24037 root replacements ←

chunk 15: 24072 some vikaraNa

→ 31005 sanAdyanta roots

24072 The lukclass get no zap. adiprabhRtibhyazzapaH
24074 yaG to luk, and also before ac''. yaGocica
24075 hu and others get zlu . juhotyAdibhyazzluH
24077 sic before flat after gAti sthA ghu pA bhU. gAtisthAghupAbhUbhyassicaHparasmaipadeSu
24079 after uclass before ta thAs. tanAdibhyastathAsoH
24081 After Am'', . AmaH
24085 Third person luT to DA rau ras. luTaHprathamasyaDAraurasaH
31001 affixes start here. pratyayaH
31002 go after. parazca
31003 acute at the start. AdyudAttazca
31004 pit and sup are grave. anudAttausuppitau

(adiprabhR) (@lukc)

adi-prabhRtibhyaH zapaH ONPANINI 24072
The lukclass get no zap.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 216

Exception to kartarizap way below, that says that roots get zap before hard doer affix.

There are some roots that get nothing before hard doer. Such roots are called "ad-Adi roots" by Indian grammarians, and "class two roots" by Western grammarians. I call them " lukclass roots", because they get nothing instead of getting zap. See verb classes .

These are some of the lukclass roots: ad han dviS zIG iN'. Examples of kartarizap not working before hard doer affixes --

ad + laT mipadmi "I eat"

dviS + laT mip puganta dveS + mi "I hate"

dviS + laG mas luGlaG adviSmas "we hated"

(here adviS did not get puganta because mas is a Git affix because hard apit is Git .)

han + @hard liG tiphan + yAt'''hanyAt "he would kill"

zIG + laT tazI + te''' zIGassA zete "sleeps"

AG + iN' + loT sip serhyapicca A + i + hi''' AdguNaH ehi "come!"

KAZIKA adiprabhRtibhya uttarasya zapo lug bhavati. atti. hanti. dveSTi.

Subtle point: The literal translation of the rule is

"after ad etc, replace zap with luk".

But replacing zap with luk always ends up producing the exact same result as not getting zap at all, so I translated the rule as

" ad etc get no zap".

Because that's clearer for my kids, the way I teach.

815 letters. -- 24B.bse 4 -- popularity 23

(yaGocica) (/yaG)

yaGo 'ci ca ONPANINI 24074
(Sometimes) yaG to luk, and also before ac''.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 217

The yaGluk roots (such as roru lAlap vAvad), have the same meaning as the yaG roots (roruya lAlapya vAvadya). They are made by adding yaG to any of the roots mentioned in dhAtorekAco, then luking off the yaG.

ru "roar" + yaG sanyaGoH ru + ru + yaG guNoyaG;lukoH ro + ru + ya → * roru "keep roaring, roar loudly"

vad "talk" + yaG san;yaGoH vavadya dIrghokitaH vAvadya → * vAvad "keep talking, talk a lot, rumble (as a drum)"

lap "chatter, prate" + yaG → .. → lAlap "keep chattering, have logorrhoea, prate senselessly"

lU "reap" + yaG → .. → lolUyalolU "keep reaping"

As they do not have G label, they are flatty --

vAvad + laT tip yaGovA vAvad + tip yaGovA vAvad + ItivAvadIti "keeps talking, talks a lot"

roru + laT tip yaGovA roru + Itiroru + Iti hardsoft roro + Iti ecoya roravIti "keeps roaring; roars loudly"

(Notice that these got no kartarizap. That's because of a vArttika, yaGluks are lukclass .)

An example before ac'' --

lU "reap" + yaG + ac'' sanyaGoH lUlU + ya + ac'' → * lUlU + ac'' guNoyaGlukoH lolU + a aciznu loluva- "a great reaper"

(Here lUlU + ac'' did not trigger hardsoft, because of exception nadhAtulopa, which works before soft affixes such as ac''.)

The yaGluk are all allowed in the laukika according to pANini, but in practice they are mostly found in the veda, and make occasional cameos in the epics.

KAZIKA yaGo lug bhavati aci pratyaye parataH. cakArena bahulagrahanam anukRSyate, na tu chandasIti. tena chandasi bhASAyAM ca yaGo lug bhavati. loluvaH. popuvaH. sanIsraMsaH. danIdhvaMsaH. bahulagrahaNAdaJcyapi bhavati. zAkuniko lAlapIti. dundubhirvavadIti.

888 letters. -- 24C.bse 1 -- popularity 14

(juhotyAdi) (/zlu)

juhoty-AdibhyaH zluH ONPANINI 24075
hu and others get zlu (instead of getting zap).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C- 218 vikaraNa

Some roots get zlu when others would get zap (that is, before a hard doer affix). These are called zluclass roots, class three roots, or juhotyAdi roots (see verb classes ).

