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virAjita ... visarjayitvA

0 virAjit/aA
splendid, glorious, shining, brilliant, splendid
1 virakt/aA
disillusioned, disappointed
2 viram/ati
stops, desists, ceases
3 virarAma
he stopped
4 vIrasen/a
pn (a king, father of nala)
pn (a king, father of nala)
5 virAT/a
pn (p WP Virata a king of the matsyas, father of uttara)
6 virat/aA
stopped (ram)
7 viriJc/a
pn (of brahmA, sometimes of viSNu or ziva)
8 virocan/a
the sun, moon, or fire;
pn (of an asura- (son of prahlAda- and father of bali-)
9 virodh/a
hostility, quarrel, conflict, opposition, contradiction
10 viruddh/aA
opposed, opposition
11 vIru/dh
herb, plant
12 virUDh/aA
grown (ruh)
13 vIrudhAm
of all kinds of herbs and plants
14 virUp/a
ugly, deformed
16 viruruts/ate
wants to oppose, wants to start a war (rudh + san)
17 vIry/a
18 vIryav/atu
courageous, mighty, valiant
19 viS/aA
nm venom;
20 viSAd/a
despair, depression, hopelessness, dejection, despondency
21 viSAd/in
depressive (that has viSAda)
22 viSah/ate
he endures
23 viSah/ati
he endures
24 viSahiS/yate
he will endure
25 visaJjJ/aA
26 viSam/a
danger, crisis, perilous strait
27 viSAN/a
n horn
28 viSAN/in
29 viSaNN/aA
depressed, despondent, despairing
30 visarg/a
outbreath, exhalation, expiration
31 visarjan/a
dismissing, seeing out, letting go, parting, goodbye
32 visarjayA/mAsa
he dismissed
33 visarjay/ati
he lets go
34 visarjayitvA
let (him) go and


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