61112 after
61113 After
61114 before
61122 optionally after
61125 Extralong and nonjoiner vowels stay before vowel.
61127 Optionally,
61132 Delete
61137 After
61172 after long
61185 An affix with
61193 The syllable before a
61197 The start before
62001 In a longhorn, the former keeps its accent.
63009 After consonant or
63025 Replace
63073 Delete the
63074 Vowel after
63082 optionally in a longhorn.
Examples --
KAZIKA GasiGasoH ityeva. RkArAntAd uttarayoH Gasi-GasoH ati parataH pUrvaparayoH ukAra ekAdezo bhavati. hoturAgacchati. hotuH svam. dvayoH SaSThI-nirdiSTayoH sthAne yaH sa labhate 'nyataravyapadezaM iti ur aN raparaH iti raparatvam atra kRtvA rAt sasya iti salopaH kartavyaH.
The literal translation of the rule is --
Therefore, if you like splitting hairs, my translation above was sloppy, as this rule alone does not make
Only examples:
sakhi- + Gas →
pati- + Gas
This rule won't work on compounded pati- --
KAZIKA GasiGasoH iti vartate, utiti ca. khyatyAtiti khizabdakhIzabdayoH tizabdatIzabdayozca kRtayaNAdezayoridaM grahaNaM, tAbhyAM parasya GasiGasoH ata ukArAdezo bhavati. sakhyurAgacchati. sakhyuH svam. patyurAgacchati. patyuH svam. khIzabdasya udAharaNam saha khena vartate iti sakhaH, tam icchati iti kyac sakhIyati. sakha yateH kvip sakhIH, tasya GasiGasoH sakhyuH iti. tIzabdasya api lUnam icchati lUnIyati, lUnIyateH kvipi lupte, lUnyurAgcchati. lUnyuH svam. niSThAnatvaM pUrvatrAsiddham 8-2-1 ityasiddham. vikRtanirdezAdeva iha na bhavati, atisakherAgacchati, senApaterAgacchati iti. sakhizabdasya kevalasya ghisaMjJA pratiSidhyate, na tadantasya.
Just in case you are curious: the nounbase "
This rule only works after sasaju works, and after it works, AdguNaH and eGaHpa will always work. The effect of these four rules together is --
"replace wordfinal
Example --
Writing that in more detail --
More examples --
See also Spelling of
KAZIKA ati, utiti vartate. akArAdaplutAduttarasya ro rephasya ukArAnubandhaviziSTasya akAre 'plute parata ukArAdezo bhavati. vRkSo 'tra. plakSo 'tra. bhobhagoaghoapUrvasya yo 'zi ityasmin prApte utvaM vidhIyate. rutvam api AzrayAt pUrvatrAsiddham iti asiddhaM na bhavati. ataH iti kim? agnir atra. tapara-karaNaM kim? vRkSA atra. sAnubandhagrahaNaM kim? svaratra. prAtaratra. ati ityeva, vRkSa iha. tasya api taparatvAdatra na bhavati. vRkSa AzritaH. aplutAd iti kim? susrotA3 atra nvasi. aplute iti kim? tiSThatu paya a3zvin. atra plutasya asiddhatvAtutvaM prApnoti iti aplutAdaplute iti ucyate.
When ru is after
" wordfinal
Example before the haz letter
If you want the small details --
More examples --
KAZIKA hazi ca parataH ata uttarasya rorukArAdezo bhavati. puruSo yAti. puruSo hasati. puruSo dadAti.
Optional exception to eGaHpa.
Examples --
KAZIKA sarvatra chandasi bhASAyAM ca ati parato goH eG prakRtyA bhavati vibhASA. go 'gram, go agram. chandasi apazavo vA anye goazvebhyaH pazavo goazvAn.
I spelled
So a country where the main economic activity is cattle husbandry may be called --
go- "kine" +
If we don't take this option, we get either
KAZIKA ati iti nivRttam. aci ityetat tvanuvartata eva. aci parataH goH sphoTAyanasya AcAryasya matena avaGAdezo bhavati. gavAgram, go 'gram. gavAjinam, go 'jinam. gavau danam, gavodanam. gavoSTram, gavuSTram. AdyudAttazca ayam Adezo nipAtyate, sa nipAtanasvaro bahuvrIhau prakRtisvaravidhAne bhavati. gAvaH agram asya gavAgraH iti. anyatra tu samAsAntaudAttatvena bAdhyate. sphoTAyanagrahaNaM pUjArthaM, vibhASA ityeva hi vartate. vyavasthitavibhASA iyaM, tena gavAkSaH ityatra nityam avaG bhavati.
