jhalAJ jaz jhazi

झलां जश्झशि ONPANINI 84053

Replace non-padafinal serious with j ज् b ब् g ग् D ड् d द् before voiced stops.

Rule sthAnentarat... applies, so this rule can also be translated, more verbosely, as —

Before a voiced stop, replace a non-padafinal serious like this —
gh घ् g ग् kh ख् k क् h ह्g ग्
jh झ् j ज् ch छ् c च् z श्j ज्
Dh ढ् D ड् Th ठ् T ट् S ष्D ड्
dh ध् d द् th थ् t त् s स्d द्
bh भ् b ब् ph फ् p प्b ब्

Examples with s स्d द्

As आस् + /laT /dhvam
As आस् + /dhve''' by Tita::Atman...
Ad आद् + dhve ध्वे by this rule
!**Addhve आद्ध्वे "you''' sit"

Examples with S ष्D ड्

dviS द्विष् + /laT /dhvam
dviS द्विष् + dhve ध्वे by Tita::Atman...
dviS द्विष् + Dhve ढ्वे by <12 STunASTuH
dviD द्विड् + Dhve ढ्वे by this rule
!**dviDDhve द्विड्ढ्वे "you''' hate"

Why do we say "before voiced stops"? What happens before the unvoiced?

They become p प् k क् T ट् t त् by kharica >>

**chinad- छिनद् + /tip → **chinatti छिनत्ति "cuts" by kharica >>

ad अद् + /tip → **atti अत्ति by kharica >>

And what happens before a vowel or a funny?

Nothing special happens —

**suyudh- सुयुध् + /jas!**suyudhas सुयुधस् "good fighters", JBJ

likh लिख् + /zap + /sip → **likhati लिखति, JBJ

**rundh- रुन्ध् + /laT /mas → **rundhmas रुन्ध्मस्, JBJ

Why does your translation say "non-padafinal"? The original sUtra does not have or inherit such a word, so it should apply to all serious, padafinal or not.

You have sort of a point there — it should, but it won't. I added a redundant word for clarity. This rule will never apply to a padafinal, because those were replaced with j ज् b ब् g ग् D ड् d द् two chapters ago, by rule jhalAJjazonte.

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