The zlu causes reduplication (by rule zlau) and disappears (by rule pratyayasya). Example --

dA + laT tip → * dA + zlu + tipdadA + tipdadAti "gives"

bhI + laT tipbibhI + tip hardsoft bibheti "is afraid"

hu + laT tipjuhu + tip hardsoft juhoti "pours (ghee on the holy fire)"

KAZIKA zapanuvartate, na yaG. juhotyAdibhyaH uttarasya zapaH zlur bhavati. luki prakRte zluvidhAnAM dvirvacanArtham. juhoti. vibharti. nenekti.

Notice that this rule gets zap from the trickle, but does not get yaG.

370 letters. -- 24C.bse 189 -- popularity 29

(gAtisthAghu) (@luka)

gAti;sthA; ghu;pA; bhUbhyaH sicaH parasmaipadeSu ONPANINI 24077
sic (to luk) before flat after gAti sthA ghu pA bhU.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 219

In other words -- these five roots get no affix at all when they are before luG.

inria flags these verb forms with "aor [1]". coulson calls them " root aorist", because no affix is added to the root.

Examples with sthA and bhU --

sthA + luG tipsthA + t''' luGlaG asthA + tasthA + sic + t → * asthAt "he waited"

bhU + luG tipbhU + sic + tip → * bhU + tip luGlaG abhU + tipabhU + t'''abhUt "he was"

(abhU here got no hardsoft because of exception bhUsuvostiGi)

Examples with ghu roots --

adAt "he gave"

adhAt "he put"

The "gAti" mentioned in the rule is the gAG that sometimes replaces iN' eti "go" --

iN' + luG tip iNogAluGi gA + tip luGlaG agA + tipagA + t'''a + gA + sic + t → * agAt "he went"

mAG + iN' + luG sip iNogAluGi mA + gA + sipmA + gA + s'''mA gAs "don't go"

(here luGlaG did not work, because of namAGyoge)

But this rule will not work after the gA that replaced root gai "sing" --

gai + luG tipgai + sic + tip Adeca_u gA + sic + tip luGlaG agA + s + t''' astisicopRkte agA + s + ItagAsIt "he sung"

The pA mentioned in the rule is the zapclass pA pibati that means "drink" --

apA + sic + t''' → * apAt "he drunk"

and NOT the pA pAti that means "protect, rule"

apAsId rAjA "the king ruled"

This rule only works before flat. So if the same gAG mentioned above gets the bent affix AtAm, the sic stays --

iN' + karmaNi luG AtAmgA + AtAm sic gA + s + AtAm luGlaG agAsAtAm

As in --

agAsAtAGM grAmau devadattena "two villages were gone to by devadatta"

Back to aorist types .

KAZIKA lug anuvartate, na zluH. gAti sthA ghu pA bhU itye tebhyaH. parasya sico lug bhavati, parasmaipadeSu parataH. agAt. asthAt. adAt. adhAt. apAt. abhUt. gApor grahane iN;pibatyor grahaNam. gAyateH pAteH ca na bhavati. agAsIn@ naTaH. apAsIn@ nRpaH. parasmaipadeSu iti kim? agAsAtAM grAmau devadattena.

985 letters. -- 24C.bse 233 -- popularity 5

577 (Delete !A !a) before /us /jus.

678 /bhU gets {v(uk)} before (@vowel) /luG and /liT.

(tanAdibhya) (!tan)

tanAdibhyas ta;thAsoH ONPANINI 24079
( sic to luk optionally) after uclass before ta thAs.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 220 luG

Examples --

tan + luG ta → .. → atan + sic + ta → * atan + ta anudAtto atata "he expanded"

atathAs "you expanded"

If we don't take the option, we get iSic as usual, as all the uclass are seT --

ataniSTa "he expanded"

ataniSThAs "you expanded"

This rule works before the bent ta, but not before the flat ta''' which sometimes replaces tha. So sic stays here --

tan + luG tha → .. → atan + iSic + ta''' STunA ataniSTa "y'all expanded"

KAZIKA tanAdibhya uttarasya sicaH tathAsoH parato vibhASA lug bhavati. atata, atathAH. ataniSTa, ataniSThAH. asAta, asAthAH. asaniSTa, asaniSThAH. janasanakhanAM saMjJaloH 64042 ityAtvam. thAsA sAhacaryAd Atmanepadasya ta-zabdasya grahanam. parasmaipade na bhavati, ataniSTa yUyam.

This rule does not work on kR, because it is not an uclass (see tanAdikR). After kR the sic is always lost before ta thAs (see hrasvAdaGgAt), so we may say akRthAs and akRta, which might look as if this rule has worked on them; it has not.

477 letters. -- 24C.bse 326 -- popularity 2

976 /iSic disappears before /It''' /Is'''.

