special roots ←

chunk 61: special nounbases

→ special words

special nounbases
bahu- "many"
bhrU- "eyebrow"
go- "cattle"
upAnah- "shoe"
nI- "leader of"
mahat- "big"
ap- "waters"
SaS- "six"
zvan- "dog"
yuSmad- asmad-
rootnoun han-
idam- "this one"
adas- "that one"
anya-, ubha-, sarva-, kim-, vizva-.
kim- "what, who"
rai- "wealth"
catur- "four"
tri- "three"
pathin- "road, way"
anaDuh- "ox"
diz- f. "point of the compass"
dyo-, div- "sky, heaven"
nau- "ship"
rootnoun yuj-
grAmaNI-, vizvapA-, khalapU-.
strI- "woman".
pums- "man"
rAtri- "night"
sakhi- "friend".
ahan- "day"
bhavatu- "your honor"

(specialnounbases) (specialb)

special nounbasesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1246

ap- "waters"

adas- "that"

AsIna- "sitting" comes from As + zAnac (see IdAsaH)

asmad- "I, we, me, us"

ahan- n. "day"

anaDuh- m. "ox"

ap- f. "waters"

bahu- "many"

bhavatu- "your honor"

bhrU- "eyebrow"

catur- "four"

dadhi- asthi- sakthi- akSi- and others lose i by asthidadhi

div- f "sky, heaven". Affected by diva::Wt and diva::ut. Don't mix it up with diva- n, same meaning.

diz- "point of the compass, direction"

dyo-, div- "sky, heaven"

go- "cow"

han- "killer"

idam- "this"

mahat- "big"

nau- "ship"

pathin- "way"

pati- "husband, lord"

pums- "man"

rAtri- "night"

sakhi- "friend"

strI- "woman"

tri- "three"

upAnah- "shoe"

vah- "dragger"

yuj- "joiner"

yuSmad- "you"

rai- "wealth"

SaS- "six"

zvan- "dog"

461 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 3 -- popularity 1

1521 odds and ends

(/bahu-) (/bah)

bahu- "many"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1247

In ordinary Sanskrit bahu- means "many".

In grammar it means " many", namely, "three or more".

bahu- is a numeral by bahugaNa

and is affected by bahorlopo.

116 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 40 -- popularity 7

501 (The /prAgdizIya) come after /kim-, @pronoun, /bahu-, but not after the [/dvi-]class.

517 /zas' may be added to a @role that means much or little.

530 Other @longhorn get /kap optionally.

722 /iSThan gets !yiT too.

1246 special nounbases

(/bhrU-) (/bhr)

bhrU- "eyebrow"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1248

The feminine nounbase bhrU- means "eyebrow". It is mentioned in rule aciznu because it is not a rootnoun, unlike most of the other iyaGuvaG nounbases.

Poets will say subhru "O lady of fair eyebrows" as @address, even though according to the grammar that should be subhrUs. If anyone calls you that, consider yourself flattered, and do not pick on their bad grammar, please. If you do their sperm count will decrease, which ain't good for the future of mankind.

365 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 50 -- popularity 2

1246 special nounbases

(/go-) (/go-)

go- "cattle"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1249

The nounbase go- means cow or bull, usually cow. Its gender is f or m, and can be ascertained by looking under the tail.

Special rules that apply to go- --

gotoNit go- to gau- before su au jas

automzasoH go- + am = gAm, go + zas = gAs

GasiGasozca go- + Gas = gos

The only commonly used nounbases that end in o are go- and dyo- "sky". Of course, you can still make your own.

270 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 61 -- popularity 16

(/upAnah-) (/upAn)

upAnah- "shoe"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1250

The nounbase upAnah- (shoe) is an urasclass.

It turns into upAnaD- when wordfinal, by hoDhaH and other rules.

An old proverb goes --

zvA yadi kriyate rAjA sa kinM n/AznAty upAnaham "If you make a dog a king, he will still chew on a shoe."

181 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 106 -- popularity 1

1246 special nounbases

(/nI-) (/nI-)

nI- "leader of"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1251

The rootnoun nI- (from root NIG nI carry, lead) means leader and is only used as a latter after its object --

senAnI- "army-leader"

grAmaNI- "village-leader, city-leader, mayor" (with Natvam because of ekAju)

These words can be m or f. They are very rare examples of masculine nounbases that end in I, and of feminine nounbases that end in I but have no GI and are not nadI.

