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inria manual
inria abbreviations
kRt affixes in inria
about pfp
inria sandhi
Inria codes for tenses.
ac mo ps
number in inria
tense in inria
" cases " are the seven groups of tiG.
Western names of the cases.
cases in inria.
person in inria
gender in inria
zloka tester
colors in inria
orange in inria
Gray words in inria.
Blue words in inria.
Red words in inria.
Pink words in inria.
About inria.
Inria reader.
Inria website.
inria uses H to mean s.
Inria declension.
inria conjugation
inria grammar

(inriamanual) (inriam)

inria manualmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1675

The inria Sanskrit tools (a.k.a. SHE, "Sanskrit Heritage Engine") are a complicated tool. So start by reading the The Sanskrit Heritage Engine Reference Manual. After that, my notes might help a bit too --

inria reader

colors in inria

inria declension

inria conjugation

inria sandhi

colors in inria

all inria abbreviations sorted alphabetically

inria abbreviations by groups

inria codes for tenses.

kRt affixes in inria

ac mo ps

Inria codes for tenses.

tense in inria

cases in inria

number in inria

person in inria .

gender in inria

463 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 5 -- popularity none

(@vn) (@vn)

inria abbreviationsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1676

abl fifth

abs ktvA or lyap

ac flat

acc second

aor luG

ben soft liG

ca causative (a non- nichclass root that carries Nic)

cond lRG

dat fourth

du dual

f feminine

fut lRT

g sixth

i third

imp loT

impft laG

impft laG

loc seventh

m masculine

mo bent that means doer

n neuter

nom. first that is not Amantrita

opt hard liG

per fut luT

per pft Am''

pft liT

ppf liT replaced with kvasu

pl plural

pr laT

ps bent that does not mean the doer

sg singular

vn ' verb nominal ' (French for denominative, ie, a sanAdyanta root derived from a noun, like mRgaya "hunt" from mRgAn "animals" + kyac )

449 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 33 -- popularity 1

1675 @inria manual

(@inf) (@inf)

kRt affixes in inriammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1677

If you use inria reader, keep this cheatsheet at hand --

abs absolutive ( ktvA or lyap)

inf infinitive ( tumun)

pp past passive participle ( kta, even when kta means the doer)

ppa past active participle ( ktavatu)

ppr ac present active participle ( zatR)

ppr mo present middle participle ( kartari zAnac)

ppr ps pressent passive participle ( akartari zAnac)

pfp kRt affixes

291 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 99 -- popularity 3

1675 @inria manual

1676 @inria abbreviations

(@pfp) (@pfp)

about pfpmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1678

Inria reader flags words like dRzyam or smartavyA with " pfp". This stands for "participe futur passif" (see abbrevs) and means that the word contains one of the kRt affixes.

Therefore, the word means "should be done" or the like --

dRzyam = dRz + pfp = should / can / must be seen

smartavya = smR + pfp = should / can / must be remembered

The number after pfp shows which affix it is --

pfp (1) passive future participle with yat

pfp (2) passive future participle with anIyar

pfp (3) passive future participle with tavya or tavyat

But do not bother to learn the numbers, because if the word has nIya inside, you know the affix to be anIyar, etc etc.

522 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 110 -- popularity 2

279 /kRtya down to !!NvultRcau.

1677 /kRt affixes in @inria

(@inriasandhi) (@inrias)

inria sandhimmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1679

To get to the inria sandhi gadget, click the "Sandhi" link at the bottom of --

inria reader

That shows two boxes. When you type tAn in the left box and zocati in the right box, it tells you that those add up to tAJchocati.

Important: even though this gadget only gives you one of the three options that pANini allows, the inria reader is able to split correctly all three of tAJzocati tAJchocati tAJcchocati. UNLESS you put spaces in the wrong place. So sIdatic chAtraH works, sIdaticchAtraH works, sIdati cchAtraH worxn't. When in doubt, remove all spaces.

432 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 254 -- popularity 2

1675 @inria manual

1698 [@Inria website].