The mention of
After the extralong vowels and the nonjoiner vowels,
The rules that change a wordfinal vowel and the next vowel (for instance akassa, ikoyaNaci, eGaHpa, AdguNaH, ecoya) will not work if the first vowel is an extralong or a nonjoiner. Instead, we get a hiatus.
Example. Usually, because of eGaHpa,
However, rule IdUdeddvi teaches that the final
KAZIKA plutAzca pragRhyAzca aci prakRtyA bhavanti. devadatta3atra nvasi. yajJadatta3idam Anaya. AzrayAdatra plutaH siddhaH. pragRhyAH agnI iti. vAyU iti. khaTve iti. mAle iti. aci ityanuvartamAne punarajgrahaNam Adezanimittasya aciH parigrahArtham. tena iha na bhavati, jAnu u asya rujati jAnvasya rujati. pragRhyAdukArAt parasya akArasya savarNadIrghatvaM pratyanimittatvAdatra prakRtibhAvo na bhavati. nityagrahaNam iha anuvartate. plutapragRhyANAM nityam ayam eva prakRtibhAvo yathA syAd, iko 'savarNe zAkalyasya hrasvaz ca 61127 ityetan mA bhUtiti.
Examples --
KAZIKA AGo 'ci parataH saMhitAyAM chandasi viSaye 'nunAsikAdezo bhavati, sa ca prakRtyA bhavati. abhra auM apaH. gabhIra auM ugraputre jighAMsataH. kecidAGo 'nunAsikaz chandasi bahulam ityadhIyate. tena iha na bhavati, indro bAhubhyAmAtarat. A atarat.
Optional exception to ikoyaNaci.
So even though we usually apply ikoyaNaci in these --
the wordfinal
(This last line is from the rAmAyaNa. This option was taken mc.)
A long wordfinal must shorten --
KAZIKA iko 'savarne aci parataH zAkalyasya AcAryasya matena prakRtyA bhavanti, hrasvazca tasya ikaH sthAne bhavati. dadhi atra, dadhyatra. madhu atra, madhvatra. kumAri atra, kumAry atra. kizori atra, kizory atra. ikaH iti kim? khaTvendraH. asavarNe iti kim. kumArIndraH. zAkalyasya grahaNaM pUjArtham. ArambhasAmarthyAdeva hi yaNAdezena saha vikalpaH siddhaH. sinnityasamAsayoH zAkalapratiSedho vaktavyaH. siti ayaM te yonir RtviyaH. nityasamAse vyAkaranam. kumAryartham. ISA akSAdiSu chandasi prakRtibhAvamAtraM vaktavyam. ISA akSo hiraNyayaH. kA imare pizaGgilA. pathA agaman.
Ordinarily, because of AdguNaH, ikoyaNaci, akassa, we have --
But this exception allows hiatus as well --
If the ak is long, it shortens --
KAZIKA zAkalyasya hrasvazca ityetadanuvartate. RkAre parataH zAklyasya AcAryasya matena akaH prakRtyA bhavanti hrasvazca tasyakaH sthAne bhavati. khaTva RzyaH. mAla RzyaH. kumAri RzyaH. hotR RzyaH. Rti iti kim? khaTvendraH. akaH iti kim. vRkSAvRzyaH. savarNArthamanigarthaM ca vacanam.
This div- is a f kvin-ender rootnoun that means "sky".
Examples with
div- + bhis
div- + sup'
Examples with
div- +
When the
If the su is strong, this rule won't work (because the su is strong, the
But in the end of a compound like
KAZIKA eGaH padAntAdati ity ataH padagrahaNam anuvartate. divaH iti prAtipadikaM gRhyate, na dhAtuH, sAnubandhakatvAt. divaH padasya ukArAdezo bhavati. divi kAmo yasya dyukAmaH. dyumAn. vimaladyu dinam. dyubhyAm. dyubhiH. niranubandhakagrahaNAdiha na bhavati, akSadyUbhyAm, akSadyUbhiH iti. taparakaranam UTho nivRttyartham, dyubhyAm, dyubhiH iti. atra hi paratvAt UTH prApnoti. padasya iti kim? divau. divaH.