As they have no GI and don't end in a consonant, halGyA doesn't work on them --

grAmaNI- + sugrAmaNIs @mf "mayor"

The endings TA and Ge are added directly to these, with no especial rules, just ikoyaNaci --

dhRSTadyumnena senAnyA somakAH kimMbalA iva

namaskRtvA kumArAya senAnye zaktipANaye

They get nAm --

senAnInAm ahaM skandasH sarasAm asmi sAgaraH

I'm not sure what happens to these before the other sup endings, sorry. Ask hyderabad for the full declension.

652 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 120 -- popularity 2

1071 Even if /aT' /ku /pu /AG /M come in between.

(/mahat-) (/maha)

mahat- "big"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1252

The nounbase mahat(u) means "big".

It has a few quirks --

(A) When former, it turns into mahA --

mahat- + rAjan- → .. → mahArAja- "great king"

(B) It is udit, so it makes ugidacA work --

mahat + sumahants ( ugidacA (so far)

(C) After ugidacA works on it, sAnta works too --

mahat- + su ugidacA mahants sAnta mahAnts halGyA mahAnt saMyogAnta mahAn

mahat- + am ugidacA mahantam sAnta mahAntam "big"

(D) It can get iman --

mahat- + iman → .. → mahiman- "greatness"

279 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 152 -- popularity 3

1246 special nounbases

(/ap-) (/ap-)

ap- "waters"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1253

This nounbase means water and can only get plural sup affixes.

It is affected by ap tRn tRc --

ap- + jas aptRntRc Apas "waters"

and apo bhi --

ap- + bhis apobhi adbhis "with waters"

ap- + bhyas apobhi adbhyas "from waters"

No surprises before the other sup --

ap- + zasapas "the waters"

ap- + AmapAm "of the waters"

ap- + sup' jhalAJjazonte ab + su kharica apsu "in the waters"

233 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 170 -- popularity 6

629 /ap- to !I after /dvi-, !antar, [@preverb]s.

630 /ap- to !Up after /anu when meaning a place

1246 special nounbases

(/SaS-) (/SaS-)

SaS- "six"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1254

Besides being a sixlike, this nounbase has the bad habit of ending in S, so here I list all its forms --

SaS- + jas SaDbhyoluk SaS jhalAJjazonte SaD "six"

SaS- + zasSaD "six" (same steps)

SaS- + bhis jhalAJjazonte SaDbhis "with six"

SaS- + bhyas jhalAJjazonte SaDbhyas "from six"

SaS- + sup' jhalAJjazonte SaDsu kharica SaTsu

(here STunA was prevented by the exception napadAntATToranAm. )

SaS- + Am SaTcaturbhyazca SaS- + nAm jhalAJjazonte SaD + nAm yaronu SaNNAm "of six"

(exception napadAntATToranAm did not work before nAm)

SaS- "six" and daza "ten" add up to SoDaza "sixteen".

337 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 203 -- popularity 4

1246 special nounbases

(/zvan-) (/zv)

zvan- "dog"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1255

This nounbase sometimes turns into zun by zva;yuva;maghonA --

zvan- + TA zvayuva zunA "with dog"

and, other times, into zvA- by anyeSAm api dRzyate.

105 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 210 -- popularity 2

1246 special nounbases

(/yuSmad-) (/yuS)

yuSmad- asmad-mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1256

The pronoun yuSmad- means "you".

The pronoun asmad- means "I, we, me, us".

See also yuSmad- asmad- tables.

75 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 220 -- popularity 34

(/han-) (/han-)

rootnoun han-mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1257

The nounbase han- (from root han) means "killer".

It can be used only as a latter after its object, as in vRtrahan-, meaning "he who killed vRtra ( ie indra)" or "killer of enemies, soldier".

It is affected by several special rules, so that this han-

lengthens its a before zi and masculine non- calling su,


stays before the other strong,


vRtrahANas with jas


changes into ghn when wimpy

vRtraghnas with zas


changes into ha when it is a word


Note that the n of ghna does not get Natvam from the former, but the n of han- before au jas am zi does --

bahuvRtrahANi rAjyani "heavily militarized kingdoms"

The rules used to make the above forms are --





ho hanter JNin;neSu

ekAj uttara-pade NaH

612 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 230 -- popularity 6

290 (To mean a state, /kyap comes) after /han-, and replace /han with !t.

