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saMzuddha ... sannyavartata

1 saMzuddh/aA
wholly cleaned
2 saMzuddh/i
perfect cleanliness
4 sanArIk/a
with the woman
5 sanAtan/aI
perpetual, constant, eternal
6 sanatsujAt/a
pn (of a saint)
7 SaND/aA
thicket, grove, group of plants
8 sandAnit/aA
fettered, tied
9 sandarzan/a
sight, gaze, viewing
10 sandeh/a
11 SaNDh/a
eunuch, hermaphrodite, LGBTQIA
12 sandh/aA
f vow, agreement, promise
13 sandhAn/a
bringing together, alliance, league;
agreement, pact, alliance
17 sandh/i
pact, agreement;
(in grammar) sandhi (sound changes at the end of words)
18 sandhy/aA
f dawn or dusk, goddess of dawn and dusk, twilight (time between night and day)
19 sandideza
he indicated, commanded, assigned
20 sandigdh/a
21 sandIpt/aA
(was) set on fire, was blazing
22 sandIpya
set on fire and, blazed and, burnt and
23 sandIpyamAn/aA
set on fire, ablaze
24 sandizya
after giving orders, indicating, appointing
25 sandoh/a
heap, multitude, mass, lots of
26 sandRzya
saw and
27 sandRzy/ate
he is being seen
28 sannAd/a
noise, cry, shout, a confused or tumultuous noise, uproar, din, clamour
29 sannaddh/a
prepared, ready, armored
30 sannAh/aA
armored, decorated;
31 SaNNAm
of six (see SaS- and na padAntAT Tor a-nAm)
33 sannat/a
bowed, sunk in, dispirited, bent
34 sannat/i
(f) humility
35 sannibh/aA
36 sannidhAs/yate
he will be present, he will appear
37 sannidh/i
38 sAnnidhy/a
n the being near, nearness, vicinity, presence, attendance
39 sannihit/a
prepared, ready for (fourth);
close, near, at hand
40 sannikarS/a
the vicinity, the presence (of)
41 sannikRST/aA
drawn together or near, contiguous, proximate, near, imminent;
one who takes up the same or a similar position
42 sannipAt/a
m falling in or down together , collapse , meeting , encounter , contact, collision
43 sannipAtayA/mAsa
he convoked, summoned, made them come together
45 sannivAray/at
he stopped (no luGlaG)
47 sannivartya
sent back and
48 sanniviST/aA
seated down together, encamped, assembled, settled together with, fixed on, being in, that has entered into
49 sanniyamya
restrained and
50 sanniyojit/aA
commanded, appointed
51 sannyAs/a
52 sannyasan/a
renunciation, laying aside, giving up
53 sannyAs/in
54 sannyast/a
laid aside, thrown down
55 sannyasya
after renouncing
56 sannyavart/ata
he went back


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