hetumati ca हेतुमति च ONPANINI 31026

/Nic means causing.

This "Nic" is a variant of /Ni.

/Nic gives causative meaning to roots (by this rule) — unless some other rule (such as < satyApapAz...) says that it doesn't.

"causative meaning" means that by adding /Nic after a root like nRt नृत् "dance" we get a derivative root **narti नर्ति that means "make others dance".

As this /Nic affix is a soft, it will cause gbS by pugantalagh... normally —

nRt नृत् "dance" + /Nic
nart नर्त् + /Nic by pugantalagh...
!**narti नर्ति "make others dance", as in **nartayati नर्तयति "makes someone dance"

and as it is a /Nit, after final /ik it won't cause the ordinary gbS, but /vRddhi of the final by acoJNiti

nI नी "lead" + /Nic
nai नै + /Nic by acoJNiti
nAy नाय् + /Nic by ecoyavAyAvaH
!**nAyi नायि "make others lead" (as in **nAyayati नाययति)

bhU भू + /Nic
bhau भौ + /Nic by acoJNiti
bhAv भाव् + /Nic by ecoyavAyAvaH
!**bhAvi भावि "make others grow", "multiply" (as in bhAvayati भावयति)

and /vRddhi of a nexttolast a by ata::upadh...

pac पच् + /Nic → **pAci पाचि

pac पच् "cook" → !**pAci पाचि "make others cook", as in **pAcayati पाचयति.

So, the root gets strengthened until it is heavy. If it is already heavy, it suffers no change before /Nic

jIvati जीवति "lives" → jIvayati जीवयति "makes him live"

IkSate ईक्षते "looks" → IkSayati ईक्षयति "makes him look"

sevate सेवते "serves" → sevayati सेवयति "makes him serve"

When you add /Nic after, say, hu हु, the resulting hAvi हावि is not a /juhotyAdi root (hAvi हावि is not in the /juhotyAdi list), but just a normal i -ender root, like ji जि. Therefore these /Nic-ending roots always get /zap by kartarizap, and i plus /zap will of course make aya अय

bhAvi भावि + /laT /tip
bhAvi भावि + /zap + /laT /tip by kartarizap
bhAve भावे + a + ti ति by gbH
bhAvay भावय् + a + ti ति by ecoyavAyAvaH
!**bhAvayati भावयति "causes to become"

So from the sentence

zuklo bhavati saH शुक्लो भवति सः "it turns white"

we get the causative sentence —

zuklan tam bhAvayati शुक्लं तं भावयति "(someone) makes it white"

satyApa;pAza; rUpa;v... < 31026 hetumati ca > kaNDv;Adibhyo yak
sva-tantraH kartA <<< L 747 >>> artti;hrI;vlI;rI;knU...