errors via

errors from

  1. 27480lectures.bse 63 — header
    *** how to use inria reader for building nouns ***
    failed the SID test, so ignoring it
    TITLE FROM CHECKHEADERS (how to use inria reader for building nouns) -> (how to use inria reader for building nouns)
    SID FROM CHECKHEADERS (howuseinouns)
    title_SID of (how to use inria reader for building nouns) is

1 errors found

errors from

  1. 10Aforeword.bse 246 [ *** mission statement *** ]
    green page ( ...) TURTLE
  2. 54.bse 435 [ *** (@compound) meaning reciprocal action gets {i(c)}. *** ic karma-vyatihAre 54127 ]
    green page ( ...) TURTLE
  3. 25001doerobjectnothing.bse 821 [ *** finding root and /tiG with inria reader *** ]
    green page ( ... not ready yet) TURTLE
  4. 25001doerobjectnothing.bse 824 [ *** finding root and /tiG with hyderabad tools *** ]
    green page ( ... not ready yet) TURTLE
  5. 27460footnotes6.bse 947 [ *** Optionality of !!vAzari. *** ]
    green page ( ...) TURTLE
  6. 27460footnotes6.bse 956 [ *** Optionality of !!vAzari. *** ]
    green page ( obsolete, see *** @soft /liG is rare *** ...) TURTLE
  7. 27480lectures.bse 63 [ *** how to use inria reader for parsing nouns *** ] — IGNORING BAD HEADER (*** how to use inria reader for building nouns ***)
  8. 27480lectures.bse 116 [ *** how to use the inria reader *** ]
    questions here
  9. 27480lectures.bse 271 [ *** How the rules build [@verb]s. *** ]
    green page ( ... ) TURTLE
  10. 27480lectures.bse 533 [ *** rules that should be studied first *** ]
    green page (...) TURTLE
  11. 27480lectures.bse 632 [ *** @wordfinal /sandhi rules *** ]
    green page (...) TURTLE
  12. 27480lectures.bse 645 [ *** @wordfinal /sandhi rules *** ]
    questions here
  13. 29000discardedlessons.bse 979 [ *** What are /saMdhi rules. *** ]
    green page ( ... integrate this below) TURTLE
  14. 91000websites.bse 101 [ *** parsers *** defines @parser ]
    green page ( ... maybe show examples of what parsers are supposed to do and what they actually do, azvaH) TURTLE
  15. 150000lessonsandadvice.bse 12 [ *** Fish pages. *** ]
    green page ( ... obsolete, ) TURTLE
  16. 150000lessonsandadvice.bse 45 [ *** About the gloss files or fish files *** defines @gloss files ]
    green page ( ... see below) TURTLE

16 errors found

errors from

  1. 83B.bse 401 — But with !S after !i !u. — BAD REFERENCE(send an email) AT 83B.bse line 401

1 errors found

errors from

  1. 11B.bse 1561 (/luk /zlu /lup replace a whole affix (and are invisible).) — *** BAD REF TOQ SUTRA: !!nalima inside allrefstosutras(nalima 55)
  2. 51.bse 250 (The {pRthu}-class get {iman(ic)} optionally.) — *** MAYBE raRtohaladerlaghoH SHOULD BE !!raRtohalAderlaghoH

2 errors found

errors from

  1. 1044 *** But with !S after !i !u. *** iNaH SaH 83039 ( 83B.bse 401 ) — bad star (send an email)
  2. 1485 *** noun building machine *** ( 28000nounmachine.bse 20 ) — bad star (how to use inria reader for building nouns)
  3. 1507 *** building !adveSam *** ( 28200verbbuildingmachine.bse 50 ) — bad star (unbuilding adveSam with hyderabad)