(inriacodesfortenses) (inriac)

inria codes for tenses.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1680

When you click a red word in inria reader, these abbreviations show the tense --


aorist = luG


benedictive = soft liG


conditional = lRG


future = lRT


imperative = loT


imperfect = laG


injunctive = luG affected by namAGyoge ff


optative = hard liG

per fut

periphrastic future = luT

per pft

periphrastic perfect = liT that got Am''

pft perfect = liT that didn't get Am''

pr present = laT

Back to red words in inria .

343 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 278 -- popularity 3

1675 @inria manual

(@ac) (@ac)

ac mo psmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1681

The inria abbreviations ac, mo, ps appear when a tense was replaced with an affix. They show --

ac -- the affix is flat (flats are always doer affixes)

mo -- the affix is bent, and is a doer affix

ps -- the affix is bent, and is a nondoer affix (because it is after yak)

Examples --

Drop dveSTi dviSan into inria and click them. Inria will say ac, because those have tip and zatR, which are flat. All flats mean the doer.

Drop dviSAtAm and dviSANaH. inria shows mo because those have AtAm zAnac, which are bent, and here mean the doer.

Drop dviSyante and dviSyamANAH. inria shows ps there. These have jha zAnac, which are bent, and here do not mean the doer (we know they don't because there is yak inside).

The abbreviation ppr means that this word has a laTazza nounbase --

ppr ac -- the root got zatR

ppr mo -- got zAnac. This zAnac means the doer.

ppr ps -- got yak and zAnac. This zAnac does not mean the doer.

For instance, if you type zRNvan into inria reader, then clicking the blue you get --

zRNvan = zRNvat ppr [5] ac zru m sg nom

which means that --

zru + znu + zatR ( m) + su → .. → zRNvat + suzRNvan

The [5] means that zru is a class five root (see verb classes ) that got znu.

879 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 335 -- popularity 16

(@sg) (@sg)

number in inriammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1682

inria uses these abbreviations --

sg -- singular

du -- dual

pl -- plural

51 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 603 -- popularity 26

(tenseininria) (ten)

tense in inriammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1683

pr laT present

imp loT imperative

fut lRT future

per fut luT periphrastic future

impft laG imperfect - a past tense

pft liT perfect - a past tense

opt liG optative -- would, should, must, might, ought to

aor luG aorist - a past tense

inj luG injunctive -- same as aorist, but without luGlaG ff

226 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 612 -- popularity 1

1675 @inria manual

(@case) (@case)

" cases " are the seven groups of tiG.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1684

The seven cases are the seven groups of three affixes that appear in the list svaujas --

svaujas first

amauTchaS second

TAbhyAmbhis third

GebhyAmbhyas fourth

GasibhyAmbhyas fifth

GasosAm sixth

Gyossup seventh

The first case, for instance, is the group of three affixes su, au, jas. These three are singular, dual and plural respectively (by rule tAnyeka), and must be used to mean one, two, many things (see rules bahuSu and dvyeka).

See also Western names of the cases .

376 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 633 -- popularity 17

(@nominative) (@nomi)

Western names of the cases.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 1685

In the pANini grammar, the seven cases are called first, second, ...up to seventh. But Western grammarians, instead of these seven numbers, use the following eight names.

You should know them if you are going to use other grammars, or you are going to use inria.

first = nominative nom

or = vocative voc

second = accusative acc

third = instrumental i (by, with)

fourth = dative dat (to, resulting in)

fifth = ablative abl (from, because)

sixth = genitive g (of, among, from the viewpoint of)

seventh = locative loc (in, on, at)

The first endings, su au jas, are called vocative if they are Amantrita, and nominative otherwise.

Be careful when you use the tables of the inria declension gadget. Those tables have eight lines --

first line has non- calling su, au and jas

second one has calling su, au again and jas again

third line has the second affixes am au zas

fourth line has third affixes, and so on.

693 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 717 -- popularity 5

417 /sup are /svaujas /amauTchaS /TAbhyAmbhis /GebhyAmbhyas /GasibhyAmbhyas /GasosAm /Gyossup.

