formation of tense replacers ←

chunk 56: pronoun tables

→ the sup affixes

about "this" and "that"
etad- "this"
tad- "that".
Pronoun tables.
yuSmad- asmad- tables.
yuSmad- asmad- with first.
yuSmad- asmad- with second.
yuSmad- asmad- with third.
yuSmad- asmad- with fourth.
yuSmad- asmad- with fifth.
yuSmad- asmad- with sixth.
yuSmad- asmad- with seventh.

(/tyad-) (/tyad-)

about "this" and "that"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1134

These nounbases mean "this" --

idam- "this"

etad- "this"

These nounbases mean "that" --

tad- "that"

adas- "that"

tyad- "that" -- rarely used outside of the veda

109 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 350 -- popularity 5

35 The [@pronoun]s are /sarva- etc.

844 /tyadAdi to !a (before /vibhakti).

848 Nonfinal !t !d (of the /tyadAdi) to !s before /su.

(/etad-) (/eta)

etad- "this"mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1135

etad- means "this", same as idam-. Grammatically, it works exactly like tad-, but with an e added in front --

tad- n + su svamorna tad "this"

tad vezma "that house"

etad vezma "this house"

That added e appears to cause kric in front of sas sA --

tad- m + susas m "that"

eSas m "this"

sA f "that"

eSA f "this"

siMhy eSA "this lioness"

etattado works on eSas --

siMha:: eSaH "this lion"

eSa siMhaH "this lion"

When meaning "this", etad- is used less often than idam-. But you'll hear a lot of etad- in the sense of "look!, here it is!, here you have!, voilà!" --

siMha:: eSaH "look, here's the lion!"

Back to about "this" and "that" .

437 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 408 -- popularity 7

35 The [@pronoun]s are /sarva- etc.

844 /tyadAdi to !a (before /vibhakti).

1137 Pronoun tables.

(/tad-) (/tad-)

tad- "that".mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ M- C+ 1136

Properly speaking, tad- only means "that", ie it is used to refer to what is not nearby.

Yet, you should often translate tad- as "the", "he", "she", "it", "they", if that makes better English.

Notice that Sanskrit does not have words that exactly translate "he she it they". To mean third persons, you preferentially use no pronoun at all --

carati "he / she walks"

or pronouns meaning "this" or "that", as in --

sa carati "that one walks, he walks"

sA carati "that one walks, she walks"

eSa carati "this one walks, he walks"

eSA carati "this one walks, she walks"

Back to about "this" and "that" .

433 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 446 -- popularity 23

(pronountables) (pron)

Pronoun tables.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1137

idam- "this, these" idam masculine idam feminine idam neuter

etad- "this, these" -- etad masculine etad neuter etad feminine

tad- "that, those" tad masculine tad neuter tad feminine

adas- "that, those" adas masculine adas feminine adas neuter

kim- "which one(s)?" -- kim masculine kim neuter kim feminine

yad- "the one(s) that" -- yad masculine yad neuter yad feminine

yuSmad- "you" yuSmad all genders

asmad- "I, we, us" asmad all genders

1718 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 526 -- popularity 3

1015 If /adas- has no !s, !d plus vowel to !mu or !mU.

1016 Before @plural, replace the !de of /adas- (with !mI).

1523 odds and ends

(yuSmadasmadtables) (yuSmadaa)

yuSmad- asmad- tables.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1138

These tables show the nounbases yuSmad- "you" and asmad- "I, we" combined with the twenty-one sup affixes. The greens link to the rules that make each form.

