According to rule GyApprAtipad... and others, sometimes we have to add /su /au /jas to nounbases. These three are respectively singular dual plural.
Even though /su is added to everything, it stays unchanged only after mf nounbases ending in a अ i इ u उ U ऊ, and after a few others. Elsewhere, some other rule kicks in in and messes with the s स्. We will see examples of those exceptions later. All the examples here have a अ i इ u उ.
**azva- अश्वॱ + /su → **azvas अश्वस्
**guru- गुरुॱ + /su → **gurus गुरुस्
**RSi- ऋषिॱ + /su → **RSis ऋषिस्
The /au stays unchanged after consonants. So these are the easy examples —
**vidyut- विद्युत् f + /au → vidyutau विद्युतौ
The m bases ending in a अ merge their a अ with this au औ into au औ, because of some rule —
**azva- अश्वॱ m + /au → **azvau अश्वौ
**vRkSa- वृक्षॱ m + /au → vRkSau वृक्षौ
**suhRd- सुहृद् mf + /au → suhRdau सुहृदौ
The /jas stands unchanged after consonants, /GI, /Ap and most U ऊ.
**vidyut- विद्युत् f + /jas → **vidyutas विद्युतस् "3+ flashes of lightning"
**suhRd- सुहृद् mf + /jas → **suhRdas सुहृदस् "3+ friends"
The I ई U ऊ most often turn into y य् v व् because of some rule —
**nadI- नदीॱ f + /jas → **nadyas नद्यस् "rivers"
**kukkuTI- कुक्कुटीॱ f + /jas → **kukkuTyas कुक्कुट्यस् "hens"
The basefinal a अ A आ merges with this as अस् into As आस्, because of some rule —
**azva- अश्वॱ m + /jas → **azvAs अश्वास् "horses"
**vRkSa- वृक्षॱ m + /jas → **vRkSAs वृक्षास् "trees"