11049 rule interpretation ←

chunk 6: 12001 automatic labels

→ 12027 length, accent, labels

12001 After gAG and kuTAdi what is not JNit is Git. gAGkuTAdibhyoJNinGit
12004 Hard apit . sArvadhAtukamapit
12005 liT is kit after non-cluster. asaMyogAlliTkit
12008 and san after rud vid muS grah svap pracch. rudavidamuSagrahisvapipracchassaMzca
12009 iT-less after ik ikojhal
12010 After ik-plus-/hal, . halantAcca
12011 Bent soft liG and sic before bent, . liGsicAvAtmanepadeSu
12012 Same after R q. uzca
12014 After han, sic . hanassic
12018 ktvA is not after a seT root. naktvAseT
12019 niSThA after zIG svid mid kSvid dhRS niSThAzIGsvidimidikSvididhRSaH
12023 itvA is optionally kit after nth mph-enders nopadhAtthaphAntAdvA
12026 and iSan after a hal-{y;u-/ral} root. ralovyupadhAddhalAdessaMzca

(gAGkuTAdi) (/kuT)

gAG;kuTAdibhyo '-JNin@ Git ONPANINI 12001
After gAG and kuTAdi what is not JNit is Git.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 67

gAG is the replacement of iG "study" made by gAGliTi ff. Example. Here sic becomes (G)s(ic), and the G label makes ghumA work --

adhi + iG + luG ta vibhASAluG;lRGoH adhi + gAG + taadhi + gAG + sic + ta → * adhi + gAg + (G)sic + ta ghumA adhi + gI + sta luGlaG adhi + agIsta ikoyaNaci adhyagIsta kric adhyagISta STunA adhyagISTa "he studied"

The kuTAdi are the zaclass roots from 06.0093 kuT "act crookedly" to 06.0136 kuG "groan". Example. Here tRc becomes (G)itR(c), and the G label makes puganta not work --

kuT + tRc ArdhadhAtukasyeD kuT + itR → * kuT + (G)itRkuTitR- "a crook" ( with no puganta )

By a vArttika, the root 06.0013 vyac "deceive" works as if it were a kuTAdi. Here tA gets a G label that makes grahijyA work --

vyac + luT tipvyac + tA ArdhadhAtukasyeD vyac + itA → * vyac + (G)itA grahijyA vicitA "he will deceive"

This rule won't work on JNit affixes. For instance, Nic is JNit, so it gets no G, and therefore puganta does work here --

ud + kuT + Nic + laT tip → .. → utkoTayati "it bends upwards"

KAZIKA atidezo 'yam. gAGiti iGAdezo rhyate, na gAG gatau iti, Ga-kArasya ananyArthatvAt. kuTAdayo 'pi kuTa kauTilye ityeta dArabhya yAvat kuG zabde iti. egyo gAG-kuTAdibhyaH pare aJNitaH pratyayA Gito bhavanti Gidvad bhavanti ity arthaH. gAGaH adhyagISTa. adhyagISAtAm. adhyagISata. kuTAdibhyaHkuTitA. kuTitum. kuTitavyam. utpuTitA utpuTitum. utpuTitavyam. aJNititi kim? utkoTayati. uccukoTa. utkoTakaH. utkoTo vatate. vyaceH kuTAditvam anasIti vaktavyam. vicitA. vicitum. vicitavyam. anasi iti kim? uruvyacAH.

629 letters. -- 12.bse 2 -- popularity 3

823 Merge !a with the !A of /AtAm /AthAm into !e.

(sArvadhAtu) (!sAr)

sArvadhAtukam apit ONPANINI 12004
hard apit (is Git).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 68

All hard apit affixes have G label.


za zyan znu znA always have G label, because of this rule.

Therefore, when we join kSip + za we get --

kSip + laT tipkSip + za + tipkSipati "throws"

here puganta did not work because za has G label.

tas jhi thas tha vas mas AtAm jha get G label from this rule, but only when they are hard (that is, when neither liTca nor liGAziSi worked).

Therefore we have no hardsoft here --

cinu + tascinutas "both pile up"

because tas has G label.


zap is never Git -- as it is hard but pit, it never gets G from this rule, and it happens that it never gets G from any other rules

hard tip sip mip are hard, but also pit. So they do not get G label from this rule (they might still get G from yAsuTpa).

atus us are apit, but they are soft by liTca. So they are not Git (yet they are often kit by asaMyogAlliTkit).