1475 A @tellaparter label just tells one thing apart from another.

(@nom) (@nom)

cases in inria.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1686

To use inria, we need to know the names of the cases. They are --

nom nominative

AND voc vocative = first = svaujas

acc accusative = second = amauTchaS

i instrumental = third = TAbhyAmbhis

dat dative = fourth = GebhyAmbhyas

abl ablative = fifth = GasibhyAmbhyas

g genitive = sixth = GasosAm

loc locative = seventh = Gyossup

Careful: when we use the inria declension gadget, the first case appears in the FIRST AND SECOND rows of the table, the second in the THIRD row, the third in the FOURTH, and so on.

The first row left cell contains the normal su, and the second row first cell contains the calling su. The other cells of second row are always the same as first row.

Careful: the abbreviation " acc", that appears after nounbases, is not the same thing as ac, that appears after roots. So if you type sAgaraM tarAmi "I cross the sea" into inria reader, you get --

sAgaram "the sea" = sAgara- m acc sg

which means that masculine sAgara- with am made sAgaram

tarAmi "I cross" = tRR pr ac sg 1

which means that tRR with laT mip made tarAmi

794 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 859 -- popularity 15

(personininria) (pe)

person in inriammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1687

The number 3 2 1 at the end of a verb gloss in inria shows the person.

3 third person

2 second person

1 first person

As for instance, zocati is painted red and comes out as "zuc pr (1) ac. sg. 3".

The color red means this has a tiG.

" ac sg 3" means "has tip".

List of tiG with inria codes --

sg du pl

ac -- flat tiG

3 tip tas jhi

2 sip thas tha

1 mip vas mas

mo OR ps -- bent tiG

3 ta AtAm jha

2 thAs AthAm dhvam

1 iT' vahi mahi

So if inria says that plavante is md. pl. 3 , it means it got jha.

And if dRzyante shows as ps. pl. 3 , it got jha too.

373 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 909 -- popularity 1

1675 @inria manual

(@cyan) (@cy)

gender in inriammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1688

inria reader shows gender with the letters m f n.

In the case of comppounds, such as sarvalokAn or utpalavarNam, the former is painted yellow, and does not show gender. The latter is painted blue or cyan, and shows the gender of the whole compound (which sometimes is not the gender of the latter).

If the latter is painted blue, the gender of the latter is the same as the gender of the compound.

If the latter is painted cyan, the gender of the latter is NOT the same as the gender of the compound.

Example. Type trizirAs into inria.

It will tell us it's a compound of the nounbases tri- + ziras-, that has the ending su added.

It will also tell us that the whole compound is m or f.

But the zirAs half is painted cyan, not blue, because the nounbase ziras- is a neuter.

cyan shows that gender of compound is not same as gender of last part. Knowing this is useful sometimes.

684 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 940 -- popularity 2

1675 @inria manual

(zlokatester) (zl)

zloka testermmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1689

To test if a line (such as dharmakSetre kurukSetre samavetA yuyutsavaH) is a zloka line or not, copypaste it into this gadget --

zloka tester

It will show the light vowels and the heavy vowels of whatever you pasted (X means heavy, hyphen means light).

If what you pasted is a zloka line, it will say so. Test that right now, please.

There are two situations in which the gadget cannot tell if the line is good or not, and you have to check something before being sure.

When the gadget says "MAYBE ZLOKA LINE, needs caesura 4 / 4", the line is good if the fourth vowel and the fifth vowel do not belong to the same word. It is bad if they are in the same word.

When the gadget says "MAYBE ZLOKA LINE, needs caesura 5 / 3", the line is good if the fifth vowel and the sixth vowel do not belong to the same word. It is bad if they are in the same word.

Paste the following examples into the gadget to see what it says --

dharmakSetre kurukSetre samavetA yuyutsavaH

gadget shows arrow, so that is definitely a zloka line

dharmakSetre kurukSetre yuyutsavasH samavetAH

gadget shows no arrow, definitely not a zloka

mahAzrayA mAlinI ca mahAbhogA mahAbhujA

gadget says MAYBE and 4 / 4. The fourth and fifth vowels (yAmA) belong to different words, so the line is good

vibhUtizaktipradA ca mahAbhogA mahAbhujA

gadget says MAYBE and 4 / 4. The fourth and fifth vowels (zakti) belong to the same word, so the line is bad. Sounds awful. No way you coud chnt that.

dharmyAd dhi yuddhAc chreyo 'nyat kSatriyasya na vidyate

says MAYBE and 5 / 3. Good because fifth and sixth vowels ( dhAc and chre ) are in different words.

dharmyAd dhy anyad yuddhAc chreyaH kSatriyasya na vidyate

says MAYBE and 5 / 3. Bad because fifth and sixth vowels ( in yuddhAc ) belong to the same word. No way to chant that!

