→ 41001 sup endings and feminine affixes
34099 from
34103 Flat gets
34109 after
34110 after
34111 Optionally
34112 After
34114 The rest are soft.
The Git tenses are liG laG lRG luG. When they are replaced with vas and mas, those turn into va''' ma'''.
Examples --
(Here loT is not a Git tense, but it worked like the laG because of loTolaGvat.)
KAZIKA leTa iti nivRttam. Gito lakArasya ya uttamaH, tasya nityaM sakArasya lopo bhavati. upacAva, upacAma. nitya-grahaNaM vikalpa-nivRtty-artham.
In more words --
"The tip jhi sip that replaced a Git tense lose
Examples with tip --
Examples with sip --
The jh''' will be replaced with ant''' or at''' by jhontaH or its exceptions --
This rule does not work on mip because of the exception tasthastha below.
KAZIKA GitaH ityeva. Gil-lakAra-sambandhina ikArasya nityaM lopo bhavati. apacat. apAkSIt. parasmaipadeSu ityeva, apacAvahi, apacAmahi.
Whn a Git tense is replaced with tas thas tha mip, replace those with tAm''' tam''' ta''' am''' respectively --
car + laG thas
cara +
See also
KAZIKA GitaH ityeva. GillakArasambandhinAM caturNAm yathAsaGkhyaM tAmAdayaH AdezA bhavanti. apacatAm. apacatam. apacata. apacam. apAktAm. apAktam. apAkta. apAkSam.
This rule is stronger than itazca because, otherwise, the "
The taG affixes that replace liG get
If the liG is hard, the
labh +
If the liG is soft, the
labh +
(this time kartarizap didn't work, because the ta is soft)
KAZIKA liGAdezAnAm sIyuDAgamo bhavati. TakAro dezavidhyarthaH. ukAra uccAraNArthaH. paceta, paceyAtAm, paceran. pakSISTa, pakSIyAstAm, pakSIran.
For examples with the other eight affixes, see --
This is an exception to liGassIyuT, that would otherwise add
This rule will not work after
If the liG is soft (see soft liG), liGassa won't work --
As in
See flat hard
See also flat hard
See flat soft
KAZIKA liGaH ityeva. parasmaipada-viSayasya liGo yAsuD-Agamo bhavati, sa ca udAtto bhavati, Gic ca. sIyuTo 'pavAdaH. AgamAn udAttatve prApte, GittvaM tu liGa eva vidhIyate, tatra tat-kAryANAM sambhavAd, na Agamasya. kuryAt, kuryAtAm, kuryuH. sthanivad-bhAvAd eva liG-Adezasya Git-tve siddhe yAsuTo Gid-vacanaM jJApakArtham - lakArAzrayaGittvam AdezAnAM na bhavatIti. acinavam. akaravam.
Notice that
According to the general principle "there is nothing useless in the rules", the very fact that this rule says "and gets
So when mip replaces laG or liG, it does not get
This makes jha into ran, then it will turn into Iran''' or sIran''', this way --
as in --
in the soft liG, liGassa won't work, so sIran''' stays --
Back to bent hard
This a' of course always gets sIyuT, making sIya'''. Which loses the
This sIya''' is supposed to stay in the soft liG, but I won't even bother to show any examples because no one has used the bent soft liG forms in the last two thousand years. So the sIyuT will almost always be hard and liGassa erases the
Examples --
and after
Back to bent hard
Back to bent hard
(By Adyantau, "get
This rule works only on the bent soft
These get
AtAm sIyAstAm''' "may both"
thAs sISThAs''' "may you"
AthAm sIyAsthAm''' "may you2"
Remember that the soft
KAZIKA liGaH ity eva. liG-sambhandhinoH takAra-thakArayoH suD-Agamo bhavati. takara-thakArAv Agaminau, liG tad-vizeSaNam. sIyuT astu liG evAgamI. tena bhinna-viSaya-tvAt suTA bAdhanaM na bhavati. takAre ikara uccAraNArthaH. kRSISta. kRSIyAstAm. kRSISThAH. kRSIyAsthAm.
Exception to jhontaH and other rules, that would have made ant''' or at''' instead. Example --
By rule usya, the
KAZIKA liGaH ityeva. liGG-Adezasya jher jus-Adezo bhavati. jho 'ntaH apavAdaH. paceyuH. yajeyus.
jus can come from this rule or from sija. For instance, the laG form
The previous rule jherjus replaces liG jhi with jus. We must also replace jhi --
after sic
in the laG after a stammered --
and in the laG of
Rules laGaHzA and dviSazca, too, may turn jhi into jus.
KAZIKA aliGarthaH ArambhaH. sicaH parasya, abhyastasaMjJakebhyo, vettezca uttarasya jher jus, Adezo bhavati. abhyastavidigrahaNam asijartham. Gita iti ca anuvartate. sicastAvat akArSuH. ahArSuH. abhastAt abibhayuH. ajihrayuH. ajAgaruH. videH aviduH.
As of 2024 inria grammar says that
Maybe I'm wrong, but I guess that this rule might be reworded as
" sija does not work after bhU".
