@how to spot zatR and zAnac words

uhyamAna- उह्यमानॱ and hasanta- हसन्तॱ are not in my dictionary. How do I look those up?

You have to figure out that uhyamAna उह्यमान comes from the verb uhyate उह्यते and hasantam हसन्तम् from the verb hasati हसति. Which is easy to do if you are familiar with Sanskrit verbs, and nearly impossible otherwise.

Old dictionaries assume that you are able to figure out that uhyamAnAm उह्यमानाम् comes from uhyate उह्यते, then that uhyate उह्यते comes from the root vah वह् or from the present vahati वहति.

Becoming able to do that is a bit tricky however, because there are many rules involved, so beginners are encouraged to feed the word into the inria reader or similar tools.

The inria reader says the following about uhyamAnAm उह्यमानाम् and hasantam हसन्तम् (don't forget to set input convention to HK) —

uhyamAnAm उह्यमानाम् → acc. sg. f . uhyamAna उह्यमान ppr. ps. vah वह्

hasantam हसन्तम् → acc. sg. m . hasat हसत् ppr. (1) ac. has हस्

The "acc. sg." part translates to "this has /am",

the "f ." means "this has /Ap or /GI",

the "ppr. ps." means "this has objectshowing or nothingshowing /zAnac",

and the "ppr. ac." means "this has /zatR". The "(1)" means that has हस् is a class one root (/bhvAdi root), so it gets /zap before the /zatR.

Now with pacamAnAG kukkutIM पचमानां कुक्कुतीं we get —

acc. sg. f pacamAna पचमान ppr. (1) md. pac पच्

The "ppr. md. " means "this has /zAnac that shows the doer",

(1) means "pac पच् is a /bhvAdi class".