→ FAKE RULES --------------------------------
84042 But no after wordfinal
84044 after
84045 Wordfinal
84046 After
84047 before non-vowel.
84053 serious to
84054 Delete fake h of the stammer.
84055 before
84056 Before pause too. But that's optional.
84058 Before a
84059 But optionally if wordfinal.
84061 After
84062 After stop, replace
84065 , optionally delete a
stu means "
So this rule replaces
This change happens to the
Example of
Example of
Example of
Example of
See exception zAt.
KAZIKA sakAratavargayoH zakAracavargAbhyAM sannipAte zakAracavargAvAdezau bhavataH. stoH zcunA iti yathAsaGkhyam atra neSyate. sakArasya zakAreNa, cavargeNa, dvAbhyAm api sannipAte zakAro bhavati. tavargasya api ca zakAreNa, cavargena ca sannipAte cavargo bhavati. Adeze tu yathAsaGkhyam isyate, sakArasya zakAraH, tavargasya ca cavargaH iti. sakArasya zakAreNa sannipAte vRkSazzete. plakSazzete. tasya eva cavargeNa vRkSazcinoti. plakSazcinoti. vRkSazchAdayati. plakSazchAdayati. tavargasya zakAreNa agnicicchete. somasucchete. tasya eva cavargeNa agniciccinoti. somasuccinoti. agnicicchAdayati. somasucchAdayati. agnicijjayati. somasujjayati. agnicijjhakAraH. asomasujjhakAraH. agniciJJakAraH. somasuJJakAraH. masjeH majjati. bhrasjeH bhRjjati. vrazceH vRzcati. yajeH yajJaH. yAceH yAcJA. zAt 8-4-44 iti pratiSedho jJApakaH saGkhyAtAnudezAbhAvasya. stoH zcau iti saptamInirdezo na kRtaH, pUrveNa pareNa ca zcunA sannipAte zcutvaM yathA syAtiti.
The STu letters are
The expression
So the stu, namely,
when they are near a STu, change into
Examples of
Examples of
Examples of
KAZIKA stoH iti vartate. sakAratavargayoH SakAraTvargAbhyAM sannipAte SakAraTavargAvAdezau bhavataH. tatra api tathaiva saGkhyAtAnudezabhAvaH. SakAreNa sakArasya vRkSaSSaNDe. plakSaSSaNDe. tasya eva TavargeNa vRkSaSTIkate. plakSaSTIkate. vRkSaSThakAraH. plakSaSThakAraH. tavargasya SakAreNa peSTA. peSTum. peSTavyam. kRSISTa. kRSISThAH. tasya eva TavargeNa agniciTtIkate. somasuTTIkate. agniciTThakAraH. somasuTThakAraH. agniciDDInaH. somasuDDInaH. agniciDDhaukate. somasuDDhaukate. agniciNNakAraH. somasuNNakAraH. atTa aTTati. adDa aDDati.
Because of exception napadAntATToranAm, STunA does not work here --
and because of toSSi, it does not work here --
Exception to STunA -- the stu that follows a wordfinal Tu stays unchanged.
Examples with the words
SaS- + sup' →
There is, however, STunA of nAm. This only happens after the wordfinal
As yaronu is an optional rule, you may also say
KAZIKA padAntAT TavargAduttarasya stoH STutvaM na bhavati nAm ityetad varjayitvA. zvaliT sAye. madhuliT tarati. padAntAtiti kim? IDa stutau ITTe. ToH iti kim? sarpiSTamam. anAm iti kim? SaNNAm. atyalpam idam ucyate. anAmnavatinagarINAm iti vaktavyam. SaNNAm. SaNNavatiH. SaNNavarI.
Exception to STunA.
So no Tu replacement in --
KAZIKA na iti vartate. ta-vargasya SakAre yad uktaM tan@ na bhavati. agnicitSaNDe. bhavAnSaNDe. mahAnSaNDe.
Careful. Rule stozz has no analogous exception, so wordfinal tu doesn't stay before
Exception to stozz.
KAZIKA toH iti vartate. zakArAd uttarasya tavargasya yaduktaM tan@ na bhavati. praznaH. viznaH.
Notice that STunA has no similar exception -- the tu do NOT stay after
As in --
KAZIKA padAntagrahaNam anuvartate. yaraH padAntasya anunAsike parataH vA anunAsikaH Adezo bhavati. vAG nayati, vAgnayati. zvaliNnayati, zvaliGnayati. agnicinnayati, agnicid nayati. triStumnayati, triSTub nayati. padAntasya ityeva, vedmi. kSubhnAti. yaro 'nunAsike pratyaye bhASAyAM nityavacanaM kartavyam. vAGmayam. tvaGmayam. vyavasthitavibhASAvijJAnAt siddham.