1372 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1056 -- popularity 1

1651 Sanskrit processing tools

(@yellow) (@y)

colors in inriammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1690

red -- verb

blue -- standalone noun, or last noun of compound

yellow -- non-last noun of compound

cyan -- last noun of compound, with possibly changed gender

green -- noun ( with first, used as Amantrita )

orange -- first half of Am'' verb

pink -- none of the above ( unchanging, or even "adverb", if you like )


If azvo dhAvati means horse runs, inria should be showing blue azvaH and red dhAvati. Ignore the red azvaH, and the blue dhAvati if any.

nIlotpalam should split as yellow nIla and blue utpalam.

kamalalocanam should also split yellow blue.

Yet kamalalocanaH should split yellow cyan because, as it does not have neuter gender, it cannot mean an eye.

515 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1157 -- popularity 3

1675 @inria manual

(@orange) (@or)

orange in inriammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1691

As of 2022, when you type cintayAmAsa "he thought" into inria reader, it paints the cintAyAm part orange, and the Asa red, as if they were two words. It does the same thing with all Am'' forms.

That is sort of weird, because inria reader cannot recognize cintayAm Asa. You must type it without the space to get the orange.

Then it adds a lot of useless crap. To keep it from hurting your eyes, click the V that is right below the orange.

inria calls the liT that got liTidhA pft or perfect, and the liT that got Am'' the per pft or periphrastic perfect.

428 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1181 -- popularity 1

1690 colors in @inria

(@gray) (@gray)

gray words in inria.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1692

When inria reader paints a word gray, that means something went wrong.

Example: type abravit or lakSmaNeNa into inria, and they will turn gray.

Counterexample: type abravIt or lakSmaNena into inria, and they will not turn gray.

In many situations, wrong words turn gray and correct words do not. However, we cannot trust that inria will do that always. Examples of the graying going wrong:

(1) rAmena will not get grayed, even though it is extremely likely to be a misspelling for rAmeNa.

(2) As of 2022, plUyate gets grayed. That is a bug. The correct form for plu + yak + laT ta is is plUyate, but inria mistakenly thinks that the correct form is pluyate.

(3) prasAdavittakaH is a perfectly good word, as of 2022, but inria grays it because vittaka is not yet in its dictionary.

600 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1331 -- popularity 2

371 After /sma, /laG too.

791 But not before /iSic.

(@blue) (@bl)

blue words in inria.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1693

inria reader paints blue or green the words it suspects to be nouns.

Most nouns are made of a nounbase and a sup. inria will show the nounbase and the sup.

Example. When you type siMhas into inria, it shows siMhaH in blue. When you click the blue, it shows --

(siMha)( m sg nom)

siMha here is the nounbase, clicking it you find that it means lion. The m means that this siMha- is a masculine. The " sg nom " means that siMhas is the nounbase siMha with su affix added (the final s is displayed as H as if it were beforepause).

If you type siMha, inria shows ( m sg voc). This means that the word siMha is the nounbase siMha- with the calling su addd after it, and means "hey lion". (The s disappeared by eGhra.)

To decode the affix names, see the cheatsheet cases in inria . Or memorize the list nom acc i dat abl g loc.

Another example. Type vezma. Inria will say that this may be the neuter nounbase vezman- with normal su added, ith am added, or with calling su added.

Ounce you know that the nounbase of vezma is vezman, you can type vezman into the inria declension gadget, set it to neuter, and it will show you how it looks with the other affixes added. You can also look for vezman in dictionaries.

When you type a feminine noun, such as siMhI, lakSmI or durgA, inria will sometimes show the nounbase without feminine affix, and sometimes the nounbase with the feminine affix added. This is done for convenience, so that clicking siMha lakSmI durgA you get to the right dictionary entry. Careful: typing siMha into inria declension and asking it for the feminine will NOT work. You must type siMhI there, with the GI already added, and then set the gender to feminine.

