74001 more replacements before soft ←

chunk 45: 74070 changes in stammers, word repetition

→ 82001 tripAdI

74070 initial "a" . ataAdeH
74071 After that , two-consonant root gets nuT. tasmAnnuDdvihalaH
74073 of bhU to a. bhavateraH
74075 nij vij viS to guNa before zlu. nijAntrayANAGguNazzlau
74076 of bhR mA hA to i . bhRJAmit
74077 of arti piparti artipipartyozca
74079 Before san, a . sanyataH
74080 u U to before pu yaN j that is before A a oHpuyaNjyapare
74081 Optionally of sru zru dru pru plu cyu. sravatizRNotidravatipravatiplavaticyavatInAMvA
74082 ik of stammer to guNa before yaG or yaGluk guNoyaGlukoH
74083 a of an akit to long dIrghokitaH
74085 that ends in a of root that ends in m gets n. nugatonunAsikAntasya
74093 works san-wise before light that is before caG, unless ak dropped. sanvallaghunicaGparenaglope
74094 Lengthen light . dIrgholaghoH
81001 Replace a whole word with two. sarvasyadve
81002 Repeat is the second one . tasyaparamAmreDitam
81004 to mean "repeated action" or "each". nityavIpsayoH
81015 dvaMdva- means "secret", "limit", "separation", "employing as a sacrificial vessel", "manifestation". dvandvaMrahasyamaryAdAvacanavyutkramaNayajJapAtraprayogAbhivyaktiSu
81016 Replace wordfinal. padasya
81018 The following are hangers. anudAttaMsarvamapAdAdau
81020 yuSmad- asmad- plus sixth fourth second to vAm'' nau''. yuSmadasmadoSSaSThIcaturthIdvitIyAsthayorvAnnAvau
81021 vas'' nas'' when plural . bahuvacanevasnasau
81022 Singular te'' me''. temayAvekavacanasya
81023 replace tvAm mAm with tvA'' mA''. tvAmaudvitIyAyAH

(ataAdeH) (!ataA)

ata:: AdeH ONPANINI 74070
( lengthen) initial "a" (of stammer of liT).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 950

The stammer starts with a when the root starts with a, R or RR (see urat).

as + atus liTidhA a + as + atus → * A + as + atus akassa As + atusAsatus "both were"

aT + us liTidhA a + aT + us → * A + aT + us akassa ATus "they wandered"

If the root has two consonants after its vowel, the next rule, tasmAn@ nuD dvi-halaH, works too.

KAZIKA abhyAsasya AdeH akArasya dIrgho bhavati liTi parataH. ato guNe para-rUpa-tvasya apavAdaH. ATa, ATatuH, ATuH. AdeH iti kim? papAca. papATha.

198 letters. -- 74D.bse 5 -- popularity 5

252 Roots that start with a @heavy /ic get /Am'' (before /liT), except /Rcch and /UrNu.

676 (!i !u) of @stammer to (!iy !uv) before non-@similar.

917 {RR}-enders, /Rcch and !R to (/guNa before /liT).

1428 the @auxiliary /as is not replaced with /bhU

(tasmAnnuDdvi) (!tasmAnnuDd)

tasmAn@ nuD dvi-halaH ONPANINI 74071
After that ( stammer), two-consonant root gets nuT.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 951

This will work on roots that consist of a R plus two consonants. The rule above, ata_AdeH, turns the stammer into A, and then this rule adds n in front of the root --

aJcu + Nal liTidhA a + aJca ata::AdeH A + aJca → * AnaJca "he bent"

Rch + Nal puganta arch + Nal ata::AdeH A + arch + a → * Anarcha "both went at, both attacked"

Rc + us puganta arc + us liTidhA a + arc + us ata::AdeH A + arc + us → * Anarcus "they honored"

KAZIKA tasmAd ato 'bhyAsAd dIrghIbhUtAd uttarasya dvi-halo 'Ggasya nuD-Agamo bhavati. AnaGga, AnaGgatuH, AnaGguH. anaJja, AnaJjatuH, AnaJjuH. dvi-halaH iti kim? ATa, ATatuH, ATuH. RkAraikadezo repho hal-grahaNena gRhyate, tena iha api dvihalo 'Ggasya nuD-Agamo bhavati, AnRdhatuH, AnRdhuH.

