /au /jas /zas into the lengthened /ak.

648 Non-@rootnoun {atu}-{as}-enders (lengthen their @nexttolast before non-@calling @strong /su).

680 {i I} of {an}-/ekAc root to !y (before @vowel), unless it follows a cluster.

705 (@wimpy) /vAh- to /Uh-.

848 /adas- to !au (before /su), and trash the /su.

909 Replace /Gi with !Am after /nadI, /Ap, !nI.

1251 /nI- "leader of"

(@adjective) (@adj)

adjectivesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1336

An adjective is a set of three nounbases with the same letters, one m one f and one n. They always describe some other noun (which is not an adjective), and you must use the nounbase that has the same gender as that other noun.

Examples: zuci- "clean" and tad- "that" are adjectives --

zucir vAyus saH "that clean air"

zuci vAri tat "that clean water"

zucir nadI sA "that clean river"

Counterexample: rUpam "form, shape, beauty" is always a neuter, even when it goes together with other noun --

sumahad rUpam "humongous shape"

Compounds ending in rUpa- (like surUpa-, mahArUpa-) or on any noun whatsoever may be adjectives or not.

In dictionaries, these are marked with the letters " mfn", "mnf" or "adj".

The noun that they describe does not need to appear in the sentence --

kam azvam apazyaH "what horse did you see?"

zvetam "the white one"

there is no need to say in full zvetam azvam apazyam "I saw the white horse".

699 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 976 -- popularity 2

1007 Replace (@wordfinal) /vasu !sraMs !dhvaMs /anaDuh- with !d

1013 If /adas- has no !s, !d plus vowel to !mu or !mU.

(/zabyak) (/zab)

zabyak tensesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1337 vikaraNa

The zabyak tenses are --




and liG when it is hard.

When these tenses mean the doer, the root gets one of the affixes listed in verb classes , namely zap, nothing, zlu, zyan, etc.

When they do not mean the doer, the root gets yak.

The other tenses never make the root get yak zap etc.

222 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1120 -- popularity 3

218 /cakS to {khyA(J)} (before @soft).

1399 When !kartarizap won't work.

(/iSan) (/iSa)

iSan is san with iT.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1338 iT

Being a valAdi soft, san gets iT sometimes. When it does, kric works --

san + iT Adyantau i + san kric iSan

As in

car + san + laT tip ArdhadhAtukasyeDvalAdeH car + isan + tip sanyaGoH cacarisati sanyataH cicarisati kric cicariSati "wants to move"

Of course the kric rule, being in the tripAdI, always works last of all. But to save space, I'll often write such things this way --

car + san + laT tipcar + iSan + tip sanyaGoH cacariSati sanyataH cicariSati "wants to move"

287 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1147 -- popularity 12

(@weak) (@wea)

weak affixes are the nounbase affixes that are not strongmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 1339

The nounbase affixes are those that come right after nounbases, namely: the sup, the feminine affixes, and the taddhita.

All of those are said to be weak, except the strong affixes.

Examples --

aN (a taddhita) is always weak

GI (a feminine affix) is always weak

Gi zI TA bhis ( sup affixes) are always weak

su is weak after a neuter (but it then gets deleted by svamorna), and strong after m f.

jas is always strong (after a neuter it turns into zi, which is strong by zisa; otherwise it is strong by suDa).

zi is always strong (nvm if it replaced jas or zas earlier)

zas is weak after m and f, but strong after a neuter, when it turns into zi

weak affixes make rules svAdiSva and yacibham work, and those two, in turn make alloponaH and other rules work.

581 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1160 -- popularity 11

(@person) (@pe)

persons are third person, second person, and first personmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1340

These are explained at --


asmady uttamaH

zeSe prathamaH

Summarizing those rules: whatever includes you but not me in the meaning is second person, whatever includes me is first person, and everything else is third person.

Please notice that what Western grammarians call third person, second person, first person is called by Sanskrit grammarians prathamaH madhyamaH uttamaH, which literally translates into "first middle last". That's why when Indian grammarians make lists of verbs, they use the order pazyati pazyasi pazyAmi -- he sees, you see, I see. Which is the reverse of european grammarians usage.

502 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1185 -- popularity 12

(/matvartha) (/matv)

matvartha affixes mean the same as matupmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1341

That is, they mean "this has" or "there is in this". They are --









go + matupgomat- "that has cattle"

saras + vatupsarasvat- "that has lakes"

bala- + ini yasyetica balin- "that has strength, strong"

yoga + inyogin- "that has yoga or magic, yogi, sorcerer"

yazas- + vinyazasvin- "that has fame"

tapas- + vintapasvin- "that has pain; ascetic; poor little thingy"

Of those, matup vatup vin and vini are valAdi, and trigger tasaumatvarthe.

342 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1203 -- popularity 3

456 To name a place after what is in it (add /aN or other affixes).

(/yac) (/yac)

yac means y or acmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1342

The yac are y and the vowels.

In other words, the yac are all letters except the val.

