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vimohita ... vinedus

0 vimohit/aA
confused, bewildered
1 vimokS/a
liberation, letting go
2 vimokSaN/a
(the) casting away
3 vimokS/yate
he will be freed
4 vimokS/yati
he will free, let go
5 vimRz/atR
(while) considering, deliberating, conjecturing
6 vimRzya
consider carefully and, examine and
7 vimucya
let go and
8 vimUDh/a
confused, foolish
9 vimuhy/ati
he is confused
10 vimuJc/ati
he lets loose, takes off (clothes etc)
11 vimuJc/atR
letting loose, taking off (clothes etc)
12 vimukh/a
averting the face, not interested in
13 vimukt/aA
freed, free, let go;
free of, lacking
14 vimukt/i
liberation, letting go
15 viMzad
(in compound) twenty
16 viMzat/i
17 vIN/A
a sort of gitar
18 vinA
19 vinad/ati
he cries out, roars, screams
20 vinad/atR
21 vinadya
shouted and
22 vinaGkS/yati
will be destroyed, will be ruined (naz, with masjinazorjhali)
23 vinam/ate
he bends down
24 vinaST/aA
25 vinat/A
pn (of the mother of garuDa)
26 vinay/aA
m humility, politeness, modesty, good manners
27 vinAz/aA
28 vinAzan/a
29 vinAzay/ati
he destroys
30 vinaziS/yati
he will be destroyed
31 vinAzit/a
32 vinAzy/aA
must be destroyed
33 vinazy/ate
he perishes, is destroyed (mc for vinazyati?)
34 vinazy/ati
he perishes, is destroyed
35 vinazy/atR
36 vind/ate
finds, gets
37 vind/ati
finds, gets
38 vindhy/a
pn (of a forest and a mountain range)
39 vindhyavAsin/I
pn (of goddess durgA)
40 vinedus
they roared


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