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→ doer verbs and nondoer verbs

types of rules
definition rules
command rules
headline rules
talkaround rules
karmaNi affixes

(typesofrules) (typesr)

types of rulesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1351

pANini rules can be classified in four groups --

definition rules

command rules

headline rules

talkaround rules

93 letters. -- 15000typesofrules.bse 1 -- popularity 4

(@definition) (@def)

definition rulesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1352

definition rules explain the meaning of terms.

As for instance, rule adeGguNaH teaches that " guNa " means "the vowels a e o ".

Most definition rules have the defined term at the very end. The exception to that is vRddhirAdaic, that had the word vRddhis moved to the front for good luck.

Back to types of rules .

243 letters. -- 15000typesofrules.bse 76 -- popularity 4

86 What has meaning, is not a @root, and has no @affix, is a @nounbase.

(/vidhi) (/vidh)

command rulesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1353

command rules tell us to do something. Ninetysomething percent of them say "replace this with that when this and that happens".

Example: rule ikoyaNaci is a command rule. It replaces i with y before a.

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178 letters. -- 15000typesofrules.bse 80 -- popularity 2

894 After @pronoun, (/Git gets) /syAT, and the @stem [@shorten]s.

(@headline) (@head)

headline rulesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1354

headline rules tell us something about the rules that come after them.

An example of that is saMhitAyAm "when not before a pause". The rules that come after this one, from 61073 checa to 61157, do not work before a pause. All this rule does is trickling the word "when not before a pause" down to the following rules.

Another headline rule is pUrvatrAsiddham. This one is not just a trickle -- it teaches that the next rules work in a special way.

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359 letters. -- 15000typesofrules.bse 102 -- popularity 28

(@talkaround) (@tal)

talkaround rulesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1355

talkaround rules teach how to understand other rules.

Example --

Rule AdguNaH says --

"after a A, guNa "

But because of the talkaround ikoguNavRddhI, that must be understood to mean --

"after a A, replace ik with guNa "

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184 letters. -- 15000typesofrules.bse 121 -- popularity 27

(karmaNiaffixes) (ka)

karmaNi affixesmmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1356

When a karmaNi affix is a tiG affix, it is chosen according to the number and person of the object of their root. In the following examples the root pac got ta or jha depending on who gets cooked, and regardless of who does the cooking --

odanamM pacyate mayA "rice is cooked by me, I cook rice"

odanamM pacyate taiH "rice is cooked by them, they cook rice"

kadalIphalAni pacyante mayA "I cook bananas"

kadalIphalAni pacyante tvayA "you cook bananas"

sUryeNa pacyase "you are being cooked by the Sun, the Sun cooks you"

When a karmaNi affix is kta, zAnac, or a kRtya, it will get a feminine affix if its object is feminine, then will get a sup affix that shows the number and case of its object. Regardless of who the doer is.

odanaH pakvo mayA "porridge was cooked by me, I made some porridge"

mayA mRgAH pakvAH "deer were cooked by me, I cooked the deers"

mayA kukkuTI pakvA "hen was cooked by me, I cooked a hen"

709 letters. -- 25000meandoermeanobject.bse 1 -- popularity none

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→ doer verbs and nondoer verbs