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vicetana ... vidhitsati

0 vicetan/aA
1 vicet/as
2 vicintayA/mAsa
he thought
3 vicintay/atR
4 vicintya
thought it over and
5 vicinvAn/aA
searching, investigating (should be vicinvatR)
6 vicinv/atR
searching, investigating
7 vicitr/aA
various, diverse
8 vicitravIry/a
pn (WP Vichitravirya, son of zaMtanu and satyavatI, posthumous father of dhRtarASTra, pANDu and vidura)
9 vi/d
(latter) knower
10 vidadhAmi
I distribute
11 vidadhe
he assigned, installed, arranged
12 vidAh/in
13 vidarbh/a
pn (of a people and their country, always pl)
14 vidArya
tore and
15 viddh/a
was struck, pierced, killed (stretchy root vyadh)
16 viddh/aA
(was) pierced, wounded (vyadh 4);
was offered (vidh 6)
17 viddhi
you should know (I tell you)
18 viddhvA
pierced and (root vyadh)
19 videh/a
pn (of a country)
20 videz/a
foreign land
21 vidh/aA
kind, sort, class, type
22 vidham/atR
(while) dispersing, scattering
23 vidhAn/a
rule, method, regulation
25 vidhAs/yati
I will set up
26 vidhAt/R2
27 vidhatsva
take a decision!
28 vidhav/A
29 vidhAya
apportioned and, distributed and, furnished and
30 vidhey/aA
obedient, submissive, docile;
what is to be done, duty, necessity;
to be used or procured
31 vidh/i
rule, law, command;
fate, destiny;
32 vidhits/ati
(dhA + san) wants to get, intends;
is about to do


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