71027 yuSmad and asmad ←

chunk 38: 71078 /zatR with /num

→ 72009 /iT rules

71078 zatR doesn't after stammered. nAbhyastAcchatuH
71079 But optionally before zi. vAnapuMsakasya
71080 After "A a", gets num before zI GI. AcchInadyornum
71081 Compulsorily if there is zap zyan. zapzyanornityam
71082 anaDuh- before su. sAvanaDuhaH
71084 div- to au . divaaut
71085 pathin- mathin- RbhukSin- to A before su. pathimathyRbhukSAmAt
71086 i to a before strong. itotsarvanAmasthAne
71087 th to nth . thonthaH
71088 Tail of wimpy to lopa. bhasyaTerlopaH
71089 pums- to pumas- . puMsosuG
71090 Nit after go-. gotoNit
71091 First person Nal optionally. NaluttamovA
71092 Non-calling after sakhi-. sakhyurasambuddhau
71093 to anaG before su. anaGsau
71094 Replace R-enders, uzanas-, purudaMsas- and anehas- . RduzanaspurudaMsonehasAJca
71095 kroSTu- to tRc . tRjvatkroSTuH
71096 When feminine too. striyAJca
71097 Optionally before vowel TAsup. vibhASAtRtIyAdiSvaci
71098 catur- and anaDuh- get Am' . caturanaDuhorAmudAttaH
71100 RR of root to ir. RRta::iddhAtoH
71101 nexttolast RR to ir. upadhAyAzca
71102 ur after root labial. udoSThyapUrvasya
72001 ik to vRddhi before sic that is before flat. sicivRddhiHparasmaipadeSu
72002 a of r-l-ender root to vRddhi . atorlAntasya
72003 vad vraj and hal-enders to . vadavrajahalantasyAcaH
72004 But not before iSic. neTi
72007 Light a of a consonant-starter . atohalAderlaghoH

(nAbhyastAccha) (!nAbhyastA)

n/AbhyastAc chatuH ONPANINI 71078
zatR doesn't (get num) after stammered.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 765 num

(Exception to ugidacA, that would otherwise num all zatR before strong.)

Example with a stammered from jakSi --

daridrA + zatR m + su znAbhyastayorAtaH daridr + at + s halGyA daridrat "that is poor, sad, suffering "

Example with a stammered made by zlu --

dA + zlu + zatR zlau dadA + at znAbhya dadat- "giving"

dadat- f + amdadat + GI + am amipUrvaH dadatIm f "that gives"

dadat- m + amdadatam m "that gives"

dadat- m + su halGyA dadat m "that gives"

As in --

pazyAmi rAjAnanM dadataGM gAH "I see that the king is giving cows"

This masculine dadat sounds, misleadingly, like the neuter --

dadat- n + su OR au svamorna dadat n "that gives"

As in --

pazyAmi rakSo dadad gAH "I see that the demon is giving cows"

See also exception vAnapuMsakasya right below.

See also zatR getting num before zI GI. .

KAZIKA abhyastAd aGgAd uttarasya zatuH num na bhavati. dadat, dadatau, dadataH. dadhat, dadhau, dadhataH. jakSat, jakSatau, jakSataH. jAgrat, jAgratau, jAgrataH. zatur anantara I-kAro na vihitaH iti vyavahitasya api numaH pratiSedho vijJAyate.

534 letters. -- 71D.bse 105 -- popularity 4

767 After "!A !a", (/zatR optionally) gets /num before /zI /GI.

(vAnapuMsa) (!vAna)

vA napuMsakasya ONPANINI 71079
But optionally before zi.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 766 num

After stammered, zatR gets num optionally before zi, in spite of nAbhyastAcchatuH that would forbid num.

Examples --

dadanti kulAni "families that give"

dadati kulAni "families that give"

jakSanti kulAni "families that eat "

jakSati kulAni "families that eat "

Careful. In inria, these are the blue green dadati jakSati, not the red ones!

See also zatR getting num before zI GI. .

299 letters. -- 71D.bse 221 -- popularity 1

(AcchInadyo) (!Ac)

Ac chI;nadyor num ONPANINI 71080
After "A a", ( zatR optionally) gets num before zI GI.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 767 num

As GI and zI are not strong, usually they would not cause zatR to get num. Yet this rule says that they get num optionally.

Yet, because of exceptions ( zapzyanornityam, nAbhyastAcchatuH), in fact we only get this optionality after za, after the sya made by lRTassa, and after the lukclass roots that end in A, such as yA.

Examples after za --

before GI --

tud + za + zatR + GI atoguNe tudatI → * tudantI- f "that slaps, that vexes, that bullies"

tudantI brAhmaNI "a brAhmaNI that bullies"

before zI --

tudantI kule "two bullying families"

Example after sya --

kumbhaGM kariSyantI brAhmaNI "a brAhmaNI that is about to make a pot"

kumbhAn kariSyantI kule "two families that are about to enter the ceramics business"

Example after yA --

yAntI brAhmaNI "a brAhMaNI that goes"

yAntI kule "two families that go"

If we don't use this rule, we get the same forms without the num -- tudatI brAhmaNI, tudatI kule, yAtI brAhmaNI etc.

