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zazaMsa ... zIlin

0 zazaMsa
told, said
1 zazaMsus
they praised;
approved of, promised, wished, told
2 zazApa
3 zaz/in
the Moon
4 zazvad
always, constant
5 zazvAsa
he blew, breathed, blowed, hissed, panted, snorted, growled, sighed, groaned
6 zAzvat/aI
perpetual, permanent, eternal, constant;
long (said of time)
7 zekhar/a
m peak;
diadem, crown, crest
8 zerate
they lie down, they sleep
9 zeS/a
the remainder, the rest
10 zeSav/atu
surviving, spared
11 zete
12 zib/i
pn (of a clan and its king)
13 zibik/A
palanquin, litter
14 zibir/a
n trench, encampment, camp, tent
15 zIghr/aA
quick, fast
16 zikh/aA
f flame;
hair of head, crest
18 zikhaND/in
19 zikhar/a
n peak
20 zikhar/iN
21 zikh/in
rooster (or anything else with a crest (zikhA), such as a monk)
22 zikS/A
23 zikSit/aA
was taught, learned, trained
24 zIl/aA
(good) character, conduct, habit;
that has the custom, that is used to;
an expert
25 zil/aA
f stone
26 zilAzit/a
(stone-sharpened:) razor-sharp
27 zil/I
arrow ;
stone (for zilA in compound)
28 zIl/in
virtuous, moral, honest;
(latter) that has the habit, that is used to


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