1302 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1440 -- popularity 9

766 But optionally before /zi.

1099 /svaujas are the @first group of @case affixes, /su /au /jas

1404 [/tiG]-ender is @verb.

1405 @unchanging has neither /sup nor /tiG.


1688 @gender in @inria

1690 colors in @inria

1695 @Pink words in @inria.

(@red) (@red)

red words in inria.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1694

When inria reader paints a word red, that means it suspects the word might be a verb.

A verb is made by adding a tense after a root, then replacing the tense with a tiG. Inria will show the root, the tense and the tiG.

Example. When we type zRNoti into inria reader (input convention KH), it shows a red box, and when we click the red we get --

(zru) ( pr [5] ac sg 3)

This means that the word was formed like this --

zru + laTzru + tipzru + znu + tip → .. → zRNoti

Explanation of (zru) ( pr [5] ac sg 3) --


The zru is the root, and it links to some page that explains that zru means "hear, listen".


The pr is how inria calls the laT. See inria codes for tenses .


The [5] shows that zRNoti has znu affix inside. See verb classes .

sg 3

The sg 3 thing means " singular third person", so it means that the laT was replaced with either tip or ta.


The ac thing means that the replacer is flat, therefore it is tip, not ta.

If instead of ac it shows mo or ps, then the affix would be bent, therefore ta. Test that by typing plavate into inria.

If it shows ps, then there is yak before the ta. Test that by typing pacyante.

Back to colors in inria .

841 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1527 -- popularity 8

766 But optionally before /zi.

1403 [/sup]-ender is @noun.

1405 @unchanging has neither /sup nor /tiG.

1687 @person in @inria

1695 @Pink words in @inria.

(@pink) (@pin)

pink words in inria.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1695

The words that inria reader paints pink never change. They are neither blue (words that can have different sup) nor red (words that have different tiG).

Examples --

hyas "yesterday"

prAtar "in the morning"

dRSTvA "after seeing"

draSTum "to see"

atra "here"

yatas "because"

namas "homage"

ca "and"

In some cases, inria will paint pink a word that technically can have different endings. This is done for convenience. For instance, from the point of view of Sanskrit grammarians, atra is a blue word, because it is made from idam- + Gi and its meaning is the logical meaning of idam- + Gi (namely "in this one" or "in this place"). But from the point of view of the inria makers, atra is an adverb, because it most often translates as "ici", which is an adverb in French, so they paint it pink.

That is not a bug. Considering atra an adverb is convenient, because people can look for "ici" in a French / Sanskrit dictionary and find "atra".

715 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1668 -- popularity 3

277 The affixes below are /kRt, except the /tiG.

1405 @unchanging has neither /sup nor /tiG.

1690 colors in @inria

(@inria) (@inria)

About inria.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1696

When I say inria, I usually mean the inria reader.

39 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1731 -- popularity 71

(@inriareader) (@inriar)

Inria reader.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1697

The inria reader is a parser hosted at the inria website.

English version.

French version.

Use the French version if you can read French. The dictionary is way better.

Four warnings --

(1) It takes time to get used to. Be patient. It is extremely useful.

(2) Sometimes it fails. Do not think it is perfect and you'll be fine.

(3) inria uses H to mean s

(4) Read the manual.

285 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1731 -- popularity 43

(@inriawebsite) (@inriaw)

Inria website.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1698

" Inria website" is my nickname for the Sanskrit Heritage Site. It contains several tools --

inria reader

inria declension

inria conjugation

inria sandhi

149 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1750 -- popularity 1

(inriausesHtomeans) (inriau)

inria uses H to mean s.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1699

Words like azvas and acaras appear spelled as azvaH acaraH in inria. For instance --

If you type car into inria grammar conjugation gadget, it shows that "I walked" is acaraH. I spell that word as acaras sometimes in this website.

And if you type azvas tarati into inria reader, it tells you that the sentence is made of two words, azvaH and tarati.

Both spellings of these words, acaras and acaraH, azvas and avzaH, are correct. inria uses H whenever it can. I prefer s.

