ekAco dve prathamasya

एकाचो द्वे प्रथमस्य ONPANINI 61001

Replace the first one-voweled part with two.

/adhikAra, valid up to 61011 caGi 10>.

The operation that I call reduplication replaces the "first one-voweled part" of a root with two copies. This "first part with one vowel" means all the letters from the start, up to and including the first vowel.

In the place where that part was, we put two of them. Like this —

kSip क्षिप्
kSi क्षि + kSi क्षि + p प् by this rule
ci चि + kSi क्षि + p प् by other rules
→ **cikSip- चिक्षिप्

kSep क्षेप्
kSe क्षे + kSe क्षे + p प् by this rule
ci चि + kSe क्षे + p प् by other rules
→ **cikSep- चिक्षेप्

yudh युध्
yu यु + yu यु + dh ध् by this rule
!**yuyudh- युयुध्

pac पच् → **papac- पपच्

kR कृ → **cakR- चकृॱ

See exceptions in ajAderdvit... > ff

See also redu examples.

When does reduplication happen?

When rules 61008 liTidhAtor... 7> to 61011 caGi 10> say so.

Wait, what's the Sanskrit technical term for "reduplication"?

There ain't one. It is not needed.

Is **pacatipacati पचतिपचति a reduplication?

No. I only use that word to mean the repeating of pieces of roots. That **pacatipacati पचतिपचति is the repeating of a whole word.

Looks like ashtadhyayidotcom and you have different views about the meaning of this sUtra.

Sort of. They interpret the word ekAcas एकाचस् differently than I do. They think that it means the longest possible part from the start that has one vowel, i think it means the shortest possible part.

So, shey say that yudh युध् is first replaced by yudhyudh युध्युध् and the halAdizzeSaH erases the first dh ध्, getting **yuyudh- युयुध् anyway.

Nvm all that. As long as we get the same result, we are agreeing.

zeSAd vibhASA 54154 61001 ekAco dve prathamasya > aj-Ader dvitIyasya