242 letters. -- 74D.bse 45 -- popularity 3

252 Roots that start with a @heavy /ic get /Am'' (before /liT), except /Rcch and /UrNu.

917 {RR}-enders, /Rcch and !R to (/guNa before /liT).

(bhavateraH) (/bab)

bhavater aH ONPANINI 74073
(Before liT, stammer) of bhU to a.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 952

So bhU becomes babhU --

bhU + liT liTidhA bhUbhU + liT hrasvaH bhubhU + liT abhyAsecarca bubhU + liT → * babhU + liT

babhU + Nal bhuvovugluG;liToH babhUva "was"

babhU + atus bhuvovugluG;liToH babhUvatus "both were"

babhU + us bhuvovugluG;liToH babhUvus "they were"

As in --

tasya cAnye 'pi diGnAgA babhUvur anuyAyinaH "the other elephants of the quarters too became his followers"

KAZIKA bhavater abhyAsasya akArAdezo bhavati liTi parataH. babhUva, babhUvatuH, babhUvuH. bhavateH iti kRtavikarananirdezAdiha na bhavati, anubabhUve kambalo devadattena. liTi ity eva, bubhUSati. bobhUyate.

When bhU is not before liT, that is, when it is before san and yaG, this root bhU reduplicates normally --

bhU + san → .. → bubhUSa "want to be"

bhU + yaG → .. → bobhUya "repeatedly be"

as in --

sAvadhAno bobhUyase "you are being extremely careful"

394 letters. -- 74D.bse 109 -- popularity 5

216 Replace /as with !bhU (before @soft).

1651 examples of reduplication before /liT

1652 Some @auxiliary verbs.

(nijAntrayA) (!nij)

nijAM trayANAM guNaH zlau ONPANINI 74075
( stammer of) nij vij viS to guNa before zlu.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 953

These nij vij viS are the three zluclass roots that start at nij 03.0012, namely Nij(ir) "wash", vij(ir) "split", viS(L) "pervade, spread".

Examples --

nij + zlu zlau ni + nij + zlu → * nenij-

vij + zlu zlau vi + vij + zlu → * vevij-

viS + zlu zlau vi + viS + zlu → * veviS-

as in

nij + laT tipnij + zlu + tip zlau ninij + tip → * nenij + tip hardsoft nenej + tip coHkuH nenekti "washes"

pari + viS + hard liG dhvam → .. → pari + viviS + Idhvam''' → * pariveviSIdhvam "y'all would surround"

viS + laT tip → .. → veveSTi "it spreads"

The rule says "before zlu", so it does not work here, because the reduplication is caused by liTidhA --

nij + Nal hardsoft ne + a liTidhA neneja hrasvaH nineja "he washed"

KAZIKA nij'-AdInAM trayANAM abhyAsasya guNo bhavati zlau sati. Nijir nenekti. vijir vevekti. viSlR veveSTi. tri-grahaNam uttar%Artham, eSAM hi vRtkaraNam samApty-arthaM paThyate eva iti. zlau iti kim? nineja.

A curiosity. This rule might as well have been worded as NijirvijirviSLLNAM guNaH zlau, with L lengthened by nAmi. But the wording nijAnM trayANAGM guNazH zlau "of the three roots starting at nij" is shorter, let alone less tricky to chant.

613 letters. -- 74D.bse 135 -- popularity 1

887 @Stammered doesn't (get !!puganta) before @vowel /pit @hard.

(bhRJAmit) (!bhR)

bhRJAm it ONPANINI 74076
( stammer) of bhR mA hA to i (before zlu).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 954

Examples with mA --

mA + laT te'''mimA + te IhalyaghoH mimIte "he measures"

anumimImahe "we deduce"

with bhR --

bibharti "carries"

with 03.0008 hA "leave" --

hA "go" + laT tahA + zlu + ta zlau hA + hA + ta hrasvaH ha + hA + ta kuhozcuH ja + hA + ta → * ji + hA + taji + hA + te''' IhalyaghoH jihIte "sets out, leaves"

This rule does not affect 03.0009 hA "abandon" --

hA "quit" + laT tip → .. → jahAti "quits, discards"

KAZIKA bhRJAdInAM trayANAm abhyAsasya ikArAdezo bhavati zalau sati. bhRJ bibharti. mAG mimIte. ohAG jihIte. trayANAm ityeva, jahAti. zlau ityeva, babhAra.