eSas and sas mean "this" and "that". They are the masculine pronouns tad- and etad- with su added --
If they are before a consonant, in saMhitA, they lose their final su, turning into sa and eSa --
Before vowel, this rule does not delete the su, but other rules delete or change it anyway --
So, the su only manages to survive when it is before pause --
KAZIKA etat;tadau yAvakakArau naJsamAse na vartate tayor yaH suzabdaH, kazca tayoH suzabdaH? yaH tadarthena sambaddhaH, tasya saMhitAyAM viSaye hali parato lopo bhavati. eSa dadAti. sa dadAti. eSa bhuGkte. sa bhuGkte. etattadoH iti kiM? yo dadAti. yo bhuGkte. sugrahaNaM kim? etau gAvau carataH. akoH iti kim? eSako dadAti. sako dadAti. tanmadhyapatitas tadgrahaNena gRhyate iti rUpabhede 'pi sAkackAv etat-tadAv eva bhavataH. a-naJ-samAse iti kim? aneSo dadAti. aso dadAti. uttarapad%Artha- pradhAnatvAn naJ-samAsasya etattadoreva atra sambaddhaH suzabdaH. hali iti kim? eSo 'tra so 'tra.
I have never heard those words or seen them written outside of the commentaries to this rule.
This rule will replace the kR that means decorating with
Examples --
upa + kR + tRc
pari + kR + tRc
This rule won't work when the meaning is not "decorating" --
upa + kR + tRc
KAZIKA sam pari upa ity etebhyaH bhuSaN%Arthe karotau parataH suT kAt pUrvo bhavati. saMskartA. saMskartum. saMskartavyam. atra saMpuMkAnAM satvam iti samo makArasya sakAraH, pUrvasya cAkArasya anunAsikaH. pariSkartA. pariSkartum. pariSkartavyam. suTstusvaJjAm iti Satvam. upaskartA. upaskartum. upaskartavyam. bhUSaNe iti kim? upakaroti. sampUrvasya kvacidabhUSaNe 'pi suDiSyate, saMskRtamannam iti.
This rule applies only when the scraping is done in joy, to find food or to make a shelter --
but not otherwise --
In such cases the root gets bent affixes. But if its not a bird or quadruped, there is flat.
KAZIKA kiratau ityeva. apAtuttarasmin kiratau catuSpAcchakuniSu yadAlekhanaM tasmin visaye sut kAt pUrvaH bhavati. apaskirate vRSabho hRSTaH. apaskirate kukkuTo bhakSyArthI. apaskirate zvA AzrayArthI. Alikhya vikSipati ityarthaH. catuSpAcchakuniSu iti kim? apakirati devadattaH. harSajIvikAkulAyakaraNeSviti vaktavyam. iha mA bhUt, apakirati zvA odanapiNDamAzitaH. harSajIvikAkulAyakaraNeSveva kiraterAtmanepadasya upasaMkhyAnam.
When an affix is cit, the last vowel of the result of adding stem and affix gets the acute. As in --
There is another
KAZIKA cito 'nta udAtto bhavati. bhaJjabhAsamido ghurac 3-2-161 bhaGguram. bhAsuram. meduram. AgastyakauNDinayayoragastikuNDinac 2-4-70. kuNDinAH. citi pratyaye prakRtipratyayasamudAyasya anta udAtta iSyate. bahupaTuH. uccakaiH.
Back to labels and accent .
For instance, the kRt affix kta is kit. So in --
the accent is on the
Back to labels and accent .
KAZIKA taddhitasya ityeva. taddhitasya kito 'nta udAtto bhavati. naD´AdibhyaH phaG nADAyanaH. cArAyaNaH. prAg vahateS Thag AkSikaH. zAlAkikaH.
have acute on the last vowel.
KAZIKA aSTano dIrghAntAd a-sarvanAmasthAna-vibhaktir udAttA bhavati. aSTAbhiH. aSTAbhyaH. aSTAsu. ghRtAdipAThAtaSTanzabdo 'nt%odAttaH, tatra jhaly upottamam 61180 ityasya apavAdo vibhaktir eva udAtta-tvaM vidhIyate. dIrghAd iti kim? aSTasu prakrameSu brAhmaNo 'gnIn AdadhIta. idam eva dIrgha-grahaNam aSTana At-tva-vikalpaM jJApayati, kRtAtvasya ca SaT-saMjJAM jJApayati. anyathA hyAtvapakSe sAvakAzo 'STanaH. svaraH paratvAdanAtvapakSe SaTsvareNa bAdhiSyate iti kim dIrgha-grahaNena.
