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upapatti ... upatiSThatR

0 upapatt/i
event, happening
1 upaplavy/a
pn (of the capital of the matsyas)
2 upaplut/aA
3 uparam/a
cessation, stopping
4 uparam/ate
it stops, rests
5 upAram/ati
he stops
6 upAramitum
to cease, give up, leave off
7 uparat/a
(that) has given up, quit, stopped
8 upari
11 uparundh/ati
he besieges
12 upAsaGg/a
quiver (saJj)
13 upasaGgamya
went near
14 upasaGgrah/a
clasping, embracing, saluting respectfully
15 upasaGgRhya
touched (someone else's) feet and (as a mark of respect)
16 upAsAJcakrire
they honored, worshipped
17 upasaMhAr/a
end, conclusion, termination
18 upasampann/aA
arrived at;
familiar with
19 upasamprApya
arrived to and
20 upasaMskRt/aA
carefully prepared (well-cooked, for instance)
21 upAsan/a
22 upAsanta
(ArSam for upAsata, see AtmanepadeSvanataH) they sat near at hand, waited upon, worshipped
24 upAsate
they sit near at hand, wait upon, worship
25 upasev/A
homage, worship, courting;
addiction to, use, enjoyment, employment
26 upasev/ate
he attends, serves, stays near
27 upasevitum
to practice (a trade)
28 upAsIn/aA
attending on (or 'sitting near to')
29 upAsit/aA
has served
30 upaskar/a
ornament, decoration
31 upaspRzya
touched and
32 upasRtya
went near and
33 upAste
he sits near at hand, waits upon, worships
34 upasth/a
that is nearby;
n seat
35 upasthApay/ati
makes (them) go near
36 upasthAs/yate
she will go near (him) (may be an euphemism)
37 upasthAs/yati
(with second) he will be near (you), he will be at (your) command
39 upasthit/aA
(has) gone near, come over, come about;
40 upasund/a
41 upAsya
worshipped and
42 upatasthe
went near, approached
43 upatasthus
they stood nearby
44 upAtiSTh/at
he departed, set out for, went on;
stood nearby, attended upon
45 upAtiSTh/ata
he stood nearby, he attended upon
46 upatiSTh/ate
he worships
47 upatiSTh/ati
he attends upon, he stands nearby, he is near, he is present
48 upatiSTh/atR


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