231 letters. -- 74D.bse 183 -- popularity 2

1203 {mA(G)'} "measure"

(artipipa) (!ar)

arti;pipartyoz ca ONPANINI 74077
( stammer) of arti piparti (to i before laT)mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 955

Exception to urat. R usually makes an a stammer, but the R of the three roots R pRR pR makes an i stammer.

The root R "go" is called arti in the rule. Example --

R + laT tipR + zlu + tip hardsoft ar + ti zlau a + ar + ti → * i + ar + ti abhyAsasyA iyarti "reaches"

The piparti of the rule means the zluclass roots ad 03.0004 pRR and 03.0005 pR, both meaning pAlanapUraNayoH "take care, nurture, nourish, provide, fulfill"

pRR + laT tip → .. → piparti "takes care of"

KAZIKA arti piparti ityetayoH abhyAsasya ikArAdezo bhavati zlau. iyarti bhUmam. piparti somam.

296 letters. -- 74D.bse 230 -- popularity 2

(sanyataH) (/pip)

sany ataH ONPANINI 74079
Before san, a (of stammer to i).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 956

In other words -- before san, everything but u U reduplicates into i. So pac reduplicates into papac before liT, but into pipac before san.

Examples with A-a-roots --

pac + san sanyaGoH pa + pac + sa → * pi + pac + sa coHkuH pipaksa kric pipakSa "want to cook"

as in

pipakSa + laT tippipakSati "wants to cook"

yaj + san → .. → yiyakSa "want to sacrifice"

sthA + san → .. → ta + sthA + sa → * ti sthA sa kric tiSthAsa STunA tiSThAsa "want to stay"

If the stammer has R RR, rule urat turns R into a first, and then this rule turns the a into i --

pracch + san → .. → pRcch + iSanpRpRcch + iSa urat papRcch + iSa → * pipRcchiSa

Counterexample with an u root --

yudh + san → .. → yuyutsa "want to fight"

KAZIKA sani parato 'kAr%Ant%AbhyAsasya ikAr'-Adezo bhavati. pipakSati. yiyakSati. tiSThAsati. pipAsati. sani iti kim? papAca. ataH iti kim? lulUSati. tapara-karaNaM kim? pApaciSate.

455 letters. -- 74D.bse 255 -- popularity 22

(oHpuyaNjya) (!oH)

oH pu;yaN;jy-a-pare ONPANINI 74080
u U (of stammer of san) to (i) before pu yaN j that is before A ammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 957

Replace the u U of the stammer of a san with i when it is before a pu yaN j that is before A a.

Example 1.

Adding san after pU first makes pUpaviSa --

pU + san sanyaGoH pU + pU + sanpU + pU + iSan hardsoft pU + po + iSa ecoya pUpaviSa

But now the stammer pU is before p that is before a. So this rule works --

pUpaviSapipaviSa "be about to clean"

Example 2.

bhU + Nic + san sanyaGoH bU + bhU + Nic + san acoJNiti bU + bhau + i + san ecoya bU + bhAvi + sanbU + bhAvi + iSan hardsoft bU + bhAve + iSa ecoya bUbhAvayiSa → * bibhAvayiSa "want to create"

KAZIKA uvarNAntAbhyAsasya pavarge yaNi jakAre ca avarNapare parataH ikArAdezo bhavati sani pratyaye parataH. pavarge apare pipaviSate. pipAvayiSati. bibhAvayiSati. yaNyapare yiyaviSati. yiyAvayiSati. rirAvayiSati. lilAvayiSati. jyapare ju iti sautro 'yaM dhAtuH. jijAvayiSati.

333 letters. -- 74D.bse 270 -- popularity 1

962 (@stammer) works [/san]-wise before @light that is before /caG, unless /ak dropped.

(sravatizR) (!sr)

sravati-zRNoti-dravati-pravati-plavati-cyavatInAM vA ONPANINI 74081
Optionally of sru zru dru pru plu cyu.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 958

The previous rule works optionally on the stammers of sru zru dru pru plu cyu.


dru + san + laT tip → .. → dudrAvayiSati → * didrAvayiSati "wants to make (him) run"

In the alternative

dudrAvayiSati "wants to make (him) run"

KAZIKA sravati zRNoti dravati pravati plavati cyavati ityeteSAm abhyAsasya oH avarnapare yaNi vA ikArAdezo bhavati sani parataH. sisrAvayiSati, susrAvayiSati. zRNoti zizrAvayiSati, zuzrAvayiSati. dravati didrAvayiSati, dudrAvayiSati. pravati piprAvayiSati, puprAvayiSati. plavati piplAvayiSati, puplAvayiSati. cyavati cicyAvayiSati, cucyAvayiSati.