3 errors found

errors from

  1. 10Aforeword.bse 244 — isolated article mission statement
  2. 11B.bse 99 — isolated article In a /dvandva (the /sarvAdi are not [@pronoun]s).
  3. 12.bse 566 — isolated article /niSThA (that have /iT are /akit) after /zIG {svid mid kSvid dhRS}
  4. 14.bse 32 — isolated article In case of contradiction, higher number works first.
  5. 14.bse 554 — isolated article @Long (is @heavy).
  6. 14B.bse 145 — isolated article Before !kya, {n} (is @wordfinal).
  7. 14Droles.bse 774 — isolated article The @doer of roots of motion, knowledge, eating, of roots that have a literary work as @object, and of @objectless roots, is the @object of the same @root with /Ni added.
  8. 14Droles.bse 1221 — isolated article In the /veda they may be afterwards.
  9. 14Droles.bse 1229 — isolated article Or with other words in between.
  10. 21.bse 265 — isolated article A @second forms /tatpuruSa compounds in front of !zrita !atIta !patita !gata !atyasta !prApta !Apanna.
  11. 21.bse 298 — isolated article When used as a @tag (a @seventh may compound before any @noun).
  12. 23.bse 244 — isolated article Use @second to mean full time or distance.
  13. 23.bse 1032 — isolated article @Sixth too.
  14. 24.bse 360 — isolated article /cakS to {khyA(J)} (before @soft).
  15. 31C.bse 324 — isolated article But not /dRz.
  16. 31D.bse 875 — isolated article {stambh stumbh skambh skumbh sku} get either /znu or /znA.
  17. 32.bse 59 — isolated article /sthA when @latter (gets {(k)a})
  18. 32.bse 370 — isolated article In the /veda, (@latter) !sah gets (/Nvi).
  19. 32C.bse 728 — isolated article {tra(n)} after !dhe means "wet nurse"
  20. 33.bse 630 — isolated article /ac'' after !i !I (means the action).
  21. 34A.bse 1057 — isolated article !dAza- !goghna- may mean the @aim
  22. 34A.bse 1089 — isolated article After staying, moving and consuming, /kta can mean the @location too.
  23. 41.bse 767 — isolated article {nAsika udara oSTha jaGghA danta karNa zRGga aGga gAtra kaNTha puccha} (get optional /GIS sometimes).
  24. 41.bse 803 — isolated article But not after /saha- /naJ !vidyamAna.
  25. 42.bse 19 — isolated article (/aN may be used to mean) time connected with a lunar mansion.
  26. 43.bse 4 — isolated article !madhya- does not get {ma} when meaning 'proper'.
  27. 51.bse 149 — isolated article (The affixes described since !!prAgvateSThaJ also mean) 'who deserves that'.
  28. 53.bse 213 — isolated article /pUrva-, !adhara- !avara- get !as (to mean @direction, place or time), and turn into !pur !adh !av.
  29. 53.bse 464 — isolated article !kuTI !zamI and !zuNDA get !ra (to mean shortness).
  30. 54.bse 244 — isolated article The affix {sAt(i)} may be employed optionally in the sense of /cvi, when something is completely changed into something else.
  31. 54.bse 574 — isolated article {in}-ender (@longhorn) that means @woman (gets /kap).
  32. 61.bse 690 — isolated article !jyA (won't stretch before /lyap).
  33. 61B.bse 487 — isolated article /AG /mAG compulsorily (get /tuk before !ch).
  34. 61D.bse 223 — isolated article (!o of /go- to) {ava(G)} (optionally before vowel).
  35. 61D.bse 710 — isolated article !kq gets {s(uT)} after /apa when quadrupeds birds dig.
  36. 64.bse 3 — isolated article Replace @stem.
  37. 64B.bse 61 — isolated article No (!!ghumAsthA) before /lyap.
  38. 64B.bse 73 — isolated article Optionally !mA to !mi (before /lyap).