Back to zatR getting num before zI GI. .

KAZIKA avarNAntAd aGgAd uttarasya zatuH vA numAgamo bhavati zInadyoH parataH. tudatI kule, tudantI kule. tudatI brAhmaNI, tudantI brAhmaNI. yAtI kule, yAntI kule. yAtI brAhmaNI, yAntI brAhmaNI. kariSyatI kule, kariSyantI kule. kariSyatI brAhmaNI, kariSyantI brAhnaNI. atra antaraGgatvAdekAdeze kRte vyapavargAbhAvAtavarNAntA daGgAduttarasya zatuH iti na yujyate vaktum, ubhayata Azraye nAntadivatityantAdivadbhAvo 'pi nAsti, bhUtapUrvagatyAzrayaNe vA adatI, ghnatI ityevam AdiSu atiprasaGgaH iti? atra samAdhiM kecidAhuH. zaturavayave zatRzabdo vartate avarNAntAdaGgAduttaro yaH zatravayavaH iti. apare punarAhuH. At ity anena zInadyAveva vizeSyete. avarNAntAd aGgAd uttare ye zInadyau tayoH parataH zatrantasya num bhavati iti. tatra yena nAvyavadhAnaM tena vyavahite 'pi vacanaprAmANyAtiti takAreNa eva vyavadhAnam AzrayiSyate. At iti kim? kurvatI. sunvatI. zInadyoH iti kim? tudatAm. nudatAm.

Notice that pANini uses the word zInadyos to mean "before zI and GI". I guess he didn't say zIGyos because that might mean "before zI GI Gi".

840 letters. -- 71D.bse 274 -- popularity 2

(zapzyanorni) (!zap)

zap;zyanor nityam ONPANINI 71081
Compulsorily if there is zap zyan.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 768

Exception to the previous rule, AcchI. When there is zap or zyan before the zatR that is before zI GI, then the num is compulsory.

Examples with GI after a feminine --

pac + zatR + GI + supacatIs → * pacantIs halGyA pacantI f "that cooks"

pacantI brAhmaNI "a cooking brAhmaNI"

dIvyantI brAhmaNI "a gambling brAhmaNI"

Examples with zI after a neuter --

pacantI rakSasI "two cooking male demons"

dIvyantI rakSasI "two gambling male demons"

So num is compulsory after most roots, because the roots that get zap zyan before zatR make up about 80 percent of all roots -- all the zapclass, zyanclass, nichclass and causative roots.

See also zatR getting num before zI GI. .

KAZIKA zap zyanityetayoH zatuH zInadyoH parato nityaM numAgamo bhavati. pacantI kule. pacantI brAhmaNI. dIvyantI kule. dIvyantI brAhmaNI. sIvyantI kule. sivyantI brAhnaNI. nityagrahaNam vA ityasya adhikArasya nivRttyartham. ihArambhasAmarthyAn nityam uttaratra vikalpa eva azaGkyeta.

511 letters. -- 71D.bse 409 -- popularity 3

421 /ugit (gets /GIp when [@f]).

(sAvanaDu) (!sAv)

sAv anaDuhaH ONPANINI 71082
anaDuh- (gets num) before su.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 769 num

The word anaDuh-, even though it is most often used to refer to bulls and oxen, properly means cart-puller. It used to be a compound of anas- "cart", anomalously changed to anaD, and vah, a rootnoun for "dragger". With stretching by vacisvapi.

Only example --

anaDuh- m + su caturana anaDuh + Am' + su midaco anaDuAh + s → * anaDuAnhs ikoyaNaci anadvAnhs halGyA anadvAnh saMyogAntasya anaDvAn "ox, bull"

By a vArttika, this rule won't work when anaDuh- means a cart-pulling female. In that case, there is GI, and caturana is optional. So with the A from caturana we get --

anaDuh- + GI + su caturana anaDvAh + GI + s halGyA anaDvAhI "cart-pulling cow"

and without it --

anaDuh- + GI + su halGyA anaDuhI "cart-pulling cow"

478 letters. -- 71D.bse 468 -- popularity 2

(divaaut) (!divaW)

diva:: aut ONPANINI 71084
div- to au (before su).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 770 sup

Only example --

div- f + su → * di + au + s ikoyaNaci dyaus beforepause dyauH "sky"

The su may be the normal su or the calling su. So, please address the sky or its goddess this way --

he + div- + @calling → * he + di + au + s ikoyaNaci he dyaus beforepause he dyauH "heavens above!"

Notice that divaWt has a tapara after au. The rule might as well have been divaW. This t was added just to avoid confusion, because the word au in rules often means the affix au.

This rule affects the div- nounbase that means "sky", but not the root div divu 04.0001 "gamble". We know that because if the root had been meant, pANini would have said div(u), with label u, and the rule would have been divor aut.

See also diva::ut.

