→ 12027 length, accent, labels
12001 After
12004 Hard
12008 and
12010 After
12011 Bent soft
12012 Same after
12014 After
12026 and
gAG is the replacement of iG "study" made by gAGliTi ff. Example. Here sic becomes
adhi + iG + luG ta →
The kuTAdi are the zaclass roots from 06.0093
By a vArttika, the root 06.0013
This rule won't work on JNit affixes. For instance, Nic is JNit, so it gets no
ud +
KAZIKA atidezo 'yam. gAGiti iGAdezo rhyate, na gAG gatau iti, Ga-kArasya ananyArthatvAt. kuTAdayo 'pi kuTa kauTilye ityeta dArabhya yAvat kuG zabde iti. egyo gAG-kuTAdibhyaH pare aJNitaH pratyayA Gito bhavanti Gidvad bhavanti ity arthaH. gAGaH adhyagISTa. adhyagISAtAm. adhyagISata. kuTAdibhyaHkuTitA. kuTitum. kuTitavyam. utpuTitA utpuTitum. utpuTitavyam. aJNititi kim? utkoTayati. uccukoTa. utkoTakaH. utkoTo vatate. vyaceH kuTAditvam anasIti vaktavyam. vicitA. vicitum. vicitavyam. anasi iti kim? uruvyacAH.
All hard apit affixes have
za zyan znu znA always have
Therefore, when we join
here puganta did not work because za has
tas jhi thas tha vas mas AtAm jha get
Therefore we have no hardsoft here --
because tas has
zap is never Git -- as it is hard but pit, it never gets
hard tip sip mip are hard, but also pit. So they do not get
atus us are apit, but they are soft by liTca. So they are not Git (yet they are often kit by asaMyogAlliTkit).
Nal and lyap are neither hard nor apit. So they are aGit. The lyap has
KAZIKA sArvadhAtukaM yad apit tan@ Gidvad bhavati. kurutaH. kurvanti. cinutaH. cinvanti. sArvadhatukam iti kim? kartA. kartum. kartavyam. apid iti kim? karoti. karoSi. karomi.
The effects of this
it stops puganta hardsoft ata::upa etc by kGitica,
it causes stretching by vacisvapi or grahijyA,
it makes aniditA work.
Example of no puganta --
Example of no hardsoft --
Example of stretching --
Example of aniditA not working. Usually,
But that M will stay before all liT affixes, because, as
See the kAzikA for more examples.
This rule won't work on the pit affixes Nal thal, so they cause acoJNiti, puganta, hardsoft, ata::upa normally --
See also summary of
KAZIKA apid iti vartate. asaMyogAntAd dhAtoH paro liT pratyayaH apit kid bhavati. bidhidatuH. bibhiduH. cicchidatuH. cicchiduH. IjatuH. IjuH. asaMyogAtiti kim? saMsrase. dadhvaMse. apid ity eva. bibheda.
Example: these do not get puganta because itvA is kit here --
and here the
and here
svap + san
KAZIKA ruda vida muSa grahi svapi praccha ityetebhyaH saMzca ktvA ca kitau bhavataH. rudavidamuSINAM ralo vyupadhAddhalAdeH saMzca iti vikalpe prApte nityArthaM grahaNam. graher vidhyartham eva. svapipracchyoH sannarthaM grahaNam. kideva hi itvA. ruditvA, rurudiSati. viditvA, vividiSati. muSitvA, mumuSiSati. gRhItva, jighRkSati. suptvA, suSupsati. pRSTvA, pipRcchiSati. grahA'dInAM kittvAt samprasAraNaM bhavati. kiraz ca paJcabhyaH iti praccher iD-AgamaH.
The kAzikA mentions
grah + ktvA →
And that's why there's no hardsoft in --
(lengthening from ajjhanagamAMsani)
This rule works on ik ender roots. For ik-plus-consonant enders, see next rule, halantAcca.
Even though the rule just says "roots that end in ik plus consonant", we in fact also get kitness after roots that end in ik plus cluster, such as
KAZIKA halantAdiko jhal kititi vartate. saniti nivRttam. igantadiksamIpAddhalaH parau jhalAdI.
KAZIKA halantAd iko jhal kid iti vartate. san iti nivRttam. igantadiksamIpAddhalaH parau jhalAdI.
The root
Therefore, after
and sic too, when iT-less, is kit, but only before a bent, such as ta. So no puganta here either --
See also uzca below.