1185 Special roots.

1246 special nounbases

(/idam-) (/ida)

idam- "this one"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1258

idam- "this" is a pronoun. Related to Latin " idem ".

etad- also means "this".

Rules related to idam- --

idoypuMsi makes ayam

yaHsau makes iyam

104 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 289 -- popularity 17

(/adas-) (/ada)

adas- "that one"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1259

adas- is a pronoun. It refers to what is away, same as tad-

With su, makes asau, by adasa::ausulopazca.

Makes amIbhis by nedamadasorakoH.

105 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 313 -- popularity 11

(/ubha-) (/ub)

anya-, ubha-, sarva-, kim-, vizva-.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 1260

The following nounbases are all pronouns --

kim- "what, who"

anya- "another"

sarva- "all, every, the whole of"

vizva- "all, every, the whole of"

ubha- "both"

ubhaya- "both"

120 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 325 -- popularity 10

(/kim-) (/kim)

kim- "what, who"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1261

kim- means "who?", "what?" or "which one?" and is a pronoun.

When used alone, translate as "what?" or "who?" or "which one?". Make it neuter if the answer is expected to be a thing, --

kim icchasi "what would you like?"

masculine if a living being,

ko 'karot "who did it?"

feminine if the living being is suspected to be female --

akarot kA "who (which one of the girls) did it?"

kAm upayacchasi "which one will you marry?"

And of course use a plural if the answer is reasonably expected to be plural --

ko vane vasanti "who (sg) lives in the forest?"

ke vane vasanti "who (pl) live in the forest?"

When it is linked to a noun, translate as "which?" --

azvaGM kam icchasi "which horse would you like?"

The neuter singular kim is sometimes used at the start of a yes / no questions, as in --

kim azvam icchasi "do you want a car?" (same meaning as apy azvam icchasi)

Most of the forms of this pronoun appear to be derived from a nounbase ka-, as in --

ka- m + sukas "who?"

ka- f + su ajAdya ka + Ap + s halGyA kA "who?"

ka- m + TA TAGasi kena "by whom?"

ka- m + Gas TAGasi kasya "whose?, who has?"

Being a pronoun, we of course have --

ka- m + jas jasazzI ke

ka- m + Amka + sAmkesAm kric keSAm

ka- m + Gika + sminkasmin "in which one?, where?, about whom?"

ka- f + Gas ajAdya kA + Gas sarvanAmnaHsyADDhrasvazca kasyAs "whose?, who has?"

Yet, the true nounbase is kim-, which turns into ka- before all sup affixes --

kim- m + su kimaHkaH ka- + s

Of course the ka- reverts to kim when the sup is luked by svamorna or supodhA --

kim- n + su kimaHkaH ka- + s svamorna ka- + luk nalumatA kim

1022 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 341 -- popularity 15

(/rai-) (/rY)

rai- "wealth"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1262

rai- "wealth" is the only commonly used nounbase that ends in ai. In the dual and plural, and sometimes in the singular, it means "items of wealth", that is, treasures.

It is affected by rAyohali.

150 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 435 -- popularity 5

56 When an @affix is replaced with nothing, its affix-specific effects stay.

88 @Shorten @neuter @nounbase

1246 special nounbases

1447 rules that delete the @calling

(/catur-) (/cat)

catur- "four"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1263

catur- is affected by these rules (among others) --




67 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 440 -- popularity 8

760 (/Am gets /nuT) after @sixlike and /catur-.

766 @nonfunny gets /num before /zi.

1047 Non-@affix !iH !uH to (!S before /ku /pu).

1070 After !r !R !RR !S, same-@word !n to !N.

1246 special nounbases

(/tri-) (/tri)

tri- "three"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1264

tri- is affected by these rules (among others) --




masculine: trayas trIn tribhis tribhyas trayANAm triSu

neuter: trINi trINi, the rest same as masculine.

feminine: tisras tisras tisRbhis tisRbhyas tisRNAm tisRSu

204 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 452 -- popularity 10

(/pathin-) (/path)

pathin- "road, way"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1265

This pathin- turns

into panthA- before strong su (see itotsarva, pathima, thonthaH)

into panthAn- before other strong, (see thonthaH)

and into path- before wimpy (see bhasyaTerlopaH).