171 letters. -- 74D.bse 335 -- popularity none

(guNoyaGlu) (/lol)

guNo yaG;lukoH ONPANINI 74082
ik of stammer to guNa before yaG or yaGlukmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 959

Exception to hrasvaH.

Examples with yaG --

ci + yaG sanyaGoH ciciya → * ceciya zrUyatAm cecIya "keep piling up, hoard"

lU + yaG → .. → lolUya "harvest lots"

lup + yaG → .. → lolupya "cut badly"

Examples with yaGluk --

hu + yaG + laT tip sanyaGoH juhu + yaG + tip → * johu + yaG + tip yaGluk johu + tip hardsoft joho + tip yaGovA joho + Iti ecoya johavIti "keeps pouring"

See also dIrghokitaH below.

KAZIKA yaGi yaGluki ca ig-antasya abhyAsasya guNo bhavati. cecIyate. lolUyate. yaGluki johavIti. yago vA iti iDvikalpaH. cokruzIti.

229 letters. -- 74D.bse 353 -- popularity 9

17 /guNa and /vRddhi replace /ik.

251 !kAs and the /sanAdyanta get /Am'' before /liT.

360 /a'' (forms @feminine action nounbase) after /sanAdyanta.

544 (@Stretch) /svap !syam /vyeJ before /yaG.

1399 When !kartarizap won't work.

1651 examples of reduplication before /liT

(dIrghokitaH) (!dIrghok)

dIrgho 'kitaH ONPANINI 74083
a of an akit ( stammer) to long (before yaG or yaGluk)mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 960

A " kit stammer" is a stammer, like the raM of raMramyate, that got the kit augment n(uk) from nugato'nunAsikAntasya, for instance the . The other stammers are akit, for instance the one of vad + yaG --

vad + yaG sanyaGoH vavad + yaG → * vAvadya

See also guNo yaG;lukoH above.

This rule only works when the stammer has a. Otherwise, the stammer will either get n(uk) by nugato, or have an ik vowel guNated by guNoyaGlukoH. So the stammer vowel will always be heavy. The root vowel, however, can end up being light or heavy.

More examples with yaG --




More examples with yaGluk --




KAZIKA akito 'bhyAsasya dIrgho bhavati yagi yaGluki ca. pApacyate. pApacIti. yAyajyate. yAyajIti. akitaH iti kim? yaMyamyate. yaMyamIti. raMramyate. raMramIti.

484 letters. -- 74D.bse 387 -- popularity 4

(nugatonu) (!nug)

nug ato 'nunAsikAntasya ONPANINI 74085
( stammer) that ends in a of ( yaG yaGluk) root that ends in m gets n(uk).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 961

Example with yaG --

kram + yaG + laT takram + ya + te'' sanyaGoH ca + kram + ya + te → * cankramya + tecankramya + zap + te atoguNe cankramyate nazcA caGMkramyate anusvA caGkramyate "he shakes"

Example with yaGluk --

ram + yaGluk + laT tip sanyaGoH raram + tip → * ranram + ti yaGovA ranram + Iti nazcA raMramIti

This last example did not get kartarizap because yaGluks are lukclass .

The n added to the stammer is not affected by halAdizzeSaH, because, if halAdizzeSaH were to work here, this rule would be useless. It would add an n that would be always removed.

379 letters. -- 74D.bse 410 -- popularity 1

960 !a of an /akit (@stammer) to @long (before /yaG or /yaGluk)

(sanvallaghu) (!sanv)

sanval laghuni caG-pare 'n-ag-lope ONPANINI 74093
( stammer) works san-wise before light that is before caG, unless ak dropped.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 962

In other words -- "the stammer made by caGi sometimes works like the stammer made by sanyaGoH ".


Because of rule sany ataH, the root pac reduplicates into papac before liT, but into pipac before san.

