means doer means object means nothing ←
The soft
Voiced and unvoiced sounds.
long before
ta ta synchretism
summary of prathamau after neuter
Labels and accent.
How to replace with
uses of cases in rules
What's a "woman", exactly.
About the
Some affixes are augments.
(thesoftliGisusedoncein) (softliGe)
Even though
So, you shouldn't use the soft liG at all. If you want to express a wish, use the hard liG or the loT, as allowed by AziSiliGloTau.
In the bhg there is only one soft liG form, namely the
Which BTW is highly suspicious of not being pc, but just used metri causa for the hard version
A speech sound is " voiced" when the vocal folds vibrate, and unvoiced otherwise. For more details, see --
wikipedia on Voice (phonetics).
Including the M sound, that replaces
The thirteen khar are always unvoiced.
Including H, K and F, that are replacements of
When chanting, we must replace a versefinal
When a word appears to end in
(1) A real
(2) An
(3) An
Examples of (1) --
Example of (2) --
Example of (3) --
Some rules that mention san --
san mostly means "wanna, gonna"
pipakSa (means "want to cook")
What we get when we add san after a root is also a root
The root before san reduplicates
The stammer of that reduplication often gets
If the original root takes bent affixes, then so does the san root
So from
but from bendy plu we get puplUSa which is bendy
There are seven roots after which san has special meanings.
Some of the san roots lose their stammer
Of the eighteen tiG affixes, the first nine are flat (the flat
thAs AthAm dhvam = you you2 y'all
Please chant again and again the mantra tAtAJjha thAsAthAndhvam iDvahimahiG until you can remember those nine affixes in that order.
These affixes are used directly when they replace a Git tense. For instance, when these nine replace laG, and we add them after plava, we get --
which mean --
he jumped | they2 jumped | they jumped |
you1 jumped | you2 jumped | y'all jumped |
I jumped | we2 jumped | we jumped |
In these, the
When these affixes replace a Tit tense, rule Tita works on them.
See also flat
The first nine tiG affixes are flat --
Please chant again and again the mantra tiptasjhi sipthastha mibvasmas until you can remember those nine affixes in that order.
These nine affixes are used directly when they replace a Tit tense. For instance, when they replace laT, and we add them after cara, we get --
These mean --
he is moving | they2 are moving | they are moving |
you1 are moving | you2 are moving | y'all are moving |
I am moving | we2 are moving | we are moving |
Important warning about the inria conjugation gadget. Looking at the first set of verb forms in page car 1, you will notice that inria displays the
When these affixes replace a Git tense, rules itazca, tasthastha and nityaM GitaH work on them.
See also bent tiG.
With flattybendy roots such as dviS krI rudh, there can be doubt if a verb that ends in
(summaryofprathamauafte) (pra)
After neuters,
You don't need to learn about accent unless you are planning to learn to chant the vedas, and if you ae planning so, you better get teaching from someone qualified and ignore everything I say.
Yet, it is nice for you to know that the labels
I have translated some of the rules that have to do with accent, just in case you are curious --
(A) The cit affixes have acute on the final, by citaH
(B) the Jnit make the first syllable of the word acute, by JnityAdi
(C) a kit taddhita gets acute on the final, by kitaH
(D) lit affixes make the syllable before the affix acute, by liti
(E) pit affixes are accentless, by anudAttau
(F) rit affixes get the acute in their nexttolast vowel, by upottamaMriti
(G) the tit take falling on the first, by titsvaritam, and
(H) all other affixes get acute at the start of the affix by AdyudAttazca.
Example. In pc Sanskrit, that is, in the language described by
But you don't need to know that, and may pronounce both words the exact same way, because nearly all speakers do that, and no one is going to complain.
(howtoreplacewithguNaor) (howw)
Because of the most-alike rule, when any rule tells us to "replace with guNa" --
* The letters that raise the tongue (namely
* The letters that bring the lips together,
* And the others,
Examples of replacing with guNa --
Please remember that the Sanskrit
The coulson book says that the guNa replacement of
fifth may mean "after" -- tasmAdityu
sixth may mean "replace" -- SaSThIsthAneyogA
seventh may mean "before" -- tasminniti
The third used in rules stozzcu and STunA means "with", that is, "near" (before or after, but touching).
The word strI- means "woman" in ordinary Sanskrit, but in grammarian jargon it means --
any female being,
any word that means any female being,
any word that behaves grammatically as if it did,
and anything or anyone that can be meant by any such word (including some men)
Sanskrit grammarians often value shortness more than accuracy, so don't panic if a grammarian says
Some examples of " women" --
These examples carry a first ending. Some of them have a feminine affix before the ending, and some don't. The su has been delete by halGyA after all the examples except
The dhAtupATha ("root-recitation") is a list of two-thousand-odd roots.
You should know three things about the dhAtupATha --
(1) Most of the roots there are useless for you. Just like most of the words of the Merriam-Webster are useless for you.
(2) The list of roots is divided into ten groups, also called verb classes , which are named after the first root listed in each group. So the first class is called
(3) When I write ad 02.0003, I mean the third root of the second group (the zapclass) of the ashtadhyayidotcom
The reason that the list has lots of useless roots is that Sanskrit grammarians have been adding roots to this list since at least when the pyramids were half old as they are now. And as no one ever dares to erase anything from the list, it keeps gathering barnacles.
The augments are certain short affixes that have
The augments turn an affix into another affix, or a root into another root, etc. For instance, here the augment puk turns the root
There are three sorts of augments --
Titaugments -- added in front of whatever they are added to. See Adyantau for examples.
kitaugments -- added at the end, like most affixes. See Adyantau again.
mitaugments -- added after the last vowel. See midaco.
Please notice that all augments have label
means doer means object means nothing ←