chunk 1: CONTENTS


mission statement
next pages for chris
zivasUtra list

(contents) (cont)

contentsmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1

|| oM || saktum iva tita_unA punanto yatra dhIrA manasA vAcam akrata |

atrA sakhAyasH sakhyAni jAnate bhadraiSAM lakSmIr nihitAdhi vAci || (from Rgveda 10.071 )

"Ausserhalb der Sprachwissenschaft winkt keine Rettung!" (from the depths of the internet abyss)


pronunciation guide


rules --




verb classes


under construction --

how to spell Sanskrit

odds and ends



junk room

fish pages

|| sarveSAM sukhamM bhavatu ||

377 letters. -- 10Aforeword.bse 186 -- popularity 3

1670 online dictionaries

1678 miscellaneous links

(missionstatement) (miss)

mission statementmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 2



0 letters. -- 10Aforeword.bse 244 -- popularity none

(nextpagesforchris) (ne)

next pages for chrismmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 3


-- -- --

rules that should be studied first NOT YET

verb building machine NOT YET

examples of noun assembling NOT YET

97 letters. -- 10Aforeword.bse 364 -- popularity 1

1521 odds and ends

(/zivasUtra) (/ziv)

zivasUtra listmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 4

The zivasUtra are the following fourteen sUtras. Rule Adirantyena explains how to use them.

a i uN |

R Lk |

e oG |

ai auc |

ha ya va raT |

laN |

Ja ma Ga Na nam |

jha bhaJ |

gha Dha dhaS |

ja ba ga Da daz |

kha pha cha Tha tha ca Ta tav |

ka pay |

za Sa sar |

hal |

The letters at the end of each line are labels and don't count. When chanting, adding an a after each of them makes the chanting easier, though this a is never written.

Also, the a that come right after a consonant do not count. They are there just to make the chanting easier.

These fourteen lines are called mAhezvarANi sUtrANi, or zivasUtrANi, because and old legend tells that pANini heard them from ziva and they inspired him the whole grammar. To this day, all students of Sanskrit grammar start their study by memorizing them.

The label N appears in two places.

The letter h appears in two places.

The sounds H and M do not appear in the list, because there is no need. They are always replacement sounds of s r m n. No nounbase, no root and no affix contains any M or H.

793 letters. -- 10DzivasUtra.bse 1 -- popularity 17

chunk 1: CONTENTS