Now, this rule says that when pAci is before caG, the stammer "works san-wise" or "is san-like". This means that rule sanyata works on it, as if that stammer had been before san instead of being before caG.

And that's why we say apIpacat "he made them cook", not apApacat.

KAZIKA laghuni dhAtvakSare parato yo 'bhyAsaH tasya caGpare Nau parataH sanIva kAryaM bhavati an-ag-lope. sanyataH ity uktam, caGpare 'pi tathA. acIkarat. apIpacat. oH puyaNjyapare ity uktam, caG-pare 'pi tathA. apIpavat. alIlavat. ajIjavat. sravatizRNotidravatipravatiplavaticyavatInAM vA ityuktam, caGpare 'pi tathA. asisravat, asusravat. azizravat, azuzravat. adidravat, adudravat. apipravat, apupravat. apiplavat, apuplavat. acicyavat, acucyavat. lughuni iti kim? atatakSat. ararakSat. jAgarayateH ajajAgarat. atra kecid gazabdam labhumAzritya sanbadbhAvam icchanti, sarvatraiva laghorAnantaryam abhyAsena na asti iti vyavadhAne 'pi vacanaprAmANyAd bhavitavyam, tadasat. yena na avyavadhAnaM tena vyavahite 'pi vacanaprAmANyAtityekena vyavadhAnam AzrIyate, na punaranekena. yadyevam, katham acikSaNatiti? AcAryapravRttir jJApayati bhavatyevaM jAtIyakAnAm ittvam iti. yadayaM tad bAdhanArthaM samratyAdInAm atvam vidadhAti. caGpare iti kim? ahaM papaca. paragrahaNaM kim? caGi eva kevale mA bhUt, acakamata. anaglope iti kim? acakathat. dRSadamAkhyAtavAnadadRSat. vAditavantaM prayojitavAnavIvadatityatra yo 'sau Nau Nerlopo nAsAvaglopa ityAzrIyate. kiM kAraNam? caGpare iti NijAter nimittatvena AkSepAt, tato 'nyasya ako lopaH parigRhyate. mImAdInAm atra grahaNAt sanvadbhAvena abhyAsalopo na bhavati ityuktam. kiM ca sanvatiti sanAzrayaM kAryamatidizyate, na ca lopaH sanam eva apekSate, kiM tarhi, isbhAvAdyapi. tadabhAvAtamImapatityAdau abhyAsalopo na bhaviSyati.

371 letters. -- 74D.bse 425 -- popularity 7

115 Down to !!kaDArA, just ONE @term.

914 Shorten the @nexttolast before /Ni before /caG.

915 (Optionally @nexttolast) !R !RR to !R (before /Nic plus /caG).

943 And delete the @stammer.

948 !R !RR !L (of @stammer) to !a.

(dIrgholaghoH) (!dIrghol)

dIrgho laghoH ONPANINI 74094
lengthen light ( stammer before light root before Ni before caG).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 963

Example. Because of NaucaGyupa and other rules, nI + Nic + luG tip "he made (them) carry" adds up to a + ni + nay + caG + t''', namely aninayat. In this aninayat, the vowel a of the root nay is light, and the vowel i of the stammer ni is light too. Therefore this rule has to work, and the stammer vowel lengthens --

nI + Nic + luG tip → .. → aninayat → * anInayat "he made (them) carry"

If instead of starting with nI we start with bhraj, we get abibhrajat, and this rule cannot work because the stammer bi has a heavy vowel.

And if we start with rakS, we get ararakSat, and this rule cannot work because the root rakS has a heavy vowel.

KAZIKA dIrghA bhavati laghoH abhyAsasya laghuni Nau caGpare anaglope. acIkarat. ajIharat. alIlavat. apIpacat. laghoH iti kim? abibhrajat. laghuni ityeva, atatakSat. ararakSat. caGi ityava, ahaM papaca. pare ity eva, acakamata. anaglope ityeva, acakathat.

Because of the trickle of caGpare, this rule does not work when there is caG but no Nic, as in acakamata. And because of the trickle of anaglope, acakathat is unaffected, because the root katha lot its final a here.

640 letters. -- 74D.bse 527 -- popularity 4

540 (@Reduplicate) before /caG

915 (Optionally @nexttolast) !R !RR to !R (before /Nic plus /caG).