KAZIKA parataH kitau bhavataH. bhitsISTa, bhutsISTa. sici khalvapiabhitta, abuddha. ikaH ityeva. yakSISTa, ayaSTa. samprasAraNaM hi syAt. AtmanepadeSu iti kim? asrAkSit. adrAkSIt. sRjidRzor jhaly am akitIty am-Agamo na syAt. halantAd ity eva. ceSISTa, aceSTa. guNo na syAt. jhal ity eva vartiSISTa, avartiSTa. guNo na syAt. liG-sicau iti kim? dveSTA dvekSyati.
Therefore, iT-less bent soft liG is kit after
And so is the iT-less sic that is before bent --
KAZIKA R-varN%AntAd dhAtoH parau liG-sicau AtmanepadeSu jhal-AdI kitau bhavataH. kRSISTa. hRSISTa. sicaH khalv api akRta. ahRta. jhal ity eva. variSISTa. avariSTa. vRRtovA avarISTa.
" han loses
han is flatty most of the time, but it becomes bendy after AG.
Example before serious --
AG + han + luG ta
So that luG ends up looking like the laG (see
AG + han + laG ta →
Examples before non- serious --
KAZIKA hanter dhAtoH paraH sic kid bhavati. Ahata, AhasAtAm, Ahasata. sicaH kittvAdanunAsikalopaH. sijgrahaNaM liGnivRttyartham. uttaratrAnuvRttir mA bhUt. atmanepadagrahaNam uttarArtham anuvartate. iha tu parasmaipade hanter vadhabhAvasya nityatvAt kittvasya prayojanaM na asti.
" itvA" is ktvA with iT added.
This rule says that itvA has no
See also exception n'-.opadhAt tha;ph'-.AntAd vA.
KAZIKA ktvA pratyayaH seN na kid bhavati. devitvA. vartitvA. seTiti kim? iRtvA ' gutvA ' ktvAgrahaNaM kim? nigRhItiH. upasnihitiH. nikucitiH. na seDiti kRte 'kittve niSThAyAm avadhAraNAt. jJApakAnna prokSAyAM sani jhalgrahaNaM viduH. ittvaM kitvaMnihogena reNa tulyaM sudhIvani. vasvarthaM kidatIdezAnni gRhItiH prayojanam.
These are seT roots so the kta ktavatu usually gets iT. In that case they lose
KAZIKA na seT iti vartate zIG svidi midi kSvidi dhRSityetebhyaH pro niSThApratyayaH seN na kid bhavati seT ity eva svinnaH svinnavAn svidAdInam Aditazca 72016 iti niSThAyAmiT pratiSidhyate vibhASA bhAvA'dikarmaNoH 72017 iti pakSe 'bhyanujJAyate sa viSayaH kittvapratiSedhasya
Optional exception to naktvAseT, that makes itvA compulsorily akit.
If we take this option and make itvA into a kit, then the nexttolast nasal goes --
alternatively, itvA is akit and the nasal stays --
KAZIKA niSThA iti nivRttam. nikAraupadhAd dhAtoH thakArAntAt phakarAntAc ca paraH ktvA pratyayaH seD va na kid bhavati. grathitvA, granthitva. zrathitvA, zranthitvA. guphitvA, gumphitvA. naupadhAd iti kim? rephitvA. gophitvA. thaphAntAtiti kim? sraMsitva. dhvaMsitvA.
A hal-
When any other rule makes the ktvA san after these roots get iT, the resulting itvA and iSan can either be kit --
Or not --
When the ktvA gets no iT, it will be kit compulsorily, because
When san gets no iT, rule after ik-plus-hal,
When the nexttolast is not
Therefore, itvA is compulsorily akit, because
and iSan is compulsorily akit, because after ik-plus-hal,
vi +
KAZIKA vA iti vartate seD iti ca. uzca izca vI. vI upadheyasya sa vyaupadhaH. ukAraupadhAdikAraupadhac ca dhAto ralantAd dhal-AdeH paraH saMz ca ktvA ca seTau va kitau bhavataH. dyutitvA, dyotitvA. didyutiSate, didyotiSate. likhitvA, lekhitvA. lilikhiSati, lilekhiSati. ralaH iti kim? devitvA, dideviSati. vyupadhAtiti kim? vartitvA, vivartiSate. halAdeH iti kim? eSitva, eSiSiSti. seTityeva. bhuktvA, bubhukSate.