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fish styles
N normal style
O hyphenated style
B Bengali style
S spaceless style
In the fish pages , you can hit the keys P S D to change the way the Sanskrit text is displayed. Hit the N key to get back to normal.
These keys do not work yet. I have to rewrite the scripts, sorry.
The other buttons are experimental. Do not click them.
The normal style is quite close to the HK transliteration described in wikipedia, but has a couple quirks. For instance it has
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Like the N normal style , but adding some hyphens in the middle of some compounds.
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Pressing D you see the devanAgarI letters. There are no spaces unless after vowel, topdot, dotdot.
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Pressing B you see the Bangla letters, with one exception. The Sanskrit sound
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When you press S you see the normal style with spaces removed.
This is mainly useless, except for one of my students. He has the bad habit of making a small pause in his chanting whenever he sees a space. Removing the spaces in the page helps him to chant
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When pressing P, some of the sandhi between words are undone. For instance, the line that in normal style looks like --
becomes --
The plus sign show the places where the sound changed because of the sandhi rules. For instance, "
If no sandhi rule worked, or if the sandhi rules added up to changing nothing, there is no plus sign.
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