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Sanskrit processing tools
metre identifiers
Ashtadhyayidotcom dhAtupATha.
hyderabad tools

(sanskritprocessingtool) (sanskrit)

Sanskrit processing toolsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1666

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ashtadhyayidotcom dhAtupATha

ashtadhyayidotcom gaNapATha

zloka tester

metre identifiers

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147 letters. -- 91000websites.bse 65 -- popularity 2

(metreidentifiers) (met)

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Meter Identifying Tool (MIT) at sanskritlibrary dot org

metre identifier at appspot

Back to Sanskrit processing tools .

29 letters. -- 91000websites.bse 82 -- popularity 1

(@parser) (@par)

parsersmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1668

A Sanskrit parser is a machine that splits a Sanskrit sentence, which is written the way it is pronounced, into words, and then finds the final sup or tiG of those words, so that we can look them up in a dictionary.

As far as I know there are two parsers in the internet:

inria reader

hyderabad tools


... maybe show examples of what parsers are supposed to do and what they actually do, azvaH

308 letters. -- 91000websites.bse 92 -- popularity 3

1666 Sanskrit processing tools

(@ad) (@ad)

ashtadhyayidotcom dhAtupATha.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1669

The ashtadhyayidotcom dhAtupATha (a.k.a. ad) is the list of roots in this page --

AD page

When I type something like

"the root dviS 02.0003"

I mean that you can get some data about that root by going to the AD page and looking for 02.0003 dviS there. The data are in devanAgarI and look like --

02.0003 (kaumudIdhAtuH 1013) dviS dviSa~ aprItau adAdiH, ubhayapadI, sakarmakaH, aniT (to hate, to dislike, to grudge) (dveSa karanA, zatrutA karanA)


02 means that dviS is in the lukclass (see verb classes )

0003 means that dviS is the third of the lukclass roots in the AD page

1013 is the number of this root in the siddhAnta kaumudI

dviS is the root with the labels stripped off

dviS(a) is the root as it appears in the old lists, with label a. Label vowels carry a moondot.

aprItau ("disliking") is the rough meaning of the root

adAdi means that this root is in the second verb class, the adAdi a.k.a. lukclass (we knew this already).

ubhayapadI means that this root is flattybendy. The flatty are marked as parasmaipadI and the bendy as AtmanepadI.

sakarmaka means that it is objectful. The objectless are labeled akarmakaH.

aniT ofcourse means aniT.

And the rest of the line are some meanings of the root translated into some official languages of India.

If instead of going to AD page and looking for 02.0003 you just click the link 02.0003, you get those same data, and a conjugation table.

1164 letters. -- 91000websites.bse 142 -- popularity 13

(@hyderabad) (@hyd)

hyderabad toolsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C- 1670

The tools at --

sanskrit computational toolkit at Hyderabad university

work far better than the inria declension and the inria conjugation and the inria reader. Yet, the user interface sucks, so I ended up using them only when inria fails.

They are very good tools and worth looking at, so that site is worth exploring. But, before going there, make sure that you can read devanAgarI fluently.

Back to parsers .

280 letters. -- 91000websites.bse 205 -- popularity 14

(@transliterator) (@tra)

transliteratorsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1671

A transliterator changes different Indian alphabets into each other, and into Roman letters, and conversely. There are several hundreds of those in the interwebz. This one manages devanAgarI --

transliterator at shreevatsa dot appspot dot com

tinier copy of same, at yesvedanta dot com

You may find others here --

sanskritdocuments dot org

179 letters. -- 91000websites.bse 210 -- popularity 1

1666 Sanskrit processing tools

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