sandhi machine ←

chunk 78: sandhi tables

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sandhi tables
final vowels
final m
final n
all final s r before khar or pause
final as before non-khar
final As before non-khar
Final s that does not follow a A, and all final r
Final t d T D k g p b
Final G

(sandhitables) (sandhit)

sandhi tablesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1496

The following tables answer the question: If a word ends in m and the next word starts with s, do these letters change, and what sandhi rules make the change?

If you only want the result but don't want to know the rules yet, do not use these tables; just use the sandhi gadget at inria. For instance, go there, type sarpAn at the left, sarvAn at the right, choose HK, and press SEND; it will say "the external sandhi of sarpAn and sarvAn is sarpAnsarvAn". So, wordfinal An plus s makes Ans.

(If you are curious, the word "External" means that this gadget is only guaranteed to work if both boxes contain words, and will likely spit nonsense if you write an affix at the right. )

(A) final vowels

(B) final m

(C) final n

(D) all final s r before khar or pause (the khar letters are kha pha cha Tha tha ca Ta tav ka pay za Sa sar )

(E) final as before non-khar

(F) final As before non-khar

(G) Final s that does not follow a A, and all final r

(H) Final t d T D k g p b

(I) Final G

772 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 243 -- popularity 9

(afinalvowels) (fina)

(A) final vowelsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1497

before ch --

the vowel stays, and if the vowel is short, the ch turns into cch (by checa).

sa + chAtraH checa sacchAtraH "that student"

before other consonants --

the vowel and the consonant stay

atra + kapiHatra kapiH "the monkey is here" (no rules apply)

ak before similar ak

replace both with the similar long (by akassa)

atra + azvaH akassa atrAzvaH "the horse is here"

ik before non- similar vowel

replace the ik with the corresponding yaN (by ikoyaNaci)

madhu + atra ikoyaNaci madhvatra "the honey is here"

I U e of a dual before any vowel

no change at all (by IdUded)

kapI + atra IdUded kapI atra "the two monkeys are here"

a and A before ik

replace both with the guNa vowel that is most-alike to the ik (see AdguNaH and How to replace with guNa or vRddhi. )

atra + indraH AdguNaH atrendraH "indra is here"

a and A before ec

replace both with the vRddhi vowel that is most-alike to the ec (see vRddhireci and How to replace with guNa or vRddhi. )

atra + ete vRddhireci atraite "they are here"

e o before a

the a disappears by eGaHp

ete + atra eGaHpa etetra "they are here"

(usually spelled ete 'tra)

e o before other vowels

turn into a_ (by ecoya and lopazzA)

te + imeta_ime "they are these"

ai au before all vowels

turn into A_ Av respectively (by ecoya and lopazzA)

sarvasmai + azvAya ecoya sarvasmAy azvAya lopazzA sarvasmA azvAya "to each horse"

tau + azvau ecoya tAvazvau "those two horses"

Note that as, lopazzA is an optional rule, saying sarvasmAyazvAya and tA_azvau is kosher. Yet, for some reason, these are never found in print. In print, lopazzA is, for some reason, compulsory after ai e o but ignored after au.

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1203 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 261 -- popularity 2

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(bfinalm) (bf)

(B) final mmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1498

Before vowel and pause --

Final m stays

tam + apazyamtamapazyam "I saw him" (by no rules)

If a topdot is written before a vowel or a pause, that is an ancient way of spelling the m sound.

Before a consonant, --

in the spelling,

m always turns into M (by monus).

tam pazyAmi monus taMpazyAmi

tam zRNomi monus taMzrNomi

in the pronunciation

the M is pronounced as an anusvAra sound before yaN and zar.

tam zRNomi monus taMzrNomi

the M is pronounced as a nasal (by anus) before a Jay.

tam pazyAmi monus taMpazyAmi anus tAmpazyAmi

even if that is spelled as tAMpazyAmi.

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435 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 300 -- popularity 1

(cfinaln) (cf)

(C) final nmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1499

The wordfinal n , when it is...

before ku, pu, d, dh, s, S, n, y, r, v,

stays because no rules apply --

kumbhAn karoti "he makes pots"

kapIn + SaTkapIn SaT "six monkeys"

(In the case n + S, rule STunA does not apply because exception toSSi says so.)

before l

becomes nasalized l~ (by torli)

lekhAn + likhati torli lekhAl~ likhati "he writes letters"

(this is pronounced almost like lekhAnlikhati, and is often misspelled as lekhAMllikhati or as lekhAnlikhati)

before vowel --

doubles after a short (by Gamo) --

rAjan + Agaccha Gamo rAjann Agaccha "please come, your majesty"

but stays after a long --

hanumAn Agacchati "hanumAn is coming"

before z j jh,

n to J by stozz

tAn + japati stozz tAJ japati "he mumbles them"

the z will either stay --

tAn + zRNu stozz tAJ zRNu "listen to them!"

or turn into cch or ch (by zituk and other rules) --

tAn + zRNu zituk tAnt + zRNu stozz tAJc + zRNu zazchoTi tAJcchRNu "listen to them!"

tAn + zRNu → .. → tAJcchRNu jharojhari tAJchRNu "listen to them!"

before D Dh,

n to N by STunA.

hanumAn + DIyate STunA hanumAN DIyate "hanumAn flies"

before cha Tha tha ca Ta tav --

n to Ms Mz MS by nazchavya, stozz and STunA.

hanumAn + tarati nazchavya hanumAMs tarati "hanumAn crosses"

hanumAn + carati nazchavya hanumAMs carati stozz hanumAMz carati "hanumAn walks"

hanumAn + TIkate nazchavya hanumAMs TIkate STunA hanumAMS TIkate "hanumAn jumps"

(We may also say hanumA~s tarati, see accurate translation of nazchavya .)

