The generic consonant bases are those mf nounbases that do not end in n न् s स् r र्, as for instance **vidyut- विद्युत् f , **suhRd- सुहृद् mf , **diz- दिश् f , **vaNij- वणिज् m , vAc- वाच् f , **anuSTubh- अनुष्टुभ् f , goduh- गोदुह् mf , sat- सत् m
These bases are found rarely, but they should be learnt first, because they just get the basic endings unchanged —
suhRd- सुहृद् + /am → !**suhRdam सुहृदम्
vidyut- विद्युत् + /am → !**vidyutam विद्युतम्
vidyut- विद्युत् + /jas OR /zas OR /Gasi OR /Gas → !**vidyutas विद्युतस् "flashes of lightning"
except the /su, that gets deleted by halGyA हल्ङ्या —
suhRd- सुहृद् + /su → **suhRt' सुहृत्ऽ
vidyut- विद्युत् + /su → **vidyut' विद्युत्ऽ
(final d द् and final t त् are pronounced the same)
** bases that work almost like generic consonant bases ***
Neuter consonant bases work like m bases in cases 34567, but their first and second endings get replaced with /luk, /zI or /zi (see svamornapuMs..., napuMsakAcca and jazzasozziH for details). After these, the first and second always look the same, except maybe when there is a /sambuddhi (see **mitra मित्र).
mf. bases ending in an अन् get the basic endings too, but the an अन् turns into An आन् a अ n न्, see endings after masculine an bases.
The base /nau- f gets basic endings too, and it turns into nAv- नाव् before vowel endings, so it looks a lot like a consonant base, BUT the /su stays in **naus नौस् because halGyAbbhyodIrgh... doesn't delete /su after a vowel.