KAZIKA div ity etasya sau parataH aud ity ayam Adezo bhavati. dyauH. div iti prAtipadikam asti nir-anubandha-kam. dhAtus tu s%Anubandha-kaH, sa iha na gRhyate, akSadyUH.

479 letters. -- 71D.bse 491 -- popularity 3

1238 special nounbases

(pathimathyR) (!path)

pathi;mathy;RbhukSAm At ONPANINI 71085
pathin- mathin- RbhukSin- to A before su.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 771 sup

There are exactly three examples:

pathin- m + su itotsarva pathan- + su thonthaH panthan- + su → * pantha- + A + su akassa panthA- + supanthAs "way, road"

manthAs "churning stick"

RbhukSAs "pn (of indra)"

This A being long, eGhra won't work --

he rbhukSAH "hey indra"

Back to pathin-.

KAZIKA pathin-mathinn-RbhukSinn-ity eteSAm aGgAnAM sau parataH AkAraH Adezo bhavati. panthAH. anthAH. RbhukSAH. sthAniny anunAsike 'pi AkAro 'nunAsiko na bhavati. bhAvyam anena savarNAnAM grahaNaM na bhavati iti zuddho hyayam ucvAryate.

180 letters. -- 71D.bse 527 -- popularity 1

(itotsarva) (!it)

ito 't sarvanAmasthAne ONPANINI 71086
i (of pathin- mathin- RbhukSin-) to a before strong.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 772

Examples --

pathin- + au thonthaH panthin + au → * panthan- + au rAjAnam panthAnau "two roads"

mathin- + am → .. → manthAnam "churning stick"

supanthAni rAjyAni "kingdoms that have a good transportation infrastructure"

Back to pathin-.

159 letters. -- 71D.bse 556 -- popularity 3

771 /pathin- !mathin- !RbhukSin- to !A before /su.

(thonthaH) (!tho)

tho 'nthaH ONPANINI 71087
th (of pathin- mathin-) to nth (before strong).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 773 sup

Example --

pathin- + au → * panthin + au itotsarva panthan + au rAjAnam panthAnau "two roads"

Back to pathin-.

KAZIKA pathimathoH thakArasya sthAne 'nthaH ity ayam Adezo bhavati sarvanAmasthAne parataH. panthAH, panthAnau, panthAnaH. manthAH, manthAnau, manthAnaH.

62 letters. -- 71D.bse 572 -- popularity 3

771 /pathin- !mathin- !RbhukSin- to !A before /su.

(bhasyaTerlo) (!bhas)

bhasya Ter lopaH ONPANINI 71088
tail of wimpy ( pathin- mathin- RbhukSin-) to lopa.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 774 sup

Examples --

pathin- + TA → * path + TApathA "by road"

pathin- + Gi → * path + Gipathi "at the road"

Back to pathin-.

KAZIKA pathyAdInAM bhasaMjJakAnAM TeH lopo bhavati. pathaH. pathA. pathe. mathaH. mathA. mathe. RbhukSaH. RbhukSA. RbhukSe. sarvanAmasthAne ityanuvartamAnam api virodhAdiha na sambadhyate.

73 letters. -- 71D.bse 596 -- popularity 1

(puMsosuG) (!puM)

puMso 'suG ONPANINI 71089
pums- to pumas- (before strong).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 775 sup

The nounbase pums- means "man" or "male". This rule makes it get as(uG) before strong. The G label is for Gicca, and the u label makes ugidacA work before all strong. As it ends in as, rule sAnta works before all strong except the calling. So this rule has exactly five examples --

pums + su → * pumas (u) + s ugidacA pumanss sAnta pumAnss halGyA pumAns saMyogAnta pumAn "man"

pums + au → * pumas (u) + au ugidacA pumansau sAnta pumAnsau nazcApa pumAMsau "two men"

pums + jas → .. → pumAMsas "men"

pums + am → .. → pumAMsam "man"

pums + @calling → * pumans halGyA puman "hey man"

(here naGisa kept nalopaHprA from erasing the n)

See also pums-.

KAZIKA puMsa ityetasya sarvanAmasthAne parato 'suGityayam Adezo bhavati. pumAn, pumAMsau, pumAMsaH. iha paramapumAniti prAgeva vibhaktyutpatteH samAsAntodAttatvam, utpannAyAM vibhaktau asuJityaniSTaH svaraH prApnoti? tadartham asuGi upadezivadvacanaM kartavyam. tena paramapumAnityantodAtto bhavati. pumAnityayaM punarAdyudAtta eva.

412 letters. -- 71D.bse 610 -- popularity 1

(gotoNit) (!goto)

goto Nit ONPANINI 71090
( strong is) Nit after go-.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 776 sup

There are just three examples, su, au and jas --

go- + su → * go + s(uN) acoJNiti gau + sugaus "cow"

go- + @calling → .. → gaus "hey cow" ( same steps )

go- + au → .. → gau + au ecoya gAvau "two cows"

go- + jas → .. → gau + jas ecoya gAvas "cows"

This rule does not work before am (exception automzasoH).