We know that the rule aSTana:: A vibhaktau is optional because this rule contains the word
Exception to AdyudAttazca, that makes affixes acute in the first by default.
So --
has falling on the
Back to labels and accent .
Exception to AdyudAttazca.
lit means "what has label ell" (not same as liT, a past tense).
Examples with the lit affixes are
kR + liT tip →
with accent on the
kR + liT mip →
with accent on the
kR + san + Nvul
with accent on the
Back to labels and accent .
KAZIKA liti pratyayAt pUrvam udAttaM bhavati. cikIrSakaH. jihIrSakaH. bhaurikividham. bhaulikividham. aiSukAribhaktam.
Some Jit affixes:
Rule svaritaJi says Jit roots, like kR and UrNu, are flattybendy.
The nit affixes put the accent at the start (by JnityA), just like the Jit affixes.
Some nit affixes --
The Jit affixes and the nit affixes place the accent on the first vowel of whatever they are added to. HYPER-CAREFUL here please -- I said nit, NOT Nit.
Examples. zyan, vun and yaJ are Jnit affixes. That's why this
While this other
KAZIKA Jiti niti ca nityam Adir udAtto bhavati. gargAdibhyo yaJ gArgyaH. vAtsyaH. vAsudev%ArjunAbhyAM vun vAsudevakaH. arjunakaH. pratyayasvar%ApavAdo 'yaM yogaH. pratyayalakSaNam atra na iSyate, tena gargAH, bidAH, caJcAH ity atra yaJi kani ca lupte na bhavati.
If you find
Exception to titsvaritam. Roots with yat, and nouns with yat'', get the acute before the affix.
Example --
Counterexample --
Back to labels and accent .
KAZIKA niSthA ca dvyajanAt
Exception to AdyudAttazca.
A rit is whatever has label
Back to labels and accent .
So the latter loses it.
This is not a vedic rule, but in practice it might as well be -- I want to remind the reader that nowadays accent rules are only applied when reciting the veda . So that you won't lose sleep because of the horror story below.
Traditional example (translated into English) --
The word "indra-kíller" is a tatpuruSa compound, and means someone who will kill
But "índra-killer" is a longhorn compound, and means someone whose killer is
There is an old story about
Yet, when you are not talking to gods, nor chanting the veda, NVM about accents.
BTW, I found that story about
tvaSTR mispronounces indrazatru
KAZIKA pUrvapada-grahaNaM atra pUrvapada-sthe svare udAtte svarite vA vartate. bahuvrIhau samAse pUrva-padasya yaH svaraH sa prakRtyA bhavati, sva-bhAvenAvatiSThate, na vikAram anudAtta-tvam Apadyate. samAsAntodAttatve hi sati anudAttaM padam ekavarjam
That is to say, supodhA does not work on a tag whose former is a nounbase that ends in
For instance, the nounbase of
Therefore when this
But if
See gaviyudhibhyAM sthiraH for another example.
KAZIKA halantAd adantAc ca uttarasyAH saptamyAH saMjJAyAm alug bhavati. yudhiSThiraH. tvacisAraH. gaviSThiraH ity atra tu gaviyudhibhyAM sthiraH 83095 ity ata eva vacanAd aluk. adantAt araNye-tilakAH. araNye-mASakAH. vane-kiMzukAH. vaneharidrakAH. vane-balbajakAH. purvAhNe-sphoTakAH. kUpe-pizAcakAH. haladantAditi kim? nadyAM kukkuTikA nadIkukkuTikA. bhUmyAM pAzAH bhUmipAzAH. saMjJAyAm iti kim? akSazauNDaH. hRddyubhAM GeH. hRd divityetebhyAm uttarasya Ger alug bhavati. hRdispRk. divispRk.
Incidentally. When I was learning this rule for the first time I wondered why
KAZIKA RkArAntAnAM vidyAyonisambhandhavAcinAM yo dvandvas tatra uttarapade pUrvapadasya AnaGAdezo bhavati. hotApotArau. neSTodgAtArau. prazAstApratihartArau. yonisambandhebhyaH mAtApitarau. yAtAnanAndarau. makAroccAraNaM raparatvanivRttyartham. RtaH iti kim? pitRpitAmahau. putre ityatra anuvartate, RtaH iti ca. tena putrazabde 'pyuttarapade RkArAntasya anaGAdezo bhavati. pitAputrau. mAtAputrau.