03281106a Agatau svaH pathA yena phalAny avacitAni ca

03281106c yathAgataM zubhe gaccha panthAnamM mA vicAraya

223 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 475 -- popularity 6

521 !Rc !pUr !ap !dhUr /pathin- (when @latter) get !a, except in !akSadhUH.

1246 special nounbases

(/anaDuh-) (/anaD)

anaDuh- "ox"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1266

Th nounbase anaDuh- comes from anas "cart" and vah- "dragger, puller" (a rootnoun, from vah). So it doesn't have to refer to oxen; it can mean any beast of burden of either sex.

anaDuh- is affected by caturana and vasusraMsu.

171 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 490 -- popularity 6

43 /mit go after last vowel

775 /anaDuh- (gets /num) before /su.

1246 special nounbases

(/diz-) (/diz)

diz- f. "point of the compass"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1267

This rootnoun diz- has kvin, so it is affected by kvinpratyayasya --

diz- + su kvinpra dikh + su halGyA dikh jhalAMjazonte dig

The four dizas are East, South, West and North. Collectively these are called "the cardinal points", "the quarters of the sky", or "the directions".

Together these four form the sky, so the longhorn word dig-ambara- "directions-clothed" means a guy that has the sky for his only clothing, ie a naked guy (a particular sort of ascetic that goes about stark naked).

The nounbases that mean a direction are affected by rules diksaGkhye and taddhitArtho.

Cultural note. All words that mean

East, South, West, North

may also mean

forward, right, back, left


So, sometimes you'll come across mistranslations from Sanskrit that go, like, "the Himalaya is at the left of India". That doesn't mean the left as drawn on a map, but the left as you face the rising Sun.

Sometimes the quarters are said to be four, E S W N. Other times they are said to be eight, because the upadiz- ( intermediate quarters SE SW NE NW ) are included too. Other times they are said to be ten, because the directions upward and downward also count. That is why the expression dizo daza "ten directions" of the epics means "all directions".

945 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 500 -- popularity 9

506 {astAt(i)} comes after @direction with @seventh @fifth @first that mean direction, place or time, (without change of sense).

507 /pUrva-, !adhara- !avara- get !as (to mean @direction, place or time), and turn into !pur !adh !av.

508 Or /astAti (to mean @direction, place or time, and turn into !pur !adh !av).

992 !ch !z !vrazc !bhrasj !sRj !mRj !yaj !rAj !bhrAj to !S (before @serious and when @wordfinal).

1246 special nounbases

(/dyo-) (/dy)

dyo-, div- "sky, heaven"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1268

Grammarians say that dyo- works like go-. Yet, some of those dyo- forms allowed by grammarians are never found.

div- sometimes turns into dyu by diva::ut, and sometimes into dyau by diva::aut

148 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 520 -- popularity 5

580 @Merge !o with /am /zas into !A

1246 special nounbases

1447 rules that delete the @calling

(/nau-) (/nW)

nau- "ship"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1269

There aren't any special rules about nau- f "ship". Its remarkable point is that it is the only nounbase that ends in au. And also the only one after which all of the svaujas stay unchanged.

nau + sunaus

No rule deletes the calling --

nau + @callingnaus "hey ship!"

Before vowels, ecoya works --

nau + jas ecoya nAvas "ships"

nau + zas ecoya nAvas "ships"

256 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 536 -- popularity 7

88 @Shorten @neuter @nounbase

173 (@numeral and @direction may @compound) with the meaning of a /taddhita, when @former, and when meaning a group.

524 [/nau-]-ender /dvigu (gets /Tac).

587 @Merge /ak with /au /jas /zas into the lengthened /ak.

617 (Two-vowel) {yat}-enders (accent the first), except after /nau-.

1246 special nounbases

1447 rules that delete the @calling

(/yuj-) (/yuj-)

rootnoun yuj-mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1270

The rootnoun yuj- means "joiner".

It has kvin, by RtvigdadhRk.

It gets num by yujerasamAse

It can be used alone.