This rule will not work on the go- that was replaced with gu by gostriyoru.

Ther rule does work on the nounbase dyo- "sky", even though it shouldn't.

KAZIKA gozadAt paraM sarvanAmasthAnaM Nit bhavati. NitkAryaM tatra bhavati ityarthaH. gauH, gAvau, gAvaH. taparakaraNaM kim? citraguH. zabalaguH. kathaM he citrago, he zabalagava iti? aGgavRtte punarvRttAvavidhirniSThitasya iti sambuddhijasorgune kRte NittvaM na bhavati. atha vA gotaH iti sambadhalakSaNA SaSThI, gotaH sambandhi yat sarvanAmasthAnam iti. yac ca tadarthasyaikatvAdiSu sarvanAmasthAnaM tad goH sarvanAmasthAnam ityucyate. citraguzabdAt tu sarvanAmasthAnaM tadanyapadArthasaikatvAdinAha. taparakaraNaM tu nirdezartham eva. kecitoto Nititi paThanti, dyozabdAdapi yat sarvanAmasthAnaM vidyate tadartham. dyauH, dyAvau, dyAvaH. gotaH ityetadeva taparakaraNanirdezAtokArAntopalakSaNaM draSTavyam. varNanirdezeSu hi taparakaraNaM prasiddham.

286 letters. -- 71D.bse 676 -- popularity 5

850 @Nexttolast !a to (/vRddhi before /JNit).

1481 about the sandhi machine

(Naluttamo) (!Na)

Nal uttamo vA ONPANINI 71091
First person Nal (is Nit) optionally.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 777 tiG

By parasmaipadAnANNal;a, both tip and mip turn into Nal. This label N lengthens nexttolast a --

pac + liT tippac + Nal ata::upa pAc + Nalpapac + apapAca "he cooked"

pac + liT mippac + Nal ata::upa pAc + Nalpapac + apapAca "I cooked"

This exception says we may erase the N label of first-person Nal. If we choose to do that, ata::upa won't work. So we may also say --

pac + liT mippac + Nal → * pac + al → .. → papaca "I cooked"

Summarizing --

"he cooked" is always papAca

"I cooked" may be papAca or papaca

KAZIKA uttamo Nal vA Nit bhavati. NitkAryaM tatra vA bhavati ityarthaH. ahaM cakara, ahaM cakAra. ahaM papaca, ahaM papAca.

347 letters. -- 71D.bse 707 -- popularity 1

(sakhyurasa) (!sak)

sakhyur a-sambuddhau ONPANINI 71092
Non- calling ( strong is Nit) after sakhi-.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 778 sup

Because of rule acoJNiti, saying that "the affix is Nit" is just a short way of saying "we replace sakhi with sakhai".

All examples --

sakhi- + au → * sakhi- + Nau acoJNiti sakhai + Nau ecoya sakhAyau "two friends"

sakhi- + jassakhai- + jassakhAyaH "friends"

sakhi- + amsakhai- + amsakhAyam "friend"

KAZIKA asambuddhau yaH sakhizabdaH tasmAt paraM sarvanAmasthAnaM Nit bhavati. sakhAyau. sakhAyaH. asambuddhau iti kim? he sakhe.

There is no ai change before the calling su, even though it is strong --

sakhi- m + @calling hrasvasyaguNaH sakhes eGhra sakhe "hey friend"

This rule won't work on the non- calling strong su, because of exception anaGsau right below.

When sakhi- becomes neuter, which only happens at the end of a tatpuruSa compound, this rule will not work, because rAjAhas;sakhibhyaSTac is stronger.

490 letters. -- 71D.bse 735 -- popularity 3

(anaGsau) (/anaG)

anaG sau ONPANINI 71093
( sakhi-) to anaG before (non- calling) su.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 779

This "to an(aG) before su" rule is just short for " sakhi- m plus normal su adds up to sakhA". So a male would say --

sakhA ca te bhaviSyAmi "and I will be your friend"

The feminine of sakhi- gets GI and works normally --

sakhI ca te bhaviSyAmi "and I will be your sister-in-law"

KAZIKA sakhizabdasya sau parataH anaGityayam Adezo bhavati, sa cet suzabdaH sambuddhiH na bhavati. sakhA. asambuddhau iti kim? he sakhe.

With the calling, the ordinary rules work --

sakhi m + @callingsakhessakhe "hey friend, hey brother-in-law"

sakhi f + callingsakhI + s → .. → sakhi "hey friend, hey sister-in-law"

334 letters. -- 71D.bse 776 -- popularity 5

49 The /Git (replace only one letter).

521 (In a @longhorn,) !dhanus (to /anaG).

764 /asthi- /dadhi- /sakthi- /akSi- to /anaG (before vowel /TAsup).

