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sRjati ... sthAtum

0 sRj/ati
puts out, emits, creates
1 sRj/atR
shooting, emitting, putting out
2 sRJjay/a
(pl) pn (a tribe)
3 sRjyamAn/aA
being emitted, created
4 sRkk/i
corner of the mouth (ArSam ? for sRkkin)
5 sRkk/iN
corner of the mouth
6 srot/aA
current, stream, flow ( ? )
7 srot/as
river, current, torrent;
hole (in the human or animal body, like mouth ears eyes etc.)
8 sRST/aA
emitted, created, sent out, given away
10 sRSTvA
sent out and, created and
11 sRt/aA
(has) run
13 sru/c
sacrificial ladle
14 stabdh/aA
firmly fixed, supported, propped (stambh)
15 stambh/a
m post, pillar, column, support;
fixedness, stiffness, rigidity, torpor, paralysis, stupefaction;
inflation, pretentiousness, arrogance
16 stambhay/ati
he supports, props, makes firm
17 stan/aI
m breast, tit
18 stanandhay/a
titsucker, a suckling
19 stanit/a
thundering, low groaning, sound of a vibrating bowstring (root stan 'reverberate')
20 sten/a
21 sth/aA
(only latter) that is at
22 sthairy/a
23 sthal/a
ground, land
24 sthAn/a
place, state, status;
room, free space;
occasion, opportunity
25 sthAN/u
firm, stationary
26 sthApayA/mAsa
made it stop, set it, parked it
27 sthApay/ati
he makes (it) stop, sets (it)
28 sthApayiS/yati
he will make (it) stop, will set (it)
29 sthApayitavy/aA
should be made to stay, parked, kept
30 sthApayitvA
made it stop and, set it and, parked it and
31 sthAs/yati
it will stay, he will keep his ground
32 sthAtA
he will stand, stand firmly (sthA + luT)
33 sthAtum
to turn towards (with seventh)


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