  39. 64B.bse 604 — isolated article But do not replace !bhU- !sudhI- (before @vowel with !y !v).
  40. 64B.bse 2448 — isolated article !priya to !pra, !sthira to !stha, !sphira to !spha, !uru to !var, !bahula to !baMh, !guru to !gar, !vRddha to !varS, !tRpra to !trap, !dIrgha to !drAgh, !vRndAraka to !vRnd (before /iSThan /iman /Iyasun).
  41. 71D.bse 1062 — isolated article Optionally before @vowel /TAsup.
  42. 72B.bse 166 — isolated article /niSThA (don't get /iT) after /Idit roots or !zvi.
  43. 73.bse 31 — isolated article Same goes for the {dvAra}-class.
  44. 73C.bse 119 — isolated article @Stammered doesn't (get !!puganta) before @vowel /pit @hard.
  45. 74C.bse 24 — isolated article !dhA to !hi (before /kit !t)
  46. 74D.bse 135 — isolated article (@Stammer of) !nij !vij !viS to /guNa before /zlu.
  47. 74D.bse 335 — isolated article Optionally of {sru zru dru pru plu cyu}.
  48. 82D.bse 468 — isolated article Optionally, (!s) of a root (to !d) before /sip.
  49. 82D.bse 1003 — isolated article Make the last vowel of a sentence @extralong and @acute when...
  50. 83.bse 1289 — isolated article (Optionally) !s gets !dhuT after !D
  51. 83C.bse 26 — isolated article Replace the !sAD of !sah with (!SAD).
  52. 83C.bse 363 — isolated article After the @stammer of a [@Sa-root] that is before !San, only !stu and [/Ni]-enders get /kric.
  53. 83C.bse 559 — isolated article !syand to !S after /anu /vi /pari /abhi /ni (optionally), if meaning nonliving beings
  54. 83C.bse 773 — isolated article no /kric for the affix /sAt or word-initial !s
  55. 920pronouns.bse 161 — isolated article @Hard @bent /liG rules.
  56. 9315morelabels.bse 73 — isolated article /Idit is what has label !I
  57. 9710specialroots.bse 130 — isolated article /dru "run"
  58. 9710specialroots.bse 502 — isolated article /iS' "throw"
  59. 9712specialwords.bse 196 — isolated article /na means "no"
  60. 10500definitions.bse 36 — isolated article words with [@true r]
  61. 25000meandoermeanobject.bse 2 — isolated article /karmaNi affixes
  62. 25001doerobjectnothing.bse 5 — isolated article [@doer verb]s
  63. 25001doerobjectnothing.bse 49 — isolated article [@nondoer verb]s
  64. 25001doerobjectnothing.bse 145 — isolated article [@Doer verb]s and [@nondoer verb]s from @objectful roots
  65. 25001doerobjectnothing.bse 827 — isolated article verb assembling machine
  66. 27000footnotes1.bse 14 — isolated article The @soft /liG is used once in a blue moon.
  67. 27200footnotes2.bse 1669 — isolated article zrImadbhAgavatam
  68. 27300footnotes3.bse 596 — isolated article about the most common sandhis
  69. 27300footnotes3.bse 636 — isolated article key to exercises of sandhi four
  70. 27450footnotes5.bse 761 — isolated article About /jJApaka
  71. 27460footnotes6.bse 3 — isolated article about /iSThan
  72. 27460footnotes6.bse 77 — isolated article @MCM, sandhi of !as !As !s
  73. 27460footnotes6.bse 701 — isolated article Warnings about weird spellings in this site.
  74. 27460footnotes6.bse 847 — isolated article warning about @flat @bent rules
  75. 27460footnotes6.bse 1085 — isolated article about strange symbols in rules
  76. 27460footnotes6.bse 1098 — isolated article what are the !pANini rules
  77. 27480lectures.bse 40 — isolated article word building overview
  78. 27480lectures.bse 46 — isolated article how to use inria reader for parsing nouns
