12027 What has the duration of
12028 But only if it's a vowel.
12029 Acute means high tone.
12030 Grave means low tone
12031 Falling is mixed
12042 A
12045 What has meaning, is not a root, and has no affix, is a nounbase.
12047 Shorten neuter nounbase
12048 Shorten
12051 When there is
12053 need not be taught because usage is the authority.
13001 roots are
13003 Final consonant .
13004 But the final
13006 The initial
13009 Labels are invisible.
13010 When a rule has two lists of the same length, understand "respectively".
(The "
Example. In the word
And, of course, an extralong is a vowel longer than a long .
Even though
See exception acazca below.
KAZIKA U iti trayANAm ayaM mAtrika-dvimAtrika-trimAtrikANAM prazliSTa-nirdezaH. hrasva-dIrgha-plutaH iti dvandvaikavad bhAve puMlliGga-nirdezaH. u U U3 ity evaM kAlo aj yathA-kramaM hrasva-dIrgha-plutaH ity evaM saMjJo bhavati. ukAlo hrasvaH dadhi. madhu. UkAlo dIrghaH kumArI. gaurI. U3kAlaH plutaH devadatta3 atra nvasi. kAla-grahaNaM parimANArtham. dIrgha-plutayoH hrasva-saMjJA mA bhUt. AlUya, pralUya, hrasvasya piti kRti tuk iti tuG na bhavati. ajgrahaNaM saMyogAcsamudAyanivRttyartham. pratakSya, prarakSya, hrasvAzrayas tuG mA bhUt. titaucchAtram, dIrghAt, padAntAd v eti vibhASA tuG mA bhUt. hrasvadIrghaplutapradezAH hrasvo napuMsake prAtipadikasya. akRtsArvadhAtukayor dIrghaH. vAkyasya TeH pluta udAttaH 82082.
In the rules, the terms " short", " long" and " extralong" mean vowels only.
Example. If any rule says "replace with a short", that rule will replace a long vowel with a short vowel, or will replace a long vowel with itself, but it will never replace a consonant.
KAZIKA U iti trayANAm ayaM mAtrika-dvimAtrika-trimAtrikANAM prazliSTa-nirdezaH. hrasva-dIrgha-plutaH iti dvandvaikavad bhAve puMlliGga-nirdezaH. u U U3 ityevaM kAlo aj yathAkramaM hrasva-dIrgha-plutaH ityevaM saMjJo bhavati. ukAlo hrasvaH dadhi. madhu. UkAlo dIrghaH kumArI. gaurI. U3kAlaH plutaH devadatta3 atra nvasi. kAlagrahaNaM parimANArtham. dIrghaplutayoH hrasvasaMjJA mA bhUt. AlUya, pralUya, hrasvasya piti kRti tuk iti tuG na bhavati. ajgrahaNaM saMyogAcsamudAyanivRttyartham. pratakSya, prarakSya, hrasvAzrayas tuG mA bhUt. tita::ucchAtram, dIrghAt, padAntAd vA iti vibhASA tuG mA bhUt. hrasva-dIrgha-pluta-pradezAH hrasvo napuMsake prAtipadikasya. a-kRt-sArvadhAtukayor dIrghaH. vAkyasya TeH pluta udAttaH 82082.
The vowel that has the acute accent is pronounced with a pitch higher than the others.
Back to accent.
KAZIKA aj iti vartate. udAttAdizabdAH svare varNadharme loka-vedayoH prasiddhA eva. te iha tadguNe 'ci paribhASyante. uccair upalabhyamAno yo 'c sa udAtta-saMjJo bhavati. uccair iti ca zruti-prakarSo na gRhyate, uccair bhASate, ucaiH paThati iti. kiM tarhi? sthAnakRtam uccatvaM saMjJino vizeSaNam. tAlvAdiSu hi bhAgavatsu sthAneSu varNA niSpadyante. tatra yaH samAne sthAne Urdhva-bhaga-niSpanno 'c sa udAttasaMjJo bhavati. yasminn ucAryamANe gAtrANAmAyAmo nigraho bhavati, rUkSatA asnigdhatA svarasya, saMvRtatA kNThavivarasya. ye. te. ke. udAtta-pradezAH AdyudAttazca ity evam AdayaH.
You can hear some examples of acute tone in this vedic recitation --
In the first verse, the vowels between parens have the acute --
And, as usual, the vowel right after each acute vowel has the falling accent.
If you can't hear the difference, that's okay. Don't lose sleep about it. If you are not going to chant the veda, you don't have any need of noticing the difference.