778 Non-@calling (@strong is /Nit) after /sakhi-.

(Rduzana) (!Rduz)

Rd;uzanas; purudaMso;'nehasAM ca ONPANINI 71094
Replace R-enders, uzanas-, purudaMsas- and anehas- (with an before non- calling su).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 780 sup

We can split this rule into two pieces --

(1) The final R of a nonneuter nounbase merges with su into A (exception to RtoGi, that would have made ar) --

pitR m + su → * pit + an + spitA "father"

mAtR f + su → * mAtAnsmAtA "mother" ( same rules as pitA )

(Rule Rnne did not work here because mAtR- is a svasrAdi.)

(2) The as of uzanas-, purudaMsas- and anehas- merges with su into A (exception to atvasa, that would have made As) --

uzanas + su → * uzana + an + suzanA "the poet uzanas" ( same rules as pitA )

uzanA was a sage and poet of old. He is mentioned in the bhg -- kavInAm uzanA kaviH "of the poets I'm uzanas". Notice the lack of H before kaviH.

KAZIKA RkArAntAnAm aGgAnAm uzanas purudaMsasanehasityeteSAm ca asambuddhau sau parataH anaGAdezo bhavati. kartA. hartA. mAtA. pitA. bhrAtA. uzanA. urudaMsA. anehA. asambuddhau ityeva, he kartaH. he mAtaH. he pitaH. he purudaMsaH. he anehaH. he uzanaH. uzanasaH sambuddhau api pakSe anaGiSyate. he uzanan. na Gi-sambuddhyor iti nalopapratiSedho 'pi pakSe iSyate. he uzana. tathA coktam sambodhane tUzanastrirUpaM sAntaM tathA nAntamathApyadantam. mAdhyandinirvaSTi guNaM tvigante napuMsake vyAghrapadAm variSThaH. iti. taparakaraNamasandehArtham.

Before the calling, this rule does not work, so we get he pitar and he uzanas as expected. A vArttika also allows he uzana and he uzanan.

This rule does not work on neuters because svamorna overrides it --

vistArayitR prAjJAyAs dhyAnam "meditation is an expander of wisdom"

I have no idea if we should say purudaMzas- or purudaMsas-. My sources contradict each other.

752 letters. -- 71D.bse 867 -- popularity 7

49 The /Git (replace only one letter).

92 [@root]s are !bhU etc.

293 /Nvul and /tRc (may be added to all roots to [@mean the doer]).

781 !kroSTu- to /tRc (before non-@calling @strong).

1434 split /luT

(tRjvatkroSTuH) (!tRj)

tRjvat kroSTuH ONPANINI 71095
kroSTu- to tRc (before non- calling strong).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 781

The nounbase kRoSTu- means "jackal".

All examples --

kroSTu- + su → * kroSTR- + su Rduzana kroSTA

kroSTu- + au → .. → kroSTArau

kroSTu- + jas → .. → kroSTAras

kroSTu- + am → .. → kroSTAram

But before a weak there is no R --

kroSTu- + zas prathamayo kroSTU + s tasmAccha kroSTUn

nor before the calling --

kroSTu- + calling hrasvasyaguNaH kroSTo + s eGhra kroSTo

The feminine is always kroSTrI-, by the next rule striyAMca.

KAZIKA kroSTuzabdaH tunpratyayAntaH saMjJAzabdaH sarvanAmasthAne 'sambuddhau parataH tRjvad bhavati. tRjantasya yad rUpaM tadasya bhavati ityarthaH. rUpAtidezo 'yam. prayAsattezca kruzereva Rjantasya ya rUpaM tadatidizyate. tac ca kroStR ityetadantodAttam. kroSTA, kroSTArau, kroSTAraH. kroSTAram, kroSTarau. sarvanAmasthAne ityeva, kroSTUn. asambuddhau ityeva, he kroSTo.

253 letters. -- 71D.bse 1035 -- popularity 1

783 Optionally before @vowel /TAsup.

(striyAJca) (!striyAJ)

striyAM ca ONPANINI 71096
When feminine too.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 782

When kroSTu- means a female, it always becomes kroSTR-, then gets GIp, making kroSTrI- --

kroSTu- f + su → * kroSTR + su Rnne kroSTR- + GIp + su ikoyaNaci kroSTrI- + su halGyA kroSTrI "female jackal"

kroSTu- f + bhis → .. → kroSTrI- + bhiskroSTrIbhis "with female jackals"

KAZIKA asarvanAmasthAnArtham ArambhaH. striyAM ca kroStuzabdasya tRjvad bhavati. kroSTrI. kroSTrIbhyAm. kroSTrIbhiH. kroSTuzabdaM kecid gaurAdiSu paThanti, te GISi pratyaye tRjvad-bhAvaM kurvanti. teSAM paJcabhiH kroSTrIbhiH krItaiH paJcakroSTRbhI rathaiH iti strIzabdasya luki kRte na sidhyati, tatra pratividheyam. ye tu gaurAdiSu na paThanti, teSAM striyAm ity artha-nirdezaH, striyAM vartamAnaH kroSTuzabdaH tRjvad bhavati. kRte 'tideze Rnnebhyo GIp iti GIp-pratyayaH. tatra udAttayaNo halpUrvAt 61174 ity ant%odAtta eva kroSTrI-zabdo bhavati.