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1016 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 322 -- popularity 1

(dallfinalsrbeforekharo) (da)

(D) all final s r before khar or pausemmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1500

No matter if the s r is after a A or any other vowel, a wordfinal s or r will turn into --

H, before pause (by sasaju and kharava)

azvas + @pause sasaju azva + ru kharava azvaH "horse"

s, before s t th (by sasaju, kharava, vAzari, visarjanIyasyasaH)

azvas + saH sasaju azva + ru + saH kharava azva + H + saH vAzari azvassaH "that horse"

(this is pronounced azvassaH but must be spelled as azvaHsaH)

azvas + tarati sasaju azva + ru + tarati kharava azva + H + tarati visarjanIyasyasaH azvastarati "horse crosses"

z before c ch z (by the earlier rules plus stozz).

azvas + carati sasaju azva + ru + carati kharava azva + H + carati visarjanIyasyasaH azvas carati stozz azvazcarati "horse walks"

S before T Th S (by the earlier rules plus STunA).

azvas + TIkate sasaju azva + ru + carati kharava azva + H + carati visarjanIyasyasaH azvas carati STunA azvazcarati "horse jumps"

before ku pu --

if the ku pu is not followed by a zar --

either H or K F (by kupvo and other rules),

sas + karoti sasaju sar + karoti kharava saH + karoti kupvo saH karoti "he does"

sas + karoti sasaju sar + karoti kharava saH + karoti kupvo saK karoti "he does"

if the ku pu is followed by a zar --

compulsorily H (by zarpare) --

sas + kSetrI sasaju sar + kSetrI kharava saH + kSetrI zarpare saH kSetrI "that farmer"

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789 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 360 -- popularity 2

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(efinalasbeforenonkhar) (efi)

(E) final as before non- kharmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1501

as plus a make o (by sasaju, atoro, AdguNaH, eGaHpa).

as turns into a_ (a plus hiatus) or into ay before the other vowels, (by bhobhago and lopazzA).

as turns into o before haz (by sasaju, hazica, AdguNaH).

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169 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 380 -- popularity 1

(ffinalAsbeforenonkhar) (ff)

(F) final As before non- kharmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1502

As turns into A_ (A plus hiatus) or into Ay before all vowels, (by bhobhago and lopazzA).

azvAs + adravan bhobhago azvAyadravan lopazzA azvA_adravan

As turns into A before haz (by bhobhago and halisarveSAm).

azvAs + dravanti bhobhago azvAydravanti halisar azvAdravanti

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203 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 390 -- popularity 1

(gfinalsthatdoesnotfoll) (gf)

(G) Final s that does not follow a A, and all final rmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1503

Before vowel --

s to r (by sasaju), r stays

kapis + aplavata sasaju kapir aplavata "monkey jumped"

punar aplavata (stays) "jumped again"

Before r --

s r to nothing (by rori)

hayais + ratho yuktaH rori hayai ratho yuktaH "the chariot is yoked with horses"

if the vowel before the disappeared s r is a i u, replace it with long (by Dhralope).

punas + rathaH rori puna rathaH Dhralope punA rathaH "again chariot"

Before other haz --

s to r (by sasaju),

kapes + lAGgUlam sasaju kaper lAGgUlam "monkey's tail"

r stays (no rules work)

punar dravati (stays) "runs again"

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412 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 400 -- popularity 1

(hfinaltdTDkgpb) (hf)

(H) Final t d T D k g p bmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1504

The wordfinal k T t p first turn into g D d b by jhalAJjazonte, no matter what follows, and then

all g D d b --

(1) turn into t T k p before khar or pause (by kharica).

madhuliD + patati kharica madhuliTpatati "the bee falls"

and when d becomes t, that t will

combine with z into cch (by zazchoTi)

tad + zivaH kharica tat + zivaH zazchoTi tat + chivaH stozz tacchivaH "that's lucky"

change into c before c ch (by stozz)

tad + ca kharica tat + ca stozz tacca "that too"

change into T before T Th (by STunA)

suhRd + TIkate kharica suhRt TIkate STunA suhRT TIkate "friend jumps"

(2) turn into n N G m before nasal (by yaronu).

tad + mimIte yaronu tan mimIte "he measures it"

(3) combine with h into ddh DDh ggh bbh (by jhayoho).

vidyud + hanti jhayoho vidyud dhanti "lightning kills"

(4) stay before vowel, and before the other haz (because no rules apply)

tad + akarod + @pausetadakarot "he did that"

bhagavad + gItAbhagavadgItA

except that d plus l makes ll (by torli).

tad + likhati torli tallikhati "he writes it"

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700 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 432 -- popularity 2

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(ifinalG) (if)

(I) Final Gmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1505

Words that end in G are very rare. Most are built by rule kvinpratyayasyakuH. Examples: prAG "eastern", dadhyaG "name of a sage".

Final G turns into --

GG, after short before vowel (by Gamohra)

and stays everywhere else.

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186 letters. -- 28100sandhimachine.bse 450 -- popularity 1

sandhi machine ←

chunk 78: sandhi tables

→ verb building machine