Optionally, an adjectivish (an /ik-ender neuter) works like the masculine before cases 3 4 5 6 7.
The main effect of being masculine-like is the lack of /num. Usually, neuter /ik-enders, unlike masculines, get /num before vowels by < ikocivibh... —
**zuci- शुचिॱ n + /os → !**zucinos शुचिनोस्
**zuci- शुचिॱ n + /Gas → !**zucinas शुचिनस्
**zuci- शुचिॱ n + /TA → zucin- शुचिन् + A आ by < ikocivibh... → !**zucinA शुचिना
**vAri- वारिॱ n + /Gas → !**vAriNas वारिणस्, with /Natvam
But when we take the option in this sUtra —
**zuci- शुचिॱ n + /os → !**zucyos शुच्योस् by ikoyaNaci
**zuci- शुचिॱ n + /Gas → **zuces शुचेस्
**zuci- शुचिॱ n + /TA → zuci- शुचिॱ + nA ना by AGonAstriyAm → **zucinA शुचिना , anyway
This sUtra won't apply to **vAriNas वारिणस्, because **vAri- वारिॱ is not adjectivish. So a mnemonic for this sUtra is "vAreH is wrong". Which is easier to remember than "vAriNas वारिणस्, zuces शुचेस् and zucinaH शुचिनः are right".
What's an "adjectivish"? You just made that word up, google returns no matches.
Yes, I made it up.
A neuter nounbase is adjectivish when there is a masculine of the same form and the same meaning.
What we would call "adjectives" because they translate to English adjetives, like **zuci- शुचिॱ and **mRdu- मृदुॱ, are always adjectivish because we say —
mRdu zayanam मृदु शयनम् "soft bed"
mRduH kaTaH मृदुः कटः "soft mat"
Also some of what we would call "nouns" are adjectivish because there is a masculine of the same form —
bahugrAmaNi kulam बहुग्रामणि कुलम् , from nounbase **bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ n
bahugrAmaNI dezaH बहुग्रामणी देशः , from nounbase **bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ m
So bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ n is adjectivish, but **vAri- वारिॱ n is not,because there is no masculine word vAriH वारिः meaning "water".
Why do we bother to say "is masculine-like" instead of just "does not get /num"? That would make the sUtra shorter.
Because there is another effect of masculinelikeness — neuters ending in a long optionally do not get the hrasvonapuMs... shortening.
I can't remember any neuters ending in long vowels.
Neither can I, so I'll make up some —
grAmaNi kulam ग्रामणि कुलम् "family that leads a village, maior family".
bahavo grAmaNyo yasmin बहवो ग्रामण्यो यस्मिन् → !**bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ
bahugrAmaNi kulam बहुग्रामणि कुलम् "family with many maiors",
In these, the nounbase was originally , and when it takes neuter gender,
Rule hrasvonapuMs... shortens the nounbase **grAmaNI- ग्रामणीॱ n into grAmaNi- ग्रामणिॱ. This shortening is compulsory before /luk /zI /zi, but before the other endings, rule tRtiyAdiSu तृतियादिषु makes it optional —
**bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ n + /os → !**bahugrAmaNyos बहुग्रामण्योस् hole not sure
**bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ n + /TA → !**bahugrAmaNyA बहुग्रामण्या hole not sure
**bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ n + /os → bahugrAmaNi- बहुग्रामणिॱ + /os by by hrasvonapuMs... → !**bahugrAmaNinos बहुग्रामणिनोस्
**bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ n + /TA → !**bahugrAmaNinA बहुग्रामणिना
but if we take the option in this sutra
**bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ n + /os → **bahugrAmaNyos बहुग्रामण्योस्
**bahugrAmaNI- बहुग्रामणीॱ n + /TA → **bahugrAmaNyA बहुग्रामण्या
just as if it were a masculine —
**grAmaNI- ग्रामणीॱ m + /os → !**grAmaNyos ग्रामण्योस्
**grAmaNI- ग्रामणीॱ m + /TA → !**grAmaNyA ग्रामण्या
iko 'ci vibhaktW < | 71074 tRtIyA-''diSu bhASit... | > asthi;dadhi; sakthy;... |