FAKE RULES -------------------------------- ←
As in the sentences --
In inria reader, these go by the nicknames of --
su = sg nom (normal su) OR sg voc ( calling su)
The first group affixes are added to nounbases when there is no particular reason to add any other group. See first ending by default for examples.
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They are --
The second affixes are added mainly to the object of a root that means the doer (see karmaNidvitIyA). See also uses of the second endings .
In inria reader, these three affixes go by the nickname of " accusative". So if you type
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These are the third group of affixes in the list svaujas --
They are used --
on the doer of a root that does not mean the doer ( kartRkaraNayostRtIyA)
to mean using a tool ( kartRkaraNayostRtIyA )
to mean accompanied with someone
with "far" and "near" ( dUrAntikA )
inria nicknames --
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The fourth group of svaujas affixes are --
These affixes may mean --
aim -- see caturthIsampradAne
result or purpose -- see what means purpose or result is an aim
object of deleted purpose word -- see kriyArtho
The inria codenames for these affixes are --
Important advice for beginners: never use the fourth to translate an English "to" into Sanskrit. That will almost always fail. For instance, when saying "I went to the beach" in Sanskrit, the beach gets second, never fourth.
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These affixes are --
inria codes
The fifth enders and the sixth enders sound the same, except the singular Gas Gasi when they follow
These are the sixth group of case affixes.
Their inria codes have g "genitive" in them --
The sixth most often translate as "of" --
or as "have" (see owner gets sixth ) --
In comparisons, as "among" (see yatazcani) --
They can also express viewpoint --
With verbs of giving the sixth means "to" --
and with
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These are the seventh group in the svaujas list and often mean "in, or, at".
In inria, they go by their code names --
These mean --
the location, namely, the place where something is or happens -- saptamyadhikaraNe
"among", in comparisons -- see yatazcani
the object of feelings. As in
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