And that the only example is --
KAZIKA sijgrahaNam anuvartate. sica AkArAntAc ca parasya jheH jusAdezo bhavati. katham AbhyAmAnantaryam? sico luki kRte pratyayalakSaNena sico 'nantaraH, zrutyA cAkArAntAditi. aduH. adhuH. asthuH. takAro mukhasukhArthaH. pUrveNa eva sidhddhe niyamArthaM vacanam, Ata eva sijlugantAt, na anyasmAtiti. abhUvan. pratyayalakSanena jus prAptaH pratiSidhyate, tulyajAtIyApekSatvAn niyamasya. zrUyamAne hi sici bhavatyeva, akArSuH, ahArSuH.
LISTENTO https://youtu.be/hgufLwRkIuA?t=4251
This rule applies to lukclass roots that end in
In the alternative, we get jhontaH as usual --
The word
This rule does not work on the zluclass roots; those get jus complusorily by sija.
The word
KAZIKA AtaH ityeva. AkArAntAduttarasya laGAdezasya jheH jusAdezo bhavati zAkaTAyanasya AcAryasya matena. ayuH. avuH. anyeSAM mate ayAn. nanu GitaH ityanuvartate. atra laGeva akArAntAdanantaro Git sambhavati na anyaH, tat kiM laGgrahaNena? evaM tarhi laGG eva yo laG vihitaH tasya yathA syAt, laGvadbhAvena yas tasya mA bhUt, loTo laGvad iti. yAntu. vAntu. sijabhyastavidibhyazcety ayam api jher jus loTo na bhavati. bibhyatu. jAgratu. vidantu. jusbhAvamAtraM hi mukhyena laGA vizeSyate. evakAra uttarArthaH.
LISTENTO https://youtu.be/hgufLwRkIuA?t=4253
Only example --
This rule is optional. If we choose to not apply it, we get
KAZIKA laGaH zAkaTAyanasya ityeva. dviSaH parasya laGG Adezasya jher jusAdezo bhavati, zAkaTAyanasya AcAryasya matena. adviSuH. anyeSAM mate adviSan.
LISTENTO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgufLwRkIuA&feature=youtu.be&t=70m56s
The zit root affixes, and the tiG affixes, are " hard affixes" (
tip tas jhi mip vas mas are hard because they are in the tiG list.
zap, za, zyan, zAnac, zatR are hard because they are zit and are root affixes.
Because of sthAnivad, all replacements of hard tiG are also hard. For instance, the t''' in
See also next rule, ArdhadhAtukaM zeSaH.
KAZIKA tiGaH zitaz ca pratyayAH sArvadhAtuka-saMjJA bhavanti. bhavati. nayati. svapiti. roditi. pacamAnaH. yajamAnaH. sArvadhAtukapradezAH sArvadhAtuke yak ity evam AdayaH.
We will need to know which affixes are hard in order to know when sArvadhAtuke yak " yak before hard" and other rules work.
In most other translations of
The root affixes that are not zit and not tiG are called " soft" affixes.
TA, Ge, aN etc are neither soft nor hard, because they are not root affixes.
lyap is soft because it is a root affix, it is not zit, and it is not a tiG.
tip tas jhi etc, when they replace liT, are soft, because of the exception liTca.
Therefore their replacements Nal atus us etc. are also soft. And that's why
KAZIKA tiGaH zitaz ca varjayitvA anyaH pratyayaH zeSo dhAtusaMzabdanena vihitaH ArdhadhAtuka-saMjJo bhavati. lavitA. lavitum. lavitavyam. dhAtoH ity eva. vRkSatvam. vRkSatA asti. lUbhyAm. lUbhiH. jugupsate.
LISTENTO https://youtu.be/hgufLwRkIuA?t=4261
Exception to tiGzit.
So in these examples, jhi, tip, ez are soft --
(Notice that puganta did not work on
kR + liT tip →
As those affixes are soft, kartarizap and tanAdikR did not work.
KAZIKA liD AdezaH tiGG ArdhadhAtuka-saMjJo bhavati. sArvadhAtuka-saMjJAyA apavAdaH. pecitha. zekitha. jagle. mamle. nanu ca eka-saMjJA-'dhikArAd anyatra samAvezo bhavati? satyam etat. iha tu evakAro 'nuvartate, sa niyamaM karisyati.
Exception to tiGzit.
The ordinary hard liG may either mean a wish by AziSiliGloTau, or have many other meanings by vidhinimantra and other rules.
This rule says that when it means a wish, we may optionally replace the hard liG affix with a soft liG affix. We cannot do that when it has other meanings besides wishing.
This soft liG is called ben or benedictive in inria, and
Example --
But if we decide not to use this rule --
The fact that tip is soft in the first example and hard in the second made different rules work. For instance, the hard tip made kartarizap work, but the soft tip did not.
KAZIKA AziSi viSaye yo liG sa ArdhadhAtukasaMjJo bhavati. sArvadhAtukasaMjJAyA apavAdaH. samAvezazca evakArAnuvRtterna bhavati. laviSISTa. paviSISTa. AziSi iti kim? lunIyAt. punIyAt.
See also soft