173 letters. -- 71D.bse 1050 -- popularity 1

781 !kroSTu- to /tRc (before non-@calling @strong).

(vibhASAtR) (!vibhASAt)

vibhASA tRtIyA ''diSv aci ONPANINI 71097
Optionally before vowel TAsup.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 783

Rule tRjvatkroSTuH usually works only before strong. But this exception says that the change into R is optional before TAsup affixes that start with a vowel. So instead of

kroSTu- + TA AGonAstriyAm kroSTunA "with a jackal"

kroSTu- + Gas gherGiti krosto + Gas GasiGasozca kroSTos "of a jackal"

we may also say

kroSTu- + TA → * kroSTR + TA ikoyaNaci kroSTrA "with a jackal"

kroSTu- + Gas → * kroSTR + Gas Rta_ut kroSTur "of a jackal"

There is no such option before zas --

kroSTu- + zaskroSTUn "jackals"

nor before the TAsup that start with a consonant --

kroSTu- + bhyAmkroSTubhyAm "with two jackals"

KAZIKA tRtIyAdiSu vibhaktiSu ajAdiSu kroSTurvibhASA tRjvad bhavati. kroSTrA, kroSTunA. kroSTre kroSTave. kroSTuH, kroSToH. kroSTari, kroSTau. kroSTroH, kroSTvoH. tRtIyAdiSu iti kim? kroSTUn. aci iti kim? kroSTubhyAm. kroSTubhiH. tRjvadbhAvAt pUrvavipratiSedhena numnuTau bhavataH. priyakroSTune araNyAya. hitakroSTune vRSalakulAya. nuT kroSTUnAm.

vArttika -- the num augment from ikocivibhaktau stops this rule from working --

kroSTu- n + Ge ikoci kroSTun + ekroSTune

As in --

priyakroSTune 'raNyAya "to a forest jackals like"

and so does the nuT from hrasva;nady;AponuT --

kroSTu- + AmkroSTu- + nAmkroSTUnAm "of jackals"

so we cannot say priyakroSTre, kroSTRRNAm.

646 letters. -- 71D.bse 1062 -- popularity none

(caturana) (/Am')

catur;anaDuhor Am udAttaH ONPANINI 71098
catur- and anaDuh- get Am' (before strong).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 784

This A(m) is a mitaugment. So we add A after the u --

catur- m + jas → * catu + A + r + jas ikoyaNaci catvAras "four"

catur n + zi → * catuAri ikoyaNaci catvAri "four"

anaDuh- m + jas → * anaDuh + Am' + jas midaco anaDuAhas ikoyaNaci anadvAhas "oxen, bulls"

anaDuh- m + su → * anaDuAh + s ikoyaNaci anaDvAhs sAvanaDuhaH anaDvAnhs halGyA anadvAnh saMyogAnta anaDvAn "ox, bull"

For catur- f, see tricaturo.

For anaDuh- f, see sAv anaDuhaH.

KAZIKA caturanaDuH iyetayoH sarvanAmasthAne parataH Am Agamo bhavati, sa codAttaH. catvAraH. anaDvAn, anaDvAhau, anaDvAhaH. anaDvAham. tadantavidhiratra iSyate. priyacatvAH, priyacatvArau, priyacatvAraH. priyAnaDvAn, priyAnDvAhau, priyAnaDvAhaH. anaDuhaH striyAm veti vaktavyam. anaDuhI, anaDvAhI. gaurAdipAThAt siddham.

The udAtta word in the rule means that the A gets the acute.

288 letters. -- 71D.bse 1080 -- popularity 5

760 @nonfunny gets /num before /zi.

(RRta::iddhAtoH) (!q)

RRta:: id dhAtoH ONPANINI 71100
RR of root to ir.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 785

Roots with RR never keep their RR, it always changes into something else. If no other rule changes a rootfinal RR, this rule will change it into ir.

Examples --

gRR + za + tip → * girati

kRR + za + tip → * kirati

When the root is before a consonant affix, rule halica will lengthen the ir --

kRR + yak + te''' → * kiryate halica kIryate

vi + stRR + kta radAbhyAnni vi + stRR + na → * vistirna halica vistIrna- Natvam vistIrNa- "extended"

Notice that this rule is weaker than hardsoft --

tRR + laT tiptRR + zap + tip hardsoft tarati

See also upadhAyAz ca and ud oSThya-pUrvasya below.

KAZIKA RRkAr%Antasya dhAtoH aGgasya ikAr'-Adezo bhavati. kirati. girati. AstIrNam. vizIrNam. dhAtoH iti kim? pitRRNAm . mAtRRNAm . lAkSaNikasya apy atra grahaNam iSyate. cikIrSati ity atrApi yathA syAd iti dhAtu-grahaNaM kriyate.

Note. The abovementioned root stRR is in the mmw, but you have to look for it under stR, page 1260 column 1.

463 letters. -- 71D.bse 1107 -- popularity 8

295 !jJA, !prI, !kRR and @nexttolast /ik get {(k)a} (to mean the doer).