(sarvasyadve) (!sarvas)

sarvasya dve ONPANINI 81001
Replace a whole word with two.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 964

headline. The following rules, down to 81015 dvandvaMraha, replace one word with two.

Why do we say "a whole word"? Because the rules below have nothing to do with the reduplication rules ( ekAcodve ff), that only replace a PART of a word with two.

KAZIKA sarvasya iti ca dve iti ca etadadhikRtaM veditavyam. ita uttaraM yad vakSyAmaH padasya ityataH prAk, sarvasya dve bhavataH ityevaM tad veditavyam. vakSyati nityavIpsayoriti, tatra sarvasya sthAne dve bhavataH. ke dve bhavataH? ye zabdatazca arthatazca ubhayathAntaratame. ekasya pacatizabdasya dvau pacatizabdau havataH. pacati pacati. grAmo grAmo ramaNIyaH. yadA tu dviH prayogo dvirvacanam tadA sa eva pacatizabdo dvirAvartate, tasya dve AvRttI bhavataH. sarvasya iti kim? vispaSTArtham. atha padasya ityeva kasmAn na ucyate? na evaM zakyam, iha hi na syAt prapacati prapacati iti. iha drogdhA, droDhA iti ghatvaDhatvayoH asiddhatvAdakRtayoreva tayor dvivacanaM prApnoti, tatra pazcAd vikalpe satyaniStam api syAt drogdhA droDhA, droDhA drogdhA iti. tasmAd vaktavyam etat pUrvatra asiddhIyam advirvacane iti. sarvasya ityetadeva vA kRtaM sarvakAryapratipattyarthaM draSTavyam.

188 letters. -- 81.bse 1 -- popularity 2

637 Replace @stem.

(tasyapara) (@rep)

tasya param AmreDitam ONPANINI 81002
repeat is the second one (of what is said twice).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 965

When we replace a whole word with two by any of the rules down to 81015, the second word is said to be the repeat or AmreDita.

So, when we say sAdhu sAdhu "good! good!", the second sAdhu is the repeat, and the first one is not.

Being a repeat makes rule kAnAmreDite work.

202 letters. -- 81.bse 39 -- popularity 1

(nityavIpsa) (!nityav)

nitya;vIpsayoH ONPANINI 81004
(Repeat the whole word) to mean "repeated action" or "each".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 966

Example of repeated action --

pacati pacati "he's always cooking"

Example of "each" --

divase divase "every day"

More examples at (ktvA and) Namul mean repetition .

Back to sarvasya dve.

142 letters. -- 81.bse 51 -- popularity 2

(dvandvaMraha) (!dvandva)

dvandvaM rahasya;maryAdA-vacana; vyutkramaNa;yajJa-pAtra-prayog%AbhivyaktiSu ONPANINI 81015
dvanMdva- means "secret", "limit", "separation", "employing as a sacrificial vessel", "manifestation".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 967

The word dvanMdva-, according to this rule, comes from dvi- + dvi-. The first i was replaced with am and the second with a, then monusvA and anusvA turned m into n.

Besides the meanings allowed by this rule, the word has other meanings, such as "couple", "pair of opposites", and " dvandva compound".

Feel free to spell dvandva or dvaMdva as you see fit. The word is spelled both ways.

KAZIKA dvandvam iti dvizabdasya dvirvacanam, pUrva padasyAmbhAvaH, attvaM ca uttarapadasya nipAtyate rahasya maryAdA-vacana vyutkramaNa yajJa-pAtra-prayoga abhivyakti ity eteSu artheSu. tatra rahasyaM dvandvazabdavAcyam, itare viSayabhUtAH. dvandvaM mantrayate. maryAdAvacane maryAdA sthItyanatikramaH. AcaturaM hIme pazavo dvandvaM mithunIyanti. mAtA putreNa mithunaM gacchati, pautreNa, tat-putreNa api iti maryAdArthaH. vyutkramaNe dvandvaM vyutkrAntAH. vyutkramaNaM bhedaH, pRtha-gava-sthAnam. dvi-varga-sambandhanena pRthagavasthitA dvanvdvaM vyutkrAntA ityucyante. yajJa-pAtra-prayoge dvandvaM nyaJci yajJa-pAtrANi prayunakti dhIraH. abhivyaktau dvandvaM nAradaparvatau. dvandvaM saGkarSaNavAsudevau. dvAvapyabhivyaktau sAhacaryeNa ityarthaH. anyatra api dvandvam ityetad dRzyate, tadarthaM yogavibhAgaH kartavyaH, dvandvaM yuddhaM vartate, dvandvAni sahate dhIraH, c%Arthe dvandvaH iti.

