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vIjatR ... vikrItavatu

0 vIj/atR
sprinkling with water, fanning
1 vijay/a
2 vijay/ate
he wins
3 vijay/ati
he wins
4 vijeS/yate
he will conquer, he will defeat
5 vijeS/yati
he'll defeat
6 vijeSy/atR
about to defeat, trying to defeat
7 vijetum
to conquer, to win back
8 vijit/aA
defeated, subdued, conquered, won over
10 vijitya
conquers and, wins (wars) and
11 vijJAn/a
discernment, knowledge, wisdom
12 vijJapt/a
was informed, was told (by a subordinate)
13 vijJAs/yati
he will know
14 vijJAt/aA
(was) found out, recognised
15 vijJAtum
to recognise, to find out
16 vijJAya
after figuring out, after realizing that
17 vijJAy/ate
it is known, it is found out
18 vijJey/aA
(that) has to be discerned, found out, thought of
19 vIjyamAn/aA
being sprinkled with water, being fanned
21 vikalp/a
22 vikamp/a
unsteadiness, trembling
23 vikampitum
to quiver, to tremble
24 vikAr/a
transformation, change, kind;
dish (culinary preparation);
anguish, emotion, agitation;
wound, illness
26 vikAr/iN
that has transformations
27 vikarm/aN
evil action
28 vikarN/a
pn (of a son of karNa);
pn (of a brother of duryodhana)
30 vikarSaN/a
dragging, drawing (esp. a bows' string)
31 vikarS/ati
draws apart or asunder, tears to pieces, destroys, pulls away
32 vikarS/atR
drawing apart or asunder, tearing to pieces, destroying, pulling away
33 vikart/ati
he cuts off
34 vikAry/a
that can be changed
35 vikatth/ate
he boasts, mocks, blames
36 vikatth/ati
he boasts, mocks, blames
37 vikatthit/a
38 vikhyAt/aA
famous, known everywhere, renowned
39 viklav/a
frightened, confused, anxious, weak
40 vikram/a
might, prowess
42 vikram/iN
powerful, mighty
45 vikrAnt/a
powerful, mighty
47 vikray/a
sale, selling
48 vikretum
to sell
49 vikrIt/aA
(was) sold
50 vikrItav/atu
(he) sold


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