With nonneuter su, it makes yuG --

yuj + kvin + su yujerasamAse yunjs halGyA yunj saMyogAnta yun kvinpra yuG "joiner"

141 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 550 -- popularity 5

1218 /yuj "join"

1246 special nounbases

(/grAmaNI-) (/grA)

grAmaNI-, vizvapA-, khalapU-.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1271

The compounds --

grAmaNI- "village leader"

vizvapA- "all-protector"

khalapU- "threshing-floor sweeper"

appear in many grammatical examples in the lagghusiddhantakaumudI, because they end in rootnouns that end in a long vowel. So when they are masculine, they belong to the very exclusive club of masculines that end in A I U. When feminine, they belong to the very exclusive club of anekAc feminines that end in A I U but don't have Ap GI or are not nadI.

The sup endings suffer weird transformations after these, and the inria declension gadget gets them wrong. One of these days I'll look them up in hyderabad. Meanwhile, I'm not sure about their declension, so I better don't teach it yet. Sorry.

556 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 588 -- popularity 2

1101 [/kvip]-enders don't lose [@root]ness

(/strI-) (/str)

strI- "woman".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1272

The nounbase strI- is not an iyaGuvaG, and it is always nadI.

Being nadI, it gets the replacements nAm, ai, As, Am

strI- + AmstrI- + nAm → .. → strINAm

It replaces I with iy before vowels by striyAH --

strI- + GestrI- + aistriyai

strI- + GasstrI- + AsstriyAs

strI- + GistrI- + AmstriyAm

As it is not an iyaGuvaG, halGyA works on it, and it shortens before calling --

strI- + su halGyA strI

he stri "hey woman"

It is strI when word -- strIbhis, strISu

Before am zas, replacing with iyaG is optional, by vA'm;zasoH. So with am we get either --




and with zas --




422 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 602 -- popularity 8

118 /iyaG /uvaG nounbases aren't /nadI, except /strI-.

119 (/iyaG /uvaG bases except /strI- are /nadI) before /Am optionally.

441 /strI- /pums- get {na(J)'} {sna(J)}.

1246 special nounbases

1395 What's a "@woman", exactly.

(/pums-) (/pum)

pums- "man"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1273

The nounbase pums- is weird because it ends in two consonants, and because some special rules work on it.

Rule puMsosuG changes it into pumas- before strong, and then other rules make it into pumans- or pumAns-.

pums- + su → .. → pumAn "man"

pums- + au → .. → pumAMsau "two men"

When it is wimpy, it stays pums, and then of course nazcA works.

pums- + Gaspumsas nazcA puMsas "man's"

When it is a word by svAdiSva, svamorna, supodhA, it turns into pum by saMyogAnta, and then of course monusvA anusvA work if possible.

pums- + bhis saMyogAnta pumbhis monusvA puMbhis anusvA pumbhis "with men"

pums- + sup' saMyogAnta pumsu monusvA puMsu "about men"

As rule anusvA is technically supposed to be optional, some people insist that you must spell puMbhis to please the CRAZY SPELLING RULE . Frankly: do what you want. I'm going to pronounce pumbhis no matter how you spell it.

hyderabad spells pu~bhis, with a moondot, making my puMbhis incorrect. I swear I have no idea why. Maybe a vArttika allows that? Most likely, I am just too ignorant and they are right.

You might ask why kric did not turn puMsu into puMSu. That's because rule numvisarja allows kric to leapfrog over a M that comes from num, not over all M. The M of puMsu does not come from a num.

917 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 630 -- popularity 4

441 /strI- /pums- get {na(J)'} {sna(J)}.

1021 !pum (to !puMs or !pu~s) before /khay that is before /am'.

1246 special nounbases

(/rAtri-) (/rAt)

rAtri- "night"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1274

rAtri- f means "night", and sometimes turns into rAtra- m by ahassarvai.

55 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 677 -- popularity 2

206 !rAtra- !ahna- !aha- are @masculine (in a /tatpuruSa or /dvandva).