292 letters. -- 81.bse 74 -- popularity 1

964 Replace a whole word with two.

(padasya) (!pada)

padasya ONPANINI 81016
Replace wordfinal.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 968

headline. The following rules, down to 83054 iDAyAvA, replace only wordfinal letters.

Example. Rule 82007 nalopaHprA says "replace nounbase-final n with nothing". But that rule will only work on the nounbase-final n that is also wordfinal.

183 letters. -- 81.bse 80 -- popularity 2

52 Replacement is like original, except for letter-rules.

964 Replace a whole word with two.

(thefollowingarehangers) (!anudAttaM)

anudAttaM sarvam a-pAd'-Adau ONPANINI 81018
The following are hangers.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 969


The words described in the next rules are not allowed at the start of a verse, half-verse, or sentence.

Example. The word te "they" from jasazzI can go anywhere, but te'', which is made by temayAvekavacanasya below, cannot go first. That's why this verse must have vayanM te, not te vayam, as te'' can't go right after the middle of the verse --

te tasmai kathayAmAsur vayanM te pitarasH svakAH "they told him, we are your ancestors"

KAZIKA anudAttam iti ca, sarvam iti ca, apAdAdau iti ca, apAdAdau iti ca etat trayam adhikRtaM veditavyam A pAdaparisamApteH. ita uttaraM yad vakSyAmaH anudAttaM sarvam apAdAdau ityevaM tad veditavyam. vakSyati Amantritasya ca 7-1-19 iti. pacasi devadatta. apAdAdau iti kim? yat te niyAnaM rajasaM mRtyo anavadharSyam. bahuvacanasya vasnasau 8-1-21. grAmo vaH svam, janapado naH svam. apAdAdau iti kim? rudro vizvezvaro devo yaSmAkaM kuladevatA. sa eva nAtho bhagavAnasmAkaM zatrumardanaH. pAdagrahaNenAtra RkpAdaH zlokapAdazca gRhyate. sarvagrahaNam sarvam anUdyamAnaM vidhIyamAnaM ca anudAttaM yathA syAtiti. tena yuSmadasmadAdezAnAm api vAkyabhedena anudAttatvaM vidhIyate. yuSmadasmadAdezAzca sarvasya subantasya padasya yathA syuH, yatra api svAdipadaM padasaMjJaM bhavati. grAmo vAM dIyate. janapado nau dIyate.

344 letters. -- 81.bse 92 -- popularity 4

970 (Optionally @dual) /yuSmad- /asmad- plus @sixth @fourth @second to /vAm'' /nau''.

971 (/yuSmad- /asmad- to) /vas'' /nas'' when @plural (optionally).

973 (Optionally) replace /tvAm /mAm with /tvA'' /mA''.

(/vAm'') (/vAm)

yuSmad;asmadoH SaSThI;caturthI;dvitIyA-sthayor vAn;nAvau ONPANINI 81020
(Optionally dual) yuSmad- asmad- plus sixth fourth second to vAm'' nau''.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 970

The dual yuSmad- asmad- plus sixth fourth second are these six --

yuSmad- + os → .. → yuvayos

yuSmad- + bhyAm → .. → yuvAbhyAm

yuSmad- + au → .. → yuvAm

asmad- + os → .. → Avayos

asmad- + bhyAm → .. → AvAbhyAm

asmad- + au → .. → AvAm

But if we apply this optional rule, we may replace those with --

yuvayos → * vAm''

yuvAbhyAm → * vAm''

yuvAm → * vAm''

Avayos → * nau''

AvAbhyAm → * nau''

AvAm → * nau''

As in --

putrau yuvAmM me kA lajjA zrUyatAGM kathayAmi vAm "you are like sons to me, why should I be ashamed? Listen, I'll tell you the whole story."

where vAm replaced fourth yuvAbhyAm. This vAm cannot replace the yuvAbhyAm made with third bhyAm or fifth bhyAm.

These vAm'' and nau'' are hangers, by anudAttaMsarva.