This rule is optional, so you may still say
The rule, as enunciated by
We may, if we want, replace such a consonant with its double consonant .
For instance, the word
You may say
In the manuscript spelling age, however, some people wrote
The rule is optional according to
See exception nAdinyA right below.
Even though pronouncing
In the case of some words like
If I can trust my ears, when chanting, all yar double when they are after a short and before a yaN. So, my advice is that you should always chant
KAZIKA acaH iti vartate, yaraH iti ca. anacparasya aca uttarasya yaro dve vA bhavataH. daddhyatra. maddhvatra. acaH ityeva, smitam. dhmAtam. yaNo mayo dve bhavata iti vaktavyam. kecidatra yaNaH iti paJcamI, mayaH iti SaSThI iti vyAcakSate. teSAm ulkkA, valmmIkaH ity udAharaNam. apare tu mayaH iti paJcamI, yaNaH iti SaSThI iti. teSAm dadhyyatra, madhvvatra ityudAharaNam. zaraH khayo dve bhavata iti vaktavyam. atra api yadi zaraH iti paJcamI, khayaH iti SaSThI, tadA stthAlI, stthAtA iti udAharaNam. athavA khaya uttarasya zaro dve bhavataH. vatssaH. ikSSuH. kSSIram. apssarAH. avasAne ca yaro dve bhavata iti vaktavyam. vAkka, vAk. tvakk, tvak. SaTT, SaT. tatt, tat.
Even though yar means "all consonants except
If you hear your teacher rolling an
Exception to anacica. This rule makes it ungrammatical to double the first
When the eating is meant literally, this rule won't work. So we may say either --
(See also jhalAMjazonte rule above, "wordfinal serious to jaz".)
So the serious letters
For examples of
ashtadhyayidotcom on jhalAM jaz jhazi
KAZIKA jhalAM sthAne jazAdezo bhavati jhazi parataH. labdhA. labdhum. labdhavyam. dogdhA. dogdhum. dogdhavyam. boddhA. voddhum. boddhavyam. jhazi iti kim? dattaH. datthaH. dadhmaH.
In more words --
Examples with roots reduplicating by
KAZIKA abhyAse vartamAnAnAM jhalAM carAdezo bhavati, cakArAj jazca. cikhaniSati. cicchitsati. TiThakArayiSati. tiSThAsati. piphakArayiSati. bubhUSati. jighatsati. DhuDhaukiSate. prakRticarAM prakRticaro bhavanti. cicISati. TiTIkiSate. titaniSati. prakRtijazAM prakRtijazo bhavanti. jijaniSate. bubudhe. dadau. DiDye.
Maybe you are wondering how the words
All stops, wordfinal or not, before khar, turn into the most-alike of
Examples --
ap- + sup' →
KAZIKA khari ca parato jhalAM carAdezo bhavati. jazgrahaNaM na anuvartate, pUrvasUtre ca anukRStatvAt. bhettA. bhettum. bhettavyam. yuyutsate. Aripsate. Alipsate.
Addition to kharica.
KAZIKA jhalAM cariti vartate. avasAne vartamAnAnAM jhalAM vA carAdezo bhavati. vAk, vAg. tvak, tvag. zvaliT, zvaliD. triSTup, triSTub.
As this rule is optional, you may choose between saying
But when you are writing, spelling tradition says that you should always apply this rule. So please write
Example --
But there is no option after dual
KAZIKA aNaH apragRhyasaMjJasya avasAne vartamAnasya vA anunAsikAdezo bhavati. dadhi~, dadhi. madhu~, madhu. kumArI~, kumArI. aNaH iti kim? kartR. hartR. apragRhyasya iti kim? agnI. vAyU.
Because of the most-alike rule, this means --
" before ku, replace M with
" before cu, replace M with
" before Tu, replace M with
" before tu, replace M with
" before pu, replace M with
Example with a wordfinal
Example with a non- wordfinal
Example with a nonwordfinal
See optional exception vApadAntasya.
KAZIKA anusvArasya yayi parataH prasvarNaH Adezo bhavati. zaGkitA. zaGkitum. zaGkitavyam. uJchitA. uJchitum. uJchitavyam. kuNDitA. kuNDitum. kuNDitavyam. nanditA. nanditum. nanditavyam. kampitA. kampitum. kampitavyam. iha kurvanti, vRSanti ityatra Natvasya asiddhatvAt pUrvaM nakArasya anusvAraH kriyate. tasya api parasavarNena punar nakAra eva bhavati. tasya api asiddhatvAt punar NatvaM na bhavati. evam anusvArIbhUto Natvam atikrAmati iti. yayi iti kim? AkraMsyate. AcikraMsyate.