A grave vowel is pronounced with the average, normal tone. Everything is grave except the acute and the falling.
Back to accent.
A vowel has a falling (
When a vowel has to be acute according to the rules, ands the next one has to be grave, the grave is automatically replaced with a
The exception to that is the so-called "independent
also here --
the word
Back to accent.
A tatpuruSa is a compound that means the same thing as its latter.
For instance, a firefighter is a fighter, so the compound "firefighter" is a tatpuruSa.
And a blackbird is a bird, so the compound "blackbird" is a tatpuruSa.
If the first half of the tatpuruSa also means the same thing as the whole and as the second half, then it is a karmadhAraya, in addition to being a tatpuruSa.
A firefighter is a fighter, but he is not fire, so the compound "firefighter" is a tatpuruSa, but not a karmadhAraya.
And a blackbird is a black thing, so the compound "blackbird" is a karmadhAraya, and a tatpuruSa as well.
KAZIKA tatpuruSaH iti samAsavizeSasya saMjJAM vakSyati. sa tatpuruSaH samAnAdhikaraNapadaH karmadhArayasaMjJo bhavati. adhikaraNazabdo 'bhidheyavAci. samAnAdhikaraNaH samAnAbhidheyaH. paramarAjyam. uttamarAjyam. akarmadhAraye rAjyam 6-2-130 ityuttarapadA'dyudAttaM na bhavati. pAcakavRndArikA. tatpuruSaH iti kim? pAcikAbhAryaH. samAnAdhikaraNaH iti kim? brAhmaNarAjyam. karmadhArayapradezAH karmadhAraye 'niSThA 6-2-46 ityevam AdayaH.
definition of " nounbase".
Many words in Sanskrit are made by adding a sup affix after a nounbase. For instance, the nouns
In the examples above --
but they are not nounbases, because they have an affix.
All nounbases have a gender. After most feminine nounbases, a feminine affix must be added to the nounbase before the sup is added. For instance, the nounbase
If the chicken is male, there is no GI --
See also kRttaddhita below.
KAZIKA abhidheya-vacano 'rtha-zabdaH. arthavac-chabda-rUpaM prAtipadika-saMjJaM bhavati dhAtu-pratyayau varjayitvA. DitthaH. kapitthaH. kuNDam. pITham. arthavad iti kim? vanam, dhanam iti na antasya avadher mA bhUt. nalopo hi syAt. adhAtuH iti kim? hanter laG. ahan. alopaH syat. apratyayaH iti kim? kANDe. kuDye. hrasvo napuMsake prAtipadikasyeti hrasvaH syAt. anarthakasya api nipAtasya prAtipadika-saMjJA iSyate. adhyAgacchati. pralambate. prAtipadikapradezAH hrasvo napuMsake prAtipadikasyety evam AdyaH.
The definition of nounbase in the previous rule is very limited. According to it,
(1) kRt-enders are nounbases.
(2) taddhita-enders are nounbases.
(3) compounds, after their final sup is stripped off, are nounbases.
The compound
Notice that these rules apply recursively. For instance, the last word of the verse --
can be considered to be one nounbase,
Important warning. Grammarians will often talk of "the nounbase
In this website I will often add a hyphen after
KAZIKA kRtas taddhitAH samAsAzca prAtipadikasaMjJA bhavanti. apratyayaH iti pUrvatra paryudAsat kRdantasya taddhitAntasya ca anena prAtipadikasaMjJA vidhIyate. arthavatsamudayAnAM samAsagrahaNaM niyamArtham. kRt kArakaH. hArakaH. kartA. harta. taddhitaH aupagavaH. kApaTavaH. samAsaH rAjapuruSaH. brAhmaNakambalaH. samAsagrahaNasya niyamArthatvAd vAkyasya arthavataH saMjJA na bhavati.
When a nounbase is neuter and ends in a long, shorten the long.
Actually, very few nounbases end in a long. Some such are --
rai- "(item of) wealth"
nau- "ship"
These three are not neuter, but the compound adjectives --
will be neuter when they describe a neuter noun such as
So this rule says that we must replace the long finals of those adjectives with a short. This will turn
KAZIKA napuMsakaliGge 'rthe yat prAtipadikaM vartate tasya hrasvo bhavati AdezaH alo 'ntyasya acaH. atiri kulam. atinu kulam. napuMsake iti kim? grAmaNIH. senAnIH. prAtipadikasya iti kim? kANDe tiSThataH. kuDye tiSThataH. prAtipadikagrahaNasAmarthyatekA'dezaH pUrvasya antavanna bhavati.
