The /zatR bases (like pacat- पचत्), take /sup endings as if they were /matup bases (like zrImat- श्रीमत्) most of the time. So they get /num by ugidacAMs... before strong /jas:
zrImatup- m + /jas → zrImantaH श्रीमन्तः m "rich ones"
pacatR- m + /jas → dIvyantaH दीव्यन्तः m "cooking ones"
zrImatAm श्रीमताम् mn "of rich ones"
pacatAm पचताम् mn "of cooking ones"
But there are two differences. First, when m , before /su, /matup bases lengthen their vowel by atvasantasy..., but /zatR bases don't (because they don't have atu अतु) —
zrImAn श्रीमान् m "rich one"
pacan पचन् m "cooking one"
Secondly, in the f , both /matup and /zatR bases add /GI and become /nadI words. But the /matup bases never get /num before /GI, while most /zatR bases always get it —
zrImatyaH श्रीमत्यः f "rich ones"
zrImatInAm श्रीमतीनाम् f "of rich ones"
pacantyaH पचन्त्यः f "cooking ones"
pacantInAm पचन्तीनाम् f "of cooking ones"
The same /zatR bases that get /num when f will get it too when they are neuter before /au —
zrImatI kule श्रीमती कुले n "two rich families"
dIvyantI kule दीव्यन्ती कुले n "two gambling families"
For the details of which /zatR bases get /num, see zapzyanornity... and AcchInadyorn....
For /juhotyAdi, /adAdi, /rudhAdi verbs, see nAbhyastAcchat... and vAnapuMsak....