  79. 27480lectures.bse 94 — isolated article how to use the inria reader
  80. 27480lectures.bse 172 — isolated article How to build [@noun]s.
  81. 27480lectures.bse 227 — isolated article Explanation of [@label]s.
  82. 27480lectures.bse 235 — isolated article What's a @derivation.
  83. 27480lectures.bse 253 — isolated article Who was !pANini.
  84. 27480lectures.bse 265 — isolated article How the rules build [@noun]s.
  85. 27480lectures.bse 269 — isolated article How the rules build [@verb]s.
  86. 27480lectures.bse 469 — isolated article overview of @flat and @bent
  87. 27480lectures.bse 530 — isolated article rules that should be studied first
  88. 27480lectures.bse 623 — isolated article choose-/tiG rules
  89. 27480lectures.bse 625 — isolated article change-/tiG rules
  90. 27480lectures.bse 626 — isolated article choose-/sup rules
  91. 27480lectures.bse 627 — isolated article change-/sup rules
  92. 27480lectures.bse 631 — isolated article @wordfinal /sandhi rules
  93. 28000nounmachine.bse 5 — isolated article noun building machine
  94. 28100sandhimachine.bse 7 — isolated article about the sandhi machine
  95. 28100sandhimachine.bse 25 — isolated article splitting a sentence
  96. 28100sandhimachine.bse 34 — isolated article basic sound change rules
  97. 28100sandhimachine.bse 75 — isolated article sandhi rules two
  98. 28100sandhimachine.bse 138 — isolated article sandhi rules three
  99. 28100sandhimachine.bse 153 — isolated article examples and exercises of sandhi rules three
  100. 28100sandhimachine.bse 197 — isolated article sandhi rules four
  101. 28100sandhimachine.bse 208 — isolated article examples of sandhi four
  102. 28100sandhimachine.bse 233 — isolated article some things that !pANini did not teach, but I teach to my students anyway
  103. 28200verbbuildingmachine.bse 82 — isolated article building !caranti
  104. 28200verbbuildingmachine.bse 100 — isolated article building the verb plavate
  105. 29000discardedlessons.bse 976 — isolated article What are /saMdhi rules.
  106. 36010spellingofzzSSss.bse 86 — isolated article Pronunciation of !H.
  107. 36020spellingofntmp.bse 105 — isolated article rationale for the crazy spelling rule
  108. 37900pronuguide.bse 1486 — isolated article about @slowdown
  109. 50000lettergroups.bse 891 — isolated article /cay are {ca Ta tav ka pay}.
  110. 94700inria.bse 7 — isolated article @inria manual
  111. 94700inria.bse 35 — isolated article @inria abbreviations
  112. 94700inria.bse 612 — isolated article @tense in @inria
  113. 94700inria.bse 909 — isolated article @person in @inria
  114. 95500unclassifiedcrap.bse 73 — isolated article Some /Nal made with uncommon rules
  115. 99000randomthings.bse 5 — isolated article notes to the fish glossary
  116. 99000randomthings.bse 169 — isolated article the /kathAsaritsAgara
  117. 100000notesfish.bse 378 — isolated article "[@Do not break]" lines.
  118. 100000notesfish.bse 549 — isolated article badly split lines
  119. 100000notesfish.bse 645 — isolated article some vedic chanting videos
  120. 150000lessonsandadvice.bse 42 — isolated article About the gloss files or fish files
  121. 150000lessonsandadvice.bse 129 — isolated article fish glossary manual
  122. 150000lessonsandadvice.bse 146 — isolated article fish index manual
  123. 150000lessonsandadvice.bse 204 — isolated article how to use the fish pages and the glossary