Examples --
nis +
ati +
The su added after these shortened GI Ap will not be deleted by halGyA --
KAZIKA prAtipadikasya iti vartate. go iti svarUpagrahaNaM strI iti pratyayagrahaNaM svaritatvAt. upasarjanagrahaNaM tayor vizeSaNam. gorupasarjanasya strIpratyayAntasya upasarjanasya iti. tAbhyAM prAtipadikasya tadantavidhiH. upasarjanagozabdAntasya upasarjanastrIpratyayAntasya ca prAtipadikasya hrasvo bhavati. citraguH. zabalaguH. striyAH niSkauzAmbiH. nirvArANasiH. atikhaTvaH. atimAlaH. upasarjanasya iti kim? rAjakumArI. svaritatvaM kim? atitantrIH. atilakSmIH. atizrIH. Iyaso bahuvrIheH pratiSedho vaktavayaH. bahuzreyasI. vidyamAnazreyaseI.
This rule allows sentences like "I'm going to the Aussies" to mean "I'm going to the country where the Aussies live" and still be grammatical.
The country where the
Grammarians consider this
When used in this sense, the word is breaking the ordinary rules of grammar: rule dvyeka would want it to be singular because it means ONE country, and some other rule says that when we name a country after its inhabitants, we must add aN or some other taddhita after the inhabitants' name.
So, to bring this
starting at
we first add the taddhita aN, making
and then replace the aN with lup, making
KAZIKA lupi iti lupsanMjJayA luptasya pratyayasya artha ucyate. tatra lupi yuktavadvyaktivacane bhavataH. yuktavatiti niSThApratyayena ktavatunA prakRtyartha ucyate. sa hi pratyayArtham AtmanA yunakti. tasya yuktavato vyaktivacane lubarthe vidhIyete. atha vA yuktaH prakRtyarthaH pratyayArthena sambaddhaH, tasminniva vyaktivacane lubarthe bhavataH. saptamyarthe vatiH. vyaktivacane iti ca liGgasaGkhyayoH pUrvAcaryanirdezaH, tadIyam eva idaM sUtram. tathA ca asya pratyAkhyAnaM bhaviSyate, tad aziSyaM saMjJA-pramANatvAd iti. vyaktiH strI-pum-napuMsakAni. vacanam ekatvadvitvabahutvAni. paJcalAH kSatriyAH puMliGgA bahuvacana-vizayAH. teSAM nivAso janapadaH. yathA teSu kSatriyeSu vyaktivacane tadvajjanapade bhavataH. paJcAlAH. kuravaH. magadhAH. matsyAH. aGgAH. vaGgAH. sugmAH. puNDrAH. lupi iti kim? luki mA bhUt. lavaNaH sUpaH. lavaNA yavAgUH. lavaNaM zAkam. vyaktivacane iti kim? zirISANAm adUrabhavo grAmaH zirISAH, tasya vanaM zirISavanam. vibhASauSadhi-vanaspatibhyaH 84006 iti NatvaM na bhavati. haritakyAdiSu vyaktiH. harItakyAH phalAni harItakyaH phalAni. khalatikAdiSu vacanam. khalatikasya parvatasya adUrabhavAni vanAni khalatikaM vanAni.
This rule means --
(A) people use some words with odd genders and numbers and that's fine.
(B) grammarians should not bother making rules to explain genders and numbers.
Some words that have strange numbers in English --
"The trousers are black " (when meaning ONE piece of clothing)
"The evidence is overwhelming " (meaning many pieces of evidence)
Strange genders in English are quite rare, but here's the example --
"She was seaworthy in the shallow waters off the southern coasts " (meaning a ship)
Sanskrit too has some words that do strange things like these. For instance the word
So this rule is not really a rule, it is a warning to grammarians. The word
KAZIKA tad iti prakRtaM yuktavad-bhAvalakSaNaM nirdizyate. tad aziSyaM na vaktavyam. kasmAt? saMjJA-pramANatvAt. saMjJA-zabdA hi nAnAliGgasaGkhyAH pramANam. paJcAlAH, varaNA iti ca, na ete yoga-zabdAH. kiM tarhi? janapad'-AdInAM saMjJA etAH. tatra liGgaM vacanaM ca svabhAva-saMsiddham eva na yatna-pratipAdyam, yathA ApaH, dArAH, gRhAH, sikatAH, varSAH iti.
roots are things invented by grammarians that appear in a list called the dhAtupATha. Such as
Roots cannot be used alone. Before use, we must add to them either a tense (to make a verb), or a kRt affix (to make a nounbase).