What is not a valAdi ( val-starter) is a yajAdi ( yac-starter).

110 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1220 -- popularity 4

130 But @wimpy before /yac.

822 (/val) @hard (gets /iT) after !rud /svap !zvas !prAN !jakS.

(/aT) (/aT)

aT is an a added in frontmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1343

Rule midaco says so.

Example. When rule luGlaG teaches "kSip gets aT before laG", that makes akSip, not kSipa --

kSip + laG tip luGlaG kSip with aT + tip midaco akSip + tipakSip + t''' za akSipat "threw"

137 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1230 -- popularity 19

(/nuT) (/nuT)

nuT is n added in frontmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1344

See Adyantau.

Example. Rule hrasva;nady;AponuT says that Am gets n(uT). That replaces Am with nAm.

76 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1240 -- popularity 6

626 @Vowel after /naJ gets /nuT.

760 (/Am gets /nuT) after @sixlike and /catur-.

789 Optionally before @vowel /TAsup.

951 After that (@stammer), two-consonant @root gets /nuT.

1397 Some [@affix]es are [@augment]s.

(@chop) (@ch)

chop means "delete last letter".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1345

For instance, rule nityaMGitaH teaches "chop vas and mas". This deletes the s, or, in other words, replaces vas mas with va ma.

97 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1252 -- popularity 7

8 about boxes

694 (@chop) /kuru compulsorily (before !v !m).

695 ( @chop /kuru ) before !y.

936 @Chop /tAs and /as (before !s).

937 @Chop /tAs before {r}-affixes.

979 @Chop @wordfinal @cluster.

(/ekAc) (/ek)

ekAc is what has exactly one ac.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1346

Example. Rule ekAca:: upadeze 'nudAttAt says that some ekAc roots are aniT. Therefore the roots that are not ekAc, such as pAci and yuyutsa, are all seT.

What is not ekAc is anekAc.

141 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1252 -- popularity 8

251 !kAs and the /sanAdyanta get /Am'' before /liT.

680 {i I} of {an}-/ekAc root to !y (before @vowel), unless it follows a cluster.

683 /hu and (clusterless non-/ekAc) [/znu] to (!v) before @vowel @hard.

862 /han to !ghat before (a /JNit) that is not /ciN nor /Nal.

872 !h of !han (to !gh) before /JNit and !n.

993 Replace with /bhaS the /baz of an /ekAc [/jhaS]-ender root that is @wordfinal or before !s !dhv.

1075 But compulsorily !N in /ekAc @latter.

1271 /grAmaNI-, /vizvapA-, /khalapU-.

(/muk) (/muk)

muk is an m added afterwardsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1347

When something gets m(uk), it gets an m added at the end. The k means "add at end" (see Adyantau), and the u is padding.

As for instance, rule Anemuk says that plava, dRzya get muk before zAnac. That turns plava into plavam, dRzya into dRzyam --

plu + laT laTazza plu + zAnacplava + zAnac Anemuk plavam + AnaplavamAna- "that jump, jumping"

dRz + yak + zAnac n + jas Anemuk dRzyamAna + jasdRzyamAnAni "that are being seen" ( like phalAni )

305 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1261 -- popularity 2

1397 Some [@affix]es are [@augment]s.

(/gaNapATha) (/gaN)

The gaNapATha is a list of word groupsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1348

The gaNapATha is a list of word groups mentioned by pANini. For instance, rule ajAdyataSTAp mentions the ajAdi "aja-and-so-on" group. Those words are listed in the gaNapATha list.

There is a modernized version of that list at ashtadhyayidotcom gaNapATha .

206 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1292 -- popularity 3

1355 An /AkRtigaNa is a group of words that is not in {pANini}'s version of the /gaNapATha.

1359 /pANinIya, /aSTAdhyAyI.

(ashtadhyayidotcomgaNap) (as)

ashtadhyayidotcom gaNapAThammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1349

You can find a list of gaNapATha groups at --

gaNapATha astadhyayidotcom

As for instance, the group number 45 in that list reads --

ajAdiH 4.1.4 | ajA | eDakA | kokilA | caTakA | azvA | mUSikA | bAlA | hoDA | pAkA | vatsA | mandA | vilAtA | pUrvApihANA | pUrvApahANA | aparApahANA | samMbhastrAjinazaNapiNDebhyaH phalAt | sadackANDaprAntazataikebhyaH puSpAt | zUdrA cAmahatpUrvA jAtiH | kruJcA | uSNihA | devavizA | jyeSThA | kaniSThA | madhyamA | puMyoge'pi | mUlAnnaJaH | daMSTrA ||

The ajAdiH is the name of the group. The 4.1.4 link after that refers to rule 41004 ajAdyataSTAp, which mentions that ajAdi group.

The groups that are marked with the word AkRtigaNa were not started by pANini, but are contributions by later grammarians.

529 letters. -- 10600shortdefinitions.bse 1302 -- popularity 11

DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------- ←

chunk 65: short definitions

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