Nal and lyap are neither hard nor apit. So they are aGit. The lyap has k label because it always replaces ktvA (see sthAnivad). But Nal never gets any k from anywhere.

KAZIKA sArvadhAtukaM yad apit tan@ Gidvad bhavati. kurutaH. kurvanti. cinutaH. cinvanti. sArvadhatukam iti kim? kartA. kartum. kartavyam. apid iti kim? karoti. karoSi. karomi.

780 letters. -- 12.bse 48 -- popularity 33

(asaMyogA) (!asa)

asaMyogAl liT kit ONPANINI 12005
( apit) liT is kit after non- cluster.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 69

The effects of this k label are --

it stops puganta hardsoft ata::upa etc by kGitica,

it causes stretching by vacisvapi or grahijyA,

it makes aniditA work.

Example of no puganta --

kSip + atus → * kSip + (k)atus liTidhA cikSipatus "both shot"

kSip + a → * kSip + (k)a liTidhA cikSipa "y'all shot"

Example of no hardsoft --

kR + ma → * kR + (k)macakR + macakRma "we made"

Example of stretching --

vac + atus → * vac + (k)atus vacisvapi uc + atus liTidhA u + uc + atus akassa Ucatus "both said"

Example of aniditA not working. Usually, sraMs will become sras before kGit affixes by aniditA, as in --

sraMs + ktasrasta- "broken"

But that M will stay before all liT affixes, because, as sraMs ends in a cluster, this rule will not work and they won't get k label --

sraMs + ezsasraMse "it fell asunder"

sraMs + liT AtAm Tita sraMs + Ate''' liTidhA sra + sraMs + Ate halAdizze sasraMsAte "both fell asunder"

sraMs + irecsasraMsire "they fell asunder"

See the kAzikA for more examples.

This rule won't work on the pit affixes Nal thal, so they cause acoJNiti, puganta, hardsoft, ata::upa normally --

kR + Nal acoJNiti kAr + Nal liTidhA kA + kAr + Nal hrasvaH ka + kAr + Nal kuhozcuH cakAra "made"

bhid + Nal puganta bhed + Nal liTidhA bibheda "he broke, he split"

See also summary of k G labels in tiG .

KAZIKA apid iti vartate. asaMyogAntAd dhAtoH paro liT pratyayaH apit kid bhavati. bidhidatuH. bibhiduH. cicchidatuH. cicchiduH. IjatuH. IjuH. asaMyogAtiti kim? saMsrase. dadhvaMse. apid ity eva. bibheda.

850 letters. -- 12.bse 144 -- popularity 10

(rudavida) (/suS)

ruda;vida; muSa;grahi; svapi;pracchaH saMz ca ONPANINI 12008
( ktvA) and san (are kit) after rud vid muS grah svap pracch.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 70

Example: these do not get puganta because itvA is kit here --

rud + ktvArud + itvA (wich is akit) → * rud + i(k)tvAruditvA "after crying" ( no puganta here )

viditvA "after knowing"

muSitvA "after stealing"

rud + san + laT tip sanyaGoH rurud + sa(n) + tirurud + iSan → * rurud + i(k)San + tiprurudiSati "wants to cry"

vid + san + laT tip → .. → vividiSati "wants to know"

mumuSiSati "wants to steal"

and here the k label makes grahijyA work --

grah + san → .. → jighRkSa

pracch + san kirazcapaJcabhyaH pracch + iSan → * pracch + (k)iSa grahijyA pRcch + (k)iSa sanyaGoH pRpRcchiSa sanyataH pipRcchiSa "want to ask"

and here k makes vacisvapi work --

svap + san → * svap + sa(k) vacisvapi sup + sa sanyaGoH su + supsa kric suSupsa "want to sleep"

KAZIKA ruda vida muSa grahi svapi praccha ityetebhyaH saMzca ktvA ca kitau bhavataH. rudavidamuSINAM ralo vyupadhAddhalAdeH saMzca iti vikalpe prApte nityArthaM grahaNam. graher vidhyartham eva. svapipracchyoH sannarthaM grahaNam. kideva hi itvA. ruditvA, rurudiSati. viditvA, vividiSati. muSitvA, mumuSiSati. gRhItva, jighRkSati. suptvA, suSupsati. pRSTvA, pipRcchiSati. grahA'dInAM kittvAt samprasAraNaM bhavati. kiraz ca paJcabhyaH iti praccher iD-AgamaH.

