lists of tense replacements
Bent hard
Bent soft
Flat soft
formation of
(listsoftensereplacemen) (lists)
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The bent tiG affixes, when they replace hard liG, turn into --
Of course after
See also bent hard
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When the bent affixes replace the soft liG tense, they turn into --
sISThAs''' sIyAsthAm''' sIdhvam'''
(the sIdhvam''' will sometimes turn into
(See bent soft
These affixes have no
Example --
Also, being soft affixes that do not start with yac, they will get iT after seT roots --
When the flat tiG replace laT, they stay unchanged --
The bent, however, turn into --
either with anti''' ante''' by rule jhontaH
or with ati''' ate''' by the two rules below jhontaH
The bents were changed by rules Tita and
(Back to lists of tense replacements .)
When the flat tiG affixes replace laG, they are affected by tasthastha, itazca or nityaGGitaH, and turn into --
The jh''' affix will turn into ant''' or into at''' by rules jhontaH ff. That ant''' always loses its
The bent tiG affixes that replace laG, however, stay unchanged --
The jha will turn into anta''' or into ata''' by rules jhontaH ff.
Back to lists of tense replacements .
When the flat replace liT, rule Nalatusus turns them into --
When loT is replaced with the eighteen tiG, they turn into --
Of course, because of jhontaH and its two exceptions,
jhu''' will turn into antu''' or atu''',
and jhAm'''' into antAm'''' or atAm''''.
Back to lists of tense replacements .
(loTreplacementrules) (loTreplr)
The eighteen
ADuttamasyapicca makes the
AmetaH makes tAm'''' jhAm'''' AtAm'''' AthAm''''
eta::ai makes the
loTolaGvat makes Ava''' Ama''' tAm''' tam''' ta'''
savAbhyAMvAmau makes sva''' and dhvam''''
serhyapicca makes hi''', and makes it apit
The nine flat tiG, when they replace soft liG, turn into --
The root will get no zap etc because these are soft, and will get no hardsoft or puganta because these are Git (by yAsuTpa). The affixes will never get iT because they start with
Examples --
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To make the luT verbs, add these after the root --
These are not luT replacers, but the tAs affix that follows the root, joined with the luT replacer. For instance, tAras is tAs plus jhi. The tAs affix will cause hardsoft or puganta of the root.
So, whenever I write --
that's just short for --
As tAs is a valAdi soft, these will sometimes get iT --
If these doesn't get iT, sometimes the
See also split
See also formation of
(formationofluT) (formationlu)
When tAs is before a tiG, these rules might change the tiG --
and these rules might change the tAs --
tAs will combine with the root in the same way it combines with tavya tRc tumun, which are also non- kGit softs that start with
According to
The grammar forbids using two words
Yet, in actual use, you will find often two words
"I will give a hundred Gandharva horses to each of you five brothers"
According to
Summarizing: in theory you may only say
in that same sense.
I call those expressions "split luT", because they are as commonly found as the split infinitive of English, and they are also incorrect in theory but commonly used in practice.
Another example --