Fish pages.
About the gloss files or fish files
glossary abbreviations
Hyphens in fish pages.
fish glossary manual
fish index manual
fish pages manual
how to use the fish pages and the glossary
... see below
aff = this is an affix, not a word. See hyphens in fish pages .
pn = proper name (anything that is best left untranslated. For instance, translating
tp = toponym (place name)
k = sided with the
p = sided with the
Usually a hyphen in the fish pages split the parts of a compound.
Notice that not all compounds are split. For instance
Conversely, it might happen that what for you might feel like one word, like
(@fishglossarymanual) (@fishg)
A glossary is a small dictionary. When I say the glossary, I mean the list of words at the mushrooms icon.
I made that list because online dictionaries are quite hard to use for my students. The problem is that they find too many things.
So I decided to make a list of all the words and meanings used in the fish pages. I am not there yet, because (1) I don't understand all words myself, and (2) I'm lazy.
The fish index page has links to the fish pages.
Each line in the list consist of the number of the chapter followed by its first line.
The letters before the chapter number show the name of the work --
Mbh. -- mahAbhArata
bhag -- bhagavadgItA, which is part of the
ram -- rAmAyaNa
katha -- kathAsaritsAgara
The pages that start with
When you go into one of the the fish pages, such as for instance katha0106, you just see Sanskrit, usually stanzas.
There are several keys that you can press in your keyboard.
The most important are B, N, M and S, which change the way the Sanskrit is displayed.
B - this makes the lines appear as separate words, where the sandhi rules have not yet been applied. This is useful for people still unfamiliar with the sound-change rules.
N - Normal. This shows the Sanskrit words mostly in the way they are found nowadays in printed books. The only exception to tht are the pink letters. When you see pink
M - Manuscript style. This is how the letters appear in most old manuscripts. The spaces show where one devanAgarI letter stops and the next begins. This is sometimes useful for people that are comparing this text with a manuscript of the same text.
S - Same as M, but with no spaces. this is useful, sometimes, for people that are learning to chant.
The T key shows and hides an english Translation.
The V key is useful for people that are still learning to chant, and dubious about the difference between heavy and light vowels.
(howtousethefishpagesan) (howusef)
See also fish pages manual.
The fish pages have some chapters from the epics. That's useful for students that want to learn to read the epics.
I'm not yet sure about the name I'll give to these pages. Mabe I'll settle with "epic pages" instead of fish pages. But the fish name makes it easy to get to them, as I have put fish icons all over the website.
If you click that fish icon, you get to the list of fish pages. Each line in the list has the number of the page at the left, and the first line of the page at the right. The first lines make it easier to remember where you have been. Some of my students find those first lines annoying; I tell them to look at the numbers only and ignore the first lines.