1246 special nounbases

(/sakhi-) (/sak)

sakhi- "friend".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1275

The nounbase sakhi- m means "friend" or "brother-in-law".

sakhi- with non- calling su makes sakhA --

sakhi + su anaGsau sakhans → .. → sakhA "friend" ( by the same rules as rAjA )

But the calling su works normally --

sakhi + calling hrasvasyaguNaH sakhe + s eGhra sakhe "hey friend"

sakhi- becomes sakhAy- before the other strong affixes --

sakhi + au sakhyura sakhyai + au ecoya sakhAyau "two friends"

sakhi + jas → .. → sakhAyas "friends"

sakhi + am → .. → sakhAyam "friend"

Gas Gasi after sakhi- become us by khyatyA --

sakhi + Gas khyatyAtparasya sakhi + us ikoyaNaci sakhyus "friend's"

The feminine has GI, sakhI-, means "friend, wife of friend, beloved of friend", and works like all GI-enders --

sakhI- + calling ambArthanadyorhrasvaH sakhi "hey friend"

he sakhi "hey friend"

489 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 683 -- popularity 7

121 !u !i enders are @wee, except /sakhi- (and the /nadI).

911 (/Gi to) !au (after non-/nadI !i !u).

912 @wee merges (with /Gi into !au).

1246 special nounbases

(/ahan-) (/ah)

ahan- "day"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1276

The neuter nounbase ahan- means "day".

Because of rule ahan, it turns into ahas before valAdi weak --

ahan- + bhyAm ahan ahas + bhyAm hazica ahobhyAm

ahan- + bhis → .. → ahobhis

ahan- + bhyas → .. → ahobhyas

ahan- + sup' → .. → ahassu

Because of rule rosupi, it turns into ahar when svamorna luked the sup --

ahan- + suahar

ahan- + amahar

or supodhA did --

ahan- + Gas + Agama- + GiaharAgame "when the day comes, at dawn"

Before the other endings, ahan- works normally --

ahan + zi rAjAnam ahAni

ahan + TA alloponaH ahnA

ahan + Gi alloponaH ahnI

ahan + Gi vibhASAGizyoH ahani

ahan- also becomes ahas- in few compounds, for instance before rAtri- "night" --

ahorAtraH "day and night"

ahorAtram "twenty-four seven"

(here rAtri became rAtra by ahassarvai)

When latter, ahan- can become aha- by rAjAhassa --

tri- + ahan- → .. → tryaha- "group of three days"

Or ahna- sometimes, I don't know yet by what rule, sorry --

apara + ahan- → .. → aparahNa-

624 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 721 -- popularity 9

173 (@numeral and @direction may @compound) with the meaning of a /taddhita, when @former, and when meaning a group.

206 !rAtra- !ahna- !aha- are @masculine (in a /tatpuruSa or /dvandva).

484 (/ThaJ means) to be accomplished within that time.

714 But /ahan- (loses tail) before !Ta /kha only.

1246 special nounbases

1310 words with [@true r]

(/bhavatu-) (/bhav)

bhavatu- "your honor"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1277

This bhavat(u)- nounbase means "you". It is a pronoun. It has label u because it was made by adding vatup to something else. That label u makes it work the same way as any other matup --

bhavat- + subhavAn "you" ( same steps as hanumAn )

bhavat- + jasbhavantas "y'all"

This bhavatu-, like Spanish "usted", means "you" but is grammatically third person. So these sentences --

pazyatu bhavAn "please see"

bhavantaH pramANAH "the decision is up to y'all"

have the exact same meaning as, but sound slightly more respectful than --

pazya tvam "please see"

yUyamM pramANAH "the decision is up to y'all"

A very old theory, stated in the epics, says that using second person forms instead of bhavatu-, when addressing your superiors in rank or age, ranges from disrespectful to downright insulting.

Yet, that depends on local custom. Mostly wherever you are taught to chat Sanskrit nowadays, they'll insist that you address even kids as bhavatu-. Yet, in the epics even kings were sometimes addressed in the second person. The proper respect was shown by abundantly adding such Amantrita words as rAjan, adhipati, nRpa, vizAm pate etc. So we have te'' and tvam in this zloka, where context makes clear that no disrespect to the king is intended --

pratinandAma te vAkyaM sarvaJM caiva vizAmM pate "We are well-pleased with all that thou sayest, O monarch,"

etenaiva pratItAsH smo yat tvamM mukto 'dya zatrubhiH "and we have been much gratified that thou hast today been freed from thy foes."

1158 letters. -- 9711specialnounbases.bse 766 -- popularity 5

425 /ugit (gets /GIp when [@f]).

501 (The /prAgdizIya) come after /kim-, @pronoun, /bahu-, but not after the [/dvi-]class.

1167 /ugit is what has an /uk as @label.

1246 special nounbases

special roots ←

chunk 61: special nounbases

→ special words