804 /san gets /iT optionally (after {q}-enders and !vR).

1449 root changes before /yak and @soft /liG

1547 coloncolon symbol

1640 examples of reduplication before /san

(upadhAyA) (!upadh)

upadhAyAz ca ONPANINI 71101
nexttolast RR to ir.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 786

The roots with RR never keep their RR -- they are actually ir or ur roots, but they are listed in the dhAtupATha with RR so that certain rules work on them.

This rule will change a nexttolast RR into ir, unless some other rule changes the RR into something else. Example --

kRRt + Nic + zap + tip → * kirt + Nic + zap + tip halica kIrt + Nic + zap + tip halica kIrtayati "praises"

See also exceptions udoSThya and urRt.

KAZIKA upadhAyAzca RRkArasya ikArAdezo bhavati. kIrtayati, kIrtayataH, kIrtayanti.

300 letters. -- 71D.bse 1147 -- popularity 4

602 !kq gets {s(uT)} after /apa when quadrupeds birds dig.

785 !RR of @root to !ir.

(udoSThyapU) (!udo)

ud oSThya-pUrvasya ONPANINI 71102
(RR to) ur after root labial.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 787

Exception to qta::iddhAtoH and upadhAyAzca, that would have made ir.

The labials are six: the five pu, and v. Examples with pu --

pRR + kta → * pur + kta radA pur + kna halica pUrna Natvam pUrNa- "filled, full"

pRR + san → .. → pupUrSa "want to fill"

pRR + yak + laT te''' → * puryate halica pUryate "it is being filled"

Example with v --

vRR + sanvuvUrSati

KAZIKA oSThya pUrvo yasmAd RRkArAtd asau oSThya-pUrvaH, tadantasya dhAtor aGgasya ukAr'-Adezo bhavati. pUrtAH piNDAH. pupUrSati. mumUrSati. susvUrSati. dantyoSThya-pUrvo 'py oSThya pUrvo bhavati ity atra api bhavati, vuvUrSati Rtvijam, prAvuvUrSati kambalam. oSThyo hyatra pratyAsatteraGgAvayava eva gRhyate, tena RR gatau ityasya sampUrvasya samIrNam iti bhavati. ittvottvAbhyAM guNa-vRddhI bhavato vipratiSedhena. AstaraNam. AstArakaH. niparaNam. nipArakaH. nigaraNam. nigArakaH.

225 letters. -- 71D.bse 1167 -- popularity 6

109 /jJA /zru !smR /dRz plus /san (get @bent).

1449 root changes before /yak and @soft /liG

1640 examples of reduplication before /san

(sicivRddhi) (!sic)

sici vRddhiH parasmaipadeSu ONPANINI 72001
ik to vRddhi before sic that is before flat.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 788 luG

Most roots get compulsory vRddhi replacement before sic before flat -- either by this rule if they have ik, or by the next two rules if they are halanta. But this won't happen before iSic, see exception neTi below.

Example. Here R is an ik, and is before a sic that is before tip, a flat.

kR + luG tip luGlaG akR + tipakR + t'''akR + sic + t → * akAr + s + takAr + s + It''' kric akArSIt "he made"

280 letters. -- 72.bse 342 -- popularity 8

60 @Seventh in a rule may mean "before".

370 When there is /mAG, use /luG.

401 /tas /thas /tha /mip to /tAm''' /tam''' /ta''' /am''' (in [@Git tense]s).

549 !sRj !dRz get {a(m)} before /akit @serious

976 /iSic disappears before /It''' /Is'''.

(atorlAnta) (!atorl)

ato r;l%Antasya ONPANINI 72002
a of r-l-ender root to vRddhi (before sic that is before flat).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 789 luG

In other words, the roots that end in ar al turn them compulsorily into Ar Al before sic before flat --

car + luG tip → .. → a + car + iSic + t''' astisicopRkte acar + iS + It iTa::ITi acarIt → * acArIt "he moved"

jvalajvAlIt "it shone, it was ablaze"

Where it not for this rule, atohalA would have made the lengthening optional.

KAZIKA rephalakArau yAvataH antau samIpau tadantasya aGgasya ata eva sthAne vRddhiH bhavati. kSara akSArIt. tsara atsArIt. jvala ajvAlIt. hmala ahmAlIt. ato halAder laghoH 7-2-7 iti vikalpasya ayam apavAdaH. ataH iti kim? nyakhorIt. nyamIlIt. lrAntasya iti kim? mA bhavAnaTIt. mA bhavAnazIt. antagrahaNaM kim? avabhrIt. azvallIt. atra yau rephalakArau aGgasya antau na tAvataH samIpau.