The kAzikA mentions gRhItvA as an example. Here are the small details just in case you are curious --

grah + ktvA ArdhadhAtukasyeD grah + itvA → * grah + (k)itvA grahijyA gRhitvA graholiTi gRhItvA "after grabbing"

585 letters. -- 12.bse 256 -- popularity 2

801 /san (doesn't get /iT after) /grah, !guh, (!zri and [/uk]-enders).

1115 @Flat @hard /liG after !a.

(ikojhal) (!ikoj)

iko jhal ONPANINI 12009
iT-less ( san is kit) after ikmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C- 71 iT

And that's why there's no hardsoft in --

cicISati "wants to collect"

tuSTUSati "wants to praise"

cikIrSati "wants to make"

(lengthening from ajjhanagamAMsani)

This rule works on ik ender roots. For ik-plus-consonant enders, see next rule, halantAcca.

198 letters. -- 12.bse 326 -- popularity 4

809 /san gets /iT optionally (after {q}-enders and !vR).

811 /san (gets /iT optionally) after {iv}-enders, {Rdhu-bhrasja, dambhu-zri-svR, yu-UrNu-bhR} and {jJapi-san}.

1484 @Switcher labels make some rules work or not work.

(halantAcca) (/yuy)

hal-antAc ca ONPANINI 12010
After ik-plus- hal, ( iT-less san is kit).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 72 iT

The k label makes kGitica work, so there is no puganta in --

yudh "fight" + san sanyaGoH yu + yudh + sa → * yu + yudh + (k)sa kharica yuyutsa "be about to fight, want to fight"

Even though the rule just says "roots that end in ik plus consonant", we in fact also get kitness after roots that end in ik plus cluster, such as dimbh or tRMh.

KAZIKA halantAdiko jhal kititi vartate. saniti nivRttam. igantadiksamIpAddhalaH parau jhalAdI.

That dimbh (or dambh) isalso metioned in dambha_icca.

KAZIKA halantAd iko jhal kid iti vartate. san iti nivRttam. igantadiksamIpAddhalaH parau jhalAdI.

273 letters. -- 12.bse 365 -- popularity 14

(liGsicAvA) (!liGs)

liG;sicAv AtmanepadeSu ONPANINI 12011
bent soft liG and sic before bent, (when iT-less, are kit after ik-plus- hal roots).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 73 iT

The root bhid ends in ik plus hal and is aniT.

Therefore, after bhid, the bent soft liG affixes (such as sISTa'''), when iT-less, are kit and don't cause puganta --

bhid + sISTa''' → * bhid + sISTa(k) kharica bhitsISTa "may he split, may he break"

and sic too, when iT-less, is kit, but only before a bent, such as ta. So no puganta here either --

bhid + luG ta → .. → a + bhid + sic + ta → * a + bhid + s(k) + ta jhalojhali abhidta "he broke" kharica abhitta

See also uzca below.

KAZIKA parataH kitau bhavataH. bhitsISTa, bhutsISTa. sici khalvapiabhitta, abuddha. ikaH ityeva. yakSISTa, ayaSTa. samprasAraNaM hi syAt. AtmanepadeSu iti kim? asrAkSit. adrAkSIt. sRjidRzor jhaly am akitIty am-Agamo na syAt. halantAd ity eva. ceSISTa, aceSTa. guNo na syAt. jhal ity eva vartiSISTa, avartiSTa. guNo na syAt. liG-sicau iti kim? dveSTA dvekSyati.

311 letters. -- 12.bse 370 -- popularity 1

264 (!lip /sic' !hve get /aG) optionally before [@bent]s.

(uzca) (!uz)

uz ca ONPANINI 12012
Same after R RR.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 74

Therefore, iT-less bent soft liG is kit after R RR --

kR + @soft liG takR + sISTa''' → * kR + sISTa(k) kric kRSISTa "may it be made; may he make"

And so is the iT-less sic that is before bent --

kR + luG takR + sic + ta → * kR + (k)s(ic) + ta luGlaG akR + s + ta hrasvAdaGgAt akRta "he made"

KAZIKA R-varN%AntAd dhAtoH parau liG-sicau AtmanepadeSu jhal-AdI kitau bhavataH. kRSISTa. hRSISTa. sicaH khalv api akRta. ahRta. jhal ity eva. variSISTa. avariSTa. vRRtovA avarISTa.

