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chunk 55: formation of tense affixes

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Formation of flat hard liG.
formation of the flat hard liG after a
Hard bent liG rules.
Bent hard liG rules.
Soft bent liG rules.
Bent soft liG rules.

(formationofflathardliG) (formatir)

Formation of flat hard liG.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1112

The nine flat hard liG , namely --

yAt''' yAtAm''' yus'''

yAs''' yAtam''' yAta'''

yAm''' yAva''' yAma'''

were built by these rules --

jhi turned into (j)us by jherjus.

Then the same rules that worked in the laG replacements worked on the other eight.

Then all nine got yA in front because of yAsuTpa and liGassa.

The yA in front of (j)us lost its A by usya.

But that works only if the affixes are not after a. If they are, see formation of the flat hard liG after a .

Back to flat hard liG .

378 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 10 -- popularity 2

(formationoftheflathard) (formatia)

formation of the flat hard liG after ammmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C- 1113

When the hard liG tense follows an a, and is replaced with a flat affix, the a combines with the flat affix and we get a verb that ends in --

et''' etAm''' eyus'''

es''' etam''' eta'''

eyam''' eva''' ema'''

These are formed by the same rules mentioned in Formation of flat hard liG , with one difference -- instead of adding yA in front, we added Iy in front, by atoyeyaH.

The y of Iy stays before (j)us and before am''' --

@hard liGjhi jherjus jus atoyeyaH Iyus

@hard liGmipam''' atoyeyaH Iyam

and is lost by lopovyo before the other seven affixes.

The a at the end of the root always combines with the I of the affix into e --

bhU + @hard liG tipbhU + zap + tip hardsoft bho + zap + tip ecoya bhava + tipbhava + t''' atoyeyaH bhava + Iyt AdguNaH bhavet "he would be"

536 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 20 -- popularity 2

(hardbentliGrules) (har)

hard bent liG rules.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1114

Obsolete, see Bent hard liG rules.

27 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 82 -- popularity none

(benthardliGrules) (benth)

bent hard liG rules.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1115

These are the rules that make the nine bent hard liG replacements --

Start with the nine taG.

Turn jha into ran, iT' into a' ( jhasyaran, iTot).

Add Iy in front (rule liGassIyuT adds sIyuT, liGassa deletes the s).

Apply lopovyo if need be.

182 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 82 -- popularity 5

1114 @Hard @bent /liG rules.

(softbentliGrules) (softb)

soft bent liG rules.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ 1116

obsolete, see Bent soft liG rules.

27 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 90 -- popularity none

(bentsoftliGrules) (bents)

bent soft liG rules.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1117

Don't forget that the bent soft liG is rarer than green dogs. You don't need to know any of this, I explain it just in case you are curious.

When the bent affixes replace soft liG, these rules might work on them --

jhasyaran -- jha to ran

iTot -- iT' to a

liGassIyuT -- add sIy in front

lopovyo -- delete y before val

suTtithoH -- add s before t th

kric -- s to S after I


So, the nine bent affixes suffer these changes --

@soft liGtasIytasItasIstasIStasISTa''' "may he"

AtAmsIyAtAmsIyAstAm''' "may both"

jharansIyransIran''' "may they"


thAssIythAssIthAssIsthAssISthAssISThAs''' "may thou"

AthAmsIyAthAmsIyAsthAm''' "may the two of you"

dhvamsIydhvamsIdhvam''' "may y'all"

(This sIddhvam sometimes turns into SIdhvam or SIDhvam because of iNaSSIdhvaM and vibhASeTaH)


iT'a'sIya''' "may I"

vahisIyvahisIvahi''' "may the two of us"

mahisIymahisImahi''' "may we"

These affixes --

(1) start with s, unlike the other liG, so they may get iT, and when they do, the s gets kric. When they get no iT, the s will still get kric after roots ending in k r ic.

(2) ordinarily cause hardsoft and puganta, because they don't get G label like the hard liG and the flat soft liG do. But when they are after an aniT root that ends in R RR, they get k label by uzca.

Back to bent soft liG .

989 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 90 -- popularity 2

1116 @Soft @bent /liG rules.

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chunk 55: formation of tense affixes

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