The tense will always be replaced with a tiG, by lasya --
The nounbase will always be affected by GyApprA --
In some rules, the word
KAZIKA bhU ityevam AdayaH zabdAH kriyAvacanA dhAtusaMjJA bhavanti. bhU bhavati. edha edhate. spardha spardhate. dhAtuzabdaH pUrvAcAryasaMjJA. te ca kriyAvacanAnAM saMjJAM kRtavantaH. tadiha api pUrvAcaryasaMjJAzrayaNAt kriyAvAcinAm eva bhUvAdInAM dhAtusaMjJA vidhIyate. bhUvAdInAM vakAro 'yaM maGgalArthaH prayujyate. bhUvo vArthaM vadanti iti bhvarthA vA vAdayaH smaRtAH. dhAtupradezAH dhAtoH 3-1-91 ityevam AdayaH.
Notice that
In the zivasUtra list,
In the list tiptas (tip tas jhi sip thas tha... )
Yet, the
In the dhAtupATha (list of roots), (bhU edha spardha... pluG... )
and the
In the list svaujas (su au jas am auT zas TA bhyAm bhiS...)
This rule does not say that the
KAZIKA upadeze iti vartte. ante bhavam antyam. dhAtvAdeH samudAyasya yadantyam hal, taditsaMjJaM bhavati. a_iuN NakAraH. RLk kakAraH. eoG GakaraH. aiauc cakAraH. upadeze ityeva. agnicit. somasut. hasya l haliti dvitIyam atra halgrahaNaM tantreNa upAttaM draSTavyam. tena pratyAhArapAThe halityatra lakArasya itsaMjJA kriyate. tathA ca sati halantyam ityatra pratyAhAre na itaretarAzrayadoSo bhavati.
The Ji Tu'
See --
Ji for examples of
Tu' for examples of
Du for examples of
KAZIKA ititi vartate. AdizabdaH pratekam abhisambadhyate. Ji;Tu;Du ity eteSAM samudayAnAm Adito vartamAnAnAm ity saMjJA bhavati. Ji, JimidA minnaH. JidhRSA dhRSTaH. JikSvidA kSviNNaH. JIndhI iddhaH. Tu, TuvepR vepathuH. Tuozvi zvayathauH. Du, DupacaS paktrimam. Duvap uptrimam. DukRJ kRtrimam. AdiH iti kim? pTUyati. kaNDUyati. upadeSe ity eva JikArIyati.
So the
Whatever has
Examples of cu labels --
Examples of Tu labels --
are labels.
Therefore --
This rule won't work on taddhita affixes such as kan kAmyac zas'. Their initial
KAZIKA taddhita-varjitasya pratyayasy' Adito vartamAnA lakAra-zakAra-kavargA it-saMjJA bhavanti. lakaraH, lyuT ca cayanam, jayanam. zakAraH, kartari zap bhavati, pacati. kavargaH, ktaktavatU niSThA bhuktaH, bhuktavat. priyavaze vadaH khac priyaMvadaH, vazaMvadaH. glAjisthazca ksnuH glAsnuH, jiSNuH, bhUSNuH. bhaJjabhAsamido ghurac bhaGguram. TAGasiGasAm in%At-syAH vRkSAt, vRkzasya. a-taddhite iti kim? cUDhAlaH. lomazaH. karNikA.
talkaround. The label letters (a.k.a. "
Affixes and roots are made of real letters and label letters. For instance, the affix tip is made of two real letters,
In particular, label letters are ignored
(1) when actually using a word
(2) when finding the first or last letter of an affix
(3) when counting the letters of an affix
Example of (1)
According to several rules, we may join the root
Example of (2)
Rule pacovaH says that we must replace the first letter of
Example of (3)
Rule vera says that we must delete real
KAZIKA tasya it-saMjJakasya lopo bhavati. tathA c%aiva udAhRtam. tasya grahaNaM sarva-lopArtham, alo 'ntyasya mA bhUt Adir JiTuDavaH iti.
To know which letters of the affix tip are real and which are labels, click the link " tip". This will take you to a page that spells the affix as
At this point you might have jumped to the conclusion that label letters are useless and should always be ignored. Far from being so, they have many uses. See types of labels for examples.
Exception to sthAnentaratamaH.
TAGasi rule replaces TA Gasi Gas with
ecoya rule replaces
tas;thas;tha;mipAM tAM;taM;t%AmaH replaces