168 letters. -- 12.bse 426 -- popularity 4

73 @Bent @soft /liG and /sic before @bent, (when [/iT]-less, are /kit after [/ik]-plus-[/hal] roots).

1061 After /iN, !dh of !SIdhvam, /luG and /liT to (!Dh).

1512 Summary of !k !G labels in /tiG.

(hanassic) (!hanass)

hanaH sic ONPANINI 12014
After han, sic (is kit before bent).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 75

This k label makes anudAtto work. Therefore, this rule can be reworded as --

" han loses n before sic before bent"

The root han "kill" is flatty most of the time, but after AG, it becomes bendy and means "hit".

Examples --

AG + han + luG taAhan + sic + ta → * Ahan + (k)sic + ta anudAtto Aha + s + ta hrasvAdaGgAt Ahata "he hit"

So, by chance, that luG ends up looking like the laG (see han before tiG ) --

AG + han + laG taAhan + ta anudAtto Ahata "he hit"

Ahan + luG jhaAhan + sic + jhaAhan + sic + ata''' → * Ahasata "they hit"

Ahan + luG AtAm → .. → AhasAtAm "both hit"

Ahan + luG mahi → .. → Ahasmahi "we hit"

KAZIKA hanter dhAtoH paraH sic kid bhavati. Ahata, AhasAtAm, Ahasata. sicaH kittvAdanunAsikalopaH. sijgrahaNaM liG-nivRtty-artham. uttaratrAnuvRttir mA bhUt. atmanepadagrahaNam uttarArtham anuvartate. iha tu parasmaipade hanter vadhabhAvasya nityatvAt kittvasya prayojanaM na asti.

388 letters. -- 12.bse 456 -- popularity 1

211 (/han to /vadha) optionally before @bent (/luG).

(naktvAseT) (/itv)

na ktvA seT ONPANINI 12018
ktvA is not ( kit) after a seT root.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 76

After a seT root, ktvA will turn into itvA (by ArdhadhAtukasyeD), which is kit. This rule says that this ktvA or itvA has no k label, notwithstanding sthAnivad. That's why there's no kGitica here --

div + ktvA kit) div + itvA → * div + itvA ( akit) puganta devitvA "gambled and; shone and"

vRt + ktvAvRt + itvA puganta vartitvA "became and"

This exception still works if the ktvA becomes lyap instead of becoming itvA --

pari + vRt + ktvA → * pari + vRt + tvA ( akit) akit) pari + vRt + lyap puganta parivartya "turned back and"

See also exception n'-.opadhAt tha;ph'-.AntAd vA below.

KAZIKA ktvA pratyayaH seN@ na kid bhavati. devitvA. vartitvA. seTiti kim? iRtvA ' gutvA ' ktvAgrahaNaM kim? nigRhItiH. upasnihitiH. nikucitiH. na seDiti kRte 'kittve niSThAyAm avadhAraNAt. jJApakAnna prokSAyAM sani jhalgrahaNaM viduH. ittvaM kitvaMnihogena reNa tulyaM sudhIvani. vasvarthaM kidatIdezAnni gRhItiH prayojanam.

409 letters. -- 12.bse 513 -- popularity 6

70 (/ktvA) and /san (are /kit) after {rud vid muS} /grah /svap !pracch.

79 (/itvA) and /iSan (are optionally /kit) after a [/hal]-{y;u}-/ral root.

542 (@stretch) /grah /jyA !vay, !vyadh !vaz !vyac, !vrazc /pracch !bhrasj before /kGit.