or a longhorn --
or before
But this rule won't work on
because here the two halves of the compound are not samereferent, as
KAZIKA samAnAdhikaraNe uttarapade jAtIye ca pratyaye parato mahataH AkArAdezo bhavati. mahAdevaH. mahAbrAhmaNaH. mahAbAhuH. mahAbalaH. jAtIye mahAjAtIyaH. samAnAdhikaraNajAtIyayoH iti kim? mahataH putraH mahatputraH. lakSaNoktatvAd eva atra na bhaviSyati iti ced bahuvrIhAv api na syAd mahAbAhuH iti. tadarthaM samAnAdhikaraNagrahaNaM vaktavyam. amahAn mahAn sampanno mahadbhUtazcandramAH ityatra gauNatvAn mahadarthasya na bhavatyAtvam. mahadAtve ghAsakaraviziSTeSu upasaGkhyAnaM puMvadvacanaM ca asamAnAdhikaraNArtham. mahatyAH ghAsaH mahAghAsaH. mahatyAH karaH mahAkaraH. mahatyAH viziSTaH mahAviziSTaH. aSTanaH kapAle haviSyupasaGkhyAnam. aSTakapAlaM caruM nirvapet. haviSi iti kim? aSTakapAlaM brAhmaNasya. gavi ca yukte 'STana upasaGkhyAnaM kartavyam. aSTAgavena zakaTena. yukte iti kim? aSTagavaM brAhmaNasya taparakaraNaM vispaSTArtham.
Examples --
dvi- + dazan- + jas
aSTan- + dazan- + jas
The rule does not work before
Or in a longhorn --
Or before numerals from a hundred on --
KAZIKA dvi aSTanityetayoH AkArAdezo bhavati saGkhyAyAm uttarapade abahuvrIhyazItyoH. dvAdaza. dvAviMzatiH. dvAtriMzat. aSTAdaza. aSTAviMzatiH. aSTAtriMzat. dvyaSTanaH iti kim? paJcadaza. saGkhyAyAm iti kim? dvaimAturaH. ASTamAturaH. abahuvrIhyazityoH iti kim? dvitrAH. tridazAH. dvyazItiH. prAk zatAd iti vaktavyam. iha mA bhUt, dvizatam. dvisahasram. azTazatam. aSTasahasram.
When we compound
In the above examples--
KAZIKA arus dviSad ity etayor ajanatAnAM ca khid-anta uttara-pade mum-Agamo bhavati anavyayasya. aruntudaH. dviSantapaH. ajantAnAm kAlimmanyA. arurdviSadajantasya iti kim? vidvanmanyaH. anavyayasya ityeva, doSAmanyamahaH. divAmanyA rAtriH. antagrahaNaM kim? kRtAjantakArya-pratipatty-artham. ato hrasve kRte mum bhavati.
In a tatpuruSa --
naJ +
In a longhorn --
naJ +
If what is after naJ starts with a vowel, next rule tasmAnnuDaci will work.
KAZIKA naJo nakArasya lopo bhavati uttarapade. abrAhmaNaH. avRSalaH. asurApaH. asomapaH. naJo nalope 'vakSepe tiGyupasaGkhyAnaM kartavyam. apacasi tvaM jAlma. akaroSi tvaM jAlma.
Addition to naloponaJaH. When naJ is before a vowel-starter, that vowel-starter gets nuT. In other words, we add
naJ +
Notice that this rule adds
KAZIKA tasmAl lupta-nakArAn naJaH nuT-Agamo bhavati aj-AdAv uttarapade. anajaH. anazvaH. tasmAd iti kim? naJa eva hi syAt. pUrvAnte hi Gamo hrasvAd aci GamuN nityam iti prApnoti.
Example --
Compounding saha- with
saha- +
Notice that the bhis ending of
This rule is optional --
saha- +
This rule will not work on non- longhorn compounds like
KAZIKA upasarjana-sarvAvayavaH samAsaH upasarjanam. yasya sarve 'vayavA upasarjanIbhUtAH sa sarvopasarjano bahuvrIhir gRhyate. tadavayavasya sahazabdasya vA sa ityayam Adezo bhavati. saputraH, sahaputraH. sacchAtraH, sahacchAtraH. upasarjanasya iti kim? sahayudhvA. sahakRtvA. sahakRtvapriyaH, priyasahakRtvA iti iha bahuvrIhau yaduttarapadaM tat paraH sahazabdo na bhavati iti sabhAvo na bhavati.