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pazyantI ... piNDa

0 pazyant/I
seeing, looking
1 pazy/ate
he sees (ArSam for pazyati)
2 pazy/ati
he sees
3 pazy/atR
looking, seeing
4 petus
they fell
5 phal/aA
n fruit, result
6 phalak/aA
n board, lath, plank, leaf bench
7 phalav/atu
(that) has fruits
8 phalg/u
weak, useless, worst
9 phalgun/a
pn (of arjuna)
10 phalgun/I
pn (of two constellations, pUrvaphalgunI and uttaraphalgunI)
11 phal/in
that has fruit, that gives results
12 phen/a
13 phenak/a
n soap
14 phull/a
opened wide, in full bloom;
15 pib/ate
he drinks (mc?)
16 pib/ati
he drinks
17 pib/atR
18 pID/A
pain, evil
19 pIDan/a
(act of) hurting, harming, paining, opressing, torturing, bullying
20 pIDayitvA
after hurting, oppressing, paining
21 pidhAn/a
n lid
22 pIDit/aA
hurt, hit, pained
23 pIDy/ate
is afflicted
24 piGg/a
reddish-brown, yellow
25 piGgAkS/a
26 piGgal/a
reddish-brown, yellow
27 pihit/aA
shut, hidden, concealed, covered by;
filled with
28 pIn/a
beefy (with lots of muscle), big, massive, corpulent, thick, large, round, fat
29 pinaddh/aA
fastened tight
30 pinAk/a
pn (of ziva's bow)
31 pinAk/in
pn (of ziva)
pn (of ziva, wielder of the pinAka)
32 piND/a
lump, croquette (esp. funeral offering, see WP Pinda (riceball))


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