(niSThAzIGsvi) (!niSThAz)

niSThA zIG;svidi;midi; kSvidi;dhRSaH ONPANINI 12019
niSThA (that have iT are akit) after zIG svid mid kSvid dhRSmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 77 iT

These are seT roots so the kta ktavatu usually gets iT. In that case they lose k label and therefore cause hardsoft or puganta --

zayitah zayitvAn

prasveditaH prasveditavAn

prameditaH prameditavAn

prakSveditah prakSveditavAn

pradharSitaH pradharSitavAn

KAZIKA na seT iti vartate zIG svidi midi kSvidi dhRSityetebhyaH pro niSThApratyayaH seN na kid bhavati seT ity eva svinnaH svinnavAn svidAdInam Aditazca 72016 iti niSThAyAmiT pratiSidhyate vibhASA bhAvA'dikarmaNoH 72017 iti pakSe 'bhyanujJAyate sa viSayaH kittvapratiSedhasya

215 letters. -- 12.bse 566 -- popularity none

(nopadhAttha) (!nopadhAt)

n'-.opadhAt tha;ph'-.AntAd vA ONPANINI 12023
itvA is optionally kit after nth mph-endersmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 78

Optional exception to naktvAseT, that makes itvA compulsorily akit.

By rule aniditA, roots with a nexttolast nasal lose it before kGit. So, if we take this option and make itvA into a kit, the nexttolast nasal disappears --

granth + itvA → * granth + (k)itvA aniditA grathitvA "composed and"

gumph + itvA → * gumph + (k)itvAguphitvA "tied and"

alternatively, itvA is akit by naktvAseT, and the nasal stays --

granth + itvAgranthitvA "composed and"

gumph + itvAgumphitvA "tied and"

Notice that this rule won't work on roots such as guph (same meaning as gumph) that have no penultimate nasal --

riph + itvA puganta rephitvA "reviled and"

guph + itvA puganta gophitvA "tied and"

here puganta worked because the u is nexttolast, unlike in the gumph example above where the nexttolast is the m.

KAZIKA niSThA iti nivRttam. nikAraupadhAd dhAtoH thakArAntAt phakarAntAc ca paraH ktvA pratyayaH seD va na kid bhavati. grathitvA, granthitva. zrathitvA, zranthitvA. guphitvA, gumphitvA. naupadhAd iti kim? rephitvA. gophitvA. thaphAntAtiti kim? sraMsitva. dhvaMsitvA.

588 letters. -- 12.bse 583 -- popularity 1

(ralovyupa) (!ral)

ralo v;y-upadhAd @dhal-AdeH saMz ca ONPANINI 12026
( itvA) and iSan (are optionally kit) after a hal-y;u- ral root.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 79

A hal-yu- ral root is any root that begins with a hal and ends in i u I U plus ral. For instance, dyut and likh.

When any other rule makes the ktvA san after these roots get iT, the resulting itvA and iSan can either be kit --

dyutitvA "shone and"

likhitvA "wrote and"

didyutiSate "wants to shine"

lilikhiSati "wants to write"

Or not --





When the ktvA gets no iT, it will be kit compulsorily, because (k)tvA has k and rule naktvAseT does not remove it. So with the aniT root bhuj --

bhuj + tvA → .. → bhuktvA

When san gets no iT, rule after ik-plus-hal, iT-less san is kit makes it kit compulsorily --

bhuj + sanbhuj + (k)san → .. → bubhukSate

When the nexttolast is not i I u U, this rule does not work. Therefore, after vRt --

itvA is compulsorily akit, because naktvAseT removed its k --

vRt + itvA puganta vartitvA "turned and"

and iSan is compulsorily akit, because halantAcca did not work and iSan got no k --

vRt + sanvRt + iSan puganta vart + iSa sanyaGo vivartiSa "want to turn"

KAZIKA vA iti vartate seD iti ca. uzca izca vI. vI upadheyasya sa vyaupadhaH. ukAraupadhAdikAraupadhac ca dhAto ralantAd dhal-AdeH paraH saMz ca ktvA ca seTau va kitau bhavataH. dyutitvA, dyotitvA. didyutiSate, didyotiSate. likhitvA, lekhitvA. lilikhiSati, lilekhiSati. ralaH iti kim? devitvA, dideviSati. vyupadhAtiti kim? vartitvA, vivartiSate. halAdeH iti kim? eSitva, eSiSiSti. seTityeva. bhuktvA, bubhukSate.

747 letters. -- 12.bse 614 -- popularity 1

70 (/ktvA) and /san (are /kit) after {rud vid muS} /grah /svap !pracch.

11049 rule interpretation ←

chunk 6: 12001 automatic labels

→ 12027 length, accent, labels