220 letters. -- 72.bse 353 -- popularity 1

(vadavraja) (!vad)

vada;vraja;hal-antasy/AcaH ONPANINI 72003
vad vraj and hal-enders to ( vRddhi before sic that is before flat).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 790 luG

Examples with aniT roots --

bhid + luG tip → .. → abhid + sic + t''' → * abhaid + s + tabhaid + s + It''' kharica abhaitsIt "he broke"

chid + luG tip → .. → acchaitsIt "he splitted"

pac + luG tip → .. → apAkSIt "he cooked"

Examples with seT roots --

vad + luG tip → .. → avad + sic + t''' → * avAd + s + It'''avAd + iSic + It iTa::ITi avAdIt "said"

vraj + luG tip → .. → avrAjIt ( same steps )

This rule replaces the vowel of the root, so it still works when the root ends in two consonants --

raJj + luG tip → .. → arAGkSIt "he colored"

KAZIKA vada-vrajoH halantAnAM ca aGgAnAm acaH sthAne vRddhir bhavati sici parasmaipade parataH. avAdIt. avrAjIt. vikalpa-bAdhanArthaM vadi-vraji-grahaNam. halantAnAm apAkSIt. abhaitsIt. acchaitsIt. arautsIt. atra yogavibhAge sati halantagrahaNam antareNa api sidhyati. katham? vadivrajyoH ityatra prathamayoge ataH iti sthAnI anuvartate, tato yatacaH iti sUtraM tatra aGgena ajvizeSyate, aGgasya acaH sici parataH vRddhir bhavati. tade tad dhal-grahaNam hal-samudAya-parigrahArtham. iha api syAt, arAGkSIt, abhAGkSIt. anyathA hi yena na avyavadhAnaM tena vyavahite 'pi vacanaprAmANyAd ity ekena varNena vyavadhAne syAt, anekena halA na syAt. udavoDhAm, udavoDham ityatra vaheH sici DhatvasalopAdInAm pUrvatrAsiddham ity asiddha-tvAt pUrvaM halanta-lakSaNA vRddhiH kriyate, pazcAd Dhalopanimittamotvam. tatra kRte punar vRddhir na bhavati, kRtatvAt. yatra tvakRtA vRddhiH, okArasya eva tatra bhavati, soDhAmitrasya apatyam sauDhAmitriH iti.

vad vraj are hal-enders, but they must be mentioned in this rule so that the vRddhi is complulsory. Otherwise, rule atohalA a bit below would have made them get optional vRddhi.

475 letters. -- 72.bse 370 -- popularity 5

206 (Replace /han with /vadha) before /luG (and @soft /liG).

263 The !irit optionally (get /aG before @flat).

408 (/jhi to /jus) after /sic, @stammered, /vid.

927 !s to ( !t ) before @soft !s.

(neTi) (!neT)

n/eTi ONPANINI 72004
But not before iSic.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 791 luG iT

The previous rule won't work if the sic got iT, that is, won't work after halanta seT roots.

Therefore, before iSic, a hal-ender will not have its vowel replaced with vRddhi. But puganta will work if it can. Examples --

div + luG jhi → .. → adiv + sic + jusadiv + iSic + us puganta adeviSus "they gambled"

div + luG tip → .. → adiv + iSic + tadiv + iSic + It''' puganta adev + iS + It iTa::ITi adevIt "he gambled"

kuS + luG tip → .. → akoSIt "he pulled out"

Back to is-aorist.

KAZIKA iD-Adau sici halantasyAGgasya vRddhir na bhavati. adevIt. asevIt. akoSIt. amoSIt. halantasya ityeva, alAvIt. nanu ca etad apy antaraGgatvAt guNAvAdezayoH kRtayoH halantaM bhavati? na etadevam. antaraGgam api guNam vacanArambha-sAmarthyAt sici vRddhir bAdhate ity uktam.

The vowel-enders get sicivRddhiH both before sic and before iSic --

bhid + luG tip → .. → abhaitsIt "he broke"

lU + luG tip luGlaG alU + tipalU + t'''alU + sic + t sicivRddhiH alau + s + talau + s + It''' iTa::ITi alau + It ecoya alAvIt "he reaped"

As of 2023 I pasted adeviSur adevIt into inria reader and they came up gray. Back then, Inria did not catch all the luG yet. Use the Hyderabad tools when Inria fails.

583 letters. -- 72.bse 397 -- popularity 1

(atohalA) (!atoha)

ato halAder laghoH ONPANINI 72007
light a of a consonant-starter (to A optionally before iSic before flat).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 792 luG

Example. kaN and raN are consonant-starters, and get iSic, and their a are light (that is, followed by one consonant). So this rule may work --

kaN + luG tip → .. → akaN + iSic + t''' → * akAN + iSic + takAn + iSic + It''' iTa::ITi akANIt "he shrunk"

raN + luG tip → .. → arANit "he was pleased"

alternatively akaNIt, araNIt.

217 letters. -- 72.bse 435 -- popularity 4

53 Replacement of vowel (becomes vowel-like) when what is after it tries to change what is before it.

256 But not /dRz.

789 !a of {r}-{l}-ender root to /vRddhi (before /sic that is before @flat).

790 !vad !vraj and [/hal]-enders to (/vRddhi before /sic that is before @flat).

71027 yuSmad and asmad ←

chunk 38: 71078 /zatR with /num

→ 72009 /iT rules