123 errors found

errors from

  1. 12B.bse 442 670 /kRt, /taddhita, @compound too (are [@nounbase]s). — TOO LONGWINDED ( 1765 letters > 1720 )
  2. 14Droles.bse 1104 1120 (The /upasarga are) /gati. — xzSTUMPED AT [(!!anusvA] -- started with ))cintayAMcakAra "he thought" (!!anusvA
  3. E [ (The /upasarga are) /gati. ] 14Droles.bse 1120 (The /upasarga are) /gati. 14Droles.bse 1120 — STUMPED AT [(!!anusvA]
    started with ))cintayAMcakAra "he thought" (!!anusvA((
    inside [ (The /upasarga are) /gati. ]
  4. 31.bse 220 632 Optionally, use (/san) to mean "wanna, gonna". — TOO LONGWINDED ( 2094 letters > 1720 )
  5. 31B.bse 454 682 !kAs and the /sanAdyanta get /Am'' before /liT. — TOO LONGWINDED ( 1911 letters > 1720 )
  6. 63.bse 168 170 /dvi- and /aSTan- to !A when @former before [@numeral]s under a hundred, unless in a @longhorn or before !azIti. — xzSTUMPED AT [(!!ikoya] -- started with ))dvi + azIti -A dvyazIti "eighty-two" (!!ikoya
  7. E [ /dvi- and /aSTan- to !A when @former before [@numeral]s under a hundred, unless in a @longhorn or before !azIti. ] 63.bse 170 /dvi- and /aSTan- to !A when @former before [@numeral]s under a hundred, unless in a @longhorn or before !azIti. 63.bse 170 — STUMPED AT [(!!ikoya]
    started with ))dvi + azIti -A dvyazIti "eighty-two" (!!ikoya((
    inside [ /dvi- and /aSTan- to !A when @former before [@numeral]s under a hundred, unless in a @longhorn or before !azIti. ]
  8. 64B.bse 1 20 /ghu {mA sthA gA pA jahAti sA} to !I before consonant /kGit @soft. — xzSTUMPED AT [(!!ghumA] -- started with ))hIna- "abandoned" (!!ghumA
  9. E [ /ghu {mA sthA gA pA jahAti sA} to !I before consonant /kGit @soft. ] 64B.bse 20 /ghu {mA sthA gA pA jahAti sA} to !I before consonant /kGit @soft. 64B.bse 20 — STUMPED AT [(!!ghumA]
    started with ))hIna- "abandoned" (!!ghumA((
    inside [ /ghu {mA sthA gA pA jahAti sA} to !I before consonant /kGit @soft. ]
  10. 64B.bse 872 872 Shorten (@nexttolast of [/Ni]-ender) before /khac — B2 bad sutra number !!32029
  11. 64B.bse 872 872 Shorten (@nexttolast of [/Ni]-ender) before /khac — B2 bad sutra number !!32041
  12. 9710specialroots.bse 130 141 /jyA "grow old — xzSTUMPED AT [/ mip ] -- started with ))jyA + /laT / mip
  13. E [ /jyA "grow old ] 9710specialroots.bse 141 /jyA "grow old 9710specialroots.bse 141 — STUMPED AT [/ mip ]
    started with ))jyA + /laT / mip ((
    inside [ /jyA "grow old ]
  14. 27200footnotes2.bse 38 50 When !kartarizap won't work. — xzSTUMPED AT [(!!juhotyAdi] -- started with ))bibheti "he fears" (!!juhotyAdi
  15. E [ When !kartarizap won't work. ] 27200footnotes2.bse 50 When !kartarizap won't work. 27200footnotes2.bse 50 — STUMPED AT [(!!juhotyAdi]
    started with ))bibheti "he fears" (!!juhotyAdi((
    inside [ When !kartarizap won't work. ]
  16. 27300footnotes3.bse 540 596 how to learn rule !!aTku — TOO LONGWINDED ( 2739 letters > 1720 )
  17. 28100sandhimachine.bse 20 4 examples of noun assembling — TOO LONGWINDED ( 1836 letters > 1720 )
  18. 28100sandhimachine.bse 150 190 examples and exercises of sandhi rules three — TOO LONGWINDED ( 1744 letters > 1720 )
  19. 37000exoticletters.bse 120 2 why I think this rule is crazy — TOO LONGWINDED ( 1902 letters > 1720 )
  20. 37900pronuguide.bse 1348 1430 pronunciation of [@consonant]s — TOO LONGWINDED ( 1978 letters > 1720 )

20 errors found

errors from

  1. — POS repeated ID (howuseinouns) at (how to use inria reader for parsing nouns 27480lectures.bse 46) and (how to use inria reader for building nouns 27480lectures.bse 63)

1 errors found