(AmaH) (!Ama)

After Am'', ( liT to luk).mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 221

After adding Am'' to a root that is before a liT replacer, this rule chops off the liT, wraps it in plastic, and keeps it in the fridge --

IkS + liTIkS + taIkS + ezIkS + Am'' + ez → * IkSAm kRJcA IkSAm + cakre monusvA IkSAJMcakre "he made others cook"

Back to Am'' summary .

KAZIKA AmaH parasya ler lug bhavati. IhAJcakre. UhAJcakre. IkSAJcakre.

188 letters. -- 24C.bse 362 -- popularity 5

111 An @auxiliary made from /bhU or /asti always gets @flat affixes.

248 Roots that start with a @heavy /ic get /Am'' (before /liT), except /Rcch and /UrNu.

(luTaHpratha) (!luT)

luTaH prathamasya DA;rau;rasaH ONPANINI 24085
Third person luT to DA rau ras.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M+ C+ 222

After tAs, replace

tip tas jhi ta AtAm jha


DA rau ras DA rau ras.

By rules TeH and rica, the tAs combines with those into --

tA tArau tAras tA tArau tAras

Examples --

kR + luT tipkR + tAs + tip → * kR + tAs + DA TeH kR + tA hardsoft kartA "he will make"

kR + luT takR + tAs + ta → * kR + tAs + DA TeH kR + tA hardsoft kartA "he will make"

kR + luT jhikR + tAs + jhi → * kR + tAs + ras rica kR + tAras hardsoft kartAras "they will make"

262 letters. -- 24C.bse 405 -- popularity 2

1119 formation of /luT

(pratyayaH) (@aff)

pratyayaH ONPANINI 31001
affixes start here.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 223

The things taught in books three, four and five are called " affixes".

Some examples of affixes, and the rules that describe them --

san guptij ff

anIyar tavyattavyA

tRc NvultRcau

tip tas tiptas

su au jas svaujas

GIp RnnebhyoGIp

aN prAgdIvyatoN

kap uraHprabhRtibhyaHkap

See also parazca right below.

KAZIKA adhikAro 'yam. pratyayazabdaH saMjJAtvena adhikriyate. A paJcamAdyAyaparisamApteryAnita Urdhvam anukramiSyamaH, pratyayasaMjJAste veditavyAH, prakRtyupapAdopAdhivikArAgamAn varjayitvA. vakSyati tavyat;tavyAnIyaraH. kartavyam. karaNIyam. pratyayapradezAH pratyayalope pratyayalakSaNam ity evam AdayaH.

243 letters. -- 31.bse 1 -- popularity 16

(parazca) (!para)

paraz ca ONPANINI 31002
(Affixes) go after.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 224

affixes are always added to something. They are added AFTER it, unless exceptions.

As for instance, the affix su (by rule GyApprA) may be added after all nounbases --

azva- + suazvas "horse"

Exceptions. Rules Adyantau and midaco cause some affixes to be added in front of, or in the middle of, whatever they are added to. For instance, when car gets aT affix, it turns into acar (see luGlaG).

KAZIKA ayam apyadhikAro yoge yoge upatiSThate, paribhASA vA. parazca sa bhavati dhAtor vA prAtipadikAd vA yaH pratyayasaMjJaH. kartavyam. taittirIyam. cakAraH punarasyaiva samuccayArthaH. tena uNAdiSu paratvaM na vikalpyate.

Notice that in prativartate, prati is not an affix; prati-vartate is a compound.

366 letters. -- 31.bse 20 -- popularity 1

(AdyudAtta) (!Ady)

Ady-udAttaz ca ONPANINI 31003
(Affixes have) acute at the start.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 225 accent

Affixes move the accent to their first vowel unless otherwise specified. Example. When we join --

kR + ktakRta- "was done"

kR + tavyakartavya- "should be done"

...the acute will be on the ta -- kRtá, kartávya.

This won't work with the affix tavya(t), because it is tit. The tit affixes make titsvaritam work.

Back to labels and accent .

262 letters. -- 31.bse 77 -- popularity 8

226 /pit and /sup are @grave.

355 !sam-aj !ni-Sad !ni-pat !man !vid !suJ /zIG !bhRJ /iN' get (@feminine) {(k)ya(p)} in a @tag.

607 The syllable before a /lit affix gets the @acute.

610 The start before /Jnit (is acute).

612 /rit affixes have @acute in the next-to-last vowel.

(anudAttau) (!anudAttW)

anudAttau sup;pitau ONPANINI 31004
pit and sup are grave.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 226 accent

Exception to AdyudAttazca.

23 letters. -- 31.bse 96 -- popularity 2

420 !R !n get /GIp (when [@f]).

1384 [@Label]s and @accent.

24037 root replacements ←

chunk 15: 24072 some vikaraNa

→ 31005 sanAdyanta roots