Important. Those six words can be replaced ONLY if they have been made with sixth fourth second os bhyAm au. If they were made with seventh third fifth first os bhyAm bhyAm au, they stay unchanged.

664 letters. -- 81.bse 220 -- popularity 2

835 (!yuSm !asm to) !yuva !Ava when meaning two.

1136 /yuSmad- /asmad- tables.

(/vas'') (/vas'')

bahuvacane vas;nasau ONPANINI 81021
( yuSmad- asmad- to) vas'' nas'' when plural (optionally).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 971

Because of exceptions, this only works before second, fourth, and sixth.

So, there are exactly six examples --

yuSmad- + zas → * vas'' "y'all"

yuSmad- + @fourth bhyas → * vas'' "to y'all"

yuSmad- + Am → * vas'' "of y'all"

asmad- + zas → * nas'' "us"

asmad- + @fourth bhyas → * nas'' "to us"

asmad- + Am → * nas'' "our"

Example sentences --

grAmo vasH svam "the village is your property"

grAmo vo dIyate "the village is given to y'all"

grAmo vaH pazyati "the village sees y'all"

These vas'' nas'' are hangers, by anudAttaMsarva.

The fifth bhyas is not affected by this rule, so "from y'all" is compulsorily yuSmat or yuSmattas (see paJcamyA::at), never vas''.

KAZIKA bahuvacan%AntayoH yuSmad-asmadoH SaSThI-caturthI-dvitIyA-sthayoH yathA-saGkhyam vas nas ity etAv Adezau bhavataH. grAmo vaH svam. janapado naH svam. grAmo vo dIyate. janapado no dIyate. grAmo vaH pazyati. janapado naH pazyati.

474 letters. -- 81.bse 250 -- popularity 1

1136 /yuSmad- /asmad- tables.

(temayAve) (/te'')

te;mayAv ekavacanasya ONPANINI 81022
singular ( yuSmad- asmad- with Ge or Gas optionally to) te'' me''.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 972

(For the other te, see te disambiguation .)

Only examples --

yuSmad- + Ge → .. → tubhyam → * te'' "to you"

yuSmad- + Gas → .. → tava → * te'' "your"

asmad- + Ge → .. → mahyam → * me'' "to me"

asmad- + Gas → .. → mama → * me'' "my"

As in --

namas "salutation" + ( yuSmad- + Ge ) "to you " → .. → namas + tubhyam → * namas te "Hi!"

This replacement is optional, so both of namas tubhyam and tubhyanM namaH are kosher too.

KAZIKA yuSmadasmadoH ekavacanAntayoH SaSthIcaturthIsthayoH yathAsaGkhyaM te me ityetau Adezau bhavataH. grAmaste svam. grAmo me svam. grAmaste dIyate. grAmo me dIyate. dvitIyAntasya AdezAntaravidhAna-sAmarthyAt SaSThIcaturthyoH ev%AyaM yogaH.

These me'' and te'' are hangers. Therefore, they cannot appear at the start of a sentence, verse or half-verse. So, te namaH won't fly.

Yet, tubhyam, mahyam, te', te'''', mama, tava can be placed anywhere --

punar dadau surapatir mahyaM varma sasaGMgraham

mohitaz cAsmi deveza tubhyaM rUpaviparyayAt

490 letters. -- 81.bse 275 -- popularity 10

(tvAmaudvitI) (/tvA')

tvA;mau dvitIyAyAH ONPANINI 81023
(Optionally) replace tvAm mAm with tvA'' mA''.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 973

For instance, this tvA might as well have been tvAm --

gaNAnAnM tvA gaNapatiM havAhamahe kaviG kavinAm upama-zravas-tamam

These tvA'' mA'' are uncommon, but you will hear them in verse, mostly metri causa.

Notice that tvA'' mA'' are hangers by anudAttaMsarvamapAdAdau, but tvAm mAm ain't.

KAZIKA ekavacanasya iti vartate. dvitIyAyA yadekavacanaM tadantayoH yuSma-dasmadoH yathA-saGkhyam tvA mA ity etau Adezau bhavataH. grAmas tvA pazyati. grAmo mA pazyati.

233 letters. -- 81.bse 327 -- popularity 1

1136 /yuSmad- /asmad- tables.

74001 more replacements before soft ←

chunk 45: 74070 changes in stammers, word repetition

→ 82001 tripAdI