No matter which spelling is used, you must remember that both of azvas and azvaH must be pronounced as either azvaH or azvahA when they are before a pause. For instance, if I write

"The sentence azvastarati is made of two words,(1) azvas (2) tarati"

You must read that aloud as

"The sentence azvastarati is made of two words,(1) azvahA (pause) (2) tarati"

The true r words are spelled in inria with a final r. For instance, inria reader will tell you that the sentence "punarabravIt" is made of two words, punar and abravIt. You must pronounce that final r with a H sound whenever it is before a pause. So you read --

"The sentence punarabravIt is made of two words,(1) punar (2) abravIt"

As --

"The sentence punarabravIt is made of two words,(1) punahA (pause) (2) abravIt"

951 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 1842 -- popularity 1

(@inriadeclension) (@inriad)

inria declension.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1700

The inria declension gadget is at the top of the page --

Inria Grammar

This gadget allows you to type a nounbase and choose its gender, then it shows you the result of adding all the twenty-one noun endings to it.

Example. Type gaja into the declension gadget, select "masculine" , and select "KH". Then click the "send " button. You will then get to this page --

declension table of gaja

which shows the twenty-one affixes added after masculine gaja-.

The su au jas are in the first row of the table,

the Amantrita su au jas are in the second row,

the second endings in the third row,

and so on down to the seventh endings in the eighth row.

If you choose feminine gender, then you cannot type just the nounbase into the gadget -- you have to type the nounbase with the feminine affix already added. The gadget will not add the Ap or GI for you. For instance, if you type gajI and select feminine, you get here --

declension table of gajI

674 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 2167 -- popularity 9

753 (/Am gets) /nuT after @short, /nadI, /Ap.

1263 /grAmaNI-, /vizvapA-, /khalapU-.

1655 hyderabad tools

1675 @inria manual

1685 Western names of the [@case]s.

1686 [@case]s in @inria.

1693 @Blue words in @inria.

1698 [@Inria website].

1702 @inria grammar

(@inriaconjugation) (@inriac)

inria conjugationmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1701

The conjugation gadget is at the top of --

Inria Grammar

It adds verb endings and some kRt affixes to a root.

You must be careful to choose the right verb class number, otherwise you get garbage.

Good example. If you set KH, type in root dviS, set verbclass to 2, and hit "Send" button, you get to a page that shows "Conjugation tables of dviS_1", with NO question mark before the dviS_1. Everything in that page is legit, from dveSTi to dveSTum, and also the dviS + Nic, dviS + yaG and dviS + san tables below that point.

Bad example. If you set KH, type in root dviS, forget to set the verbclass, and hit "Send" button, you get to a page that shows "Conjugation tables of ?dviS", with a question mark before the dviS. The question mark means inria doesn't know of any dviS root of class one. As in fact there is no such root in the pANini system, everything in that page is garbage, from dveSAmi to dveSitum.

The number _1 in dviS_1 does not mean that dviS is a class one root (it is a class two). That _1 means that in the French version of the inria dictionary there are several dviS. In fact, the glossary lists the root dviS_1 "to hate" and the nounbase dviS_2 "enemy".

876 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 2197 -- popularity 9

324 /luG (means what's over)

538 Before /liT, (@stretch) @stammer of the !!vacisvapi and the !!grahijyA.

652 (@Nexttolast of) /zAs to !i before /aG or @consonant /kGit affix.

1223 /dRz "see"

1381 @flat /tiG

1655 hyderabad tools

1675 @inria manual

1698 [@Inria website].

1702 @inria grammar

(@inriagrammar) (@inriag)

inria grammarmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1702

You get to the inria grammar page by clicking the "Grammar" link at the bottom of inria reader. Or, by clicking this --

inria grammar

That page has two gadgets inside --

The inria declension at the top makes nouns. It adds all sup affixes to a nounbase.

The inria conjugation at the bottom makes verbs. It adds all tiG affixes to a root. Adds some kRt too.

264 letters. -- 94700inria.bse 2371 -- popularity 2

408 (/jhi to /jus) after /sic, @stammered, /vid.

1699 @inria uses !H to mean !s.

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