Table of yuSmad- "you".

tvam yuvAm yUyam yuSmad- asmad- with first

tvAm yuvAm yuSmAn yuSmad- asmad- with second

tvayA yuvAbhyAm yuSmAbhis yuSmad- asmad- with third

tubhyam yuvAbhyAm yuSmabhyam yuSmad- asmad- with fourth

tvattas tvat yuvAbhyAm yuSmattas yuSmat yuSmad- asmad- with fifth

tava yuvayos yuSmAkam yuSmad- asmad- with sixth

tvayi yuvayos yuSmAsu yuSmad- asmad- with seventh

hanger forms --


tvA vAm vas

GebhyAmbhyas and GasosAm

te vAm vas

vAm'' from yuSmadasmadoSSa

vas'' from bahuvacanevas;nasau

te'' from temayAvekavacanasya

tvA'' from tvAmau

table for yuSmad at inria declension

Table of asmad- "I, we, me, us".

aham AvAm vayam yuSmad- asmad- with first

mAm AvAm asmAn yuSmad- asmad- with second

mayA AvAbhyAm asmAbhis yuSmad- asmad- with third

mahyam AvAbhyAm asmabhyam yuSmad- asmad- with fourth

mattas mat AvAbhyAm asmattas asmat yuSmad- asmad- with fifth

mama Avayos asmAkam yuSmad- asmad- with sixth

mayi Avayos asmAsu yuSmad- asmad- with seventh

hanger forms --


mA nau nas

GebhyAmbhyas and GasosAm

me nau nas

nau'' from yuSmadasmadoSSa

nas'' from bahuvacanevas;nasau

me'' from temayAvekavacanasya

mA'' from tvAmau

table for asmad at inria declension

1027 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 570 -- popularity 20

(yuSmadasmadwithfirst) (yuSmadafir)

yuSmad- asmad- with first.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1139

These are the rules that make tvam aham yuvAm AvAm yUyam vayam





Back to yuSmad- asmad- tables .

127 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 632 -- popularity 1

(yuSmadasmadwithsecond) (yuSmadae)

yuSmad- asmad- with second.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1140

These are the rules that make mAm tvAm yuvAm AvAm asmAn yuSmAn --



zasona zas to n after yuSmad- asmad-.

Back to yuSmad- asmad- tables .

124 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 641 -- popularity 1

(yuSmadasmadwiththird) (yuSmadat)

yuSmad- asmad- with third.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1141

These are the rules that make tvayA mayA yuvAbhyAm AvAbhyam asmAbhis --

yo 'ci

yuSmad;asmador an-Adeze

Back to yuSmad- asmad- tables .

106 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 641 -- popularity 1

(yuSmadasmadwithfourth) (yuSmadao)

yuSmad- asmad- with fourth.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1142

These rules make tubhyam mahyam yuSmabhyam asmabhyam




yuvAbhyam AvAbhyam come from yuSmad;asmador an-Adeze.

Back to yuSmad- asmad- tables .

150 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 660 -- popularity 2

(yuSmadasmadwithfifth) (yuSmadafif)

yuSmad- asmad- with fifth.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1143

These rules make tvat mat yuSmat asmat --

Gasi to at after yuSmad- asmad-.

Fifth bhyas to at after yuSmad- asmad-.

yuvAbhyam AvAbhyam come from yuSmad;asmador an-Adeze.

Back to yuSmad- asmad- tables .

154 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 671 -- popularity 3

(yuSmadasmadwithsixth) (yuSmadas)

yuSmad- asmad- with sixth.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1144

These are the rules that make tava mama yuvayos Avayos yuSmAkam asmAkam

tava;mamau Gasi

yuSmad;asmadbhyAM Gaso'z


Back to yuSmad- asmad- tables .

126 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 683 -- popularity 4

(yuSmadasmadwithseventh) (yuSmadav)

yuSmad- asmad- with seventh.mmmmmmmmm glosses glosses ^ C+ 1145

These are the rules that build tvayi mayi yuvayos Avayos yuSmAsu and asmAsu --

zeSe lopaH

yuvAvau dvivacane

yuSmad;asmador an-Adeze

Back to yuSmad- asmad- tables .

131 letters. -- 920pronouns.bse 696 -- popularity 1

formation of tense replacers ←

chunk 56: pronoun tables

→ the sup affixes