When a wordfinal anusvAra sound is before a Jay, we OPTIONALLY replace it with the nasalized similar of the Jay (the previous rule anusvA made this replacement compulsory for non- wordfinal M.)
So we can say either --
BTW, that means "How did the man kill that pigeon while it was flying in the air?".
KAZIKA padAntasya anusvArasya yayi parataH vA parasavarNAdezo bhavati. taGkathaJcitrapakSaNDayamAnannabhaHsthampuruSo 'vadhIt, taM kathaM citrapakSaM DayamAnaM nabhaHsthaM puruSo 'vadhIt.
Even though
Making a very very long story short, this is what I train my students to do:
(A) When speaking Sanskrit, you should imagine that this rule does not exist. The replacement of M into similar before Jay in saMhitA is compulsory always, both on the wordfinal M and on the non- wordfinal M.
(B) When spelling, imagine that this rule says
Stated more simply --
Always say
There are other people that teach this in other ways. For instance, you will often hear people that, when chanting the
This is the same thing as saying --
" Before
That nasalized
Examples of
Examples of
KAZIKA ta-vargasya lakAre parataH para-savarN'-Adezo bhavati. agnicil lunAti. somasul lunAti. bhavAl~ lunAti. mahAl~ lunAti.
How to pronounce
The combination
How to spell
In theory, the nasalized ell sound should be spelled as an ell with a moondot on top of it. In devanAgarI, therefore, the sound
In practice, however, that is cumbersome and no one spells that way.
If this devanagari is turned into HK, it will look like
In the indology files, the sound
To type that
Example --
ud +
This works only on
ud +
Also, even
KAZIKA savarNaH iti vartate. udaH uttarayoH sthA stambha ity etayoH pUrva-savarNĀ“Adezo bhavati. utthAtA. utthAtum. utthAtavyam. stambheH khalv api uttambhitA. uttambhitum. uttambhitavyam. sthA-stambhoH iti kim? utsnAtA. udaH pUrva-savarna-tve skandez chandasy upasaGkhyAnam. agne dUram utkandaH. roge ca iti vaktavyam. utkandako nAma rogaH. kandater vA dhAtv-antarasya etad rUpam.
So when
Examples --
If we don't take the option --
KAZIKA jhayaH uttarasya pUrvasavarNAdezo bhavati anyatarasyAm. vAgghasati, vAghasati. svaliD Dhasati, zvaliD hasati. agnicid dhasat. agnicid hasati. somasud dhasati, somasud hasati. triSTub bhasati, triSTub hasati. jhayaH iti kim? prAG hasati. bhavAn hasati.
Even though the rule is optional, showing that in times of
According to
In the alternative --
Even thought the rule is optional according to
See also rule zituk, that manages
KAZIKA jhayaH iti vartate, anyatarasyAm iti ca. jhaya uttarasya zakArasya aTi parataH chakarAdezo bhavati anyatarasyAm. vAk chete, vAk zete. agnicic chete, agnicit zete. somasuc chete, somasut zete. zvaliT chete, zvaliT zete. triSTup chete, triSTup zete. chatvam amIti vaktavyam. kiM prayojanam? tacchlokena, tacchmazruNA ity evam artham.
Oops. Above, I forgot to translate the word
"after stop, optionally,
The only examples I know of a
and never
So, here, we may delete the second
ud +
And here we may delete
This deletion is optional, so we may still say
KAZIKA halaH iti vartate, anyatarasyAm iti ca. hala uttarasya jharo jhari savarNe parato lopo bhavati anyatarasyAm. pratttam, avatttam ityatra trayastakArAH, kramajazcaturthaH. tatra madhyamasya madhyamayor vA lopo bhavati. maruttttaH ityatra catvArastakArAH kramajaH paJcamaH. tatra madhyamasya madhyamayoH madhyamAnAM vA lopo bhavati. marucchabdasya hi upasaGkhyAnasAmarthyAt aca upasargAt taH iti tatvaM bhavati. jharaH iti kim? zArGgam. jhari iti kim? priyapaJcJA. allopasya ca pUrvatra asiddhe na sthAnivatiti sthAnivadbhAvapratiSedhAt cakArasya JakAre lopaH syAt. savarNe iti kim? tarptA taptum. tarptavyam. savarNagrahaNasAmarthyAtiha saGkhyAtAnudezo na bhavati, savarNamAtre lopo vijJAyate. tena ziNDhi, piNDhi iti DhakAre DakArasya lopo bhavati.
Exception to tulyAsya. This rule states that, in spite of the fact that grammar rules such as tulyAsya and others consider
Notice that the rule is badly written. In writing, the rule appears to be made of two equal
The kAzikA explains this rule very succintly:
KAZIKA akAro vivRtaH saMvRto bhavati